Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1591502-The-Fix---Chapter-Two
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1591502
Michelle embarrasses herself in front of Jared, but he returns the next morning.
The Fix

by Rune Xavier

Chapter Two

Michelle followed the two men to her car and unlocked the doors to pull the hood release. Jared asked her to start the car so he could hopefully find her problem. She stood and watched as they conversed and toyed with things under the hood. That nice rounded muscular ass in the light blue jeans was the only thing that really had her attention. I bet I could bounce a quarter off of that. Michelle moved closer to at least appear that she was interested in what they were talking about. She could smell the sweet woodsy fragrance that emanated from Jared. She peered down and noticed the bruises and band-aids that riddled the large hands propped on the side of her car. Michelle pursed her lips in amusement. Guess I’m not the only one that sports those unfashionably. Jared turned and saw that she looked at his hands and not under the hood of the car and smiled. Michelle felt that familiar heat rise in her face again.

“I’m a bit of a klutz at work sometimes. I cut my knuckles and such on a daily basis.”

“Ah, well I’m the local klutz around here, but I won’t be too disappointed if you steal some of the spotlight for a while.” Michelle continued to blush as she stepped behind Jared and moved beside her brother who looked as if he were holding in a laugh. Just when she thought it was safe her flip-flopped foot struck the curb that her car was parked beside and she tumbled toward the ground. With unimaginable speed Jared swooped in to catch her before she hit the ground. Michelle stumbled using his arms to pull herself up and tried to straighten herself to stand. She sighed heavily and looked up at him to thank him.

“Maybe I should’ve kept my mouth shut actually.”

“Well at least you didn’t hit the pavement. I can tell by the spot on your forehead there that it hasn’t been long since you collided with something.” Jared chuckled as Michelle covered the spot above her eye and lowered her head to hide her face.

“It’s a carpet burn.”

“How the fuck do you get a carpet burn on your head without…”Adam burst into laughter and nearly stumbled back and fell himself.

They all three laughed at the thought when Michelle explained how the incident had happened. Adam’s cell phone rang and he mumbled as he walked away still laughing. Jared turned to Michelle and told her that she would probably need a new thermostat and that he’d be happy to install it for her at no cost. Adam walked back over to them and told of his girlfriend needing a ride to the pharmacy. As they walked toward Adam’s car to leave Jared told Michelle to bring her car by any afternoon, he would be there. With a smile and a wink he turned to get into the car.

Michelle was feeling elated as opposed to the despondent woe she had when she left her apartment. Thoughts of seeing Jared again had her tad giddy. She closed the door behind her and giggled as she trotted over to the sofa and plopped herself down. Tracing the flower pattern on her tank top with a slender finger she realized she hadn’t been wearing a bra. She covered her face with yet more embarrassment absent mindedly touching the carpet burn and hissed. Michelle knew if she was to interest this delicious man she’d have to a lot of transforming. To what exactly she had no clue.

Saturday mornings were for sleeping in, laundry and cleaning. Michelle rushed through her chores and phoned her friend Willa to make a date for their weekly lunch. She told Willa of the hot man her brother had brought over and her uncertain plans to change things about her appearance. Willa was a smidge shocked since Michelle had never shown interest in a man after her flighty affair with Jason two years ago. Jason and Michelle had dated for weeks when she learned about the woman Jason was to marry in a few months. Needless to say, that relationship came to an abrupt halt and Michelle just didn’t date after that. Willa was determined to help her friend in whatever way possible. She loved Michelle and hoped the best for her. She had often felt sorry of her because of all the misfortune Michelle had undergone. They made their date for lunch and Willa had plans of calling a mutual friend to put together a fun makeover party that night.

Michelle dressed in a short powder blue baby doll style sundress that hid her pregnant looking belly well and her favorite flip-flops. She threw her hair up into a high pony-tail and applied light make-up and did her best to cover the unsightly burn on her forehead. She bounced out of the bathroom and grabbed her keys from the counter by the door and swung the door open to leave. Startled beyond belief, there he stood about knock. Jared smiled and then laughed.

“Are you leaving?”

“I was going into town to have lunch with a friend.” Michelle thought she would die! She couldn’t believe he was actually there.

“I see. I wanted to stop by and give you my number so you could call and let me know if you wanted me to fix your car. We left in such a hurry yesterday I didn’t have time to give it to you.”

Taking the small post-it note of from his hand and lifting her head up to meet his stare with a smile she unknowingly giggled. Michelle remembers her folly of not having a bra on when she last saw him and nearly blushed at the thought. She could smell that familiar woodsy scent yet today it was mingled with a hint of vanilla. Thinking it sort of a womanly scent, Michelle felt a sinking sensation in her stomach. Stepping toward him she visibly sniffed him.

“Why do you smell like vanilla?”

“Oh, I do? My mother has been baking this morning. I was helping or do you think the scent of the candles she has might have stayed with me?” He pulled up the front of his shirt to his nose to smell it and then looked at Michelle with a questionable look and shrugged his shoulders.

“Yeah, I’m sure it’s either or.” Michelle chucked feeling completely sated that it wasn’t another woman. She decided that she’d take things step further at that point. “You’re more than welcome to have lunch with us if you want.”

“Oh, well I appreciate the invitation, but I’m running errands for my mom today. Maybe a rain check and we can do that the evening I fix your car?” Jared look completely surprised that she had asked him to join her, but smiled nonetheless.

“Sounds good! I’ll give you a call whenever my brother gets the thermostat. He ordered it this morning at the parts store in town.”

“Great! Look forward to hearing from you.” Jared grinned and followed Michelle toward her car and gracefully moved toward a truck parked next to her.

Michelle watched him get into the truck and pulling his hand up to wave as he left the parking lot. She unlocked the door and got into her car and laid her head back against the seat and sighed heavily with a lulling look on her face. She had almost swooned when she opened the door and saw him standing there. Michelle started the car and back out of the parking space. Willa wouldn’t be too upset that she was a few minutes late, she was always late.
© Copyright 2009 RuneXavier (runexavier at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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