Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1593459-Social-Rejects
by :]
Rated: · Novel · Young Adult · #1593459
An Incomplete Story About A Girl Battling Depression, Finding Love, And Finding Herself.
Chapter One

Everything was Silent.
I felt as though I was in a dream. A distant dream, hidden deep inside my head. Except, I wasn’t tucked up in bed like a little baby, sleeping quietly. No, I was floating.
I wanted someone to take me, take me away from this place. That’s all I wanted. The world above my head was muted, nothing but flickers of movement. My oxygen was getting low; I had hoped it had come sooner. I closed my eyes, darkness filling my motionless body.
Then, just as I gave up, large hands grabbed my waist. Big, strong hands…
It pulled me up, but I fought back. I ripped the hands from my waist, but it grabbed my arm and I had no energy to fight back.

Then everything went dark.

Chapter Two

I felt my heart thumping under my chest. Thump, thump. I heard people whispering, one screaming. Hands moving across my body, hands pushing against my chest. Maybe my heart wasn’t thumping at all; it might as well be my head, pretending it was my heart. I was turned on my side, just as water gushed from my mouth. I coughed, once, twice, a third time. I opened my eyes, but my vision was blurred. All I could see was colours dancing before me. I opened my mouth, but it was covered by a mask. I wanted to scream. What was I doing here?
Finally my vision returned. My dear mother was crying, tears pouring from her eyes. My step-dad standing there, comforting her. How dare he touch her. My eyes flickered to a guy in a white uniform, he was asking me all sorts of questions, but my body and mind was in a state of shock. All I could do was blink. The mumbled voices finally made sense to me now.
“Ally? Can you hear me? Blink once for me.” I did what he asked.
“You were found in the lake, by a young man. You’re going to go to hospital now okay Ally?” I blinked. I don’t want to go to hospital. I want to die. I franticly tried to move my legs, but soft hand pushed them down again\
I felt faint.
I think I was going to vomit. My eyes closed, without my instruction, and I was thrashed back into my own little nightmare.

Thump, thump. Thump, thump. I opened my tired eyes once again, to be found in yet another place. This time, I think I was in hell. Except everything was white, not red. White people coming and going, white sheets, white walls, everything, was crystal white. Maybe I died and I was in heaven. Maybe this was God’s waiting room. Then again, maybe this was reality.
“Oh baby! You’re awake. Thank God.” She chuckled uneasily.
“Good to have you back Ally.” Rover told me. Rover’s real name is really Greg. I just call him “Rover” after our last dog. He got run over. By Greg. Rover knows how much I despise him. Rover is my step-dad. My real dad, well to be honest, I don’t know my real dad. All I know is that he knocked up my Mum in twelfth grade. Teenagers in those days. Tsk, Tsk. So Mum’s been married to the dog for ten years now, since I was six. They both had a son. Satin, in human form. My half-brother. His name is Rover Jr. His ‘official’ name is Conner Jr. After Greg’s father. So I’m pretty much the black sheep of the family. You see, my family thinks I’m depressed. I wear black. I have a black room. And I listen to the Sex Pistols. That doesn’t mean I’m depressed! So you know what they do? They throw me into the pit. The pit full of councilors, doctors and everything else in-between. I sometimes think they are trying to ruin my life.
Conner was lounging against the seat on the back wall. Well I am older might I add. Which is sick. But he’s the one that gets all the attention. I mean just ‘cas he’s three year younger than me, doesn’t mean he gets to have everything. I’m part of this crappy family too!
“You know Alison, (my given name. Crappy huh?) It would be really nice of you to do my homework. What ya think?” Jr. asked smugly.
“Oh dear Rover Jr. Why don’t you do your own homework? Because then you can become a D grade student than an F grade student?” He cringed at my nickname.
“Don’t call your brother that young missy”. My mother snapped.
“Well Mum, he’s not my brother. He’s Satin. In HUMAN form. And besides, a step, in step-brother might prove a point too Mum.”
“Alison Halo! Don’t talk to your mother like that!” Rover spat at me. My back straightened. My anger licked it’s flamed around my thought.
“That. Is. Not. My. Name!” I shouted at him. I wanted to strangle him.
“Then what is your name then?” Jr. asked. I saw a flicker of a smile on his ruthless face.
“For your information Jr. My name is Ally Whittle. Learn it sometime”. I smiled dully in his direction. My mother shuddered at her maiden name.
“That’s enough! Now when you get home your-“. Rover never finished. A nurse came in and ordered, yes that’s right, ordered all three of them to leave, due to my so called illness.
“We were just leaving”. Rover said politely to the nurse. He put on one of his ‘fake’ smiles too. Jr. was the last one out. He mouthed “See you when you get home minger”. And I shot him one of my glares. The nurse cleared my bed of half eaten chocolates, supposedly eaten by Jr.
“Do you need anything sweetie?” The nurse’s British accent rang around the room.
“No. Anyone else visiting?” I asked.
“Umm…,” she looked at a clipboard on the end of my bed.
“Yes you do. A young man and girl called by. Coming at… Ah, fifteen hours”.
“Come again?”
“Three o’clock Hun.” She walked back out into the ward.
Okay. So I need to wait for two hours for my friends. Not fun. I thought back to the fall. I was so annoyed at my mum and Rover and Satin… I felt the world I knew collapse before my eyes. And the pain… God, so much hurt. I closed my eyes. I might as well die in this dump.

