Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1593920-Love-School-1
Rated: GC · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1593920
Shouta learns that the school playboy likes him!
Disclaimer: This is an original story. The characters, storyline, ect. belong to me.

Warnings: Language, implying of indecent sex-acts

Author's Notes: Hey, thankies for reading! Now, I know the point-of-view swapping is going to get a little crazy later on, so I'd better tell you that Shouta's point-of-view will be navy blue, Hachirou's teal, and Kaito's red. I'm thinking of having a fourth person's P.O.V. be green later on in the story, but don't hold your breath. Please review!

Love School
Chapter One: "He Loves You A Lot"

Shouta's P.O.V.
My name is Shouta Nanami, and I’m 14 years old. I’ve been a sophomore at Susumu High for a couple months now, and it never ceases to amaze me the blatant show of affections towards each other that the guys at this all-boys school have. It’s kind of overwhelming.


“What the hell?!”

I had walked into my homeroom and two of my teachers, Mr. Kojima and Mr. Sakata, were getting hot and heavy, right on the desk.

“I must be early!” I exclaimed and shut the door. See, stuff like this is traumatizing.

At my old school, they didn’t have teachers getting it on in the classrooms. Maybe the janitor’s closet or the bathroom stalls or something like that. Equally as kinky, but at least you never heard about anything like that going on besides in those erotic novels Ms. Shiba reads during class.

Oh, and another thing my old school didn’t have, I thought as I sat down and looked out the giant window in the hallway, was a bunch of boys who thought I was their man-candy or something. I didn’t even have any friends here because I don’t think there’s a single guy here who doesn’t want me for my body. Even the girls at my old school didn’t like me this much. I don’t even understand, is it because I’m a year younger than everyone else in my class?

I waited until the five-minute bell rang before I headed back to my homeroom again. I was slightly afraid I might walk it on something else equally as creepy but I didn’t want to be late either.

“Hey, Shouta-chan,” Mr. Kojima motioned me from the front of the room a couple minute before class was supposed to start.

“Yes Kojima-sensei?” I responded like I had no clue what he was calling me for.

“You didn’t… um,” he lowered his voice almost to a whisper, “tell anybody about… you know. What happened earlier?”

“No,” I replied.

“Oh good,” he let out a relieved sigh. “Cause you know, I could lose my job if anyone finds out about that so uh, let’s just keep that between you, me, and Sakata okay?”

“Okay, you don’t have to worry,” I promised. Like I really wanted to run around telling people about that. I just have to remember never to touch that desk again.

“Oh, and one more thing, Shouta-chan. How’re you and your brother getting along?”

My brother? I thought as I walked the crowded hallways to the computer lab. Why would Mr. Kojima care about how well me and Nii-chan get along? I mean I love my brother but I really don’t see him much, besides in the morning or at night before I go to bed.

Suddenly, I felt someone put their arms around my waist and spun around to see Hachirou Kurogane, the cute blonde who’s often called Mr. Eight-guys-in-one-night. At least that’s what I heard.

“Wow, you sure are spacey this morning,” he said as he ran his hand delicately down my cheek and to my chest. “You got a lot on your mind?”

“Yeah, way too much for there to be any room for you!” I countered, trying to get out of his embrace.

“That’s so mean!” he exclaimed, letting go of me so abruptly I almost fell. “Too bad we’ve got to get to class right away, or I could give you something to relax you,” he remarked, looking at his dark teal nails. He always had weird colored nails.

“You mean drugs?!”

“No not drugs, silly. Drugs’ll ruin you’re perfect baby soft skin,” he replied, rubbing my cheeks again much to my disliking. “It’s better than drugs, it’s moi,” he bragged, pointing to himself.

“What could you do that would relax me? I’m very stressed out and on top of that I’m going to be late talking to you!” I argued, starting to walk faster down the hall.

But Hachirou was steady on my trail. “Lots of stuff you wouldn’t even imagine. Like….this,” he said, putting his thumb in his mouth and biting down on it.

“That looked like it hurt,” I replied, stopping to look at him.

“Why don’t you see for yourself?”

“You want to bite… on my… thumb?” I questioned, growing more confused.

“I didn’t really mean- oh Shouta-kun… you’re so naïve it’s cute,” he sighed, and gave me a little smile.

“No but seriously what did you mean?”

“…I’ll tell you eventually, when you’re ready,” he teased me.

“But I want to know now!” I demanded as we both walked into the computer lab.

“Sit next to me, Shouta-kun,” he motioned to two empty computers.

What could it hurt? Me and Hachirou are actually kind of getting along, besides the fact that he’s super weird and touchy-feely. So, I decided to sit next to him.

The bell rang and I typed in my password when our business class teacher Mr. Sakata walked over and stood next to me. Oi, not again.

“Good morning Shouta-chan,” he said. “You know about that thing that happened this morning? You didn’t happen to mention it to-”

“No, I didn’t. Your secret’s safe with me Sakata-sensei,” I abruptly cut him off to get him to go away faster.

“Good,” he simply replied walking back to the front of the class.

“What secret?” Hachirou whispered to me.

“It wouldn’t be a secret if I told you,” I hissed.

