Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1594638-An-Uncles-Betrayal-Part-1
Rated: GC · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1594638
This is a Fan Fiction about Tim "YoungBlood" Chapman
An Uncles Betrayal Part 1

This story it told from Tim's POV

A little over 6 months ago I met this great girl at a local bar.  She was mesmerizing; long blonde hair, big sparkling blue eyes, the sweetest dimples when she smiled.  All I could think was, “why is she talking to me?” I’m about 10 years older than her. She had told me she moved away from Hawaii a while ago to recover from a break up but missed her home too much so she had just moved back.  I’m used to meeting girls in the bar all the time but most of them are trying to get close to me in order to meet Leland or Duane Lee.  She didn’t even act like she knew who I was which was even more intriguing.  Unlike the rest of the girls there that night she was pretty classy. She was dressed nice, not much make up on, her hair was pulled back in a low ponytail on her neck, and she seemed so shy when she spoke to me.  She could barely keep eye contact without blushing; which made me chuckle every time she’s looked down dragging her finger along the rim of her wine glass.  Little did I know that meeting her would eventually turn over the lives of everyone I care about.

Geez what are they still doing here? Tammy said to herself as she sat back in her car seat waiting for Leland and Duane Lee to leave.  It’s already after 6, I thought the game was over at 4:30. Looking down at her watch.

What’s a matter Brah, hot date? Leland joked seeing Tim looking at his watch every few minutes.

Huh?  What? Tim nervously replied.

You keep looking at your watch.  I thought maybe you had a date tonight or something. Leland answered.

No, nothing like that. Tim says not able to look his nephew in the eyes. I was just surprised the game went into double overtime.  It’s almost gone 2 hours into overtime.

Well, the Broncos have a good lead now so I don’t see the game lasting too much longer. Duane Lee chimed in.  At least I hope not, we have no more beer or pizza.

We’d have beer if you didn’t drink it all Duane Lee. Tim said smiling as he looked out his window seeing Tammy’s car across the parking lot.

What are you looking at brah. Duane Lee asked.

Nothing. Tim said shaking his head.

Oh oh, come on come on…YES!!! Yelled Duane Lee as the Broncos made their final touchdown and game ended.

Good game today. Tim says faking a yawn while stretching his arm as if he was tired.

Yeah yeah, we can take a hint.  Leland joked as he grabbed a can of soda from the fridge.  She must be something special for you to have chilled chardonnay in the fridge. He laughed dangling a cold wine bottle.

Give me that. Tim said slightly irritated snatching the dangling wine bottle from Leland’s hand.  I told you already I didn’t have a date.  Did you ever think maybe the wine was mine.

No.  both his nephews replied with a chuckle.

I have never seen you drink wine.  Not even at my dad’s wedding.  Every one toasted with a glass of champagne except you.  You had a bottle Miller.  Duane Lee reminded him.

Things change. Tim answered shoving the bottle back on the shelf closing the fridge door.

Alright brother let’s get out of here so Tim can get to his not date. Leland smirked patting his brother on the shoulder.  We’ll see you at work tomorrow brah.

Alright, bye boys. I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Tim said watching them walk down the sidewalk.

Hey Tim, Leland yelled back at him.  If you can’t be, be good at it.  He laughed jogging down the stairs.
Idiot. Tim mumbled rolling his eyes as the boys got into Leland’s truck and drove off.

Finally, I thought they would never leave.  Tammy said to herself as she watch Leland’s white hummer drive pass her exiting the parking lot.  I hope they didn’t see me. She sighed slumped down in her seat.

I stood in my window watching the boys drive away.  As soon as Leland’s truck was out of sight I saw Tammy’s car pull out of its spot at the other end of the parking lot and drive towards the building.  I headed to the kitchen grabbed a couple of wine glasses and the bottle of chardonnay from the fridge.  I sat them down on the coffee table as I heard my front door open.

I thought tweedle dee and tweedle dumb would never leave.  Tammy laughs as she wrapped her arms around Tim’s neck.

God, I missed you. Tim laughs as he hugs her tight lifting her off her feet. How was your trip.

Ok, I guess.  It would have been so much better if you were with me.  I wish you would have taken some time off to come too. Tammy pouted

I know baby girl, but I already told you….Tim started

Yeah yeah, work work work.  It just sucked being in Paris, the city of love without the man I love. She interrupted.

But you’re here now baby girl.

I would have been here sooner if your buddies weren’t here. She replied poking him in the chest

Tammy, why didn’t you just come up.  Tim sighed

You know very well why I didn’t come up. Tammy snapped back

Baby, I love you and they’re going to have to find out sooner or later. Tim softly explained sitting on the arm of the couch looking up at her.

I prefer later.  She huffed.  Now, you’ve been whining and complaining over the phone for the last two weeks how much you miss me. She reminds him. So are we going to spend my first night back in town talking about the moron twins.