Chapter Three
“No, you wake her.”
“No way! You wake her, you’re her best friend.” My eyelids opened. I felt a smile pulling at my mouth.
“Oh my God Ally. What have you done with yourself?”
“Tanya… you have no idea.” I smiled at her, she pulled me into one massive hug, and I felt my body being pieced back together. Adam clasped one hand on my shoulder.
“Good to have you back Al.”
“Yeah, thanks guys. I missed you.”
“Why did you jump? Like we could have helped-.” Adam pushed his finger to Tanya’s lips.
“She just got in here, so don’t ask her anything.” He told her. Tanya pulled Adam’s finger off her lips.
“Were you planning to put that finger in my mouth?” Tanya shot at him. His face turned bright red.
“You should be.” She lightly punched Adam in the stomach. He returned the favor.
“Tanya? Adam? I’m here too!” I puffed. They both laughed.
“Any homework?” I asked, knowing the answer.
“Yep. Mrs. Roach wants us to do a history assignment on the Ancient Incas. But she’ll give you an extension. ‘Cas of hospital.”
“Sweet. Care to help me?” She laughed.
“You help yourself man! I’m not doing your homework again.” She sounded a little angry.
“Okay, okay, we don’t need little miss frustrated again.” Adam laughed heavily. Just then Tanya flew her hand across his cheek bone.
“Hey! What the hell T? I just was laughing.” Geesh… get over it.” Aww… you saw hurt in his innocent blue eyes.
“Laugh again. You Die. Now. No exceptions.” Tanya turned her head towards me again. She leaned in and kissed my forehead.
“Uhm... okay?”
“I’m not going to lose my best girlfriend to some stupid depression. Just fight through it okay?” Suddenly the mood changed. Adam and Tanya were both beginning to look worried.
“Uh yeah sure. I’ll try. You guys bring out the girl in me.” I smiled trying to brighten the mood.
I missed Adams lame smiles. I missed Tanya’s laughter. And yet, they were right here, right now.
“Oh shoot! Look at the time. Ally, we gotta run. Adam’s little brother needs to be picked up from soccer practice.”
“Okay, go get them tiger.” I said. Adam and Tanya both gave me hugs and wished me good luck.
And once again, everything was quite. Still.
I wanted to go with them back out into the world.

