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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1593339
Dr. Maxwell meets Halos and he will never be the same. Why did he shake when they met?
Chapter 1

         “Connect” she said.  A large rectangular scene came to life with light and color and looked as if it was part of the wall instead of the device projecting up from the floor.  “Dial Maxwell Medical Center”.  Instantly the number was displayed on the interface and a blinking curser meant the connection was forthcoming .  “You have reached Maxwell Medical Center” said the automated response.  “You may say the extension number of the medical personnel you wish to contact at any time”  The symbol of the Maxwell Offices was lit upon the “screen” in 3-D.  The designers of Maxwell Medical’s  logo had chosen a capital “M” hazed and in the background with the old style serpent on a cross superimposed upon the front.  “Connect to extension 343” she said.  A welcoming smile was awaiting Halos and the receptionist answered politely “How can I help you”.  “I want to confirm an appointment today with Dr. Jackson Maxwell for Heleana Fawn at 2:00 p.m.”  “Appointment confirmed” replied the projection of a woman with a smile displaying her perfectly straight teeth.  “and Dr. Maxwell is running ahead of schedule so you will be seen in a –timely manner” came the reply.  “Thank you”.  “Disconnect” 
         Halos Fawn, who was in her early twenties was caring for her paternal grandmother, who she lived with.  At least as much as Halos was allowed to help.  Heleana Fawn, her “Nana”, as she was affectionately called, was still full of life and light and was very independent but  Nana  needed  to be shuttled to appointments, shopping and such. Halos would worked “unseen” around the house as often as she could.  Halos traveled the world for her service and was in and out of Nana’s home frequently.  Nana tried to keep up with Halos hectic schedule but lately she just took to ordering those things she needed and waiting for their delivery. 
         Heleana had tripped over the stoop of her home and injured her arm in the fall.  Halos had taken her to the emergency room herself and now she was shuttling her to the follow up examination. 
         Halos had so many things to do this afternoon and was thrilled to hear Dr. Maxwell was running ahead of schedule.  They would arrive a little early and perhaps get Nana in before her appointment time. 
         Halos was a beautiful woman.  She was “filled out” as Nana told her when she would complain about her shape.  A brunette, she took after her mother in coloring and looks.  Nana was a blonde.  A natural blonde and at her age, she still had strands of yellow in her nearly white up do. 
         Halos was a sight to behold.  Her hair was long and had never been cut more than just few inches for a trim and it was so full that when she actually wore it down, people would stop and stare. There were highlights of auburn that ran down the full length of her hair that glistened when the sun struck.  The natural wave made it look twice as thick.  Secretly she enjoyed the fuss made over her “beautiful hair”.  She would wear it down today.  Halos face was also lovely with a sculpted nose and high cheek bones.  She was tall and her limbs were long and filled out nicely.  She was not heavy but in her own mind she struggled with her form wanting to be a “size 6” but  no matter her own inner struggles, those around her thought she was the most irresistible creature they  had ever met.  Along with her natural good looks came a timid, joyful, thoughtful woman with a worthy sense of humor.           “It’s time to leave, Nana” said Halos and she walked with Nana to the vehicle.  It lifted off and they were moving effortlessly through the city.  “This is a remarkable day” said Halos.  “I am not sure why just yet, but I know it is.”  Nana took special note of this optimism for she knew when Halos “knew” certain information, it would come to pass.  Halos was “gifted” compared to those of earth and even on her home world, she would have excelled in her talents. 
         The sign was huge and the projection displayed “Maxwell Medical Center”.  The building had six floors and on the outside it was covered with a cream brick.  Those who strived to be  the best wished to work within these walls.  Halos flew in the shuttle and was soon helping Nana out to safe ground.  How Nana hated these “new flying contraptions” but this “contraption” had glided her safely to her destination.  Halos’ shuttle was white and sleek and resembled a bullet.  Inside were two places to sit and a small space in the back to place belongings. 
         True to her word, the receptionist registered Heleana by a scan of her thumb and the nurse escorted them into the examination room  a few minutes ahead of their appointment time. 
         Soon Dr. Maxwell would appear.  Dr. Alexander Maxwell was so well known to both Halos and Heleana and had been their physician so long that they called him their friend.  All through her Grandfather Victors’ illness Alexander gave them comfort and help.  He was there when Grandfather passed and  mourned with the family in the following months.  Dr. Alexander paid special attention to her grandmother and made sure her health was top priority to the both of them.
