Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1593759-A-Big-change
by person
Rated: · Other · Other · #1593759
a girl goes through a change that well, changes her life and lives of others.
I once knew a girl who lived a normal life like a normal person. Her name was Marianne. She had friends; I remember her best friend was a girl named Alexa. From my perspective she seemed to have a nice life up until… the accident. Well here is the story...
It was an average day in town. Marianne was home with her parents and her cat. Being an only child had its ups and downs. At least she didn't have anyone to annoy her, but on the other hand she had no one to play with either. Her parents were scientists researching different things that she really had no interest in, so she never bothered to ask them about it. All she did know was that they were working on was some sort of laser or ray type thing. Well after coming home from school she was looking for her cat. Then she heard meows coming from in her parent’s lab area. So she went down to investigate. When she finally got to the bottom of the stairs (which were far down so that there would be a greater distance from any radiation to ground level) she saw her parents in a large radiation proof and soundproof room. Marianne decided to leave them alone so she picked up her cat off of a stool that was just sitting in the middle of the room. Just then she saw the all the doors lock and the big red light (that meant testing started) went off. As the laser thing charged she panicked running around the big room she was in. eventually her parents spotted her and could see she was terrified. Worst of all they couldn’t unlock the doors until the test was over. As a result her father tried to stop it by putting in different codes. Marianne didn't know it but the laser was locked onto the cat, so where ever the cat went it pointed to. Then it fired. Marianne screamed but then she passed out... She woke up on a bed in the hospital. “Where am I?” She thought.
Then she heard the doctors say, “Oh she’s waking up! Don’t scare her.”
Then Marianne thought that she was going to die because of what she heard. Then one of the doctors came in. “Well am I going to die?” She asked.
“No, no you’re perfectly healthy.” The doctor said.
“So I’m perfectly fine?” She asked excitedly.
“Well no- you know what, here.” He said as he showed her a mirror. As soon as she looked she wished she hadn’t. Her face was covered in blue fur, and her ears had moved to the top of her head like a cat’s and her eyes looked like a cat’s too. The only thing that was really the same was her long black hair. Then she removed the sheet that was covering her. Her whole body was covered in blue fur. Her hands were shaped like a human’s hand but her fingers were all the same size and her nails were moved to the tips of her fingers and shaped like claws. Same thing for her feet all the toes were the same size and the nails had moved to the tips of her toes and were shaped like claws. On top of all that she had a long blue tail!
Immediately after seeing this she asked the doctor how come she was like this. He said, “Well I don’t know, none of us do. When your parents called us after the beam hit you and your cat-“
“My cat where is she!?” she interrupted.
‘Well you are your cat; it seems that when that beam of radiation hit you two it fused you two together. With you being the smarter and stronger creature your brain took control over the body, but you have 60% human DNA, but the other 40% is your cats DNA. And that explains your appearance, How it happened we don’t know but all we do know is that you are stuck like this until we can find a way to reverse this process, but consider yourself lucky that your cat was the same gender as you! Oh and one more thing, you have had a growth spurt. In two days you went from 4’ 9’’ to 5’ 9’’! By the way You are already checked out and your parents are waiting in the lobby for you.” He said as he left.
She got her clothes took anything that looked like it was hers and left. On the way home she did not say a word to her parents. Same when she got home she took her her things to her room and locked the door. The only time she spoke was when her parents asked what she wanted for dinner. She said she wanted fish, and they looked puzzuled. “But Marianne I thought you didn’t like fish?” Said her father.
“I just want some fish please.” She said
“Ok then but I’ll have to go and buy some. I’ll be back in 20 minutes.” Her father said.
