Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1594628-From-Opposite-Sides-of-a-Wall-Part-1
by Zer0
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1594628
The hardships of peace between humans and vampires.
Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if i had been raised like a normal, young, human girl. If my parents had read me fairy tales and bedtime stories instead of forcing the harsh truth of reality into my mind at a young age would I be standing here today? If i had thought that the creatures I deal with day in and day out were myth would I be able to stand here today? Could I be the heir to this kingdom, this set up? Isn't this all a facade? Can we really live in peace?

My name is Allegra Sharey. I am heir to the throne of the beautiful city of Duali. A place where humans and vampires have agreed to live in peace. The throne was willingly given over to a human family several centuries ago. Vampires have power. They will always have more power than the humans. Why would they need the throne?
         So here I stand, on the balcony of my room at the highest point of my house, my mansion. I hate it here. I look down on the brilliant white streets of Duali. They sparkle even in the darkest hours. This is the time of night where those creatures run free. They have power during this time of night and they know it. I know it. I used to fear it, but what's the point? If they claim they want to keep the peace then why are there so many "accidents"? Why do so many people have to die to keep up this charade? I know I need to be strong for the people of this city. I know my mother counts on that, but just how much can I do for a city in a state of faltering peace when I can't even bring myself to believe that this peace will last?

         As I sat on the balcony watching the vampires, my people, parade around and enjoy themselves my guard, and best friend, Aimon appeared beside me. He said nothing. He did nothing, but his presence was all I needed to think rationally. Aimon was a free-spirited young man who was more than willing to accept the terms of the agreement that was made so long ago, more than willing to believe this peace was real. I turned to watch him instead of the creatures below, noting with caring smile how easily the long black strands of his hair fell across his face framing his pale, delicate features. For a human, Aimon was handsome. It is well-known in our land that humans, when compared to the vampires, would always be considered bland. We lacked the beauty that came with power the vampires wielded. It was essential for them as beings. Beauty added to the lure of the predators. There was no need for prey to be beautiful.
         Aimon was beautiful though. And because of his training and his place as a guard he would never be prey. He would fight to the death. Could I say the same for me?
         "The city is beautiful." Aimon whispered, just loud enough for me to hear.
         "Hnn." I didn't have much to say. I loved this city with all my heart, but I could not love all it's inhabitants equally. I was a terrible heiress. I couldn't stop myself from thinking these things. Too soon would I take the throne. Too soon would this city be handed to me on a platter I could not balance without a great deal of effort. Even then could I stop it from falling?
         "What is on your mind, Allegra?"
         Aimon's soft voice broke through my thoughts, scattering them as quickly as the vamps scattered below.
         I sighed. "There is far too much on my mind to tell you right now, Aimon." I turned to face him. His eyes held concern despite the necessary neutral mask the guards were supposed to wear. I liked that he could be himself with me, but right now I didn't want it. I did not want him to worry about me anymore than he had to.
         "It's nothing of consequence." I smiled encouragingly.
         Aimon's eyes narrowed slightly, but he kept his mouth shut. For that I was grateful. Aimon would never harass me. I was glad he was the one out here with me. If it had been my mother, well, that would be another story entirely.
         My mother was loud and imposing-an enthusiastic ruler. She could accept anything and everything. She could accept everyone... to a degree. She had no qualms about living peacefully with the vampires. She did however object to having them as any of the personnel in the building. She would not allow a vampire as a guard because they are loyal to their kind. Despite words of peace the vampires would always turn against the humans if the situation required it. They would always side with their kind. Not that I could blame them. I would side with a human over a vampire in any situation as well, even if I did not believe the human to be true.
         This is why I believe the peace could shatter as easily as the glass windows we feel are so secure. We just can't live together. It's not possible. A vampire cannot be with humans without thinking of them as food. Humans cannot be with vampires without pulling away from them, or in some people's cases moving too close. This is a battle none of us can win, but it is a battle I am willing to fight.
         Again I was pulled out of my thoughts. This time with human contact. Aimon touched my arm gently. I turned away from him, returning my gaze to the streets below. I was doing it again. I was making him worry.
         "Don't, Aimon." I snapped, a little too sharply. Aimon removed his hand as if I had burned him. "I can't do this right now." I whispered.
         "Then you should get some rest, milady." Aimon replied, falling back into his position as guard. I had hurt him. I knew it. The expressionless face he put on was a cover.
         "Aimon..." I reached out to him, but he pulled away.
