Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1591862-A-Disastorus-Muesum-Trip
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1591862
A few kids get locked in the mueseum with a group of theives.
The class cheered in excitement as the bus rolled to a stop.
"Wait by the front desk, students!" Mr.Johnson said as he struggled to control the exicted kids.Today was the feild trip to the local museum, for the grade five class at HeatherVille Elemantry and although Heatherville was a small town, the mueseum was third biggest muesum in the state. Lots of dinosuar and animal bones have been found in the area. Beth scrambled off the bus and through the muesuem doors. The muesum smelled of old,precious artifacts and cherry air freshner. The counter was cluttered with small figurienes and stuff from the gift store and donation boxes for all kinds of diffrent charities. The bells rang in the gift store with stuffies,cds, historic books, dinosuar figures,puzzles and toys, staues and bobbleheads of cavemen,caribou,eagles,bears,wolfs leopards, dinousars and famous people from the past. The kids poked and prodded the stuff in the gift store while Mr.Johnson paid admisson for the class at the front desk.
"Where's the lip gloss around here!" Abbigail whined.
"Lip gloss dosen't have a lot to do in history." Beth pointed out."Yeah, do you think anyone ever found a dinosaur skeloton holding lip gloss?" Quinton teased.
"Or you think the british won the Seventh year war wearing skirts?" Eddie bugged. Abbgail crossed her arms and pouted in responce. Abbagail,Quinton,Beth and Eddie were freinds since they were in kindergarten. Abbagail was obssed with make-up and the latest fashion,she expected all the stores to sell fashion, and lots of it. She whined a lot when the store didn't. Soon Mr.Johnson hushed them out of the store.
"You can look aorund more later." Mr.Johnson promised.
They looked at the expolaration departement first, then they toured the U.S.A history department, then it was time for lunch. The chattering class bounced to the cafetira.
"Now,students,you brought your own money, so go buy what you want then meet me by the table by the buffalo statue." Mr.Johnson instructed. the eating area was decorated with fake palm trees,and small dinosuar and buffalo statues. A PizzaHut,McDonalds,Wendys,Dairy Queen, Burger King and a Orange Julius stands were lined up in one row. Beth took a tray and got a slice of pizza,a coke and some fries. Abbgail got a starwberry sundae and a salad. She didn't eat a lot, and was pretty skinny because of it too. James got the same stuff as Beth and Eddie had a tray full of food. He had at least four items from each restranut. He slurped down his orange shake and smaked on fries, showing a mouthful of half chewed food.
"Thats disgusting!" Abbgail said.
"How much did all of that cost!?" Quinton exclaimed.
"I bought three twenty dollar bills, I still got a lot left." Eddie smacked through devouring his hamburger.
"Yeah, and pigs eat their own poop." Beth challenged. Eddie hung his head in defeat.
"I only have two pennies left." He adimted.
With the massive amount of food Eddie got, he didn't have a lot of time, so he sucked the food down like a vacum. He just swallowed the DQ Sandwich when Mr.Johnson led the way to the astournaut section. As the day dragged on, Eddie got more and more sick.
"In this case you'll see-" The tour guide was inturuptted by a loud fart. The students burst out laughing as Eddie blushed.
Then Eddie turned green and rushed toward the washroom, but nobody noticed except Abbagail,Quinton and Beth.
"Its probaly all that food he ate coming back up." Abbagail said in disgust.
"Idiot or not, we shoudl make sure he's all right." Quinton said. Beth grunted in agreement. The three friends headed toward the washroom, with Abbagail following less ethuansiastically. Barfing sounds greeted them when they approched the washroom.
"We should wait for him out here." Beth said quickly, her red curly hair bouncing as she stepped back. It was a long time untill Eddie came out. The kids had fallen asleep in bordom waiting for him, so they didn't notice the sun was going down. They awoke when they heard footsteps. Eddie had finnaly reappered.

"Thats better." He sighed.
"Now should we catch up with the group?" Abbigail said.
"Yes." Beth agreed. But when they got to the Outer space section, it was compeltely dark. So they tredded on, but no one was there, not even the staff. When they came back to the cafetira, the people running the stands weren't even there.