Now Tammy that wasn’t very nice. Tim tried to say before she kisses him.

Timothy, I haven’t seen you in 2 weeks, we haven’t had sex in almost 3 weeks I really don’t want to talk about Leland and
Duane Lee. She softly said.  I have missed you something fierce. Tammy sadly added sitting down on his knee.

I normally cringe when someone calls me Timothy but from her it’s so endearing and sweet.  I can’t help but smile when she says it.  Tammy is not like the girls I used to date. She’s not a beer drinker, she doesn’t watch sports, she doesn’t have an edge to her.  She soft and sweet, even when I’ve made her angry she still keeps her decorum.  I’ve never heard her yell or have a fit.  She definitely not that type a girl you would expect a beer drinking, football watching, bounty hunter to date. She was very classy. 

I’ve missed you too baby girl. I missed you a lot. He answered laying his head on her shoulder holding her close.  It almost killed me not seeing you this pass couple of weeks. He added before kissing her.

Tim, all I could think about on the plane ride back here was crawling into bed with you.  I’ve missed your touch. She whispered pulling him off the arm of the couch. I want to go to bed. Tammy smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist looking up at him.

Come on. He smiled wrapping his arms around her shoulder walking her backwards to his room.  I love you Tammy.

I love you too. She whispered contently, relieved to finally be in the arms of the man she loved.

Tammy baby, have you given anymore thought to what we talked about. He asked holding his breath hoping to hear what he wanted to hear.

Timothy honey, not now please.  I just want you out of all these clothes. She softly growled tugging at his belt.

Ok, promise me we can talk about it later. He pleaded pushing her down laying on top of her.

I promise. She smiled looking his eyes. Tim, stop talking now. she chuckled pulling him close laying her mouth against his.

As much as we needed to talk about things, I needed to be with her more.  When she laid her mouth against mine, I placed my hand on her cheek kissing her tenderly. The way it felt to be kissing her again made me forget everything on my mind. Her kiss became more hungry as she dug her nails into the back of my neck. Her tongue swept across my lower lip before sliding pass making me hold her tight as our kiss deepened. I pulled back from our kiss looking in her eyes touching her cheek, she closed her eyes softly sighing from my touch.

You have too many clothes on. She smirked pulling at his shirt

Here, I’ll help with you that. he smiled pulling his shirt over his head dropping it on the floor as his phone rings. Damn, now what. He complains reaching for the phone.  Bail bonds..he grumbled irritably while kicking of his boots.

How’s your not date?  Leland laughed

What do you want. Tim snapped back unbuttoning his jeans.

Duane Lee left his phone on your end table, he wants you to bring with you tomorrow. Leland answered

Yeah, Ok I’ll bring it with me. he said kicking his jeans off trying not choke on his words watching Tammy slowly slide her skirt off  in front on him.

So what’s her name brah. Leland asked trying to irritate his uncle.

Who’s? he replied not wanting them too know who was there with him.

Whatever brah, I’ll see you tomorrow. Leland chuckled hanging up the phone.

Damn Tammy, your beautiful. He moaned pulling her back into bed.

You know those boxer shorts need to come off. She smiled dragging her fingers down his ribs.

So does that thong and bra. He replied rolling to his back pulling her against his chest.

Oh no Mr. Chapman your on top this time. Tammy laughed rubbing her leg against his.

But baby, I love it when you’re on top. He pouted grabbing her hips adjusting her on him.

She teases me about being lazy when I want her on top but honestly I just prefer the view. She resisted me for a few minutes demanding I be on top.  But the more she protest the more turned on I got.  I know she could feel how aroused was. I raised my eyebrow smiling as I easily lifted my hip up making her gasped. I knew I could make her give in, I always do.  She looked down at me with her eyes full of protest determined not to give in crossing her arms in front of her. I flashed my biggest smile at her caressing her waist with my fingers.  I could see the look in her eyes beginning to soften.  I knew I was winning her over. I rubbed my forefinger across the front of her thong making her jump, she closed her eyes leaning her head back as I stroked her, her hips softly moving from my touch.  I started stroking her faster as her hip began grinding against mine. I could feel her getting wet through the thin lacy fabric of her thong. She grabbed my hand looking down at me as she scooted back off my hip pulling my boxers off. She slipped her thong off dropping it on the floor as she crawled back up sitting on my thighs softly dragging her finger up my erection across it’s tip making me almost shake from the feeling. She leaned down dragging her tongue across the tip before sliding her mouth down my shaft softly sucking as she pulled her mouth up sweeping her tongue across the tip once more just to tease me. She wrapped her soft delicate fingers around my shaft as she lifted her hips up then lowering herself down sliding me all the way inside her. She moaned before slowing moving making my eyes roll back in my head. Damn, I really missed making love to her.  She leaned back, her hands on my knees for support, moving a little faster. I reached up softly caressing her clit making her hip jerked up.  The more I rubbed her the harder she moved. Her body was moving so fast and hard it was driving me insane.  I grabbed her hip telling her to slow down.  I pulled myself up holding her tight against me rolling her to her back.  She smiled at me looking my eyes as I began moving in slow easy strokes. She ran her finger through my ponytail whispering to me that she loved me.  I could hear her softly moan as she held on to me while we made love.  I could feel her moving her hips against me as her moans got louder.  I love hearing her soft moans and way she calls out my name when she climaxes.

