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Rated: E · Prose · Fantasy · #1595024
I wrote this from a picture prompt contest.

The moon shined brightly down on the palest of skins. She was a fair beauty that woman I saw in front of me. She sparkled and shimmered like a diamond freshly cut. Where had I witnessed this beauty before? I couldn’t remember, but I knew that her beauty was beyond that of any mere mortal. She had an eerie quality about her that sang like a thousand grasshoppers in the darkened night. Her hair reminded me of the beautiful golden spindle that my grandmother used to sew on every day. She would look at me in her kind way and say to me, “Jacobi, you should be out playing with the other children instead of dawdling over me.” Her warmth I remembered fondly and I seen that same look on the face of this enchanting woman in front of me. The way she swung back and forth on her swing in such a graceful manner let me know that there was much more to her then she was letting on. She had such a look of sadness on her face that I didn’t understand at the time. It was like she was mourning for her lost lover. Then I saw from her hand form a beautiful red rose and from the sparks they dropped down on the pond in front of her. The rose she clung too tightly. Then she smiled and nodded in my direction.

I stepped from the trees I was hiding behind to speak to her, but no sooner had I done this she was gone. She had vanished just as quickly as she had appeared to me that night. I ran home in haste, wondering who this beauty could have been. I slammed the door shut to my cozy little cottage and pulled down from a shelf my old rusted tea kettle. I waited until I heard the sounds of a thousand whistles blowing and moved the kettle off the hot fire and poured the water into my rusted mug. The brown rust clung to my mug like a dear old friend and I was sure it was a friend that I would need this night. I reached behind where the kettle was kept and pulled down a jar of tea leaves. I threw them into the boiling water and began to sip as I thought where I could have seen that beautiful girl before.
Upon finishing my tea I pulled the down cover blanket from my bed and lay down to slumber. I couldn’t rest though and I knew that I would not slumber this night. I finally got back out of my bed and went back outside. I looked up into the moonlight sky and instantly I knew where I had seen the beautiful girl before. I ran from my cozy cottage into the town not that far from my home. The cobblestones made my feet sore and I could feel a warm liquid washing over them, but I didn’t stop to check my feet I ran towards the middle of the square. I threw myself down on the ground and looked up. It was she! The girl I had seen in the woods this very night. Instead of the flesh and blood version the stone carving stood in front of me. The finely chiseled smile could never be mistaken for anything less than the beautiful creature he had seen that very night. He looked up at the statue and knew that he had been blessed by the Gods that night as he had seen Aphrodite, The Goddess of Love.

I went back to my cottage wondering why I had been blessed by the Gods this night. Why would I be privileged to see the Goddess of Love? I was just a mere man. Was I not just flesh and bones? Then I saw the most beautiful thing on my doorstep. I saw a lady and instantly I knew why I was blessed by seeing the Goddess. I knew fate was about to change in my favor.
© Copyright 2009 EricMPatterson (soulflower1981 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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