I’m not really sure but I guess that her brain had a little bit of her cat in it too, that is why she craved fish and milk. Dinner went okay, but no one really said a word. Afterwords Marianne went upstairs and went to bed. Then came the next day…. She didn’t want to go to school but her parents forced her. They said, “just because you are part cat doesn’t mean you can’t go to school!” As soon as she walked on the bus she could hear everyone whispering, "who is that" And "What is that". Marianne was wearing her regular school cloths only without shoes because her feet got bigger and her shoes didn't fit anymore, but all she could wear were flip-flops. Then she just sat in the back corner of the bus and felt bad. Then alexa came on the bus. She looked for Marianne but she didn't know the cat thing sitting in the back was Marianne. So it was no surprise that when Marianne tried to talk to her she was given the cold shoulder. Eventually alexa said, "who are you!?" firmly.
"alexa its me Marianne!" Marianne said.
"Oh my god what happened to you" alexa said apologetically
"Well there was an accedent in my parent's lab with me and my cat, and then this happened." Marianne said sadly.
"Well don't worry about it, i'm sure people wont make fun of you.... much" Alexa said......
Since Marianne had a reputation in our school no one really teased her. But..... one kid did tease her. It was me, i suppose that her cat instincts told her to attack me when i got her very angry. Or she could have just had anger issues....... She used her claws to scratch my arm and cut it open. That hurt and i had to get stitches, but im not one to hold grudges so in a few months i was fine. I think that i got in more trouble then her because i got a detention and she didn't. She got off on the excuse that the accident screwed with her head, and she couldn't control herself. I didn't think of it as much but it was obvious that she was very embarrassed that she could not control herself. It turns out she was the one to keep a grudge against me for "making" her attack me. This made everyone scared of her. no one really wanted to be near her because they were scared that they would be attacked. Seeing this Alexa felt really bad for her. They were such good friends that Alexa decided that she wouldn't mind becoming like Marianne, if it would comfort her. Even though She was alright with fusing herself with an animal she knew that Marianne would not be. Marianne wouldn't want anyone to go through what she had to go through when she was fused with her cat. So instead of asking her to fuse her with something she asked to sleep over. after making sure that Marianne was asleep she snuck into the lab (which was not locked) and looked around. She saw something that said,"Repeat last experiment" on it Before pressing it she looked for an animal to fuse with and found a nice dove. Then she pushed th button and held the bird. The noise of the laser woke everyone up. But by the time they got down to the lab the experiment was already complete. After two days Alexa woke up in the hospital, like with Marianne the doctors were confused. The doctor told Alexa that her DNA was changed too, it was 20% dove, 30% lizard, and 50% human. Alexa turned out a lot different than Marianne, due to the fact that she was combined with an animal that was already fused with another. Alexa's skin turned green and a little scaly. She had only 4 toes and 4 fingers (which were like Marianne's with all the toes and fingers the same length and claws) And she had wings and a big green tail. Alexa was again lucky that all of the animals were female. She looked like a 6' 5" Dragon, She even had the long nose and pointed tail. During the car ride home Alexa's parents were furious at her. She explained that she felt bad for Marianne and thought it would be cool to be fused with an animal too. Her mother understood that what was done can not be reversed so she had to accept that she now basically had a dragoness for a daughter. Her mother asked her, "well if you were going to fuse yourself with an animal why pick a lizard."
Alexa said, "I didn't, i picked a dove. That is why i have these wings, but what i didn't know was that the dove had already been fused with a lizard."
Her parents then asked her what she wanted to eat. She wanted pizza, so it seemed that her appitite did not change at all.
When the two girls got to school they were not teased but the driver did mumble, "not another one....."