"Lets just go outside." Eddie said. Everybody nodded. It sounded like the best thing to do. But when they got to the front desk, the doors were locked.
"It won't budge!" Quinton wailed. Beth looked at her glow-in-the-dark watch.
"Its Ten'o' clock at night!" Beth excalimed.
the kids looked out the window. She was right. The sun was below the horizon.
"We must have fallen asleep when we were waiting for Eddie to get over his barfing fit!" Quinton said.
"Hey!" Eddie protested. the kids slowly stared at the sun go down. Then the sun abandoned the sky and the stars were the only source of light.
"Were trapped." Abigail whimpered.
"Don't worry, I have a backpack with some stuff just for the occasion." Quinton said. Quinton was the brain of the group, he was always prepared for any kind of situation. He was still trying to build a bomb shelter in his basement.
"How can you be prepared for this?!" Eddie exclaimed.
Quinton shrugged and walked across the hall to the public lockers.
"Hey,Abbaigail, can I borrow your haircilp?" Quniton asked.
"Okay." Abbigail said and handed over her blue butterfly clip. Quniton picked the lock and the lock fell the ground with a click. but the clip was broken in half.
"Hey! Why don't you just use the combination!" Abigail screeched.
"I forgot what it was.." Quinton said lamely as he got out his backpack. He handed everyone a flashlight.
"How are flashlights going to help us if were stuck in the mueseum?" Beth said.
"What about the emergency exits?" Abigail suggested. Before anybody could answer there was a deep, rumbling noise.
"Did anyone hear that?" Quinton said.
"I think its my stomach." Eddie groaned.
"Great, another puking fit." Abigail teased. Eddie glared as the rumbling noise came again. All of the sudden a bright orange light lit up the hall and the outline of a t-rex glowed in the fire-like light. The sound of a t-rex roar shook the room.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The friends screamed and dashed away. They tripped down the stairs and cloapssed in a heap.
"Get off me!" Beth huffed, who was squished at the bottom of the pile. The kids got up and looked around. they landed in the rock and minerals section, where there was lots of minerals on display. Beth looked at a huge,hollow rock full of amythest and copper.
"Wow." She breathed. All of the sudden Broken glass shattered and shadows crept nearby.
"What was that!?" Eddie exclaimed.
"Hide!" Quinton said. the kids dived behind a large bookshelf. Eddie fell short, due to being a little overwheight and was still out in the open when the shadows were just around the corner. Abigail,Beth and Quinton tugged on his sweater and dragged Eddie behind the bookcase. The gang looked out from behind the display shelf. Three men drssed in black sneaked into the room, one carrying a large sack. One of them carefully disabled a security thing and opened one of the case and grabbed the amythest geoade. he put it in the sack the other was carrying.
"Their theives!" Beth whispered in outrage. She dropped her flashlight and made a loud clatter noise. The burgalars turned around in alarm and pointed at the kids. They lunged at the gang.
"Run!" Abigail wailed and they ran like the wind. They raced up the stairs and curved the corner. The theif tried to grab Beths ankle but tripped over one of the stairs.
"Wait for me!" Quinton gasped.
"Drop the backpack! Or get beaten by a burgalur!" Beth advised. Quinton threw the backpack away and landed on the stealers head. The theif fell backward and landed on his partners and they fell down the stairs. The fat one bellowed in fury.
"Run faster!" Eddie shreiked. The kids ran untill their lungs felt ready to burst. Thy fell onto the carpet and gasped for breath once they were sure they had gotten away.
"Who were they?" Abigail wondered.
"There theifs trying to steal all the precious artifacts!" Quinton said angrily.
"Well, it would make sense. They could be worth millons of dollars each." Eddie pointed out.
"So what are we going to do?" Abigail wondered.
"Find the emergency exit! Its the only way out!" Beth said. So the kids went to the nearest map and found the nearest exit.
"We'll have to go through the Egyptian history section." Quinton thought out loud. The kids went through the wildlife section. But the wildlife section was huge, and the rainforest habtiat part was very reailstic.
"Didn't we pass that rubber tree ten minutes ago?" Beth wondered. It had the same scrape on it.
