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Drogo is a shapeshifting drifter ready to settle down. Will his secret let him? |
GHOST OF THE FOREST By Rune Xavier Chapter One Drogo wandered off of the interstate after crossing the Kentucky state line into Tennessee. He pulled his truck into a truck stop parking lot and turned on the cab light to check his atlas. Drogo understood he wasn’t far from his destination of choice. He was not at all surprised to find that there were no convenience stores open at this late hour. Why the hell did I choose this of all places? He would have packed his bags and set out for the nearest big city. It was easier to hide where there was a bigger population. It was easier to remain “nobody” in larger cities, since he didn’t need to draw unwanted attention to himself. Out of sheer boredom he had picked up his atlas, closed his eyes and opened it, tracing a single thick finger along the page. Stopping at a point and opened his eyes to discover the destination that would become his home. Hell bent on making a life for himself no matter how hard it was. He was tired of moving, tired of being insignificant. He needed stability. He needed to call something, somewhere…….home. Drogo set his massive hands upon the steering wheel and took a deep breath. He turned off the cab light, put the truck in gear and pulled back out onto the highway in the right direction. Drogo drove until his eyes seemed to have a mind all their own. With a heaviness he could no longer avoid he rubbed his eyes as he pulled into a parking lot of a grocery store and shut the engine off. He picked up his atlas and checked his location by the light of the parking lot street lamps and he was indeed in the right place. I’ll sleep a little while. It looks safe enough here, I’ll find a place to stay in the morning. He had laid his head back onto the seat and tried his best to get comfortable. Sleeping sitting upright wasn’t exactly what he had in mind, but it would have to do…he simply couldn’t drive any farther. As he tried desperately to slip off into sleep he couldn’t help but think of Gran. Kora, his grandmother, had raised him since his mother suddenly disappeared when he was seven. Drogo often suspected that she’d gone in search of his father who was also missing. He had never known his father. The man was gone for as long as he could remember. Gran would always dodge his questions about his father and his lost mother. She was the reason for his restless state, dragging them from town to town. He’d never even made friends. He’s never attended public school, she taught him at home, wherever that happened to be at the time. Gran was a retired college professor that was wise beyond all of the people he had met his entire existence. Her Norwegian heritage was important to her. She had forced the same idea on him and convinced him that he must even learn the language as well as her “home ways” and learn he did. Her relentless attempts to try and save enough money to “go home” had always failed and his heart still hurt for her. He carried her ashes in a bronze urn in hopes of returning her to her native country someday. There, he believed she would rest. Drogo finally drifted into another unsatisfying sleep. He awoke right before daylight, muscles and neck sore from sitting upright and head thrown back. Great, more bodily torture, just what I need. He winched as he moved to open the truck door to get out and stretch. Looking around at his surroundings, he took in a deep breath of air and exhaled with a smile. Fresh air, now that’s something I haven’t smelled since I was a kid. He attempted to shut the truck door and gave it a second victorious try. He was certain that thing would have fallen off by now he mused then strolled across the parking lot into the store. Smiles and nods greeted him warmly as he entered the door. Drogo wasn’t a social butterfly, but realizing early in his youth that contact with others was unavoidable to say the least. He mustered up the best smile he could to the one’s that greeted him, but he didn’t speak. His voice could be a bit rough and awkward after waking. Once back in the truck he tore open the small bag of chips and pre-packaged sandwich that he had purchased. He opened the local newspaper and searched intently for rentals and otherwise, if he had to…motel ads. He found a few promising prospects and proceeded to reach for his cell phone. Twenty minutes later he shut his phone off and sat silently for several minutes. What was I thinking? This paper is dated for Monday, which was yesterday. All the rentals are gone? Huh…small town. He flipped back a few pages and found an ad that had caught his eye earlier. Drogo wasn’t even going to bother to call instead, he reached for his map. The new motel on the other side of town had promised low rates due to their “Grand Opening” as advertised. Sprinkles on the windshield told him that he better be quick about getting his bags out of the back of the truck before they got wet. Snatching several large bags out of the back and