Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1594047-Alander-Johns-Character-Introduction
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1594047
An introduction to a character I've had running around in my head.
This is an introduction to several characters I've had swirling in my head since I started my "big project". I'm not sure whether the characters in this piece will ever truly make it somewhere, but here's to hoping. Hope you enjoy it.

The cold wind rustled through the trees, creating haunting whispers of protest as he stared; into the raging blizzard beyond, trying his best to see through the never ending blanket of white. He knew it was futile, but still he tried, knowing that which he sought was out there, somewhere.

A rumble broke him from his thoughts, causing him to turn and seek whatever had caused it. He found only his two bears playing, their massive bulks rolling and tumbling as they wrestled. He smiled as he watched them, admiring their spirits in such a time as this.

He reached towards his small fire, pulling small strips of still hot meat off the rocks surrounding the pit.
"Jenthra, Klidus! Come here boys." He called over the wind. The bears paused at his call, looking his direction curiously. He patted his leg in answer and they rose, softly shambling over to stand by his side. He patted their massive heads and fed them each a strip of meat. They sighed their approval and nuzzled him lovingly before shambling back to their spots beneath a large pine where they resumed their playing.
He watched a moment, and then turned to the fire. Grabbing a stick he poked the bright red coals, watching as they crackled and spat, the vibrant orange sparks rising from the pit like tiny suns floating in the wind. He held his hands close, feeling the flames tickling warmth through his frigid hands. He glanced every now and again to the raging white beyond his shelter, knowing he'd spent far too much time here.

With a growl he rose to his feet, scooping his rifle from its resting place against a tree. He looked it over quickly, testing its integrity amongst the cold. When he was satisfied with its condition he checked his ammo, flare shells, and provisions, checking items off the list in his mind as he went. Finally, after some delay, he hoisted his pack onto his shoulders, stomped out the fire, and gave a whistle to his bears. With a final glance to his shelter he threw his heavy scarf around his mouth and plunged into the menacing beast.

Jensen Tarro stared out into the same blizzard, her eyes fighting to find some sort of landmark amidst the raging storm. The powerful wind tore at her, threatening to topple her at any moment, but still she stood firm, unmoving. Her lungs burned, her limbs ached, and she was lost. She couldn't believe it, couldn't bring herself to accept that it had finally happened. He said it would happen, proclaimed it, but she didn't believe him. Yet here she was, lost in the middle of a blizzard, with the pressure of seeing a Merchant and his Sons safely to their destination. What luck.
With a growl she whipped around, facing her charges with a scowl of determination. Her hair whipped at her face as she approached them, met halfway by her younger sister Stephanie, the little tag-along.
"Where are we Jen?!" Stephanie called over the wind as she took her sisters side.
"I don't know!" Jen screamed in answer, causing her sister to pause.
"Well what should we do?" Stephanie asked quickly, hoping not to upset her sister anymore than she already had.
"Give me the map." Jen commanded harshly.
Stephanie quickly reached into the pack on Jensen's shoulders, remaining silent as she carefully drew the delicate map from its confinements. Following her sister's lead she put her back to the wind, huddling close to Jensen to create a wind block as she attempted to read the map.

Jensen pondered the map as hard as she could, trying to retrace their steps on their journey. She soon gave up, her mind too far gone and distracted to function properly. Though she tried, she still couldn't match any landmarks with what she saw on the map.
"What do you think?" She asked, glancing at her sister for some sort of hope.
Stephanie immediately leaned in, studying the map carefully, finally relieved that she could finally try to help.
"The wind usually blows in from the south-west doesn't it?" Stephanie asked quickly.
"I think so. Why?" Jensen asked curiously.
"Well, if we were facing the gates of the outpost, the wind would be coming in from our right. Wouldn't it?" Stephanie continued.
"I guess so. What's your point?" Jensen asked irritably, trying her best to stay focused.
"If, by luck, the wind is blowing its usual direction, and we keep walking the direction we were when we stopped, we should be heading somewhere between north-east and east." Stephanie explained quickly.
"Which means we're heading just right of where we need to be! Stephanie you're a genius!" Jensen cried in surprise. She threw her arms around her sister and hugged her, glad that she was clear enough to have noticed such a small detail.
"Come on! We need to get moving!" Jensen urged after a moment's pause.
She started off, beckoning her charges with a single wave. Her sister followed quickly behind, shielding her face once again with her scarf, and praying they weren't as lost as they seemed.

