Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1593752-Bad-News
Rated: E · Novel · Teen · #1593752
There is always room for improvement! Please review.
Bad News.

The rain hammered down on my cheeks as the smell of petrol penetrated my sense of smell. Laying on my stomach, I maneuvered my hands underneath my body, trying to lift myself off of the ground. A pain came tearing up one of my legs and I fell back to the ground. I heard a whimper of pain, looking upward, I took a glance at a silhouette slowly walking towards me.

A new smell came barreling into my nasal cavity: smoke.  Smoke, to me, is never a good sign. It is always a tale of something horrible, at least, in my experience. I let out a sigh and looked down to the ground. Rain drops slid off of the tip of my nose, like a child on a water slide.

Another figure came into view as I looked up. I swallowed as the pain in my leg became a lot worse than before.  The two figures were my sisters, I am not sure if my parents made it or if the other car did...was it a car?

"Sissy," the tall figure looked down at the smaller one and handed what looked like a phone. "Call 9-1-1. Tell them to get here quick. Go over to the other side of the road so you are safe, okay?"

The younger sister took the phone and ran to the other side of the road as directed by the older.  I heard talking but it was muffled.

"Moira? Can you move? Let's get you up. The car is on fire and with the fumes I smell in the air, there could be an explosion. Hurry."

I tried to get up again but my leg hurt to much to move. "My leg. It's my leg. I can't get up. It hurts to much."

The older sister walked around so she stood at my head; she grabbed my hands and pulled. I was not stuck under  the car, surprisingly. She pulled me away just in time. There was a strong light behind me a strong force. The car exploded with a mighty force and debris flew over my head and into the bank of earth behind me.

My eyes closed to the cries of sissy and the rain hitting the pavement.


I woke, to painful bright lights and a constant beeping noise. I am at a hospital. I slowly opened my eyes, letting my eyes adjust to the light. I looked to both sides of me to see my sisters, anxiously waiting for me to wake.

"Moira! Moira! She's awake! She's awake! She finally woke!" My little sister screamed, giving me a wet, slobbery kiss on the cheek then turning around and giving my older sister the biggest hug I have ever seen. She was so excited that I was awake. That means that my parents weren't as lucky as I.

"Yes, yes. I'm awake. I'm happy to see you too, sissy." I forced a smile.  "What of our parents?"

Sissy looked down at the ground. "They didn't make it. They died in the boom boom." A tear rolled down her cheek and she started to cry.  Making loud sobs and wiping the tears in her eyes. She looked at me and frowned. I miss them, Moira.  I wish they didn't have to leave. I wish they were still here. How come they had to leave?"

"It's...It's just the circle of life.  It was their fate, I am afraid.  It was their destiny.  There's nothing that we could have done. I'm sorry, sissy." I frowned, knowing her sorrow.  She was just a small child. I wish she didn't have to have her parents death such a violent one... I wish she didn't have to witness it; poor sissy.

Her crying came to a halt and she looked up to me. She blinked and a single tear fell from the corner of her left eye and ran down her cheek, leaving a trail that glimmered when the light reflected off of it. She took in a gasp of air and opened her mouth, attempting to say something but the look on her face told me that she couldn't find the words that she wanted to say.  She just ran over to the bed that I was laying in and hugged me. She then whispered in my ear, "We aren't going to die soon, are we?"

I closed my eyes, I didn't know what to say.  I didn't want to upset her further and I didn't want to say something that I didn't know for sure.  I took in a deep breath, opening my eyes.  I looked towards her, towards Sissy and hugged her back to the best of my abilities.  "You know, Sissy, I really don't know what will happen next.  All I know is that we have to stick together, no matter what.  I know what happened to our parents will be hard for you because it will be hard for all of us.  What's happened doesn't just sadden you, but all of us; however, we can all get through it if we just stick together and help each other out, okay?"

The room grew silent and a smile stretched across my little sister's face. "Okay Moira."

© Copyright 2009 RavenWood (hecaitomix at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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