         "I should return to my post." He turned to leave, but paused. I saw his shoulders rise and fall in a gentle sigh. "Don't over-think this, Allegra. You may be taking the throne soon, but you won't be alone." With that said he pushed the silvery curtains aside and disappeared.
         I stood there alone again, staring at the space Aimon had just occupied. I won't be alone. Can I count on that? I sighed again and turned back to the streets. I watched as a group of vampires and humans passed the side of my house that my balcony faced. They were laughing. I shook my head in disgust. What was going to happen between them?
         Maybe that was my problem. I never gave the vampires a chance. What if they really were just friends of those humans? Then I shook my head again. I was confusing myself. I didn't know what to believe. So i continued to watch them. There was another group not far behind. More vampires. No... more vampires and humans. I couldn't believe it. I hadn't seen them mingle like this in a long time.
         I leaned my elbows on the balcony and rested my chin on my hands. They all looked so happy. They all looked to be around my age. Young and carefree. I wish I was as carefree as they were. I also wish I was as young as they were. Despite my appearance my duties forced me to be older than my nineteen years suggested. I wanted to be down there with that group. Maybe not with the vampires. I couldn't quite make up my mind about them, but I wanted to be with people my age. I wanted to live the life I would have lived if I had been born outside this beautiful silver city.
         As I watched with longing I noticed one of the men had stopped. He had noticed me. He was watching me. I lifted my head to get a better view.
         My breath caught in my throat. He was beautiful. Vampire. I thought, but my the voice in my head held none of the distaste it had held before. It was admiring the beauty just as I was. I watched as his light brown head turned this way and that, scanning the area for his companions. They had quickly left him behind. He shrugged to himself and looked up back up at me. I was taken by surprise at how vibrant his eyes were. An amazing shade of blue that I could see even in the dark of night. I saw him smile up at me and he took a step towards my window.
         Instinct made me step back, but only slightly. I couldn't take my eyes away from him. I was trapped. It's a lure. I told myself. He's a vampire. You're only trapped because he wants you to be. Ignoring my thoughts I took a step forward. His smile widened.
         "Why are you up so late, milady?" he asked, his voice was strong and just as beautiful as he was.
         I opened my mouth to respond and nothing came out. My voice caught in my throat. I was torn between giving him an answer and bolting into the safety of my room.
         He tilted his head to the side forcing some of his light brown hair to cling to his long eyelashes.
         "Do you speak, fair maiden?" he teased.
         I frowned. "Of course I speak!" I snapped. "I'm not incompetent. Or mute."
         He chuckled, making me immediately regret my words. I sounded ridiculous. I did not need to justify my actions to some vampire on the streets.
         "Forgive me!" he grinned. "That was rude of me. I should not make such assumptions about the woman who will soon rule this city."
         I shuddered. "Please don't mention that."
         He looked confused. "Why not, milady?" he inquired. "Surely it is an honor to be named ruler of a city as beautiful as Duali."
         "The beauty of the city is in it's appearance only. Nothing more." I stated.
         His smiled faltered. "You can find fault in a civilization as perfect as this?"
         I snorted. "Perfect isn't a word I would use to describe Duali. It's all fake."
         This time his smile disappeared entirely. "Really? That's not something I would expect to hear from the heir to the throne."
         I frowned. I did not want anything more to do with this man. He was a vampire and I was telling him more than I had told Aimon. Why was I trusting him with my thoughts?
         My frustrations must have shown on my face because his smile returned. He turned around, his back facing me, as the wind swept his light brown hair across his shoulders.
         "You should get some rest, milady." he said. I could hear the smile in his voice. "It's rude of me to keep you up at this late hour."
         He started to walk away, but I called out to him. I did not know why. There was something about this man, this vampire, that intrigued me.
         He turned back and looked up at me, his eyes questioning me instead of his words.
         "May I know the name of the man who was so rude as to keep me up this late?" I inquired, trying not to sound too interested.
         He laughed, a full, booming, lustrous laugh. It startled me. "You'll learn my name soon enough, princess. I'll return." He turned around and tossed more words over his shoulder. "You're an interesting one." And with a wave of his hand he disappeared into the dark streets of my city.
         The next morning I woke up much later than usual. That man was on my mind all night. I spent all night thinking, no, dreaming about a vampire. I wasn't sure whether I was disgusted or not. He was interesting. It was obvious he was a vampire. He was in control the whole time, but there was something more to him. I wasn't sure why, but I knew I wanted to find out.