the smaller one from the cab of the truck he trotted toward his assigned room. Small and modest as it was, the room was tidy and smelled of bleach and fresh paint. Drogo dropped his bags and plopped onto the bed. Another nap won’t hurt. He wondered how hard it would be to find work since he didn’t easily find a house for rent. His breathing grew heavy and eyes hooded, as a deeper sleep took him this time. Cold, wet leaves under his feet gave way to soft soil beneath as his heavy body swayed with each stride. Dashing into thick brush and rolling onto his back, there he felt at home. As he watched thick clouds roll in he is reminded of his days of a youth by a river that flowed unbelievably clear. Lost in his daydream and not paying attention to his surroundings he is started by footsteps not far away. Flipping himself over with astonishing speed he peers through the slim branches at the shockingly beautiful female walking along the path. He was determined to get a closer look at her, smell her, drink in her beauty. Moving forward, he was careful not to make any noise as he slinked through the brush. With his broad paws burying into the mud and nearly bogging him down. She suddenly turns to see him and he darts backwards as far as he can go before laying himself back onto the ground. Breathing heavily and wishing he had been a bit lighter and perhaps had more stealth. He forced his change quickly and hurried on wobbly legs behind her to the water edge. He fact that he was naked never crossed his mind. He quickened his pace trying to catch up with her. “Why do you shy away from me?” Walking along the narrow winding path she glanced over her shoulder with a mischievous grin. “I don’t know you.” She turned continued to walk without looking back at him. He stopped for a mere second puzzled over what to say. “I assure you, I mean no harm.” She stopped and turned to face him. “I don’t know that either.” She slowly walked away. She was gone. She was gone again. Drogo awoke reluctantly and tried to shake the dream off. Why can’t I ever see her face? I can smell her. I have even reached out and touched her. But I’ll be damned if I can ever remember what she looks like. He rubbed his face vigorously and made way toward the shower. Shedding his clothes he caught view of himself in the mirror. Turning so he could view his back, he grimaced. Eying the deep silvery scar that drew across his upper shoulder and down toward the middle of the back. Drogo shook his head trying to shove the memory away and stepped under the warm water of the shower. After dressing he searched out the desk in the small lobby of the motel to inquire about restaurants in the area. If he didn’t get food, and lots of it soon he would be completely uncontrollable. He walked away from the desk and then stopped and turned to ask the frail lady standing on the other side for possible river, lake or stream locations. “Honey, this town is right on Kentucky Lake. Just drive in any direction and you’ll find it.” Drogo thanked the smiling employee and made way for his truck with his belly growling loud enough for everyone in the lobby to hear. The drive to the cafĂ© that was suggested was a small one, nearly as small as the establishment itself. {i]I hope they have a decent cheeseburger. A bell sounded as he walked through the door and everyone sitting and standing turned to look at him. Just as quickly as they spotted him, they also quickly turned away and went about their business. Oh the advantages of a small town. He sat at a nearby table beside a window with a view of the street. All eyes seemed to be on him as he consumed a meal big enough for four people. He looked around and gave nothing but a smile to those that wish to notice. His waitress smiled with her eyes as she refilled his glass for the third time. “Well…when you ordered all this food I wasn’t sure if you could finish it.” Drogo set his hand around the glass she was filling with anticipation of her finishing her task. “I’ve been snacking for the last twenty four hours.” Her eyes widened in disbelief. “Can I get you more? Are you quite sure this is enough?” He chuckled softly and looked up at her with and winked. “Oh this is enough. I’m more than certain that I’m finished.” The surprised waitress shook her head and put her hand on her hip. “I’ll round up your check then.” She laughed as she moved on to the table directly behind him. He finished the last scrap of rare cheeseburger he held between his wide fingertips. Wiping his mouth clean with an overused napkin he noticed a bulletin board next to the register. His waitress showed up with the check and noticed him glaring at the board. “Mostly odd and end jobs that contractors post up there.” He stared for a moment longer and handed her his check and a twenty dollar bill. “Really. They do this often then?” She returned his change and closed the register. “Oh yeah, I’m guessing they can’t keep good help. Are you looking for work? I figured you were new here, haven‘t seen you around any.” Drogo placed several bills in his wallet