Chapter Four
“What’s it like being back out of the hospital?” Tanya asked me after fifth period.
“Dead.” I answered.
“How so?” She shot me a questionly look.
“I dunno,” I shrugged my shoulders. “School was always a bore.”
“Fair enough. Hey, what did ya parent’s do when you got home?”
“Well to be frank, I got grounded. For no reason what so ever.”
The bell rang through the corridors.
“Oh,” Tanya stopped in front of me. “Did you hear what happened to Adam?” A smile played at her lips.
“What? He get chosen to go to the gay festival?”
“No Alls… but that would be funny if he did. Well Adam landed a date.”
“With who?”
“Sarah Graystone.”
“No way! Are you- Oh my god! Did he seriously ask her out?” She laughed lightly.
“Nooo… She asked him out.” My mouth dropped.
“And he accepted?”
“Well... yeah I guess…”
“I thought you liked him.” I shot at her. She wacked me on the back of my neck with her hand.
“Shut up! I just told you that because… Uhm… Oh! He was being nice to me and I was trying to shut you up.”
“Surree you did.” Just then, Adam flew by.
“Hey girls. What up?”
“Tanya was just telling me you landed a date with Graystone. Nice going cowboy.”
Adam blushed bright red.
“What? Is it so un-normal for a guy like me to land a date with a girl?”
“Damn skippy it is.” Tanya shot at him. Adam grumbled under his breath.
“Well… to be honest with you Ads, you’re not a normal guy.” I suggested. Just then, Greystone flew by.
“Hey Adam.”
“Hey Sarah.” He chorused back.
“Hey Greystone.” Tanya and I said together. She shot us death stares. Her expression changed from being a totally bitch to total sweetheart.
“Umm… I hate to break it to you… but, my parents want me to stay home and mind my little brother tonight. Is that okay? I’m sorry that I told you at such a late notice.” She bit her lower lip. Adam nodded his head slowly.
“Yep. Cool, that’s okay. See you around Greystone.” He turned on his heel and left a shocked Sarah standing there like a moron. Tanya and I ran towards Adam who had begun to head for the canteen.
“You actually called her Greystone? What a genius!” Tanya yelled to a year seven girl who looked like she was in shock. I pulled her away from the girl and it was my turn to speak.
“Hey Adam,” He turned to face me, his dark brown eyes eyeing me curiously.
“What about you and Tanya go out tonight.” A smile pulled at my lips.
“Well… uhm, if you want to Adam. It’s totally your call.” She looked at him innocently, a shine in her eyes.
I know this for sure.
Tanya has had a thing for Adam ever since seventh grade. As much as she hates to admit it, she’s really bad at keeping her mouth closed.
And Adam, well he sort of liked her too. He might have not told me directly, but it’s so easy to tell.
“Well…?” I asked playfully.
“Umm, okay. Movies or something?” Adam suggested. I could totally see Tanya squealing inside her head. I bet she’s all:
“Oh my god! I’m getting asked out by my cute friend! So awesome or what?!”
“Yeah, okay, movies sound good. Sevenish?”
“Sure Tan.” He ruffled her hair with smooth pace then walked off. I could almost see him smiling childishly behind our backs.
“Catch me…” She fell into my arms and I dragged her over to a nearby seat.
“Well what?”
“Help me decide what I wear. And what I should put on. Makeup or no makeup? Defiantly eyeliner. What about lip gloss? If we pash it’ll go all over his drop-dead gorgeous mouth. What abou-”
“Tanya! Take a chill pill woman!”
“Oh god. Your right. Sorry A. I got a little overboard…”
“A little? I wouldn’t be surprised if the Titanic hadn’t already sunk with your babbling. I bet you’d be waterproof while I drown with the rest of the passengers.” I laughed, something I thought I forgotten to do. The home bell rang, loud and clear.