          It was a bit of a shock when young Dr. Maxwell Jr., grandson of Alexander bounded into the room with a “What have we got here today?”  Jackson Maxwell was tall,  around six foot four inches of height. 
         Growing up, Jackson struggled frequently with being different from everyone else because of his growth but as he matured it became less of an issue but still, there were times…  With dark hair like his grandfather,  he did resemble Alexander in appearance.  His smile and his dark brown eyes were a copy of Alex’s. 
         Dr. Jackson Maxwell must have seen the shocked look on Heleana’s face and softened a bit and explained “My grandfather has a bit of the flu today and to keep his patients safe,  he stayed home.  Which is what a good doctor does not like these undeveloped, do it all, know it all, upstarts, who want to make a name for themselves so they work until their half dead as well as their patients……”  “Sorry”.  “How can I help you?  I see you had a fall” he said as he clicked through his palm devise that held all his patients records.  He shut the cover over the screen and placed it in his white coat pocket.  Just then he turned to look Halos full in the face to see who had accompanied this patient and was struck dumb.  He could not speak.  He could not breathe.  His eyesight was swimming in an unknown pool of loveliness before him.  Heleana began the tale of her fall and trip to the emergency center but it was not registering.  Dr. Maxwell shook his head to try to come back to his senses. 
         Why was he reacting like this.  He had seen beautiful women before.  Many of which he had helped in this facility and other centers he traveled to.  None had ever made him speechless. 
         After shaking his head he got back to checking Heleana’s arm and a recheck of  her file and the reports told him there were no broken bones.  He knew what to do but could he get the words out to talk her and then to examine the area?  Could he pull his eyes away from this exquisite face staring back with such wide eyes?  Jackson realized he was starring and blushed.  “Sorry again” he said and then held Heleana’s arm very gingerly while looking it over.  He managed to explain what to do to ease the pain if she needed and found himself swallowing frequently and darting his eyes to the seat next to the desk.  This did not go unnoticed by Heleana who had a sly smile almost showing on her face.  “Does your grandfather need anything?”  nana asked.  Dr. Maxwell stood staring.  “Dr. Maxwell.  Does Alexander need anything?  I make the best chicken soup and you as a doctor must know the good of it.”  When the words registered Dr. Jackson Maxwell had the sudden realization of who it was that he was examining.  It clicked.  This was Heleana Fawn.  This was the woman his grandfather had spent so much time with months back.  He had secretly pondered about this connection and wondered if anything more would come of it than just friendship.  Heleana’s husband had died of  what?  Right now he couldn’t think straight. 
“This is my granddaughter Halos” chimed Heleana.  Halos began “I am so glad to meet you.  Your grandfather spoke of you often but we have never had the pleasure to meet”  and she stood up and put out her hand.  Dare he touch  her?  Could he walk the two feet to reach her?  He did step forward  and touch her hand.  In fact he grabbed her hand.  He couldn’t stop himself.  When his skin touched Halos skin, he felt electricity coursing up and down his body.  He had no explanation for this.  As a man of science, he had no idea what was happening to him except he was powerless to stop it.  He did not want to stop it.  He was so taken in by the loveliness, almost a purity that was coming from within her.  Her voice was like a melody rather than the droning of conversation he had with other women in the past.  Other women who wanted to talk, talk, talk.  Other women who wanted to change him into their idea of marriage material.  He wanted none of that.  Dr. Jackson Maxwell had the idea that he could listen to the sound of Halos voice without end.  She was not idle but alive and full of light. 
         “Thank you Dr. Maxwell, I will have my hand back now” chirped Halos.  She smiled at him with a bit of a flirtatious grin. 
         “Oh, yes” he said and without knowing what to do, he turned and left the room, he left the office, in fact he left the office building. 
         “What do you think of that?” said Halos.  That was all that was said about the incident but Halos knew the  “remarkable” event of the day had happened and that it would somehow be a turning point for her.  She smiled brightly, trying to see into the future.
