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Rated: E · Chapter · Comedy · #1592967
chapter 2 of typical kitty, is this her first date with Sean?!!
Well it definitely isn't the best date I've ever had, however, it is a date. Unless I think of it as just a visit to my nans nursing home with a new friend. Should I call him a friend? I've known Sean for the whole of fifteen minutes and I suppose I now know quite a bit about him. However does knowing that he once lived in America and moved over with his dad two years ago when his parents divorced, or that his seventeenth birthday was on the same day as mine, or even that he is studying to be an actor at the performing arts college make him a friend? I don't care. He can be a friend, I want him to be my friend. Hell I'd like him to be my boyfriend but that would seriously freak him out.

"Kitty?" Hmm I'm sure someone is talking to me, I'd better put these thoughts to one side and phase back to reality.

"Sorry?" Sean is looking at me with a wide smile and his gorgeous eyes are laughing at me, I'd better ask why. "What is it?"

"I just love the way you can get lost in your thoughts, it's sweet. I used to daydream all the time, well, I still do" I swear he's blushing more than me.

"Ha ha you've met my first flaw!" But I have to admit, it can't be a flaw when he finds it attractive..."But don't worry there are plenty more to find, you won't get bored"

"I look forward to it" He looks at me intently and then looks down as though he's embarrassed, he's either a really big flirt or a really good actor I can't tell which and right now I couldn't care less. He makes my heart beat faster when he looks at me and sends goose-pimples down my arms when he accidently touches me, Have I got a crush?

Yet again I am lost in my thoughts until Sean gently nudges them with "Well were here now". Looking down the path to the picturesque hotel for oldies all I can remember is smelly old ladies knitting and stern looking men attempting to play chess but only just seeing the pawns. Is this what I have to look forward to? Sean seems quite happy to be here and when I stand nervous and forboding my mind telling me I should move yet my legs not wanting to obey for fear the old man, my apparent 'father' might start shouting at me the moment I walk through the doorway. Sean takes my hand and slowly pulls me down the path, i'm only walking to keep near him.

"Kitty, are you OK?" He's looking humored and slightly anxious at my slow movements, seeming to sense that I didn't really want to be there.

"Yeah, just a bit nervous, theres a few people in there who don't like me very much cause I refuse to be a crazy mans pretend daughter."

"The staff aren't that bad" He reasons, laughing at my serious expression.

"It's not the staff, it's the crazy gang of walking stick brandishing bullies" He laughs harder and my legs ease off a bit more as we walk regular pace to the house of bats.

It was worse than I predicted. As soon as my legs carried me through to reception the plump, red haired scary looking woman behind the desk snapped her head upwards and glared at me, I remembered her alright, she was the one who thought I was kitchen staff and later that day had to calm down 'dad'. I was bad news, that was evident. I attempted a smile as we asked what rooms our grandparents were in and looking at me she said in the sweetest(fakest) voice she could manage that my nan was in room 20 and Sean's nan was in room 33. With a hurried thanks we rushed off to room 20 with Sean complaining the whole way about how horrible the receptionist was.

Frankly I thought it had gone well so far, I hadn't even seen 'dad' yet and the sofa's were still intact.

"Hey nan!" I called as I opened the door softly.

"Aah Lilly!" She answered with a smile as she got up to hug me, I was surprised to feel how soft and cushiony she still was. I had worries that the home didn't like to give their food away and my nan liked lots.

"No nan its Kitty, remember?" I felt Sean shuffle beside me and felt I needed to introduce him...as my friend. "This is Sean nan, he's my friend, he's come to see his nan too".

"Hello my lovely, I'm Betty but you can call me nan if you like"

"Nan, your not called Betty, Your called Maureen!" She stared into nothing for a moment trying to remember and stopped suddenly, smiling widely again.

"Nevermind Lilly. Say, would you and Bob like a cup of tea?" I looked helplessly at Sean who didn't seem at all discouraged and enthusiastically followed 'Betty' to the kitchen. I stopped by some pictures on the mantelpiece and grinned at some of Nan and her sister when they were teens, then I followed quickly feeling the need to make sure she still knew how to make a cuppa.

The visit was pleasant enough and I actually began to enjoy myself after I'd given up the tedious job of correcting her when an hour later I was still Lilly and Sean was still Bob. However I spent the last twenty minutes with her by searching through the kitchen cupboards after she tried to feed us mouldy biscuits I was sure mum gave her two christmases ago.

I'd almost forgotten that we still had a room to visit Sean's nan when there was a stuttering knock on the door and a a smiling face poked around at quite a low height.

"Hello there betty!"

"Aaaah Billy! How are you my love?" Billy( I doubt that was actually his name) walked in and nan gave him quite an awkward hug as 'Billy' had an awfully hunched back. For the next ten minutes me and Sean seemed invisible and I felt like we should maybe leave Billy and Betty to their discussion on how a new chess set would be needed for the room downstairs. With another hug and a promise to visit soon we left quietly and made our way to room 33.

Sean's visit was just as eventful and an hour later we were sat in the cafe down the road laughing about the mouldy cookies over the worlds most awesome milkshakes.

"I really enjoyed myself today Sean, thanks"

"Hey it wasn't a problem, I had tons of fun! Wanna do something tomorrow?" Argh!! My knees are trembling, my cheeks are roasting, my eyes are watering... A second date! or a real date! I can't believe my ears or my luck, maybe I'll wake up and it will all have been a dream.....

"Kitty, are you ok?"

"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine" I'm smiling like a cheshire cat though and I'll tell you now, I'm more than fine. Everything is perfect!

© Copyright 2009 Chelsey Cartwright (angelc at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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