Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1594476-Bear-Claw-And-The-Bear-Cub
by judy
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Animal · #1594476
This is about a boy who finds a baby bear it hury and he feed's her and gos home with him.
.  Bear Claw And The Bear Cub 

By Elsie Welch                                                                                                   Page  1

  Bear Claw was born one cold night in Dec and he was a strapping baby boy, who did not cry much! Bear Claw was a very sad little boy because he had no one to play with. All the other children around the camp were older and bigger than he was. When they went out to play, they would run off leaving him behind, so he would play by himself.                       Bear Claw  was small for his age, but he was very strong too. Winders were freezing and buffalo were hard to find for his family, buffalo were far and few between now. Often they would have to go to bed without dinner; however, this did not bother him either. For one day, he would grow up, feed his mom, and keep her warm. He dreams of replacing the old teepee with a warm one.

         Today was a hot summer day and Bear Claw loved to go to the  pond and swim with all the older boys. He knew they would not run off and leave him for the rule of the tribe was the all would stay together. This way no one would be getting hurt as they play and have a good time it begins to grow dark. It will be time to go home before too long and Bear Claw was having so much fun that he didn’t want the day to end. Today Bea Claw felt as though some one or something was watching them while they played in the pond he kept looking around to see if he could see any one or something in the woods. It was growing darker now so they gather up everything to go back to the village. The boy call Brave Eagle look around and told Bear Claw that he thought he has seen something in the woods watching them as they were swimming in the pond.   

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        They all began to walk home talking and playing  still feeling something was watching them, each one turning to see what it was. They all turn to see a small bear cub coming up to them, at first, they were very scared. As he came closer to them,

    they saw how sad and lonely this poor bear cub was and they could tell he meant no harm to them. As the cub came nearer ; they could here  a low rumbling and growing and they all knew that he was pleading for something to eat. He had lost his mom and had no place to go, he needed food and friends. Therefore, the children gave him their food they had not eaten today.

         That night the children all talked about what they would call him. It was dark now and bed time as they went to there teepee’s they wondered if he would be there the next morning. Bear Claw could not fall asleep, as he was thinking of his new friend and what they would call him. Most of all were the elders going to let them keep him. He knew this bear would grow to be very big and strong that it was wild. However, this did not matter, Bear Claw still loved him. The night grew longer and longer until finally Bear Claw fell asleep. The star were bright tonight and a full moon was shining brightly. The air was sweet with a cool breeze blowing it was jus right for sleeping. Morning was going to be the best ever for they now have a new friend. Today they would think up a name for their bear cub. Nevertheless, what would they name him and most of all would the elders let them keep this bear cub as a new friend? They knew this bear will grow to be very big as he was a black bear. As the night grew to day, the children was waking form their slumber. Bear Claw and Brave Eagle awoke before day break. As the sun came out they ran out to find the cub, but they did not see him any place.

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      They both felt their hearts sadden thinking he had ran off in the night. They ran thought the camp waking up all the children to help look for him. The look every place they could and calling to him, but no bear came. Just as they were about to give up Bear Claw walked behind his teepee and there he was sleeping. The bear had made him a bed and curled up in a little ball he was sound asleep. All the children were  happy to see him ran to him hugging him with all they had. At that moment, they knew their bear would be with them always. Now they had to give him a name, but what name would it be. They all sat around talking and petting the bear trying to think of a name for him or was it a she? None of them were sure if this was a boy or girl bear. As they sat around petting the cub, trying to come up with a name, they heard foot steps in the distance coming toward them. As they looked up they seen Eagle Eye coming to them knowing it was to late to hid the cub. The cub sensed the adult and rolled over on his back and laid  its head to the side on the ground with it tongue hanging out as thought it was dead. It was very funny sight to see. Eagle Eye began to laugh at the children and the bear.

         Eagle Eye sat down, he looked at each and every one of the children  with love and sadness as he  began to speak to them. His voice very soft and firm at the same time. Children this is  a very sad day for what has happen to this cub. You see this animal is from the wild and you have given it human food and love. “Which in the wild, animals and humans have different kind of love.” Now the wild won’t take this cub back into its loving arms.

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  We will have to keep this cub as one of our own, we will have to feed it love it and care for it as we do you children. “As the children sat and listened to Eagle Eye in silence, the excitement  grew for they knew the cub was there to stay for as long as it wanted.  Eagle Eye reached his hand forward to pat the bear and welcome the cub to the tribe. To everyone’s surprise, the cub jumped up as though the cub had been shot in the butt with an arrow. Landing right on Eagle Eye and began lick him in the face.

         It was as though the cub knew and could understand what Eagle Eye was saying. The children and Eagle Eye all began to laugh. They all gave the bear cub lots of hugs and made the cub welcome in its new home. As Eagle Eye spoke to the children he told them he would have to talk to the elders and see what they wanted to do about the bear cub. He would have to talk to Bear Claw’s mother and dad as well and see if they would help to take care of the cub. After, all it was Bear Claw that the  bear was close to now. This made Bear Claw very happy to here because he had a friend now of his very own. Just then he could here his mother calling to him to come and eat his breakfast while it is hot.