         Halos knew that something remarkable did happen that day.  She felt as if a part of her was given away at the touch of the doctors hand.  He seemed rough and a bit outspoken.  Tall and rugged.  He was not what some would call handsome, but in her opinion, his dark hair and eyes were, rather—a wonder.  What was lying behind them?  She really wanted to know.  She had felt a drawing to this man and when he gripped her hand it was as if a warm flame was leaping through her limbs and settling in her heart.  It would be months before she would see him again.  And when she did, it would be a whirlwind romance.
Chapter 2
         Everything had changed.  It seemed as if nothing was familiar anymore.  Halos had been on the move for months.  Never in her whole life had she been forced to be so mobile.  She was practically living out of a shoulder bag.  It began before Nana had her fall and trip to the emergency room.  “Halos”  Nana would say, “you must take me back to our home.  Our real home.  It may be a hardship on you” she explained, “but we have no choice.  I can not get there on my own and need your help.” 
         At first Halos would just ignore this request and make up excuses of what she had to do here on earth and how she was to get ready to take her place on her home world.  Her real home was in a city she likened unto glass.  Clear, breathtaking and glistening, translucent.  The walls were layers and layers of varying colors.  Halos favorite layer was the emerald.  The language, her native speech,  was  so distinctive and so descriptive compared to the languages she studied.  Halos was  surprised and satisfied at how easily she learned the letters, words, phrases of the different languages of the earth.  She was a master in just a few years and then went on to bigger and braver things. Halos needed to be able to communicate as she traveled over the earth.  It was a necessity.  She wanted to finish her studies and observations and felt she should finish them before even attempting the adventure home.  She had kept her secret all these years.  No one knew she was not a of this planet and she would not risk the revelation now.  Nana did not stop her pushing and prodding even after Halos had began to try to pacify her with talk of contacting Halos parents for discussion of the matter.  One evening Heleana sat down and had a conversation, an explanation of their circumstances with her granddaughter. 
         “Halos” Nana stated.  “You know I love you but, I must tell you what is happening.  I have been in contact already with your father and mother and they are calling me back home.  You know when the word comes, I must obey our ruler, even if he is my own son.  You have always known  your time here would come to an end as well as mine and now it has.  This world is not your home.  We are needed back and your study of mankind should have given you the information to complete your task.  You should be close to placing all the information on the Information Highway.  The Information Highway or I.H. had replaced the internet a few decades ago. 
         Halos stood in shock but had one question seething in the for front of her thoughts.  “You said father called you home.  You did not say he called me home.”           “I don’t see how there is any other way for you to stay when I am gone” said Nana.  “You know when your grandfather and I were commissioned to bring you here as a young one it seemed like ages that we would be away.  Well, now the ages have passed.  It is time.  “We would never leave you here alone. I would never leave you here alone, unguarded”.   
         Halos gave in and felt she had no other choice.  She started the process of gathering all her resources and sending out information to complete her task on earth.  Where would she start?  Where to begin.  She would have to sell the house and household furnishings all while trying to travel to complete her mission.  She would need to find lodgings on the way to the West Coast and finally, a place to rent until the call came to go home.  They would board a small yacht and travel out to meet their transportation home.  She would need to travel lightly and give up all she had but a few needed items of clothes and supplies.  Sadness began to creep in to her soul and a feeling of being torn in two.  Who was she really?  Where did she belong?
         It took more time than she had anticipated to get all things in order and in truth, Halos drug her feet many times not wanting to give up her earthy home.  And there was another reason more close to her heart.  Dr. Jackson Maxwell.  Her work, her life became a bit blurred, unsettled after her grandmothers appointment with him.  She had been so touched by meeting this man many months ago that Halos had secretly started to gather information from the I.H. on where he was, his travels and achievements.  It came on little by little a sense of closeness to him even though she was so far away from him physically.  She even went so far as to call his grandfather Dr. Alexander Maxwell—just to catch up, and see what she could find out about his grandson, Jackson.  She learned he was still practicing out of Maxwell Medical in  Illinois and was working on a breakthrough in spinal cord replacement surgery.  Dr. Alex seemed so pleased to hear from her and wanted her to stop by very soon.  Eventually a day did not go by where Jackson would not come up in Halos thoughts.  She would wonder what he was doing, who was he helping that day?  Had he changed his hair, his manner?  It had been months now.  She had found a picture of him on the  I.H. and pulled it out, placed it in a small holographic disk and hid it in her purse.  When she had time, Halos would take it out and watch as a three dimensional figure would appear.  He had such a great smile with an indentation on his left cheek. 