         I slid out of my bed and dressed quickly, skipping breakfast as it was too late to get food anyways. I stepped outside to find Aimon at my door. Startled, I took a step back.
         "Were you here all night?" I asked him, surprised.
         He nodded. There was no other communication. He was probably still stinging from my withdrawal yesterday. I didn't blame him. But wait... did he hear me talking to that vampire? Did he know what was going on in my head? Was he mad at me for not telling him what I could tell a stranger?
         I looked him up and down and he returned my gaze. "Is something wrong, milady?" he asked, watching me as I watched him.
         I shook my head. "Nothing of consequence." I told him. Those same words had come out of my mouth that last night.
         He turned away from me to make his rounds, not bothering to say anything more. He must have recognized the words because I saw the hurt in his eyes when he turned away from me. What was I going to do about him?
         Today was going to be a dull day. As usual, my mother had appointments. I used to go with her, or used to be with her, when these appointments took place. Now that I was to take the throne sooner than expected she wanted me to rest up before all the problems she dealt with daily were thrust at me. I had to say I agreed with her. There was only so much I could deal with right now. I really did not need more to think about. This left me with nothing to do.
         I rarely left my house and when I did I never went any farther than the grounds permitted me to go. I had never been out on the town. I had never actually seen anymore of the city of Duali then I could see from my balcony. My mother never wanted me to mingle with the "commoners".
         Today I felt differently. I wanted to mingle. I wanted to experience life outside of the royal house. Why not? I had nothing better to do. Plus, I thought I might have a chance at finding the vampire that kept me from sleep.
         It didn't take me long to reach the entrance to our home. The doors were large, ornately carved oak that had been polished with something, I knew not what, to make them shine. The handles were cool to the touch and when I turned them the squeaked ever so slightly. I stepped into the light of day, breathing in the sweet, fresh air. It had been a while since I could really appreciate the outdoors. I stood there, basking in the sunlight and admiring the beauty of the garden that was so well kept in our front yard. I was so engrossed in my admiration that I did not notice that Aimon had fallen into step beside until he spoke.
         "Going somewhere, Allegra?"
         I jumped, turning around so fast that I almost lost my balance and fell. Aimon reached an arm out to steady me, a slight smile on his lips.
         "I was going to go out...." I said, hesitating to say where I really wanted to go. But this was Aimon. There was no reason why I shouldn't tell him. "Out into town." I added.
         He opened his mouth, I presume to object, but closed it. He stood there, seemingly in thought, before he nodded. "I'm going with you."
         I was surprised. Then I realized I shouldn't be. Aimon had been cooped up in the castle just as long as I had. He was two years my senior, but since the day I was born he had been my personal guard. He had gone everywhere I had gone. This excluded outside of the grounds. He must be just as curious as I was.
         I continued on my journey out past the gate. I took a deep breath as I rounded the corner from my house into the center of Duali. Was I ready for this? Aimon put a hand on my shoulder and offered a encouraging smile. I smiled back. I was ready for this. My heart was racing, but I knew I was ready.
         When I finally set eyes on the city I could hardly believe I had stayed away from it all my life. When people said Duali was beautiful they weren't lying. Beautiful did not do it justice. It was the most exquisite place I had ever seen. The streets literally sparkled, much more so up close than they did from my balcony. They were made of some type of stone that I could not identify. The buildings were similar. They were made of a silvery material, much like that of the streets, only much sturdier. There was a fountain in the middle of the square, surrounded by my people, both humans and vampires alike.
         Even though I knew vampires could function just fine in daylight it still surprised me that they actually did. They spent so much time out at night it was a wonder they didn't stay asleep all day. This was a plus though. It meant that there was a chance my vampire could be roaming these streets.
         As we immersed ourselves into the crowds of people, we began to gain some recognition, something I had not thought about. People stared as I walked past. Some of them bowed ever so slightly, others greeted me with warm smiles and kind gestures. I didn't realize how well-known our family was out here. I knew we had to mean something to them, but we really did not have much to do with them. I thought people out here would regard us the same way we regarded them.
         Out of the corner of my eye I saw Aimon smile. "You sure are a big hit." he teased.
         I laughed. The sound surprised me. There was so little to laugh at lately I had almost forgotten what it felt like.
         Aimon laughed with me, surprising himself as much as he surprised me. Aimon almost never laughed. He had learned reserve at a young age and even when the situation was funny he would never falter. I smiled at him. This was good for the both of us.