Alander Johns trekked slowly through the blizzard, taking his time as the wind tore at his clothing, blowing cold, ruthless snow into his bare eyes. His legs burned, his lungs hurt, and his mind remained cluttered and jammed. But still he pressed on, from his shelter across Thaldirs’ Footprint, over Eagles’ Crest, and through the south-western most tip of Felgrove Forest. He'd covered over half of the land surrounding Krelmond, the last outpost before the long trek to the city of Neverath, and still he'd found nothing. As determined as he was, he knew there was little hope of finding anyone, dead or alive, not in this mess.

He grumbled to himself, stopping for a quick rest. He reached into his flare pouch, fingering one of the heavy set shells before drawing it from its resting place. He looked it over a moment, searching for hazardous flaws or imperfections that might cause a backfire. Such a thing with a heavy round like this would surely destroy his rifle, as well as him. Once satisfied he carefully slid the slightly longer, heavier shell into the chamber, sliding the charging lever forward, and locking it in place.
After a moments pause he raised the rifle to his shoulder, bracing hard as he aimed towards the sky. He steadied himself, holding the rifle firm, and pulled the trigger. The shell erupted with a deafening crack, jarring his bones as it sent its vibrant yellow payload towards the heavens. Past the blizzard and into the clouds it soared, slowly becoming a small yellow sphere amidst the raging storm.
He lowered his rifle, his eyes suddenly alive with the hunt, searching for any sign of life. He scanned the forest and blizzard about, casting towards the sky in search of an answering flare. When none came he waited still, hoping to see her flare.

"What is it?" Stephanie called through the roaring wind, wondering why her sister had stopped.
"I thought I saw something, just above that tree line." Jensen answered, pointing towards the trees to their left.
"What do you think it was?" Stephanie persisted.
"I don't know. It looked like a flare, but in this weather I couldn't be sure." She answered again, the inflection of doubt fading into the wind.
She pulled her rifle from her shoulder, sighing in relief that the gnawing strap was no longer chewing its way into her skin.
"Stand back." She commanded, cracking open the bolt operated chamber. Her sister followed her order and stepped back several paces, not wanting to experience another whump to the chest caused by the powerful shell.
Jensen carefully loaded the shell, forcing the stiffening chamber closed, its metal squeaking under the force. She knelt in the snow, as instructed, and placed the butt of the rifle firmly against the iron toe of her boot. Rifle cocked, she took a breath, steadying herself against the wind, preparing for the pain she'd soon feel.
Nerves checked, she took one more breath, turning her good ear away, and pulled the trigger. The rifle jarred into her foot with an equally deafening crack, the force of the blast disturbing the snow beneath her, causing it to ripple outwards. Ears ringing she stood, steadying herself with her rifle as she peered towards the sky, watching as the yellow orb disappeared beyond the gray maw of the storm above.

Without a sound an answering flare rose into the sky beyond the trees, angled towards them at an arch.
"Someone saw us!" Jensen yelled over her shoulder, pointing at the now falling flare.
Without a second thought she quickly pulled another shell from her pouch. She took the same procedure, rifle to toe, good ear turned away, and pulled the trigger. The second blast contained less noise, due to her ringing ears, but still held it's power, thudding her chest enough to force some air out of her lungs, the flare arching over the tree line towards whoever it was that had fired the answer.
"Come on!" She yelled, signaling her charges to follow as she headed quickly for the trees.

And so it was he'd found them, hurrying towards him through the trees.
"Alander!" Jensen called when she met up with him. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him, nearly squeezing the breath out of him.
"How are you? Are you alright?" He asked, ignoring the pleasantries and getting right to business.
"We're a little thirsty but no one is hurt, just cold." Jensen answered, glancing back at her company as they made their way through the trees, guided by young Stephanie.
"Come, we'll make a fire and get everyone set up for the night. We'll rest here." Alander suggested gruffly before turning towards the spot he'd spied on the way through the trees.
"What's going on?" Stephanie asked quietly when she was close enough.
"We're staying the night." Jensen replied, before turning to follow her mentor.
Stephanie shrugged and followed after, gesturing to the others to do the same as she made her way across the rocks and roots beneath her feet.