and dropped the change in a bowl on the counter. “I just drove into town early this morning.” The waitress stared at the change he dropped and plopped herself on her elbows onto the counter. “Yeah? Where were you comin’ from?” Leaning against the counter with one arm he looked the woman over as they spoke and immediately knew she was trouble. “All over actually, most recently Kansas City.” She smiled the fakest of smiles and stood upright and extended her hand. “Well…it’s good to have you here. I’m Ang!” He shook her hand and nodded in her direction, smiled and turned toward the door as he released her hand. Better keep the introductions short. I can already see she’s a handful of nothing but chaos. His waitress “Angela” as her well worn name tag proclaimed smiled as she walked back behind the counter. Drogo dropped a ten dollar bill next to his now again empty glass and worked his way through the tables that littered the floor to the register with his check in hand. Angela took his money and gave a toothy grin as she left to head into the kitchen. Drogo stopped to look over the board one last time in hopes that some sort of work would just jump out at him, but nothing seemed to call to him. This is gonna be a long week. He had a feeling that the money he deposited in one of the local banks before he sought out food wasn’t going to last long. Stepping out of the building onto the sidewalk, he noticed a fairly thin short woman in the middle of the street cursing and digging into her purse. He watched as she stumbled toward the vehicle park directly in front of him. Amused that she wasn’t even worried that she was in traffics right of way or that she was furious about getting soaked by the rain. Finding her keys she began to trot toward her car. After unlocking the door and getting in she wiped the dampness from her face and started the engine. Drogo turned and walked away before she could notice that he watched her. Only in town one day and you’re already staring down the locals. Way to keep a low profile buddy. The rain didn’t make him furious as it did the frantic lady with the missing keys, he actually loved water. Matter of fact that was exactly where he was headed, to find water. The lake the motel clerk had spoken about had been on his mind since he left in search of food. Chapter Two Veronica Domenico walked out of her modest bakery happily named “A Bite of Heaven” and step into the street to cross over to her car. She frantically searched for her keys within the depths of her handbag as the rain fell in torrents soaking her completely. Shit, shit! Where are they? The kids are gonna think I took a swim in Kentucky Lake when I pick them up from school. Her deep brown curls now lay in dripping heavy tresses falling over her breasts. Ripping the keys from her purse and initiating long strides across the pavement she unlocked the car door and jumped in. Wonder how long it’ll take the seat to dry? She mused at herself in the rearview mirror as she swiped rain and makeup from her face pausing a second to notice that her face seemed to be filling out a bit more. Veronica started the engine and focused on how trying desperately to see the road with the heavy rainfall around her. Once she had arrived at the school, she promptly park within modest distance so the boys wouldn’t get drowned the same way she had. The older of her two boys nearly took out the entire passenger side of her car as it broke his run. Kayden swung the door open hard and almost dove in for safety. “Kayden! Take it easy son. I can’t afford another car after you destroy this one.” The youth rolled his eyes. “I’m a little small to cause that much damage mom.” He slammed his backpack into the floor below his feet. “Right, have you seen your room lately? I’m certain your little brother did not make that mess.” Veronica reached over and picked up the backpack and place in the back seat. “Pfft……he’s too much like dad for that. I’ll clean it this weekend.” She nodded and grinned. “I know you will.” Lucas opened the back passenger side door and crawled into the car, sat his book bag in the back seat and buckled himself in. Veronica looked back at him with smile and returned the same gesture. Lucas was the quiet one, her little angel with a smile that would make a cherub jealous. Kayden was the exact opposite. He was as subtle as a thorn bush, always in trouble and very mouthy to say the least. Her two boys and her dad was all she had left after the death of her mom a few weeks back. Veronica’s dad Carl or “Pops” as the boys called him hadn’t been the picture of health for years. He had always expected to make the big trip long before his beloved Viola. Carl had talked Veronica into taking over the bakery so he could live out his final days with her mom. Viola’s death had taken them all by surprise except Veronica, of course. She had often told her daughter of the visions and dreams that foretold her passing soon to come. Veronica had tried to prepare herself and had helped her mother find a suitable lawyer to draw up a will and deal