         As Eagle Eye spoke the children listened closely to him. He was the oldest of all and the wisest as well. Tonight we will have a cook out and then a powwow we must let all know of your bear cub. At this time we will see what we can do as he can’t no longer go out in the wild any more. At this time Brave Eagle ask Eagle Eye if he could tell them if the bear was a boy or a girl that they wanted to name it. Eagle Eye began to laugh as he looked at all the children and told them you have a black bear and it is a girl. So now they would have to name the bear with a girl name.

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         Now they need to think of a  name for their bear they wanted a special name.

One that all could remember for ever. The first name that Brave Eagle thought about was Ahladita…which means in a happy and nice mood.

“NO said Bear Claw, we need one that we will always remember and love. Shy Cloud said  what about Anju…one who lives in your heart. No we need something

else, said  Roar’s Like Thunder. Bankimchandra…Half moon . Buy this time, it  was time for all the children to go to their teepee to get ready for the cook out, All of them would get to sleep under the star’s tonight.  There was a warm breeze and the stars were shining brightly.

         Eagle Eye and Gaagdhar ..one who wears cobra (Lord Shiva) had been all day putting the cook-out together for the tribe and their powwow.  All the women were busy cooking and setting everything up.  Bear Claw, Roars Like Thunder, Brave Eagle and Shy Cloud would gather the wood for the fire.  There would be dancing and singing and with all the food this would be a very special night for all.  On this night they would find out if their bear would be welcome to their family.  So they ran off to gather the wood with the bear beside them.

         They ran into the woods to find all the wood they could, for they knew that it would take a lot to keep the fire burning through the night.  Happily playing and working, they couldn’t think of anything else except their powwow tonight.  The baby cub was right by their side playing and running with them when they heard something in the bushes.  They stopped to listen , to see if they could hear what it was out there.  As the sound came closer, they got scared, standing together as they watched the bushes. Page 6

    The baby cub got in front of the children as if to protect them from harm.

Just as they thought it was safe to continue to gather the firewood, the baby cub stood up and let out the loudest roar they had ever heard.  Then they saw a big gray wolf pack coming toward them.

        When the wolves saw the bear standing on its hind legs, they ran back in the forest, leaving them alone.  This beautiful, black bear had saved their lives.  The children gathered the wood up very quickly  and started to run back to their teepees to tell everyone what their new friend had done for them. 

      As they got closer to the tribe, they could see the camp fire was burning, food was cooking and they could hear singing.  Bear Claw could see his mother was all dressed up in her bright yellow shirt, and her red and whit skirt  woven from the inner bark of the mulberry tree.  Powwows are famous for their pageantry of colors, dance and drum’s which makes them very exciting events.  With their dance styles and costume regalia, the music and crafts, these were very special times that all would remember.  The woman would do the cooking corn, beans, squash, sunflowers, deer, wild turkeys, small game and fish.  This would also include cornbread, soups and stews cooked on stone hearths.  You could smell the food for miles around and hear the music from the drums as they danced away the night.  There was always an abundance of ani, which means strawberries and  Bear Claw loved them.

         With all the fun, food and dance, the children hadn’t forgotten they would have their own powwow to name the bear cub. 

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She was a beautiful bear with eyes that shined like stars.  She was very smart and loved to be by their side as though she was watching over them day and night.  The children would wait to name the bear until Eagle Eye had talked to the elders about the bear staying with them.  This was a very big night for all the children in tribe for each one would help to take care of the bear and love her.  Bear Claw loved all animals and often would sit in the woods and watch them as they would run and play. 

At times he would have deer come up to him and eat from his hand or raccoon would side beside him eating his ani with him. Once he even had a skunk that came and ate ani with him and sat on his lap.

         Although Bear Claw would often think of all the animals and how he loved them, he knew it was too dangerous to wander too far out in the woods alone.  There are a lot of wild animals in the woods that are looking for food, including the wolves.  As he sat day-dreaming, Brave Eagle came running up to him saying, “We need to find a name for our bear.”  They ran to gather all the other children in camp.  They would all have a powwow of their own to find a name for their bear cub.

         Chief Eagle Eye had gathered all of the elders in his teepee to tell them of the baby bear and how the bear would have to stay with them.  He explained the baby bear had lost her mother and could no longer be in the woods alone.  He told them the children  they had shared their food with her and she would no longer be able to return to the wild.  He explained  that all the children would be taking care of the bear together and how they loved her.  He also told them of how the bear had saved the children from the wolves today in the woods.

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          The powwow had begun now and Bear Claw could smell the food and people were dancing around the fire. The smell of all the food was making him very hungry and he was ready to eat.  The food tonight was very special.  There would be wild turkey, deer, buffalo, soup, corn, wild berries and ani.