         We continued to traverse the street, stopping at the shops and admiring the beauty of the products these people created with their own hands. It was amazing. I had no talents that I knew of. These people created art that could rival this magnificent city. I was offered goods for free, but I did not feel comfortable taking things from these people without some form of payment.
         We had been out for quite a while when I spotted a jeweler deep within the marketplace. His jewelry was like nothing I had ever seen before. The jewels of the palace could not even rival the perfection this man had created. I was so enthralled, so mesmerized by his jewelry that I didn't realize that someone was standing beside me, watching my every move.
         "I'll take this one." the man said, pointing to a necklace that I had been staring at for the past fifteen minutes.
         I glanced up to see the vampire I had spoken to last night. He glanced down at me and smiled. His teeth were so bright, so white, and I couldn't help but smile back. His eyes were so warm, so beautiful. He belonged to this city, of that I was certain.
         The man packaged the necklace as carefully and beautifully as he had made it. The vampire payed for his purchase and turned to me. He grabbed my hand and, out of instinct, I flinched and pulled away.
         He did not seem offended or fazed by my rudeness, instead he placed the package in my hand and closed it for me.
         "For you, princess." He said, kindly.
         My eyes were glued to the package, excitement bubbling within my chest. Then I realized what he had done.
         "You can't give this to me!" I exclaimed, indignantly. "I won't accept this."
         He tilted his head slightly to the side. "Why not? You wouldn't accept it free of charge from the man. It was payed for, so why not accept it now?"
         I frowned. "I didn't pay for it! It's the same thing as getting it for free."
         "Just accept it." he insisted. "It's a gift, for my princess. It's something you can wear for your coronation."
         I stared at him, surprised at how much he seemed to know. As much as I wanted to return the necklace, my fascination with it, and with him, were much stronger.
I kept it, making the vampire's smile widen. He smiled a lot. I started to wonder if his face hurt? Then I shook my head. That was a stupid thought.
         He chuckled and followed me as I began to walk away. I glanced at him occasionally, wondering what his motives were. I wonder why Aimon hasn't interfered yet? I thought to myself. Then I realized he wasn't there. I turned all the way around, searching the crowds for his sleek, black hair. Nothing. I began to panic. I was never supposed to be without a guard.
         My fear must've shown on my face because the vampire I was with grabbed my arm and asked "Is something wrong?"
         I was too afraid to pull away from him. I wasn't thinking rationally. "My guard.... I was here with my guard and now he's gone." I sounded like a child, but I was too preoccupied with searching for Aimon to care.
         The vampire looked around. "What did he look like?"
         "Tall, long, black hair. He's dressed in clothing almost as formal as mine." I replied absently. I turned and started walking about toward where we came from. The market was huge, too big for me to find my way around. I wasn't even sure if this really was the direction we had come from. This only sent me further into panic mode.
         "I don't know where I am." I said, the fear in my voice was quite audible now.
         The vampire stepped in front of me and grabbed my shoulders. "Calm down." he said, his voice leveled and much calmer than mine.
         I stared at him for a moment and then pulled away. "Let me go. Why are you hanging around me? I don't even know your name," I snapped. My fear was turning into irritation. Why couldn't I find him? How stupid could I be to just wander off like that?
         The vampire grabbed my arm again. "My name is Gerard, okay?" he said, voice a little sharper than it had been before. I must be getting on his nerves, but at the moment I didn't really care.
         I tried to pull away again, but his grip was too tight. "Let me go!" I shouted.
         People around us turned to stare. Many of them recognized me and many of them moved to intercept Gerard. He stepped away before they could do that. He knew that if he continued I would only cause more of a scene.
         He stepped closer to me, putting his face beside my head. "Listen to me." he hissed in my ear. "I know these streets like the back of my hand. I can help you look for him. If you tell me his name I might be able to find him faster."
         I turned to look at him. "Why are you helping me?" I asked. "What is it you want?"
         He shook his head. "Nothing. I just want to make sure you're safe."
         I stared at him again. Could I trust this man? This vampire? I had told him things I couldn't tell Aimon. Why? I did not know the answer to these questions, but my instincts were not telling me to run. They were not telling me he was untrustworthy. "His name is Aimon. Aimon Siv." I said quietly.
         He nodded and offered me his hand. I looked at it, not willing to grab a hold to soon.
         "Just trust me. You don't want to get lost again do you?" he asked.
