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Rated: E · Other · Religious · #1592892
Baptism in Jesus Name
There is a controversy among some Christians over the

method of baptism and even if it is really necessary.

Mark 16:16 states "He that believeth and is baprized shall be

saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned". So, is baptism

necessary? I believe so.

The next question is, if bapttism is necessary how are we to be


Matthew 28:19 says, "Go ye therefore into all the world, and

teach all nations, baptizing them in the "name" of the Father and of

the Son, and of the Holy Ghost". Note that name is singular, which

means there is just one name to used in baptism.

This name of Jesus has been used in all baptisms recorded in

the Book of Acts.

It was first revealed on the Day of Pentecost when the Apostles

were in the Upper Room and the Holy Ghost fell and they began

to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance. This

was noised abroad and people began to gather to learn what was

going on. When they questioned it, Peter stood up and began to

preach about Jesus and that the Jews had crucified their Messiah.

(Acts 2:14-36)

The Bible says they were pricked in their hearts and asked

what they must do to be saved.

Again Peter answered them, "Repent and be baptized everyone

of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and

ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost". (Acts 2:38)

There were three thousand baptized that day. (Acts 2:41)

Note that "name" is again singular, so if you remember what you

learned in English class, baptism is in Jesus Name.

Also notice that this was not just for that time period, as some

teach. In Acts 2:39 Peter says " For the promise is for you, and

your children, and to all that are afar off" (that's us).

If you would like to learn more about this or to be baptized in

Jesus Name, you can find a United Pentecost Church online or in

the telephone book, or visit the website, United Pentecostal

Church International.

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