with her affairs. “Mom? Can we get ice cream after we have dinner?” He offered up his sweetest misleading smile. “No Kayden, I brought cake home yesterday to have after dinner today.” Kayden looked baffled before speaking again. “What? Why didn’t we have it after dinner yesterday?” Veronica wasn’t willing to go into detail again about how she carefully planned her meals. “Because it was for today, not yesterday.” The boy squirmed with irritation and then turned to look out the window. “Mom, you are so weird sometimes.” The fried chicken and biscuits smelled wonderful as Veronica fixed a plate for both of her boys. I really shouldn’t have skipped lunch today, which kinda defeats my purpose of gaining some weight back. She thought as she sat the plates on the little dining table just beyond the L shaped counter in the kitchen. The boys came in with hearty smiles and hopefully hearty appetites as well. She’d spent more time than she really wanted to on dinner today, but it was after all Lucas’ day to pick dinner. The rain had stopped, Kayden and Lucas cleared the table for their mom and ask permission to go out and play. Veronica finished up the dishes and watched the two hellions running around the front yard screaming. They’re screaming loud enough for neighbors four blocks away to hear. She nearly jumped into the sink as the phone rang snapping her back into to herself. Veronica pressed the button on her cordless phone after saying her goodbyes and stared out of the window onto the front lawn. Her two boys ran, screamed, and laughed at each other. The astonishment of the phone call slowly started to rise to existence. I’m rich? This can’t be right! It was right, her mother’s death a few weeks before and the phone call from her moms layer had brought her latest visions to full circle. For several months Veronica had been seeing a lovely home by the lake and her boys running through the greenest grass she’d ever seen. Her vision had become so vivid that the last couple of days she could actually feel the wet grass on her feet as she walked along a downhill path. The path was narrow and it was always well after sunset, then she would find herself resting by a fountain of sorts before moving on to the lake. Veronica knew that it was only a matter of time before the dreams became reality, that’s just the way her visions worked. Just over a year ago she had sensed for weeks and weeks that her husband Jesse was going to leave. She was more than right about that, her ex-husband had just simply quit them. He claimed that Veronica was “secretive and sneaky” and she knew all too well that he was right. Just not secretive and sneaky about the things he was thinking of. She didn’t share the knowledge of her foresight with him. He would have just laughed in her face. She knew the real reason he left anyway, she had known for months. He was just tired of her, tired of the responsibility of having kids, tired of the bills and in his words “I’m just tired.” Since her divorce she had struggled only lightly with the bills. The small bakery that she had taken over from her father was enough to get the job done. She opened in the morning and left early evening to what few employees she had to pick the boys up from school. Veronica’s biggest challenge had come two months after the divorce was final when she arrived at the decision that Jesse had left because she wasn’t what he wanted anymore. Standing at a mere five foot and two inches she often joked that she was “as wide as she was tall.” Veronica had gained a considerable amount of weight after having Lucas. She thought it was time to rid herself of the extra pounds that was weighing on her conscience as well. The gym had at first been a comfort to her allowing her to “work out” her problems and emotions. She immediately began exercising and addictively dropping pound after pound until she was only skin and bones. Veronica was slapped out of her illusion when her father gave her the royal ass chewing about how she had “destroyed herself” and that “Jesse was nothing but a fuck up anyway” she shuttered as she remembered his harsh words. Many doctor visits later to get her anorexia under control; she was back on her way to being herself again. This is a good thing right? I mean……I miss mom so much, but she said that I wouldn’t have to worry anymore very soon. Hell, she had known for months that she was gonna die, why didn’t she tell me about all of this? Veronica sighed heavily and made her way out onto the front porch. Maybe this is exactly what we need. The bakery is barely bringing in enough for me to make the bills. Besides, Jesse didn’t leave us with anything but ourselves. Veronica’s mother Viola had left her a shit load of cash, money from her insurance, a house a few blocks over, an Italian restaurant across town and property that bordered Kentucky Lake. Mr. Kenyon, the lawyer, informed her that the restaurant and the two properties had originally belonged to Viola’s brother Anthony Sala. Veronica’s Uncle Tony, as they called him, ran his own business much