Chapter Five
I looked at Tanya.
“Run.” I instructed her. But it was already too late.
Classroom doors flew open and out poured all the kids. Outcries echoed the corridor and we were stuck in the middle of it. They all came flooding towards us like dead zombies, excluding the green skin and upraised arms. Yes, I know I’m a dork.
I saw Tanya been led off by a sea of year sevens. I managed to get a little further to her where she was holding on to the stair railing. I outstretched my hand, desperate to get out of the flood of kids. That’s when it happened.
A massive guitar case went smack-bang into my nose. I fell to the ground and literally trodden on. Tanya came to my aid, but along with another student.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” His voice was husky, dark and even a little surprised. He helped me up and I saw Tanya look a little shocked. I turned around and was faced with a rock. Well, a human rock with broad shoulders, killer blue eyes and dark brown hair that framing his face.
“Thank you?” He looked at me curiously.
“Aren’t you the girl who almost drowned?”
“I thought I could forget about that,” I mumbled. “But yeah, I am.”
“Oh.” He blushed a light pink.
“Why you asking?” I asked.
“I remember when I jumped in, you fought me. You’re pretty strong for a drowning girl.”
I can believe this!
This is the dude that pulled me up.
“I swear,” His electric blue eyes shot at me. “I have never seen such a scared face before. And your whole body…”
“Okay! I get it. You think I’m suicidal and that I wear black clothes and makeup and crap.” He laughed, his whole chest rumbling.
“Well I don’t think your suicidal, you don’t wear black makeup, but I don’t know if you wear black clothes. ‘Kay?”
“Well as a matter of fact, I like black clothes.” I grabbed my bag from his hands, our skin brushing each other.
“Okay, well see you around Alison.” He turned on his heel and turned the corner.
I was dumbfounded.
He knew my name.
He knew my freaking name!
What a jerk…
Tanya tapped me on my shoulder making me jump.
“Ouch Al’s. He’s good.”
“Like how the hell does he know my name? He’s not in any of my classes or anything. I don’t even know his freaking name.”
“You could just ask you know.”
“Well I’m not, not when that smart ass thinks he knows everything.” Anger licked my stomach.
“I think you’re jealous.” She smiled at me childishly.
“Me? Jealous? In your dreams T.”
“Oh I dunno. I think you are. Anyways my bus will be coming soon. See you tomorrow Ally.” She waved and disappeared into the hall.
“Deep breaths Ally.” I told myself, trying not to let the suicidal me come out again. I walked out to my locker and collected my things and ran towards the busses.
I just barely caught my bus.
I guess things were just going to go downhill from here.
Or even uphill if I’m lucky.

Chapter Six
I stood in front of my bedroom door. But I felt like I was on my knees. Rover had decided to ‘talk’ to me. I didn’t want him in the only place he wouldn’t want to be.
“No. You’re not coming in.”
“I am Alison. Let me through.” I shook my head.
He then grabbed my waist and picked me up, then dumped me on my bed.
“Sexual assault!” I yelled to Mum. “The dog is sexually assaulting me!” She ignored me, as usual.
“Now listen here, you know what you have done. You should tell your sins to God, so he can forgive you of all sins.”
Oh, wonderful.
Now we get on the subject of religion.
Rover’s big on the God stuff. Always attending the local parish to become a deacon.
Tough, because I’m not that into God.
Like don’t get me wrong, I believe there is a God. Just not his God.
“I told you! God is no one to me! It’s just a person who people think of, and that he will save us all. Big whoop! Like I give a crap about sins.”
“Alison, Ali-“
“Yes. That’s my name.”
“Listen, you were never baptized. That is your mother’s fault. Not yours.”
That blew it.
“It’s not Mum’s fault! I’m glad I was never baptized. Deal with it!”
“Fine. May the devil allow you into his kingdom, and God to forever punish you.” He stood up; straight and tall like a matchstick.
“And also, I’m grounding you again for trying to kill yourself for another month.” He closed the door and I heard the lock click.
“You don’t even want to give me help! I don’t need your stinking Gods to help me!” I yelled at the door.
I heard him snigger, evilly.
“You won’t need to wait long. I called the local councilor to come here tomorrow afternoon after school. You need all the help you can get.”
He seeked me out.
This is where I need Adam and Tanya the most.
I heard a snap outside the window where the old oak tree swayed.
Two small yellow eyes peeped back at me with intense curiosity.
I smiled, my eyes shining.
It was the local cat who I called Cleo. She seems to always know when you’re in trouble or alone.
I got to my feet and opened the window where she jumped from the windowsill and plodded around my room. Her black bushy tail brushed around my legs as she walked towards my bed.
“Hey there Cleo.” She purred slowly. I carefully sat on my bed as she trodden onto my lap. I liked talking to her. She was someone you could talk to and she’d know how to fix all your problems.
“The dog’s left his territory in here. Mind if you mark our territory around here?” She purred, then stood up and swiftly jumped off the bed.
She began rubbing her furry body around the door, my clothes even the bed posts and after a good five minutes, my room was full of cat smell. Something very familiar to me.
“That a girl Cleo. Come and give your good mate one last hug.” Just as I swept my arms open, a knock came at the door.
Cleo skidded under my bed and I tried to look as normal as possible, which is not as easy as it looks.
My mother’s head popped out from behind the door.
“Dinner, dear.”
“No thanks. I’m fine. I just want to go to bed early tonight.” I faked a yawn.
“Oh, okay. If you get hungry here’s some cookies for you.” She smiled and closed the door. I heard her walk away, and for a minute I though I could escape. That moment was quickly outlived and I heard the lock click.
I hope Rover goes to hell.
Cleo’s head popped out from under the bed and I picked her up in my arms.
“I think it’s time you left Cleo. Go and visit all your other friends who need you.” I let her fly from my arms to the nearest branch. She then quickly disappeared from my view into the dark, dangerous night.
I turned my head to the chocolate cookies.
It was as though they were screaming:
“Eat me! Ally… Eat us!”
I decided to put them out of their misery. I shoved all three cookies into my mouth and chewed.
Nothing gets by a good cookie.