         She felt vulnerable about this secret passion brewing in her heart and mind but that’s just what it was becoming.  A passion.  She finally stopped traveling altogether and came to a life changing decision.  She was not, not going back.  She knew she had a future with a Dr. in the middle of the United States of  America and she chose to follow the drawing of her affection. 
         It was not complicated.  It took little preparation when she came down to it. 
         It took place on the day Heleana got the message to leave earth. They boarded the yacht with no supplies because none were necessary.  The boat had just started pulling out for their destined rendezvous and when Nana was comfortably seated, then Halos simply jumped off, and swam to shore.  The actual event was done with little thought and took little time.  It was almost like she was robotic in her movements.  It would be so difficult to say goodbye to Heleana, her Nana, that she couldn’t bring herself to do it.  She would not risk any change to her plan.  It was hard enough hearing her name shouted over and over as she landed in the cold water and swam as fast as she could. 
         The yacht did not stop, it did not turn around to find her.  Halos knew it would not stop.  She had simply bribed the owner. Information was one of the currencies of the day and to that end, she had plenty.  Although she was cautious  about just what information was given in return for her escape.  It was done.          
         It stung within her soul, more than words could say and she had hurt her arm in the jump.  It was throbbing and she noticed it swelling as she found her way to dry land and then to her shuttle.  She knew to get dried off and warmed up and what the next move would be.  Fly to Maxwell Medical Center.  M.M.C. 
         She felt tears being to well up at the corner of her eyes but she became the robot again and proceeded on.  Halos would see Jackson one more time.  She “knew” it would be alright.

Chapter 3
         Jackson Maxwell was driven to help those in need and it was sometimes mistaken for roughness as he would tell this patients just what they needed to hear—like it or not.  His bedside manner may have needed adjusting but it was his way and that was that.  He would not change now.  He had a love for people and to care for them was his highest goal.  He would not be in this profession and work as hard without that ideal as his motivation. 
         He was almost ready for the first full spinal cord replacement surgery.  He had updated many replacement devices with his brilliant ideas and expertise.  It all came so easily to him.  The revelations and revolutions of human implants.  Jackson wanted people to live their lives to the fullest.  He also had great successes in new pain therapies  though, as he crept closer to the age of 40 the more loneliness he felt and he tried to fill his time with more work and study.  He noticed how his grandfather Alexander began to slow down and needed to speak with him about who would become their partners at MMC.   
         Many nights, before he would go to sleep, he would lay there feeling the emptiness inside and it would force him to get out of bed and walk down the hall.  He knew he would do this.  At the end of the hall hung a large painting his grandfather had given him when Jackson had purchased his home.  Jackson thought it a strange gift at the time but hung it in hall to please the man who had walked with him down the most happy and the difficult days of his life.  The man who had loved him and cared for him and taught him to love his profession. 
         Jacksons’ own father had left him in the care of his grandfather after his mother had died.  In fact, Jackson did not have one memory of his father or mother.  There were  holograms and old photos but not the desire to look on them.  To him, that was a closed book. 
         So to please his true father, Jackson had hung up the portrait. Alexander told him that he was drawn to purchase that painting years ago and now the same feeling was present in the giving of it to his grandson.  It was of a beautiful woman.  Her hair was incredibly long and full but the face was not so clear.  It was washed out as if the artist was trying to convey the message that the subject did not know herself or maybe a secret was lurking.  He knew whose portrait this was.  It was unmistakable, at least to him.  It was Halos Fawn. 
         He would wonder where Halos was and what she was doing.  How could he contact her?  He had tried to locate Halos.  After that day he felt so mystified meeting her for the first  time, he had tried to find her again.  He was so overwhelmed by her and that she was the one who was hanging up in his hall, he went straight home to compare the “vision” to the portrait.  No matter, it was out of his hands now.  Halos had moved on and no one knew where she and her grandmother went.  He had talked to his grandfather to see if he knew what had happened but not even he had any information. Alex said he would gladly pass on  what he would find out
         Jackson knew it was time for a break and made plans to run off. His patients would just have to see Dr. Goodman for their needs.  He felt burnt out.  He felt older, he even felt angry inside.  All the work and study did not fill up what was missing. 