                   Bear Claw and Brave Eagle began to gather the other children one by one for their powwow to find a name for the bear.  Brave Eagle, Red  Moon, Roars like Thunder, Elk Horn and Black Cloud came for the powwow, all the other children came to . Each of them  would have to  agree on the name for this bear cub.  After all, this was a special bear, he had saved them from the wolf pack.  As they all sat around talking, they could hear the singing, dancing and smell the food cooking.  They were  getting hungry now, although they couldn’t eat until elders came from the powwow to let them know if the bear cub would be staying with them.  As they  sat and talk about a name for the bear none of them coming up with a name for her that all would like . When Bear Claw came up with Anjushree  ( one dear to the heat ) they all love that name. The Bear had became dear to their hearts she had save them from the wolf pack. Now all the children were happy they had a beautiful name for their Bear that all could remember for ever. They all danced around and laughing as thought there was no tomorrow . They ran from the teepee dancing, singing and playing to the sound of the drum’s. They could smell the food cooking and the Elder’s dancing in the light of the fire tonight was a great time for them all. As they looked up they saw Eagle Eye coming from the teepee in his beautiful head dress with all the bright colors hanging from his head to toe. He held his head high and was very proud to be their Chief.

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As he came forth  he spook with great knowledge for he was the oldest of all in the tribe. They stop dancing and singing when they saw Eagle Eye coming from the teepee, now he would be speaking to all the tribe .

         They all gather around to here what he would be telling them each and every one quit, all you could here  at that time was the fire burning.  Eagle Eye began to speak  his voice carrying with an ego so all could here his words. As you all know of the bear club the children has brought to our camp and is a friend to them all.

They have done a wrong and fed this baby club and now the club is no longer able to return to the forest and live. They have ask us to let her live among our people so as I speak tonight for our children to tell you all that we must do the right thing by letting the club live among us. She saved the children from a the wolfs today bring them home as she watched over them. This is a black bear and will  grow very big I have told each of the children that it will be up to them to take care of her. They all know this will be a big responsibility for them, now I ask you all for your help to raise  this club. 

         As children  listen their  heart’s  were  beating very fast waiting to here what the tribe’s people had to say . Shinning Moon with her hair blowing in the wind look at her son to tell him. My son you are so brave to be friend a bear and I will do all I can to help you with her, as she spook the rest of the tribe agree they to would help. The children began to sing and dance around the fire with joy in there hearts. Telling all the bear would be called Anjushree  (one dear to the heart) all was well tonight .

Chapter Two

                                    Bear Claw And The Bear Cub                                  Page 10

      Summer was coming to an end the bear club was getting very big she was beautiful her fur got darker and shinning with each day. She grow closer the children flowing them every where they went. She love to go to the pone to swim and play this was her best time with the children. She was now looking for a place to sleep thought the winder. Every one in the tripe had chores to do and get ready for the cold winder months. Bear claw has grown up a lot but he still takes time to be with his best friend they would go fishing together and play in the pone for hours. She now was looking for a place to sleep for the winder the big tree she use to sleep in is no longer big enough for her now. Every one was working to get ready for the cold winder days to come for they knew how cold it could get. The kids gather fire wood for the winder and the woman cooking for every one. Looks like every one has there hands full Bear Claw  and Anjushree getting all the fire wood he could find. His tepee is all was cold so he wanted lot of fire wood to keep it warm. The men are out looking for food for everyone some time they didn’t come home for days and  with very little food. The young boys went fishing the fish was all ways good. Anjushree  (one dear to the heart) would run a long with them playing right buy there sides and protecting them  as they went  long, like she all ways did. The children  had grown to love her very much and she loved them  to.  Anjushree would lay on her back so Bear Claw could rub her belly  till she would falling to sleep as he did.

    Chapter Two

                                                  Bear Claw And The Bear Cub                          Page 11                             

The trees had begun to turn color’s and the days were getting shorter and the nights were colder to.  Everyone is trying to get their fire wood gather as much as the can before it is to cold. Some time they would have Anjushree help by carrying wood on her back home they had made her a bag to fix over her back. She didn’t mind to carry wood in it and love going with the children. Anjushree had grown to be very big and very lovable but she was sleeping a lot now. She was very fat so that she could sleep thought the winder months.

    Today Bear Claw and the other boys were going out to fish for dinner and Anjushree is going with them as she likes to fish to. She run’s around and plays while they get there things ready to go as thought she knows what they are doing. She is a very happy bear every day and loves the children so much . But soon she will be looking for a mate to have a family of her own. Anjushree is about 8 feet talk now and shouldn’t grow to much more. Her Preferred Foods: are  Nuts, acorns, fruit, insects, succulent greens. Meat and less succulent greens are eaten when preferred foods are scarce. A scarcity of preferred foods can result in failed reproduction, stunted growth, failure to add optimal amounts of fat, and death of young bears, especially cubs. Ideal Habitat: Black bears like large forests with a variety of fruits and nuts. Many kinds of berries and ants are especially productive in sunny openings. Lowlands and wetlands add succulent vegetation. Pools and streams help bears cool off. Mothers with cubs prefer large trees (over 20 inches in diameter) with furrowed bark (like white pines or hemlocks) for bedding sites and refuge.

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