Chapter Seven
Some hand shook me violently. I opened my eyes, slowly, and was faced with Rover.
“What?” I slurred.
“You’re late, for School. And can I smell cat fur? You know I hate cats. Those evil creatures…” I turned my head to my bedside table. It was 6:30AM.
“You’re kidding me right?”
“Its six thirty, in the morning!”
“Yes. That’s correct. Your brother told me you had some sort of religious practice to attend to at seven.”
That jerk!
“Oh my god! He’s such a little liar. Why would anyone in their right mind, go to church at seven? Oh right, you would. But I don’t ‘cas I think church is just a waste of time.”
“When will you learn,” he sniffed the room again, looking more like a mole.
“That cat has been in here again. You know he’s just going to cause you misery and hurt.”
“That he is a she thank you very much. And do I look like I care?” I buried myself into my sheets and pretended to be asleep. Rover soon left me alone in my bedroom.
He didn’t even bother to lock my door.

I turned the corner only to be almost knocked off my feet. I wobbled and two strong arms held my shoulders.
“Sorry Alison, I started you.” He chuckled.
“It’s Ally thanks Mr. no name.” He laughed again.
“My name’s Jay, but most people call me Questen.”
“Well then, it’s nice to meet you Jay.” I pulled my hand out of my pocket and held it in front of him.
“It’s nice to meet you too Ally.” He shook my hand lightly, like my fingers were breakable. I carefully slipped my hand away from his fingers and lay them by my side.
I didn’t notice it at first. Falling like flame ashes, from the heavens. Slowly dripping down the window, like the angels themselves were crying.
“What you looking at All?” Jay asked.
I walked slowly towards the window and rested my hand on the cool glass. Just as I touched the pane the sun shone through the rain, creating a rainbow in the far distant. I gasped and drew my hand away from the glass; I landed into Jay’s chest.
“Oh, sorry Jay, just thinking about my folks.”
“I see. I’m guessing they are the rain people?” I laughed.
“No, wish they were though.”
“Well, nice seeing you again Ally,” He nodded his head and slumped away.
Just as he left, Ruby Boyar’s slender figure came into view.
Before I continue, I must confess.
She is the most perfect bitch in the whole school. Almost dated every single male in the school, excluding the year sevens and eights. She believes that the world revolves around her, and only her. Her sidekicks who we call Grumpy and Dumbo marched in line behind her. Her dark blue eyes turned to me, and a grin stretched across her evil face.
“Well, If it isn’t little miss depressive. Still got water in your lungs, prick?”
My back straightened, fire in my eyes.
“Oh, hey, didn’t see you there Slutty Mcslut. How’s Tom? Or did you break up with your lucky 1000th player?” I spat at her.
“Well at I’ve had boyfriends, unlike you. You love life crash landed long ago. How about you die a virgin, emo.”
Urgh! I hate her!
“Do I look like I care about boys? There just a waste of time. And no, I’m not going to die a virgin. ‘Least I haven’t had sex like a Billion times, unlike you and your sidekicks.”
G and D growled behind Ruby’s back.
“Shut up you wasted emo!” Grumpy hissed.
“Oh wow, got your little friends to tell me what to do? Nice work, slut.”
“Whatev-, oh hey there Adam.” I turned around, and sure enough Adams large figure emerged from the shadows.
“Hi.” He said glumly.
“Hey, I’m free tonight. Wanna come to my place for a play?” She licked her lips in a disgusting way.
He walked on with his head slouched. His face, a blur, ignoring her completely. G and D giggled like pigs as he turned the corner.
“Go get a room you three.” I walked away and I could feel Ruby’s death stare hit me in the back.