         He had tried dating at the pressure of his co-workers and family.  He had one relationship that lasted three weeks but he had watched the interface playback a message. 
         “Jackson, I don’t know how to say this to you but I just can’t do it.  I  feel as if I give and give and you just take. Or maybe ignore would be the better word.  I can not give you what you need and you sure can’t meet my needs.  It’s over.  I’m Sorry.”  Jackson responded  “delete number”  and it was over like that.  “Funny” he thought, “shouldn't I be broken hearted or at least sad?” 
         As Jackson stood in line waiting for the Maglev to arrive and his thoughts stabbing at first one idea and then another.  Even away from home his mind thundered on with ideas to improve existing devises for human implants. 
         It was 7:00 a.m. CST and the train should arrive at 7:30 p.m.  He heard his name spoken in the most  melodic voice right behind him.  Jackson turned around to face a full head of hair.  The woman was bent over trying to pick up something she had dropped.  As he looked down, he saw the auburn glints, then an upward turned face and then those gorgeous eyes with such a sweetness in her smile.  She was clothed in a  khaki sundress and sandals. 
         Time stopped.  It was a moment that he could live in.  After all this time she stood there before him.  “Halos Fawn, it is wonderful to see you.” 
         She stood there embarrassed because she had dropped her keys.  How surprised Jackson was that he had found his voice and just saying her name made his mind swim. 
         “You remember me!” she said with excitement—maybe a little too much.  Her voice went up an octave.           “How could I ever forget you. I can’t ever forget how I bungled the whole examination of your grandmother that day  and probably scared the two of you away.  I was sure I would be hearing something about malpractice.” 
         At the mention of Heleana, Halos stomach ached.  Never.  You are one of the worlds most sought after specialists and we had the privilege of meeting you and seeing you work.—almost work that is”.  And Halos giggled.           

Chapter 4

         Conversation flowed between the two with such freedom, such ease.  The hours had flown by but it just seemed like minutes.  All plans for Jackson were dropped on the spot.  Everything revolved around the most mysterious woman he had ever met. 
         Halos shifted the jacket she had draped over her arm and with the eye of years of practice Jackson noticed immediately that something was wrong.  “I see swelling in your arm Halos.  Is it painful, what did you do?”  The questions came out as natural as breathing thought Halos.  Dare she tell him the truth?  Not everything, maybe just enough to pacify. 
         “I was swimming and when I dove in the water, it hit against something hard, I assumed it was a rock.  In fact, that is the reason I  am here.  I must say—I had hoped that you would still be at Maxwell Medical and that you might see to it, personally”  said Halos.  I knew it was a long shot but I did come straight here and if you were not in, I would have tried to see Alex and catch up on how he is doing.”  Jackson noticed the batting of her eyelashes.  They were so lengthy. 
         “Let’s go to my office immediately”  said Jackson the medical professional.  “Why didn’t you show this to me right away?  This could be broken or fractured. You must ..”  Then he caught himself and softened.  “Please allow me to examine it back at my office”. 
         “That is why I am here in town” stated Halos with a smile that could make a man get on one knee.  “Where did that thought come from?” mused Jackson. 
         As they traveled to his office, his private office deep in the  lower levels of Maxwell Medical, Jackson tried to get more information about the swimming accident but Halos kept asking other questions and soon he was talking about his work, his grandfather, and showing her around his office.  He walked her to a chair and Halos sat down.  Beside it was a long open tube where her arm was placed gently and in seconds they were looking at a 3-D image it.           “Ah,” said Jackson.  “See right here, a fracture Miss Fawn!”. 
         “I am so lucky you will know just what to do—this time.  You are even talking in complete sentences now.”  They both laughed and the reminder of their first encounter.          “What was going on with you that day?” she asked although in her deepest heart she knew the answer. 
         “This may sound mighty strange to you Miss Fawn ”  When had he moved in so close?  “I must ask you a very serious, very important question before I can tell you anything more.”  What a statement Mr. Maxwell”.  “Please ask me your question.  I am intrigued.”  He questioned himself about his age, his looks, and more, all in a millisecond and decided to proceed. “Jackson started “ I am going to just say this outright.  Do you believe in love at first sight?  That two people could be meant for one another?” 
         Yes, that was a serious question and she answered softly and slowly after a few seconds of deliberation.  She stood there with her lips twisted up slightly and her eyes looking out to the side.  She was dazzling to Jackson’s eyes.  He liked how she did that “thing” with her mouth. 
