Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1591527-The-Life-Of-Holly-Gates
Rated: · Non-fiction · Friendship · #1591527
bad memories of the past have caught up with holly.True Story Leave Comnts plz (:
It all started about two years ago when Hollys pop got cancer. Holly was 12 and she had a boyfriend named Ashley to help her through it until he started smoking and doing drugs and alcohol. Hollys parents didnt like this and stoped them from seeing each other. Holly didnt take this well so she was sneaking out at night starting smoking and joining him in the middle of the night when her parents were asleep. When her pop passed away she found out her aunty was dieing of cancer too. She got upset and couldnt control herself, she had no idea what to do, by this time holly was still only 13. Holly was drinking sneaking out with guys and getting into online chating sites and causeing trouble.  Holly and Ashley had there relationship still going until one day he dumped her causing her a lot of grief. Holly was so upset she went to her room and stayed there and cried then she got on her laptop flirting with all the guys in the chat sites and she met this guy named Peter File who lived in Queensland and was 17. He told her he loved her and he was always there for her. He proposed and made plans for the future about them. Holly found him nice because he was different to any other guy she had been with. They were always on the phone or msn together.
Hollys Aunty passed away and she was even worse than before Peter helped her through it but Holly at this time was making some stupid mistakes and wagging school so she could talk to him. Hollys mum walked in one night at 1 oclock in the morning and Holly was on the phone to Peter they had a big fight and her mum and dad deicided to take her laptop off her. Holly didnt go out of her room for the next few days. She was scared of what her father was going to do, skipping weeks and weeks of school Holly stayed in her room sleeping against her door. Then one morning she got up to go for a shower and thought her parents were gone and when she got out of the shower her dad was in her room and took the door off the room. Holly was playing her music on full and then got the cord taken away. Holly kept her music going and her dad walked in and while her mum was at work he took her phone and smashed it against the wall. Holly was so upset it was a brand new phone and now it was broken. Holly borrowed her brothers phone and got that taken off her to. Holly was in a bad state she just wanted to kill herself but decided to go to school and use the computer there to chat to Peter. The chated for ages during classes to. Holly noticed how Peter was being very distant and decided it would be better if she stoped talking to Peter she asked him one last question and said goodbye. She asked him How old he really is, He answered with im 23. Holly felt humiliated that he made her believe what wasnt the truth. This caused Holly to become a little depressed. Holly didnt know what to do but soon enough it was going around school and around town. Holly was getting called a slut at school and everyone in town was looking at her differently.
Hollys ex boyfriend Ben found out about it and he started helping her get through it and they had a relationship for a while until hollys dad chased him from the park when they were holding hands. Holly was felling like shit, she felt like no-one was her friends and she felt like she should die. Holly was sneaking out so her and ben could go out and then one night Bens sister told her they were moving to Tasmania. Holly was upset that he was moving and she didnt want him to but she was upset that he didnt tell her himself. Hollys friends were starting to ditch her because of who she was becoming and everything that happened with Peter. Holly took another week off school and then when she went back her friends were there for her. Hollys friends Lizzie Jone and Beck Francis were there for her. They hanged out and then became friends with Kathleen Stacey and joined with there group. Kathleen was a bit weird around Holly to start with because of the whole pedofile thing with Peter. Kathleen eventually got over it and then it was school holidays. Holly needed the break everything was in her head and she didnt know how she was going to get passed it. Holly spent the holidays at her nans which helped her alot because there was no internet to go on chat sites and she couldnt see any of her ex boyfriends. Holly started to miss Ashley and came home ready for a new school year, But before Holly could go to school her nan dies. Holly was deverstated she and her nan were close and she feels bad because she had not spoke to her in a few months.
Holly found out the next day that her nan died because the hospital gave her a tablet that she wasnt allowed to have and it killed her within 2 hours later. Holly then had to miss the first two days of school to do to her nans funeral. Holly got to meet up with her baby cousins and her family she had not seen in a while. Holly kept all her tears in at her nans funeral which is something she regrets today. The tears she kept in are chasing her and hurting her. Holly stayed in a motel in Stawell and couldnt stay in a room by herself she was scared of everything. Holly stuck with her favourite cousin Natalie. Holly was confused and scared. After the funeral was over Holly felt scared still she used to stay up all night on her laptop until it got taken off her and she used to stay up watching movies. When Holly arrived home she never stayed up past dark. She was scared. Holly was having bad dreams and nightmares. Holly got into a habit of sleeping inside her sisters room so she would be with someone. Months passed and Holly wasnt getting over her fear. Holly was back at school and was not thinking very positively, she wasnt socializing with her mates she was just going straight to her room. Hollys parents knew something was going on and got the priest at her school to speak to her. She didnt talk to him much. After a year Holly was slowly getting over her fear but it was still there.
Ashley was there for Holly until he suddenly decided to move to perth. Holly was very surprised as he left without even saying goodbye. Holly was starting to become depressed and was using them chat sites again as she had gotten a new laptop for christmas.
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