Chapter Eight
“No! I won’t! You can’t make me, slug!”
“You are going weather you like it or not missy.” Mum called from her bedroom.
Rover dug his hands into my hair and tugged on it. I screamed and tears poured from my eyes.
“Go to hell you motherfu-“he covered my mouth with his dirty hand, full of love and Godliness.
“We don’t use those words in this house.”
He knew mum couldn’t see him, so he could get away with it. Rover dragged me into the car and sat me in the seat. He put child lock on the windows and doors, there goes plan one.
“Are you taking me to my grave or something you douche?!
“No,” He reversed back into the street, so perfect in every way.
“You’re going to the local councilor, where you need to be trained to be behaved.”
“Oh?! Really? So get me fit and train me like a caged bird?!” My mascara was getting clumped from my tears, making it hard to see.
“Clean yourself up you ungrateful child, and make yourself look presentable.” He threw a pack of tissues on my lap.
I didn’t bother to open them, only listening to the rapid thumps of my broken heart.

“Alison? You can talk if you like.” The young councilor told me, I didn’t even look at his face. I shook my head, the salty tears still running down my cheeks.
“Listen to him girl! Communicate!” Rover wacked me on the head with his hand, pain throbbing through my skull. I rubbed my head slowly, still daring not to speak.
“Umm Mr. Halo, I can deal with her. You can go home if you like. I’ll call you when we are finished.”
I heard him grunt, and leave the room.
“Alison? Are you okay?”
I’d heard that voice before. I looked up. Jay Questen’s curious blue eyes stared me back in the face. I almost fell off my chair. I rapidly got off my seat in one fluid movement, and landed against the wall.
Emotions filled my head and I sank to the floor, my tears landing in my hands. Jay got off his chair and quickly walked over to me, tissues in hand.
“Look at me A. I won’t hurt you. I promise.” I flicked my head back and my head banged against the wall.
“This is what I’ve become!” I whimpered at him.
Jay dabbed the tissue against my eyes, whippings off my mascara.
I wanted, nothing, but he gave me everything.

Chapter Nine
“Depression is the inability to construct a future.” - Rollo May

I left the clinic with Jay; it was getting dark, the sun being swallowed by the friary clouds. He insisted that he walk me home with me.
“So?” I asked.
“So what A?”
“Am… I…. you know… depressed?” I gulped. He became quite for a moment, and I stopped in front of him.
He nodded slowly, his brown hair covering his eyes.
“Sorry.” He wrapped an arm around me, almost holding my broken soul together.
“Wonderful… more freakin’ church camp.” I said glumly.
“I could just tell your family you’re not sunk, and give you the med at school?”
I thought for a minute.
That wasn’t too bad I guess.
“I’d like that. Thanks Jay.” I hugged his chest and ran inside my house.
I quickly ran to the window and peeked out from behind the curtains.
I laughed to myself.
He was still in shock.
Oh! He had to go inside anyway!
I threw off my shoes and I opened the front door. I ran bear footed towards Jay, who had already began to walk away. I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the house.
“Hey!” he laughed. “Miss me already?” He teased.
“Ha. You need to come back inside, you silly boy.”
“Oh, course. My bad.”
We both walked backside, and I was finally back home.
Greg came into view shortly after the door closed.
“Well?” he asked impatiently.
“She’s okay. The tests came back negative. She’s free to do as she pleases.” Rover leapt for my arm and gave me a hurtful hug.
“Thank you. I’m so pleased that the Lord has taken away her evilness.”
I pushed me off him roughly.
“May the ‘Lord’ kill you with his almighty left hand.”
I ran to the stairs, and peeked out the bars.
“.. You. And I apologies for her rudeness. We never really understood her. It guess it’s the work of the female hormones.”
“Not always. Family life has a massive effect on depression patients. She’s just stressed,”
He continued. “That’s all.”
I heard Greg’s jaw clench.
“Thank you for your time Jay. Please keep an eye on her at school, would you?”
“Yes I can. Thank you for your time Mr. Halo.”
I heard him walk out the door after that.
My bedroom was the last door on the left, so no one could really hear me because I got a sound proof room by accident.
I ran inside and locked the door.
I collapsed on my bed.
I closed the door and let the darkness fill me.

