Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1592293-The-last-stand-WIP
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1592293
WWIII has come to an end and the Soviet have won. The Allies last stand begins.
After the war in Iraq, United States decided it would establish oil plants all over Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and even Iran without consulting it's leaders. They led themselves to believe that because they brought piece to the area, they owned it and it's resources. This brought political disputes between most nations in Asia and America. After months of arguments the first of many attacks against the US was taken. North Korea and Japan released two nukes named Onesan and Hyeongje hitting the heart of America along with the assassination of the president.

The United states of America has been named the SSOA (Scattered States Of America) by the what would soon be called the Eastern Unification Forces. Canada was quick to act by sending resources to America but it was too late for the millions that died that one day alone. They would also later send a request for help from South America, Africa, and Europe starting what would be soon called the Allies. Both Europe and South America accepted the alliance but Africa spit in their faces with "Now you come to us for help!?".

So WWIII began. Allies V.S. Eastern Unification Forces.

It was only 14 years before oil became a bigger problem. It was quickly depleted and for a couple years battles were fought on foot and without machines until break throughs in technologies arrived, creating new and more terrifying war machines like Tesla tanks and other monstrosities.

27 years passed since the beginning of WWIII and it was clear who had won. EUF had taken Europe and South America and completely obliterized North America. The few Allied armies that stood and fought were quickly dispersed.

Only one last Allied fortification is left and an innocent man stands in the middle of the Last Stand.


Another grey, cold day loomed over Treyarch as the few men and women in the streets scrambled to where they were supposed to be, aware that at any moment they would hear the sirens that would tell them the end has begun. The morning air carried the stench of war and blood inside the city and the silence that followed it only made it harder to ignore. What was once a crowded and colourful city was now abandoned and grey.

Alex sighed as he took one last look at the outside of his house. The well-tended garden now dying, the windows barred, fences destroyed, and worst of all; the garage. The garage, a man's sanctuary and home inside his home. A place where he and his friends could get together and watch sports or work on their car. The room where he stores his pride, sure that no one could steal it from him. The place he would constantly try and improve so that his neighbour would notice and compete to make it better. At least, thats how it was in the once glorious city of Treyarch. Now it was a home for the last of the Allied forces. "The last stand" they called it.

Alex knew that in the next couple days hundreds of enemy soldiers would storm the city and he did not want to stick around and watch the people he grew up with die in it.

His long brown hair swayed in the wind as he stood there staring blindly into space, thinking about so many things. Where would he go? Would it even be safer outside the city when the battle started? Would he come across bodies while he walked the roads of Europe? Was there anything "normal" out there anymore?

A hand touched his shoulder and he turned around to find a tall burly man with an Allied uniform and enough badges to use as body armor staring down at him.

He stood there, staring at Alex as if he was reading his mind. "Sir..s-sorry if I was in your way... I was just taking one la-" before Alex could say another word, a third man came up behind him and cut him off. "General sir, we must hurry. No telling when these Soviet bastards will get here and if were not prepared we won't have a fighting chance.". The General put up a hand clearly showing that he wanted this third man to be quiet. "Colonel Bras." The General kept quiet for a moment keeping his gaze on Alex before he continued. "I've been a General of the Allied forces for twelve years now. I may be getting old but i'm sure I can tell when we are in danger." He finally took his eyes of Alex and turned to Colonel Bras who was now red with embarrasment. "I meant n-no disrespect sir but we have better things to do than to be starting conversations with every citizen we come across."

The General was quiet once more before turning back to Alex. "If you plan on leaving the city I suggest going South. I've heard rumours of refugee camps that have taken shelter in the mountains. I can't be sure the rumours are true but I am telling you just like I told the rest of the folks." Before Alex could thank him, the General turned around and headed North where the first shots would be fired.


"Private Elias, Private Conway, Private Redwin, and....Private Williams! Get your asses lock and loaded and clear the way to rendevouz zone one!".

As soon as Colonel Bras said the order four young men looking to be around the age of eighteen to twenty stood up started to suit up. For men who were about to be outnumbered 6 to 1, they were keeping their spirits up. Cracking jokes at each other and telling of how it used to be back home before the world's oil started to deplete.


The city shook as more Tesla tanks crammed through the streets of Treyarch. The voice of President Greystone echoed through the crowded streets repeating the same propaganda bullshit over and over again.
© Copyright 2009 Marcopolo (marcopollo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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