         “Yes, I do believe in love at first sight Mr. Maxwell, but I also believe that it happens very infrequently and that it is a miracle when it does.” 
         “Then a miracle has taken place for me Miss Fawn.” stated Jackson with a matter of fact tone.  He moved in even closer and was now just inches from her.  His mind began to assault him.  How could he be saying all these things he thought. Need won over.  His affection  was in  charge and not his doubts.   
         “Nothing short of a miracle has happened to me at least.  For you have gripped me to the very core.” 
         “Yes, this fracture will heal my dear” said Jackson as he came back to the assessment of her arm.  In a flash Jackson moved away and took out of his cabinet a long glove like piece of fabric that he placed on Halos’ arm.  It will set in about a minute and you will need to wear this for a few days and I will take it off.  Suddenly it hardened into a cast like thin glove that was almost the color of her skin.  It was hardly noticeable.
         “You did not tell me if you were in any pain though.  It must hurt a great deal, yet you are not showing stress” said Jackson in an unusually soft and tender voice.  He was standing so close.  Jackson Maxell was standing next to her showing her such kindness, compassion.  His hair was the same.  Tossed and ebony, and hanging slightly above his eyes.  His eyes were wide and fixed on her.  Dark brown with light framing the top corner. 
         In this loving environment it all began to sink in for Halos.  All of it.  The past months of pressure, the past hours of pure delight seeing Jax.  The pain that was throbbing in her arm all but forgotten because of the company, was ebbing in.  The way she had gone about deceiving her grandmother.  It came in on her all of the sudden and she broke down.  There was no keeping in her emotional pain in any longer.  It was the tenderness of the Doctor that opened the floodgates.  Not only tenderness, but his love.  It was evident in his face, even his posture as he leaned in close and now his arms were around her cradling her.  She let it happen.  The tears came and she  let them.  She sobbed and her body shook but hardly moved as Jackson pulled her in even tighter. 
         Halos was a tall girl but Jackson was still hovering above her.  A tower of strength.  Halos felt him kiss the top of her head and heard him whisper something.  He said it again and she caught the words.  “It’s okay.  I am here”.  She did not realize what happened next but everything went blank and she started to sink to the floor but Jackson had such a strong grip she did not fall.  It was enough to snap her back to herself as Jackson helped walk her to a bed in the room just off of the corner of his office. 
         Many times Jackson worked long hours on his projects and did not go home but slept right here.  As Jackson slid Halos onto the bed she protested and said she was fine, just tired.  Jackson noted that she was so attractive.  How could he be so lucky to have her here, right now, and how nothing else in the world mattered to him.  He could see how weary she was but yet, still radiant. 
         As Halos sat up on the corner of the bed, her long hair tangled around her waist, she tried to push it back behind her ears.  Where was the head band she had?  Her thoughts were scattered when she looked at Jackson who was down on one knee starring at her with the most angelic face he could muster. 
         “Halos Fawn, will you marry me?”  came the question.  The one she knew would come, wanted more It than anything to hear - but now, like this?  “I don’t have a ring yet, but there will be one for you.” 
         “Yes” she said in a soft, sweet, almost shy reply.  “I know there is a difference in our ages” he went on, but is that a concern for you?” said suddenly Jackson realized that she had said yes. 
         Immediately she was in his arms again and they sharing their first kiss.  They were so close and their breathing in rhythm and hearts in sync.  Their love pulled each one into this embrace. 
         There it was again.  Something like electricity was coursing first in one and moved to the other, back and forth, almost magnetic. Jackson pulled away because the temptation of this situation was overwhelming to him. He thought of the purity that came forth from his adoring, soon to be wife. 
         “I  have some things to do and want you to sleep now.”  said Jackson.  “I will return in a short time to check on you and get the necessary tests done and we will be married tonight!”  Before Halos could say anything,  Jackson took off like a shot out of the room and she was left on her own.  She got up to find her bag and located  hair ties.  She quickly braided her waves and piled them on her head before she collapsed into sleep.  How could she tell him her secret?  Would she tell him her secret? 