Chapter Ten
Arms held me.
Under me. Above me.
They were whispering things to me, but they were all jumbled together.

I felt like I was being thrown off a tall rise building. Something extraordinary. My hair flapped up from the wind pushing against my face.
My closed eyes opened and I gasped. I was slowly falling towards the deep, dangerous sea. Dark arms were reaching from the rocks and the sea was turning rough. The black dress was falling off me. Little by little.
I was going to die in my dreams. My cold, haunting dreams.

I was grabbed, just as one dark arm curled around my arm.
Long slender arms held my waist as I was pulled upwards towards the clouds. The dark ocean disappeared from beneath me, and the brightness of the sun blinded my eyes.
I looked at myself; my silky black dress had vanished and was replaced with a bright white dress with a bright yellow bow tied at my waist.
I twirled and laughed, as I danced around the soft, fluffy cloud.

It took me a while to realize someone was watching me.
His beautiful blue eyes studied me with intense curiosity. Thick brown hair framed his stunning features. He looked like an angel.
The boy held out his palms to me, as if to welcome me again. I took it, his hands as soft as snow, and pulled me closer.
He tilted my chin with his delicate hands as his lips parted.
I stood on my toes as I reached my lips-

“Wake up minger!” someone screamed at me. “Church!” I groaned.
“Thanks for ruining a perfectly good dream. And how did you get in here anyway?”
“Oh please. I know where you hide your spear keys anyway.”
“Get out squirt!” I yelled.
“And you can’t make me go to stupid Church!” I yelled downstairs.

Somehow, I ended in my ‘Sundays Best’. I managed to pull up the dress to my thighs.
Hope that’ll piss them off.

Chapter Eleven
Later that day I decided to go for a late afternoon jog.
After a good twenty minutes I felt like I was being followed.
I turned around, no one there.
I ran a little faster.
This time I caught sight of someone’s foot disappearing into a thick bush.
I stopped and prepared myself.
“Who’s there? Show yourself you basted!” I yelled into the night.
Suddenly a hand grabbed me from behind, a cloth upon my mouth. I told myself to slow down, as if the drug was taking effect, but not breathing it in.
I swayed and acted like I was fainting. Two men laughed as I kicked into action.
I leapt up and pounced up on the first man. Hit and bashed his face with all my strength. Screaming and grunting to get someone’s attention.
“No one takes advantage of me, you god for saken basted!”
“A?” I heard someone call. “Is that you? What’s happening?!”
“Let me go!” I kicked the second mans balls hard. Hope that kills his mutant children. Still, he kept a firm grip on me. His breath smelt of old fags as he licked my ear. I struggled against him.
Then he let go of me as a figure came hurdling at him. They both struggled, flesh against bone clearly sounded.
“Joe! The girl can stay! Come on you pig!” They both ran off into the unforgiving night.
I heard someone groaning.
I grabbed my iPod and shone it onto my rescuer.
“Oh my God Jay! Are you Okay?” I ran over to him. He was beaten and his face was covered in blood.
I bent down, and inspected his face.
“Why did you do that? They were grown men! You know better.” I took off my shirt, (mind leaving my singlet on) and ripped it to shreds. I took my water bottle and poured some water onto the fabric, and carefully placed them on his wounds. He moaned in pain for a few seconds, then relaxed.
“Come on, lets get you home.” I pulled his arm around my neck, and heaved him up.
I knocked on his front door and before long, Mrs. Questen was at the door.
“Oh my Lord! My dear, what happened?”
“Some men attacked me, Jay jumped in. He got the worst.”
“Do come in, come in.” She gestured into the house.
“Thank you, thank you very much.” She lay a hand on my shoulder.
“Where is his bedroom?” I asked.
“Jay’s room is upstairs dear. I’ll bring up some stuff for you.” Jay and I slumped to his room slowly, and I helped him lie on his bed.
Mrs. Questen came into the room with some more bandages and a hot water bottle.
“I should call your mother, she must be so worried.”
“Umm….okay… If she’ll let me stay over for the night.”
“Course she will dear.”