God, I love making love to you baby girl. He whispers in her ear then kissing her neck.

Mmm, me too baby. She moaned digging her nails in to his shoulder.  I want you so bad Tim.

You do have me Tammy. He chuckled as she lifted her hip against his.

No, Tim.  I want you to me fuck me. I’ve been away from you so long I just.. I need you to fuck me hard she growled biting his lower lip.

Oh god Tammy, I like this side of you. He groaned as he thrusted hard inside her.

I began moving harder and faster till she was shaking under me begging me not to stop.  Her hip would raise up pushing me deeper inside of her. She was scratching and clawing me begging me for more, screaming for me to go deeper and harder.  Her whole body was thrashing under me as I felt her wrap her arms around me trying to roll me over.  I didn’t resist, if she wanted to be on top I was more than happy to oblige. She had her finger nails digging into my chest as she moved up and down so hard I could feel my tip slamming against her insides. I could hear her breathing and panting and she grasp the headboard above my head moving faster and faster till we both were moaning  falling into each other’s arms.

Welcome home baby girl, I sure missed you. Tim said with a smile on his face.

I’m glad to be home my love.  I really missed you too.  I couldn’t wait to get back to you. She sighed snuggling closer to Tim.

You know it’s still pretty early, do you want to go out to eat. He asked running his fingers through her blonde hair.

Not tonight Tim.  I just got off a long flight, can we just stay in tonight. Tammy requested planting soft kisses along his shoulder.  Maybe we can order in Chinese. She suggested.

I dragged her out of bed and ordered in some dinner.  We curled up together on the couch sipping wine and just happy being together again.  Her job sent her to France for two weeks and it was the worse two weeks of my life.  We talked every day, 3 or 4 times a day and in between phone calls we were sending naughty texts back and forth.  After polishing off the bottle of wine and eating our dinner she snuggled up real close to me laying her head on my shoulder.  I never in my life thought I could love someone as much as I love her.  I just wish I could tell my family how happy I am, she’s just is not ready for them to know she’s back in Hawaii or that were even together for that matter. 

I suppose you still want to have that talk? She quietly asked playing with his fingers.

Yeah, actually I would Tammy. He replied laying his head against hers. You know baby girl, if you tell me that you don’t want to move in because we’ve only been together for six months and it’s too soon, or if just don’t feel ready to make such a big step in our relationship then I’ll completely understand.  I’ll back down till your ready to bring it up again. Tim softly stated.  However, if you don’t want to move in just because of him, then we need to talk about it.  I love you Tammy, hell I’m in love with you.  I don’t want our relationship to hit a brick wall because of what happened two years ago.

I’m in love with you too Tim.  If the circumstances were different I would have moved in with you months ago.  I’m just not ready to deal with the drama that’s going to ensue when he finds out I’m back on the island.  Especially when he finds out were together. She sadly sighed.  I know him well enough to know that he never got over what I did to him. 

That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you Tammy, he has gotten over it.  He has a girlfriend now, he hasn’t mentioned you in a year.

You never get over being dumped on your wedding day Tim. Especially by a note safety pinned to a garment bag.  I didn’t even have the decency to tell him face to face.  I left my ring on a table in the dressing room and slipped out the back door
of the church. She sternly stated.

Ok, maybe you didn’t handle the way you should have.  I would have been hurt too. But it’s been two years.  You can’t keep hiding from him. This island is not that big, you’ll run into each other eventually. Let me tell him. Please Tammy.  Tim begged looking into her eyes.

He’s going to hate you Tim. I couldn’t stand knowing you’ll be hurt because something I did years ago. She whispered with tears in her eyes. 

Tammy, we did nothing wrong.  We didn’t know who the other was when we met six month ago.  I didn’t know you were the Tammy that… He explained as she cut him off.

But when we found out, we kept seeing each other. She sighed.

It was too late then baby, I was already in love with you. He smiles pulling her in for a hug. Duane Lee is just going to have to get over it.  I’m not losing you. Not now not ever.

He’s going to hate you. She sobbed crying on his shoulder.

Ok Tammy, we’ll put off telling him for a little bit more.  But not too much longer baby.  I hate feeling like I’m hiding a dirty secret.  He pleaded trying to comfort his crying girlfriend.