"Oh, that fire feels good." Stephanie sighed aloud, gently rubbing her hands over the open fire.
"Indeed it does." One of the charges agreed politely, smiling as he too held his hands over the rising warmth.
"Oh! Forgive me, everyone; I seem to have forgotten my manners." Jensen said suddenly, rising from her seat as she did so. "Alander, this is Aaron," She continued, indicating the young man who had just spoken. "His brother Jarrod, and their father Martin."
Jarrod, hearing his name spoken, lifted his head and gave a short nod of greeting.
"And this, everyone, is our Uncle. Alander Johns." Jensen concluded quickly, returning to her seat as Martin rose.
"Mister Johns, I'd like to thank you, for finding us. And for the hospitality you've shown us, it's greatly appreciated." He started, intending to speak further but stopped, halting at Alander's raised hand.
"That's very kind of you, Martin, but I'm not the one you should be thanking." Alander said softly, and somewhat bluntly.
"Yes, of course. Forgive me, I meant no offense." Martin returned politely, glancing quickly to Jensen, of whom Alander had spoken.
"Why are you here, if you don't mind my asking, of course." Alander asked bluntly, quickly changing the subject.
"I'm a trader, out of Luxon." Martin answered politely.
"Luxon is a long way from here, Mister Martin." Alander snipped incredulously.
"A large part of my business requires me to travel to Neverath. The city, as you know, is quite a trade hub. I get a great percentage of my merchandise there." Martin continued unphased.
"And what is it that's so important that you'd risk the safety of my nieces, as well as your sons? Surely it must be something exceptionally valuable." Alander asked harshly, no longer concerned with upsetting the man.
Martin stood silent, unable to form words in the face of such crude judgment. He sighed, seeing no way out of explaining himself he sat down, taking a deep breath before turning his attention back to the man scowling at him.
"Once, every year, a man makes a stop in Neverath. A very important man, one with very particular, and, very expensive artifacts." He paused a moment, reaching into the pouch at his side and producing a round, shiny, red object that appeared to be a valuable gemstone the size of an acorn.
"Rubies?" Jensen asked unconvinced.
"Oh, no. This isn't a ruby." Martin assured politely, passing the object to Stephanie. She examined it carefully before handing it to her sister.
"If it's not a ruby, then what is it?" Jensen asked, still unconvinced as she stared at the object, rolling it around in her hand. It sure feels like a ruby, and looks like a ruby, she thought.
"That, though you wouldn't believe it, is sap." Martin answered.
"Sap?" It was Stephanie that spoke, unable to control her curiosity.
"The blood of a tree. To be specific, it's the sap of a Blood Ash, one of the rarest species of Ash Wood ever discovered. In fact, it's so rare that it only grows in one Region, and they never seem to spawn in vast quantities. You'd be lucky to find two Blood Ash within several miles of one another." Martin explained briefly.
“So, what’s so special about it?” Jensen asked, unknowingly stealing her sisters’ words from her mouth.
“Well,” He started, eager to talk about something he found enjoyment in. “Aside from its resemblance to a Ruby, this certain ingredient contains a plethora of medicinal benefits; especially when mixed with herbs and other such elements.” He explained briefly.

He opened his mouth to continue but quickly closed it upon hearing a loud crack, its echo flowing to his ears from beyond the darkness. A following snort drew him around, his eyes peering into the blackness; attempting to spot the intruder. He searched intently, his eyes flicking here and there, seeking out the source of the snort.
Another snort-like huff sent a shiver up his spine, his gaze settled on two, fire lit eyes staring back at him. Without further warning the beast beyond stepped forward, towards the now terrified Martin; revealing the massive, fear inducing head of a grizzly. It proceeded forward, revealing more of its bulk as it closed in on him. He trembled with fear, his mind racing with the thoughts of his sons seeing their father torn to pieces before them.
“Shoot it.” He said softly, barely managing to force the words from his throat.
“Mister Martin, I want you to listen to me very carefully.” Alander commanded softly, rising slowly from his seat against a tree.
“The bear you see before you means you no harm. He simply wants to smell you, nothing more, nothing less.” Alander continued, carefully stepping up behind the terrified man.
“Hold out your hand.” He commanded again.
“What?” Martin asked, unable to contain his fright.
“It’s alright. He doesn’t want to hurt you.” Alander answered confidently.
“How do you know that? How do you know it won’t tear us both to shreds?”

“Because he’s mine.”
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