Chapter 5

         All paperwork completed, connections made, Jackson shuttled to purchase flowers.  The ring would have to wait until she was with him.  He wanted to give her the ring she wanted most.  The one that would light up her eyes when she would look upon it and remember their shared commitment.  He was committing himself to one woman his whole life long and he did not take it lightly.
         Together, they walked arm in arm, step with step into the judges back office.  They could hardly move their eyes away from one another. 
         Judge Nathanial Forge, a long time friend of Alexander and Jackson was just as surprised and please as Dr. Alexander who stood next to his grandson on that day.  No grandfather, no father could have been prouder of his son.  He knew and love Halos Fawn and wholly accepted her into their family.  She would bring such joy and balance to Jackson.  Alex gifted them with a beach house he owned.  It would be their secluded hide-a-way for their honeymoon and for a romantic spot as often as they could steal away. 
         With hugs goodbye and pledges to see one another soon, they parted from Alex and flew to the beach arriving into the night.  The evening was theirs.  The world was theirs.  Their devotion was purely pledged and their measure of love shown passionately.
         It was late afternoon when Jax awoke and the realization hit of what happened to him.  He was a married man now.  He waited for doubt to assail or sickness to churn in his stomach—but no.  He found the greatest happiness he had ever known.  He turned to see his bride but she was already awake and active—as active as she could be with a fracture and cast.  “Where are you my wife?”  said Jax.  He heard a giggle in the kitchenette and the response quickly came, “I am preparing a meal for you, my husband.  The first of many—unless you dislike my cooking and decide to take over.”  “Mud pies would suffice coming from your hands.  As long as your lovely fingers created and stirred the mixture” said Jax with a serious tone.  Halos beamed at such poetic love. 
         They ate in the dreamy atmosphere on the patio.  She had lit a drippy candle and the ocean surf was the natural music.  The sun was going down as they finished and went for a walk.  Jax bent down to retrieve a sea star that has washed in from the water and hand it to his wife.  “A memento.”           “Everything is just perfect” sighed Halos.  When they returned to their new home away from home, the sun has set and Jax turned to his wife and inquired “who are you Halos Christine Maxwell?  I want to know everything about you.  Don’t skip a minute of your life.  Start with where you were born.  What were your parents like?  How did you come to live with Heleana?  You don’t have to keep anything in.  I want us to be transparent with each other.”           “Oh Jax” said Halos softly.  “Tomorrow.  I will “tell all” tomorrow.  I am so tired from the events of the last few days that I really want to rest and my arm is—she did not need to speak another word.  Jax pulled her into his arms and swept her off her feet and walked her into the bedroom.  No words were needed at this moment. 
         Jackson woke up with a start.  He saw light outside.  Flashes of light.  Where was Halos?  She was not next to him.  A series of flashes again.  He stood up and walked to the glass doors leading to the water.  He was taken back by a sight he did not understand.  A blinding light was shooting from the beach area. 
         He slide open the doors to step out when he saw the whole scene.  On a short tripod was a glass cylinder with small colored squares blinking in sequence.  A spinning beam encircled it faster and faster until a huge power surge of light swept upward and become solely concentrated  into one thickness  still and bright.  It went upward until the eye could not comprehend it. 
         Then Jackson heard strange almost musical phrases coming from—Halos.  It was his wife standing there next to the beam of transparent blue light.  Now a figure began to appear standing in the beam at the top of the glass cylinder.  It was the form of a man and he saw Halos fall to her knees in tears and he moved quickly now to get to her.  As Jackson stepped onto the sand, he was spotted by both Halos and the figure.

Chapter 6

         Halos knew it was time to face her family, especially her father.  It was risky to contact him because they could easily be spotted but her need outweighed the risk.  Halos could no longer stand the pain of her conscious.  She planned to contact her father now and tell her Jax everything tomorrow, come what may.  When she saw Jax was sleeping, she slipped out and set up the connector on the beach. 
         How shocked Halos was by the reception of her father.  She had expected disapproval and anger at her actions.  Her father.  Ruler Halen, he was called.  He was strong and he was the greatest leader her people ever had.  He was standing in front of her, or at least his projected image was there thru the communicator. 
         “Father”  Halos started.  “Please forgive me for my deception.”  Tears started rolling down her face and Halos dropped to her knees.  “It is against you that I have done this.”  Through her tears she looked up expecting to see the fierce gaze of a Ruler but instead was met with the compassionate smile of her father. 