After watching a movie we curled up in bed together falling asleep in each other’s arms.  I didn’t want to get up for work in the morning but I had too. I got up to shower and dress for work leaving her to sleep. I kissed her forehead adjusting the comforter over her. I kissed her one last time before turning to leave. I grabbed Duane Lee’s phone off the end table shoving it in my bag and headed out the door.  I was in such a good mood this morning I almost had a bounce in my step making Lyssa look at me strange as I cruised through the office shoving my bag under the table before falling back on the couch grabbing the morning paper off the coffee table.  As much as I really wanted to pull Duane Lee aside and just telling him everything getting it over with I’m going to respect her wishes and wait a little longer.

Morning everyone. Tim chirped reading over the headlines.

Get lucky last night brah? Leland said laughing nudging him with his elbow.

What? Tim answered quickly trying to act coy not wanting to let out his secret.

Still playing innocent I see.  Leland chimed in smirking at him as he got off the couch to answer a ringing phone.

I don’t know what you’re talking about Leland.  He replied avoiding eye contact.

Morning Guys.  Duane Lee yawned walking in the back door.

Duane Lee!! Lyssa said excitedly.  Guess who I saw yesterday.  She continued with that I know something you don’t know look on her face.

I haven’t a clue Lyssa. He replied disinterested as he pour some coffee into his mug. Who? He asked knowing if he didn’t play along she wouldn’t let up.

Ahh, I don’t know if I should tell you or not big brother. She laughed knowing it was going to irritate him.

Then don’t tell me.  I don’t really care. He replied slumping back into his recliner trying to wake up.

Fine fine you convinced me. Lyssa sang with a big grin on her face.

Damn it Lyssa, I’m not in the mood.  He grumbled sipping his morning coffee.  If you’re going to tell me tell me if not then don’t.

Tammy.  She simply stated.

Huh? He asked shooting straight up in his seat.

I saw Tammy. She smiled making Tim feel like he was just hit in the face with a brick.

Tammy, my Tammy. He asked waiting for information. You saw my Tammy.

She hasn’t been your Tammy in two years brah. Leland sternly stated.

Yeah, I saw her at the gas station filling up her car. She went on to explain. It was a cute car too.  She got one of those new VW Bugs.  A purple one.  Lyssa said making Tim’s panic set in as he hoped the boys didn’t notice her very distinctive car sitting in the parking lot of his building.

A purple bug? Leland asked.  Hmmm…

What? What are you Hmming about?  Duane Lee asked almost begging.

I saw one of those yesterday, but I don’t remember where? He answered making Tim’s heart pound through his chest.

Lyssa, did you talk to her?  What did she say? Did she move back?  Leland I have to find her. Duane Lee Rambled.

I didn’t talk to her Duane Lee.  By the time I paid for my soda and lottery ticket she left.  I know it was her though.  Lyssa assured him.  Tim are you ok? She asked. Tim…Uncle!! Lyssa snapped.

Huh, um what?  He asked trying to keep himself together.

You look pale, are you feeling ok?  Lyssa asked concerned.

Yeah, he nodded.  I’m just tired.

I knew you got lucky.  Leland laughed shaking his uncles shoulder with Tim faking a smile.

Lyssa, what gas station was she at, did you see where she went. Duane Lee asked almost begging for details

It was the 7/11 by Tim’s place. She replied. Tim beginning to feel himself sweat. In fact she turned in that direction. She continued making Tim cough out of panic.

I need to find her. Duane Lee sighed with tears in his eyes. 

Brah, if she wanted to see you, she would have already.  You need to let her go. Leland demanded.

I need to know what happen.  He sighed fiddling with a diamond ring hanging on his key chain.

Excuse me guys, I need to make a phone call. Tim said faking a smile rubbing Duane Lee shoulder  as he walked out the front door. I guess I should tell Tammy that Lyssa saw her.  He mumbled to himself calling her phone.

Hello? She mumbles half asleep.

Baby Girl. Tim states seriously.

Good morning baby.

Yeah, good morning Tammy.

Tim, what’s wrong? She asked concerned sitting up in bed.

Did I wake you? He asked.

Tim, something’s wrong, just tell me please. Tammy asked holding her breathe.

Lyssa saw you. He replied.

Oh. She sighed falling back in his bed. Does he know?

Yeah baby. I’m sorry. Tim said trying to comfort her. I know you weren’t ready for him to know.

Does he know about us? She asked reluctantly.

No. I didn’t say anything.  He ensured her. I just sat there.

Ok. It’ll be alright. she said releasing a deep breath. Um, did you want me to wait here for you to come home.  We can maybe go out for dinner or something.

Yeah, that would be great.  Tim answered.  Tammy, baby are you sure your ok?

Yes Timothy, I’m fine. She stated.  It’ll be alright.

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