"Well, this plate said its very easy to get lost in the rainforest." Quinton said, reading a info plate.
"And this inscrption says to try to find your own way out!" Abigail added.
"If I ever find the people who designed this building I will kill them." Eddie muttered. The gang continued around the rainforest section untill they came to a place full of mist.
"What kind of muesums have fog?" Eddie grumbled.
"They have fog machines." Quinton said. Beth looked around and thought she saw a shadow.
"Did you see that?" Beth said quickly. before anybody could respond four theives jumped out of the ferns and lunged for the kids. Startled, they bolted away.
"Up the stairs!" Abigail instructed. Nobody argued. At the top they could see the entire exibit.
"So thats the way out!" Beth said.
"Its so much harder to find your way out on the bottom." Quintion compalined.
"Stop yacking and swing!" Abigail said, reaching for a fake vines.
"Thos ethings will support our weight!" Beth argued. the theives reached the top of the stairs. there was no time to argue. beth jumped over the railng and lauched off with her feet. the wind rushed through her curly hair.
"AUUUWAHHHAWUA!" Eddie yelled like Tarzan. But the vine snapped under his weight and Eddie fell to the ground. He clung to a palm tree.
"I can't hang on!" Eddie wailed. The palm tree was tall and The others reached the other side and heaved Eddie over the ledge. the theives grabbed other vines and swung across. the gang ran down the stairs and into the dinosaur exibit. the theives had caught up with them and the kids hid behind a Allosaurus model. the burgalurs looked aorund, relaxed, and started to look around for things to steal.
"We got to stop them!" Beth whispered angrily.
"Are you kidding?! They'll kill us!" Abigail hissed.
They listened the to burgalurs talk.
"Stupid kids, they could ruin the entire misson!" The fat one groaned.
"Don't worry. If we ever catch them off gaurd we'll get em and lock them up with the secruity gaurds. Even if they get to the emergency exit we locked them! Plus, Theres four of them and eight of us!" Another one laughed.
The kids excanged worried glances. They sneaked away to another gift shop with a tricertops skeleton beside it.
"What are we doing in here? We don't have any money." Eddie ponited out.
"We can scare them off of we set a trap for them." Quinton said.
"But thats stealing! We would be no better then them!" Beth protested.
"But were stealing to stop some burgalurs from swiping precoius aritfacts." Abigail said slowly. The gang agreed and gathered suppiles. They got glue,rope, silly string, stechy goo and other supplies. They tracked the theifs in the Natives section, with indains, buffalo staues, paintings and indian videos. They were stealing indian arrow heads.
"So whats the plan?" Eddie whispered.
"We set up a rope on one of the displays so when they open it, the goo and silly string will activate it and squirt all over them." Quinton answered. they set up quitely as the thives stole more and more as their sack sagged with arfitfacts. When it was set up the burgalrs opened the display. The goo was flung over their balck suits and the silly string sprayed all over them.
"HAHAHAHA!" Eddie laughed loudly.the theifs found them and jumped at them. the kids raced away, this time the burgalrs catching up. The gang tried everything to throw them off, but nothing seemed to work.
"Follow me!" Quinton instrcued. Nobody argued. they set up another trap in case of a emergency. The theives stepped on the string and planks of wood smacked them across the face, leaving them unconsouis. The gang looked around catiusly. All the sudden sacks wrapped around Beth and Quinton and were dragged backwards.
"Get them next!" A voice whispered. Eddie and Abigail ran,startled. They escaped down the stairs into the history of doemesticated pets with charts of cats and dogs and realistic cats and dogs statues of diffrent breeds.
"Where did Beth and Quinton go?" Abigail wondered.
"the theives got them." Eddie growled.
"What do we do now?" Abigail whimpered.
"We have to set a new trap, one that we'll catch them." Eddie said. Abigail was confused. This wasn't like Edddie. they went back to the gift shop for more supplies. They raided the gift shop for alomst any supplies they could find and set it up in the outer space section. Eddie struggled in the net as Abigail checked out the stars map. Buttons lit up scertain parts of the maps.
"Oooh, thats pretty." Abigail thought.
© Copyright 2009 kristen (animallover96 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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