Alexa had the same problem that Marianne had with her shoes so they both wore flip-flops. However Alexa had a bigger problem, she had wings so it was more difficult for her to get a shirt on. She had to cut holes in her shirts so that they would fit. Alexa was embarrassed about her wings, so she wore a jacket. I thought that Alexa looked funny with a jacket and flip-flops, her toes must have gotten a little cold since it was chilly out. It turns out that somehow overnight Marianne and Alexa grew to 6' 7"! I later learned that since their growth spurts were happening so fast they had to get custom made clothes that would be able to be stretched longer if and when needed. I laughed at them and Marianne just gave me an angry look, Alexa didn't seem too happy either. I wasn't worried until after school when they came up to me as i was walking home. They said, "So, you think we look funny! I think we should teach you a lesson!" (When two girls say that to you you aren't that scared but when a 6' 7' cat girl and a 6' 7" dragoness say that to you then you would probably get a little scared!) I tried to run away thinking that they would hurt me, because i knew that they could if they wanted to, but they just stood there laughing at me. They did that every day for a week. The next day Alexa was told to take off her jacket, revealing to everyone that she had wings. All of the kids started asking her questions like, "can you fly with them?" or "will you take me for a ride in the air? Unfortunately Alexa had not yet learned to fly with her new wings, she didn't even know it they could keep her in the air. On Monday of the next week the girls came in to school and they were each 7' tall! They just did not want to stop growing. After a week of torture i decided i was going to do something about those girls. Obviously i could not fight a 7' cat girl and a 7' dragoness so i had to think of something else.
That Monday i did something i probably should not have done. I hung up posters that had their pictures on them and said FREAKS on the bottom. They were furious at me but i got my revenge on them. After i did that i had to hide in crowds in order to keep safe from the two growing girls. After a month went by i Think they were like 10' tall.They had to walk to school because the bus was too small and they barely fit through the doorway. I figured out that at this point it didn't matter what happened to them so long as they were together they had each other.
Outside of school the two were helping the town anyway that they could, by doing things normal sized people couldn't. It came to the point where seeing the two girls was nothing special anymore. After 4 months of being a dragon Alexa learned to fly, and since they were both like 20' tall She could give multiple people rides, for a price. Although they didn't seem to bother me i was still worried that they were mad at me so i hid in crowds for a few more weeks. A year had gone by and i think they had finally given up on being mad at me, that and since they were like 45' tall they could not go inside our school. Due to this special classes were held outside, and i was in all of their classes. After hitting 40' it became obvious that they could no longer wear normal clothes so all they wore were some giant cloths over their bodies and they had to go barefoot. In the outdoor classes the only real danger was being accidentally steped on by one of their huge feet. One day in math class the teacher decided that she would put desks outside for everyone, except for Marianne and Alexa of course. We had assigned seats that were the same for every class, and my seat was right in between Alexa and Marianne. Why the teacher did that i will never know, But it did give me a chance to ask them if they were still mad at me. The two giantesses just ignored me, but then they sat back and each made sure that both of their giant smelly feet were as close to me as possible. I could hear them giggling behind me. Between the smell of Marianne's huge furry feet and the smell of Alexa's huge dragon feet the smell was overwhelming! After school I decided to walk home. On the way i saw two furry feet step in front of me. Obviously the owner of the feet were Marianne. I shouted up to her, "Hey, i didn't appreciate you putting your feet next to me in school." She lied her hand on the ground and told me to get on. I did as told because when a 50ft cat girl that didn't like you told you to do something you had to do it. I climbed on to her giant furry hand. as she lifted her hand i grabbed onto her giant thumb because i was scared of falling off, or of her dropping me. She looked annoyed and said, ''what do you want?" I told her what i said and she smiled and said, "yeah that was funny." "Not for me" i said. Then she closed her hand, with me in it! I got even more scared because if she squeezed me i could die. All i could tell from my furry prison was that she was walking somewhere. When she let me out i was in a giant warehouse, which turned out to be where she was living. She sat down and put het feet up on a table and put me in front of them. She said, "i had a hard day today, so im gonna need you to lick my feet."
I said, "no i'm not licking your giant smelly feet!"
She said, "Lick my feet or become part of my foot. Your choice." Since i didn't feel like dying i licked her feet. i climbed her feet and licked her sole. When i told her i was done she said that i hadn't got her toes yet. So i climbed up het foot an licked her toes, but when i stuck my head to lick between her toes she curled them so that i would get stuck. The smell was so bad that i almost threw up, She shouldnot have been doing this i did what she said, I even licked her claws. After a while of having my head stuck between her toes i started to like the smell of her feet. I licked between her toes and i was enjoying it!
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