         “Thank you, Halos for your penitent heart but  the truth is, I called your grandmother home.  I did not call you home.  I know the persistence of your grandmother and I also knew you would find a way to stay on earth even under such pressure.  I know you my daughter. 
         “But father”, cut in Halos, “there is more I must speak of.  I must tell you all I have done.  I have—” 
         “I know what you have done” said Halos father.  “You have followed your inner guidance and it lead you to have the covering of a Guardian.  Maybe some of your choices should have been different but your heart tells me you have reconsidered your actions and have changed.  Bring Jackson Alexander Maxwell before me.  He is standing near your residence.” 
         Usually these transmissions happened during the day when they could not be spotted so easily and only for a short duration but this was very important and done in the darkness. 
         Halos turned to see her husband.  “Jackson, please walk to me my dear.  It will be all right.  I want you to meet my father” said Halos firmly but with great love. 
         Jackson did make his feet move and found himself all six foot four inches looking up at the most regal authority he had ever seen.  He felt the need to bow before this King. 
         Halos did not demand either standing or kneeling but let Jackson find his own way in this moment.  She was still kneeling before her beloved father and Jackson moved in beside her.  Speaking in English, Halos said “Jackson Alexander Maxwell, this is my father.  Ruler Halen Fawn.  My mother who you will see later is  Ruler Los Fawn.  My real home is not earth.”  Jackson took all this in and was wordless. 
         “Jackson, I welcome you into our family and commission to fulfill your destiny that has been carved out for you from the foundation of this world.  You are a guardian of the Treasure.  I am not calling Halos home for a very long time.  With you, she is in the most capable of hands.  I know you Jackson Alexander Maxwell, and have watched you grow and become a man all the while knowing you would be my Guardian to my Treasures.  You will learn the beauty of our home world but know this—this outward beauty is nothing compared to the treasure which is my family.  I leave Halos Christine Fawn Maxwell to you and will be in contact with you again.  I will not tell you all that lies ahead for you but expect a large family.  Halos will first carry a son who will be born a year from today.  That will be the first of many blessings.” 
         And to Halos, her father said “In your work my daughter, remember…  You are the Connection.”  And it was over.  The beam of light was gone in an instant.  Slowly Halos stood first and began to cry. 
         Jackson Maxwell, who was bowled over by this happening found the strength within himself to stand and grab for his bride.  He pulled her close and wept with her.  With the new revelation came so many  questions that would have to be discussed in the morning and days to come.  Both Jax and Halos were physically and emotionally drained by this encounter.  Arm in arm they made their way together.
         In the days that followed much was revealed to Jackson and his world grew ever bigger and brighter. 
         Halos explained that she was brought here to earth with her grandparents as a child when it was revealed that she had the gift of the communicator.  He learned that Halos was a Communicator Specialist.  Her mission was to encode communicators and place them all around the world.  When she was instructed, the communicators would all be activated and would send out information on the I.H. simultaneously to reveal the truth of her home world, and the path to peace. 
         But something clicked with her.  All her life she had worked on these communicators in some form but her father told her she was the Communicator. 
         She suddenly understood that the initial information that would be sent out to all lands would come from her devices but after that, then what? 
         She would step up to answer all the questions.  If the communicators could be used to project images then she would send her image all over the world to answer the questions that were to surely come.  She would communicate.  She would tell the earth the true way of peace.
         She needed a safe base of operations and the underground levels at Maxwell  Medical Center would work perfectly. 
         As the days and months followed, the Maxwell couple found that there was a tremendous amount of work that needed to be done and one child was already on the way. 
         Jackson was such a great source of help since he was gifted with Guardianship and radiated love for his wife.  It all made sense now.  Their magnetic attraction— it was planned out years in advance.  In her home world the Guardian and Communicator were inseparable and it was unfolding before her eyes.
         The fact came out that Jax’s grandfather, Dr. Alexander was such a close friend of Halo’s grandparents, Victor and Heleana that he as their physician had become privy to their secrets.  They were not of this world.  Alexander knew the truth about his grandson and his special place in the future of earth and watched it all play out. 
         Who knew what lay on the horizon?  Together this family, not just the couple, but those connections both near and far would share in both trials and triumphs while bringing  the world the message of  the Truth. 
© Copyright 2009 LisaRhodesCook (lisarhodescook at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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