         I did not. So I grabbed his hand. His skin was soft and gentle, but strangely cold. I ignored these thoughts and focused on Aimon. If what I had heard about vampires was true then this little contact could maybe open up my mind to his. If I could picture Aimon in my mind then he could see him too.
         I felt his grip on my hand tighten as we sped through the crowds. Apparently my assumption was correct. He moved expertly through the throngs of people, his knowledge of Aimon's whereabouts was obviously better than mine.
         "I know where he is." he whispered. I just barely heard him over the buzz of voices all around me.
         He sped around a corner to another large, open portion of the square and Aimon's long, shiny black hair came into view. "Aimon!!!!" I shouted, relieved.
         He turned and looked up, his expression matching my own as he came over to us. He looked me up and down, checking to make sure I was alright before he said sternly,  "You are never to leave my side again."
         I smiled at him. He did not need to tell me twice. I had been scared out of my mind. Being stuck in a house will do that to you. Big crowds were frightening.
         Aimon had obviously not realized who was with me when we first came up to him, but I could tell he did now. His face went blank, neutral, but I could see in his eyes a hostility reserved for people he did not trust. His eyes scrolled over Gerard's body and over his face. I could tell that Aimon knew what he was. I could tell that Aimon was not happy that I trusted myself with a vampire.
         Gerard watched Aimon carefully as well, but he smiled pleasantly and said, "How rude of me not to introduce myself." He extended a hand which Aimon grasped and shook, a little reluctantly. "The name is Gerard. Gerard Airez."
         Aimon's eyes widened slightly. "From the prestigious Airez clan?"
         I frowned. Airez clan? I had never heard of vampires living in groups of more than two or three, much less living together as an entire clan.
         Gerard's smile froze in place as though this was not a subject he wanted breached. "Yes." he replied, tightly. "Although clan is a word we do not use to describe our family."
         Aimon nodded. "Aimon Siv." he introduced himself, as he had not done so before.
         Gerard nodded in return and turned to face me. "It was a pleasure to be of service to you, my princess." He took my hand and brushed his lips gently over the back of it. I felt Aimon flinch beside me, but he made no move to act defensively.
         Gerard smiled widely, exposing all of his brilliant white teeth. No fangs showed, but I did not really expect them to. "I hope to see you among us again." With that he turned and disappeared into the crowd.

         That night curiosity kept me awake on my balcony, waiting for Gerard. Why did I think he would come here again? When I arrived home earlier today my mother had been furious. She raved about not having permission to leave the grounds and about how careless it was of me to lose my guard. Aimon tried to come to my rescue, blaming himself, saying he was the one who lost me and he was the one at fault. Of course, none of this was true. I appreciated his help, even though it was to no avail. My mother vehemently protested any other visits to the city, though I had absolutely no intention of heeding her demands.
         Aimon soon joined me on the balcony, frowning at the city below. His face wrinkled with age much older than his years should allow. Being a guardsman takes a toll on people and Aimon seemed to be no exception. I watched as his eyes scanned the square where we had been earlier, his expression full of distaste and annoyance. At the moment I could not tell whether he directed those feelings toward the city or himself.
         "What troubles you, my dear friend?" I asked him, moving closer to him than our usual boundaries should allow.
         Aimon looked over at me, hesitating.
         "Aimon..." I started, "Please?"
         He sighed. "I could never keep anything from you, princess."
         "Allegra." I corrected sternly.
         "Allegra." He smiled.
         I smiled back. It seemed as though he was trying to dodge my question, but I decided that, for the moment, I would avoid pursuing it. After all, I had avoided all his questions the night before. It only seemed fair that he should avoid mine tonight.
         "Please refrain from staying up late again." He requested. Aimon could never demand anything of me, but I had a tendency to take his advice.
         I nodded, smiling at him as he turned to walk away.
         "Goodnight, Allegra."
         "Goodnight, Aimon."
         I was alone on the balcony once more, staring out at the bright streets, waiting. Waiting for him. I did not really expect him to come, but still I waited. I had some questions that I wanted answered and the only way to get them was to see his beautiful face again.
         I shook my head violently at the last thought. Beautiful. I had to stop thinking about his appearance every time I thought about him.
         "I heard that shaking your head like that could make you dizzy." Came a voice from below. "I suggest you stop before you make yourself sick."
         I jumped, leaning over the balcony edge as Gerard came into view. "You can't sneak up on me like that!" I pouted, embarrassed.