Hachirou pouted, “But I absolutely promise I won’t tell anybody. I swear!”

I looked at him and thought since he was the only thing I had remotely close to a friend, or an acquaintance, I might as well tell him.

“This morning, I walked in Kojima-sensei’s room and saw him and Sakata-sensei all intimate on the desk,”

“Wow!” he gasped. “So they’re together!”

“No, they can’t be. Doesn’t Sakata-sensei have a wife?”

“That makes it even better! C’mon Shouta-kun, this is the kind of stuff people like to know,”

“Uh, why?”

“Because it’s gossip!” he said in a matter-of-fact way, like I should know anything about gossip.

“Hachirou-chan, quiet down or I’ll have to make you move,” Sakata-sensei stopped in the middle of his lesson to warn him, lowering his gaze.

“Sorry sensei,” he half-heartedly apologized.

Then Kaito Chiase, the tan-skinned, red haired best friend of Hachirou, walked in late. “Sorry I’m late sensei,” he muttered quickly before walking over to Hachirou.

“Hachi-kun, why didn’t you save a seat for me?” Kaito questioned, giving a suspicious glance towards me.

Hachirou leaned closer to Kaito and I heard him whisper, “C’mon Kaito-kun, please? This is Shouta-kun we’re talking about!”

Kaito bit his lip and averted his gaze to his shoes. “Yeah, I guess so…”

“Thanks bestest friend, don’t worry I’ll make it up to you,” he said, biting his thumb again.

“You shouldn’t say stuff like that, people’d think you enjoy it,” Kaito replied as he went to go get another seat.

“What’s with the thumb thing?” I asked again.

“I‘ll tell you when you’re ready,” he repeated.

“Good afternoon Shouta-kun,” Ms. Shiba greeted me when I walked through the door.

I looked on her desk and saw a black and gold Purple Potion series book titled Down Under. Real subtle, but not subtle. An innocent by-stander might think it‘s about Australia.

“Um, good afternoon sensei,” I replied.

“So, you found out about Kojima and Sakata didn’t you?”

“I didn’t tell!” I cried out without thinking.

“Ah don’t worry, I already kinda knew, I just needed solid proof. I won’t told them you told,”

“But I didn’t tell you…”

“I see them in the teacher’s lounge eating lunch every day and I could just tell by looking at them that they had some sort of sunny lovey-dovey disposition about them, and they looked all lustfully at each other. Even though they thought they were being secretive, I could tell. And today I heard Sakata whisper to Kojima something about ‘did you take care of that thing that happened with Shouta this morning?’ So I thought I’d see what you had to say about it. Ohh this is just like what happened in School Affairs!”

“Excuse me?” I questioned.

“Oh never mind, you wouldn’t get it. Oh by the way, how’s your brother doing?” she asked, changing the subject.

“Fine,” I said. Why does everyone keep asking about Nii-chan?

“That’s good. You know your brother was a student here don’t you?”


“He was well-mannered, but popular too, and sooo adorable! He had pictures of you on his binder so you could tell he was a caring big brother, am I not right?” she went on to explain.

“Yeah, he is. Especially since it’s just us now,”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Does that mean he’s coming to conferences then?”


Before the bell rang for class to start, the last thing I heard her say was, “You know, your brother loves you a lot.”

I was eating a instant dinner in front of the TV that night when my brother Akira Nanami walked in the door from work.

“Hi Nii-chan,” I greeted him.

“Hey Shouta-kun,” he replied, giving me a kiss on the forehead. Then it dawned on me, how many brothers kiss their brothers on the forehead? I speculated about what Ms. Shiba meant earlier when I shook the thought out of my head. He’s just a nicer big brother that most others are. Right?

Hachirou's P.O.V.
I was sitting on the floor of my room watching TV with Kaito sitting right next to me.

I took a look at my nails and remarked, “My nails are starting to chip, I need to polish them again.”

Kaito looked at me as I walked over to my shelf in my socks and looked at the bottles of polish. “What color do you think Shouta-kun would like?” I asked him. “Magenta?”

“I dunno,” Kaito mumbled, staring at the TV again. After a second, he added, “That magenta makes me want to vomit.”

“Okay fine, no magenta. How about purple?”


“What do you mean ’whatever’?”

“Look… why do you polish your nails weird colors anyways?” he questioned in a hostile sort of way.

“Because I like standing out,” I replied as I sat on the floor and started to polish my toenails purple.

Kaito looked at the tv with his legs close to him and his arms around them. I finished my toes and went to my fingers.

“Okay, what’s the matter with you?”

“Nothing is the matter…” he argued, finally turning to look at me. “…and what happened to you making it up to me anyways?”

“I have to wait for the polish to dry,”

“Don’t you think it would’ve made more sense to wait until after we had sex to polish your nails?”

“True. See, that’s why you’re the rational thinker. Always thinking ahead,”

He groaned heavily and flopped face-down on my bed. “Maybe I should go home… I don’t feel well.”

“Aww… really?”

“Yes really. To avoid from hearing about Shouta-kun again, I’m going to go to sleep,” I heard him say, muffled from the pillow.

“But that’s why I was going to make it up to you…”

To Be Continued...
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