Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1593654-Pandoras-Box
Rated: E · Other · Mythology · #1593654
Diary Entry for Pandora's box. Another English assignment.
Day 1
Dear Diary,
Today was the day I was created by the God Hephaestus, the blacksmith. Hephaestus had been ordered by Zeus, the king of Olympus, to make me so very beautiful on the outside but a poor wife on the inside. Hephaestus had asked the four winds to breath life into me and he also asked all the Goddesses to dress me in the finest clothes and jewels. Around lunchtime, Zeus had introduced me to King Epimetheus, the brother of Prometheus, as a gift. The house is very large. After dinner I began to explore my surroundings. As I passed the servants and cooks, they were all staring at me. They were all under my spell. I began to walk back to my room and servants began to follow me like zombies. I started to get frightened. When I got to my room, I sat down at my dressing table and stared at my reflection. My name suited me- Pandora.

Day 2
Dear Diary,
I found a mysterious corridor when I was exploring the house again. In the corridor was a big, thick, black door that was highly guarded by two guards. I wonder what is in there? I asked a servant (a man obviously) what was in this mysterious door, and guess what kind of reply I got? A mumble and a stare. So I walked down the steps into the garden and found my friend, Naomi, and asked her about this mysterious door and she told me all the information she knew. Naomi said to me that no one was allowed to enter but the king himself and that in the room was a box. It was like a treasure box.

Day 3
Dear Diary,
Today I just sat In my bedroom thinking about the box. There has got to be a gift for me in there if I am not allowed to enter. It seems that he is hiding something very secret and that I am not allowed to see what it is. After lunch I tried to find the library but I ended up in the mysterious corridor again. There were two different guards there. I tried sweet-talk with them but they weren’t too convinced. So I decided to draw up a devious plan. Well two plans really:
Plan A- sweet-talk King Epimetheus and convince him to allow me to go in the mysterious room.
Plan B- If A doesn’t work then I sweet-talk the guards and steal the keys that open the door leading to the chest. It is time to put plan A into action!!

Day 4
Dear Diary,
Plan A did not go exactly as planned. At dinner time I had brought up the subject. I did sweet-talk the King and being mannerly and all the other ways on getting to his good side. He did fall for it at the beginning but he saw through my plan and denied me access. I tried again and again but he still refused which made me pretty mad. I was so angry that I stormed off to my room hoping that a tantrum would change his mind. It didn't. Looks like plan B is going underway.

Day 5
Dear Diary,
Oh I was so stupid! I should have never looked into that box! After tea I decided to take action to plan B so I stole the key to the chest, made my way to the mysterious corridor and through the mysterious door. There were guards. I fixed my hair and wore my best robes. I walked up to them, flirted them for a bit and boy were they idiots! They actually fell for it!!! I made my way through the door and saw a dusty, black chest sitting in the centre of the empty room. The room itself was small and full of cobwebs. The chest was sitting innocently on a blood red table. The table and chest were both draped with cobwebs as well. I slowly walked to the table and inspected the chest. The chest was strange as the padlock was a humans skull and, looking very closely, small but ancient words were etched into the aged wood. Its meanings lost in time. I carefully unlocked the padlock of the chest and opened the lid. All of a sudden all these flittering things, like flies, flew out of the chest. I drew back in sheer horror of what I had released. The next thing I know I was being bit and stung by these creatures. Boils began to rise from my skin as Epimetheus ran into the room and slammed the chest shut. But it was too late. I had unknowingly release the great plagues upon the earth, possibly triggering the end of the world. There was only one thing trapped in that forsaken box- Hope. Hope that this world will recover from my tragic actions. My face felt bruised and burned. When I looked in the mirror, I howled in sorrow and cried my heart out. My god-given beauty was torn from my face. This was my punishment for my apocalyptic actions. One thing is for sure, they named the box 'Pandora's Box' after the person who first let out the evil that lay in it and no person, mortal or not, shall open this box ever again.
© Copyright 2009 Emmie O'Grady (littlelunagirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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