         He smiled a brilliant smile. "My apologies. I had no intention of startling you." His smile widened as he got closer. "Though that shade of red looks beautiful on your delicate cheeks."
         I stepped back, shocked, covering my face. "This is your fault! I'm stuck inside because of you!"
         He tilted his head to the side, a few strands of his light brown hair slid into his face. "How am I to blame?" he asked quizzically.
         I sighed. "I don't know. I'm just annoyed." I place my elbows on the edge of the balcony, resting my head on my hands.
         He smiled again as he watched me. "You really are an interesting girl, you know that?"
         I shook my head. "I don't want to talk about me."
         "Oh, really?" he teased, "Who else did you have in mind?"
         "I have some questions for you." I replied quickly.
         "Your last name... Airez. Why is it significant? How did Aimon know it?"
         Gerard raised an eyebrow. "Strange." he started, "I've never met anyone who did not know of our family."
         "Well, then I'm a first. Educate me."
         He chuckled. "We are the largest group of vampires in existence. We all stem from the same family, across generations." He paused, frowning. "Aimon, your bodyguard," he spat out with disgust. "Called us a clan. I cannot stand it when someone refers to our family such. Like we're a part of cult. We did not join the family by choice. We are all born. We are all true vampires."
         I nodded, storing the information in my mind. "I have more questions." I reminded him.
         "I'm still here, aren't I?"
         I made a face at him. "I know that. Well, for one, why are you here right now? I'll admit that I was waiting for you, but I did not exactly expect you to appear."
         "Ah! This is one I've already answered." He grinned, enjoying himself. "I told you before that I find you interesting. That is an understatement. Everyone in Duali knows of your mother. They know what she's like because she is queen and she actually gets out of the house. You, on the other hand, are known by appearance alone. You never come out on the town. No one knew what you were like, but most people expected a carbon copy of your mother. You are nothing like her. I want to know more about you. I cannot seem to get you off of my mind."
         I could feel the heat radiating off my cheeks, creeping to farther edges of my face. I had to calm my heart before I spoke. I did not want to stutter and make myself look like a fool. I took a deep breath. Was he serious? This vampire was so sweet and gentle. Nothing at all like I thought a vampire would be. "I'm starting to wonder if you're real." I said before I could stop myself.
         His eyes narrowed in confusion. "Why is that?"
         "When I picture vampires, I think of scary blood suckers." I glanced down at my hands, tightly clenching and unclenching them around my night gown. "I don't want to offend you, because you are nothing at all like what I pictured vampires to be.... I just... I don't know."
         "Blood sucking monsters, right?" he snapped.
         I flinched at the sharpness of his words. Apparently I had offended him.
         "That's what we're supposed to be, isn't it?" he continued. I could hear him attempting to calm down, his voice was slightly less sharp this time. "I do drink blood. It's not something I can stop. A vampire is a blood sucker. Like a leech. We latch on to blood and suck it out like a mosquito. We're like bugs. People don't want us around, but no matter how hard you try you can't get rid of all of us."
         I shuddered. I never thought of it like that. I did not know that vampires were this disgusted with the way humans perceived them.
         "I know it's hard to believe that we have feelings, but we do." he said, voice considerably lighter, though the tone was still on the angry side. "I may suck blood. I may have super human strength. I may be able to read your mind sometimes. I may look beautiful. I may never age. But I am still just as human as you are. I am vulnerable. I do get hurt. I do feel."
         I stared at him, shocked. "I never meant to hurt you." I whispered, knowing he was too far away to hear.
         He nodded. "I know..."
         My eyes widened. He heard me?
         He pointed to his ears. "Our senses are better than yours too." He said, forcing a smile.
         I tried to smile back, but I could see the hurt in his eyes, even from this distance. His bright blue eyes glazed over, as icy and cold as their appearance originally suggests. "I'm so sorry." I said, and I meant it.
         He sighed, looking up at me and smiling. "I did not want to get angry with you. I am the one who should apologize." he replied. "You are fragile. I wouldn't want to break you."
         It was my turn to tilt my head in confusion. "Excuse me?"
         He turned, waving a goodbye.
         "Wait!!" I shouted, panicked.
         He turned around slightly.
         "Will I see you again?" I asked, hoping to God he would give me the answer I wanted.
         This time he smiled, a genuine smile. "You can count on it."
© Copyright 2009 Zer0 (zer0addiction at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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