like Veronica’s little bakery. Except Tony’s bistro was far from tiny, as he had high end regulars that always hung around. Tony’s business had been thriving for better part of four decades and hadn’t seemed to slow down any. Serving only authentic Italian food and taking pride in his heritage, Tony was a robust man. The morning her uncle died was the last time she also saw her mother. Viola and Veronica’s dad Carl only lived across town, but with Veronica’s new found responsibility with the bakery…..visits were far and in between unfortunately. Viola had died in her sleep only a few days after Tony’s passing, her heart just stopped. Obviously all of Tony’s property and money was left to his sister, which was now being passed on to her. Veronica knew that Uncle Tony’s house was down the street through two stop signs and to the left. A fairly large a spacious home with lots of Victorian charm, Tony took good care of his belongings. The land by the lake eluded her, she couldn’t figure out how she didn’t know about it. Surely mom or pop would have mentioned it or maybe they did and she just didn’t pay attention. Veronica was certain she knew the area well enough to find the property by the lake. She tucked a large deep brown curl behind her ear and decided that now was as good as any. It’s only a fifteen minute drive from here, besides I’m too excited not to go see! “Come on boys, let’s get cleaned up and go across town.” Kayden came running across the yard and stopped in front of the porch. “Yeah, I wanna go over to pops.” Veronica shook her head and took a deep breath. “No, not today sweetie. Maybe this weekend when Pops is feeling up to it.” Veronica’s son Kayden came bounding up the steps of the porch, stomping with every stride. The younger of her two, Lucas, went on into the house and found his way into the small bathroom across the hall from the kitchen. She was aware that she had a decision to make…..ditch her rental and move into Tony’s place or go check out this land and see if it’s worth building on. Veronica had lived in this very house since two years before she married Jesse. He just brought his clothes and made himself lazily at home. Veronica knew that this was her chance to get out of this little two bedroom dump and get her babies a real home. A home with a yard and plenty of room for them to play and maybe get the swing set they’d wanted for the last two years. Having extra cash for such luxuries really wasn’t a possibility, but she had tried to make her boys happy enough. Of course, the occasional disappointment was expected when they sometimes got a shitty generic version of what they wanted. Both Kayden and Lucas knew their mom tried as hard as she could, they never doubted her. Veronica knew that even though a year in delay, this was a new beginning for them. She was more than ready to get on with what was left of her life and finish mourning her mother by being happy. That’s what Viola had wanted for her, just to “be happy” and see to it that the boys were taken care of. She smiled as the words of her mother came rushing in as she watched her son drop his foam football on the floor. “Then where are we going on a Tuesday evening?” She tried to think of the easiest possible way to explain the situation. “Well…..mommy just got some information on some land out by the lake.” Kayden slumped and gave a discerning look to his mother. “We’re not going fishin’ are we mom? I really hate that crap, it’s boring!” Her mouth flew open in protest. “Kayden don’t say crap.” He rolled his eyes. “Whatever mom.” Kayden slumps and disappears into the hallway bathroom. Lucas emerges from the same bathroom passing his brother with a half hearted grin and shows his hands and face to his mom. Veronica giggles and shoves him towards the kitchen and points to his jacket hanging on the wall. She remembered how her now ex-husband Jesse had always made the boys wash their hands before being allowed into the kitchen for any reason at all. His OCD was sometimes refreshing and sometimes nerve racking in the least. She was sure that it had taught the boys to be clean and to respect the non-spreading of germs, but sometimes Jesse took things a little too far. Jesse would often clean the grout in the tile with toothpicks and the entire kitchen would reek of bleach so strong it would singe your nostrils. Veronica wasn’t a slob, but being a neat freak wasn’t her cup of tea either. Lucas stood on tip toes and peered out of the kitchen window by the dining table to see if the jingles he heard were the ice cream truck. Indeed it was! He smiled and shrugged remembering that his mom had said “no ice cream today, you guys had cake after dinner” and so he walked over and waited by his mother. Veronica glancing at her watch knew that they only had two hours before dark and they should get going. “Hurry up Kayden, we don’t have all night! I have to get you guys back here and make sure you’ve had your baths before bedtime.” She heard the bathroom door shut and saw her son emerge into the hallway. “Sure mom, I’m ready.” He