I could hear Mums voice on the phone and she was angry, she was going to murder me when I got back home.
“Yes, I understand Mrs. Halo. My son would be grateful that someone would take care of him. I have-. Yes. That would be wonderful. Thank you Mrs. Halo. Ta ta.”
She hung up.
“Um, Miss…” She asked me.
“Ally dear, I need to go to bed for I have to get up early tomorrow. Do you mind?”
“Not at all Mrs. Questen.” She grinned and closed the door behind her.
“You right there?”
He nodded slowly.
“Let’s get you out of these clothes.” He slowly sat up, and lay his feet on the ground. I slowly lifted his bloody T-shirt off his chest. I saw his PJ’s lying on a chair near a nightstand.
“I need to clean you up before we do anything else. This might hurt a bit.”
I took some disinfection cream which you put on bruises and sores. Nasty stuff I reckon.
“Hold still.”
His back tensed as I slowly moved my hands around the dark purple bruised lining his shoulders and spine.
I then slowly helped him into his great T-shirt and placed the water bottle into his bed.
He relaxed and closed his eyes.
“Thanks.” I heard him mumble as he drifted to sleep.
I collected some pillows and made myself a weird shaped bed. A blanket lay beside me, so I curled up and fell asleep.

Chapter Twelve
The sun blurred my eyes and I almost forgot where I was. I large figure lay in the bed above me. I stood up and rubbed my eyes. What a night! I walked over to the bed and slowly shook Jay’s right shoulder blade.
“Feel any better?” I whispered.
He shot up from his bed, almost whacking me right in the face. I saw pain seize through his body. His eyes shot to me with a questioning look cemented onto his face. I felt like laughing my head off.
“To answer that question, no I didn’t sleep with you.” I teased.
“Then where did you sleep?” He asked surprised.
“On the floor, with the pillows.” He was about to say something but I cut him off.
“Hey, no sweat. I did it all the time when I was a kid.”
“And also,” I added. “You’re all bruised and beaten. Don’t get up that fast next time.” He laughed deeply.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He replied. The laugher disappeared as quickly as it came.
“I uh, should help you out of your clothes and into your uniform, if you are going to school today.” I stood their stupidly with my arms outstretched.
“Uh, yeah sure.” His cheeks flushed.
His shirt was easily removed from his batted chest, and the purple bruised looked angrier than ever.
I leaned over his bed and grabbed the disinfection cream and squirted some into my hands.
“Do you mind…?” I asked, feeling awkward. He shook his head, long strands of hair covering his face.
I slowly rubbed the cream into his chest and back, feeling his shoulders tense as I touched them. My hands moved from his neck to his batted face. I couldn’t see the dark bruises and dried blood from the night before, but now they shone like swords.
I dabbed his cheeks and forehead, his deep blue eyes just watching me. My heart was skipping beats and I couldn’t, I wouldn’t take my eyes from his. I felt myself move closer, I wanted to feel his heartbeat under my fingers.

Suddenly the door burst open as Mrs. Questen strode in. I acted as though I was still rubbing in the cream.
“Hope I’m not disrupting anything.” She said perkily.
“Mum…” Jay dragged out.
“Sorry Mrs. Questen, just fixing up Jay’s nasty bruises.”
“Not a problem dear. I’m just dropping by to give Jay the house keys. She dropped a set of keys on the bed.
“Bye kids, have fun today.” She closed the door and trugged down the stairs.
“We should get going, schools starting in an hour.” He walked to the door, winked at me and closed the door.
I collaped on his bed and smiled.
What had just happened… I don’t know… but I liked it!
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