crept down the hallway as if to stall just a bit more. Veronica gently pushed his toward the coat rack attatched to wall in the hallway. “Good. Get your jacket.” Veronica picked her purse up off of the kitchen counter and fumbled around inside for her keys pulling her hand back out with a yelp. She had pricked her finger on a safety pin that had snapped open. She brought the finger up to her lips and sucked as the taste of copper flooded her senses she jerked into realism. She saw captivating green eyes and a low humming sounded in her ears. Just as it had begun, it also ended and she stood dazed for seconds. Veronica shook it off and noticed the boys were already in the car. She grabbed the address she had written down while on the phone with Mr. Kenyon and locked the door behind her. On the way to the lake Veronica thought of the vision she had earlier and tried to piece it together. She had seen those same eyes in a dream only a few nights before. The humming sound however was new and an odd feeling came over her. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it…..when she heard Kayden laughing loudly, teasing his little brother. “Kayden! Stop laughing at him.” She had been irritated with Kayden lately over the constant teasing of Lucas. “Mom, he’s not very smart sometimes.” She slowed the car as an attempt to threaten him. “I don’t want to ever hear you say that again, do we have an understanding? He’s younger than you and he doesn’t know as much as you yet.” Kayden’s eyes widened and he hung his head. “Sorry mom, I guess I got carried away.” Veronica glanced into the back seat from the rearview mirror and smiled at Lucas. His eyes were glazed a bit like he wanted to cry, but he smiled back anyway. She reached down for the address when she knew she was getting close. Peering from one side of the street to the other, she finally found the road she searched for. The road was paved, but very narrow with tall grass on both sides. They traveled for minutes before coming to the end of the little driveway looking road. The boys gasped as she shut off the engine and it didn’t take long for them to jump out of the car. The hillside that they stood on overlooked the lake on the left side and a thick wooded area lay directly in the front of them. To the right was another hillside sloping upward before rolling gently down into a soft valley where the grass was tall, lush and very green. Kayden spotted a trail through the center of the wooded portion and began running towards it. “Maybe this leads down to the lake mom!” Kayden took off running as fast as his little legs would carry him in direction of the path. “Wait up Kayden! We don’t know what’s down there yet and I don’t need you falling off into the water, I really don’t wanna get these pants wet!” Veronica and Lucas followed at a much slower pace as they took in their surroundings. As they approached the trees they both looked up and gasp at how large and tall they were. Full and rich with foliage, these trees were truly amazing. I can’t remember the last time I saw trees this beautiful. I can’t even see the sky through these things! Lucas came to an abrupt stop when he spotted a thin winding stream rolling off some rocks not far from the path. “Mom! It’s so pretty.” She glared at the water. It reminded her of something she couldn’t put her finger on. “Yes it is Luc, see the little waterfall.” “Yeah, mom can I go down there?” “Sure, but be carefully honey.” Lucas smiled and made his way down to the stream and eventually to the little waterfall and stuck out his hand to feel the coolness running over his tiny hand. With a faint smile he swayed his hand back and forth through the icy liquid. Veronica could now see Kayden at the end of the path throwing rocks, sticks and everything else he could get his hands on and whirling them into the lake. Reminded of how she used to do the same exact thing when her dad would bring her down to this very lake. Many summers had been spent with her family on this lake; she had always secretly wished she lived here so she would never have to leave. Veronica smiled as she recalled her childhood memories and how they seemed so real and vivid as if they had only happened last week. Veronica suddenly realized that her dreams as a child were coming into view. Funny how these things work themselves out. “Luc, let’s go down and see what your brother’s getting into.” “Is this place ours mom?” “It is now baby, it is now.” Lucas smiled heartily and ran towards Kayden at top speed and scooting to a halt as his heels ground into the dirt near his brother. As she watched them throw various twigs and rocks in the lake, then she glanced back up the path towards her car that she could no longer see. She was reminded at how Jesse had always promised them a beautiful house with a large yard for the boys. Ha! I didn’t need your bullshit lies all along, I can do this myself! Veronica took in a refreshing breath and sighed heavily as it slipped back out through her nostrils. This would soon be her home, it would be their home. |