Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1591477-No-Goodbye-Surpise-HelloPart-2
Rated: E · Other · Drama · #1591477
again, boredum:)

Christina’s POV:
I woke up to my mom calling my name. I got up and felt dizzy. I had been having horrible headaches lately and strange things going through my mind. Some guy and a girl and I had no idea who they were or why I was thinking of them. I walked downstairs and sat down.

“You called?” I said picking up a fruit bar.
“Yeah, I wanted to talk to you. I have some news and depending on how you take it will make it good or bad.” She said sitting down.
“Alright…. What is it?” I asked kind of scared.
“We’re moving to Oregon…..” she said closing her eyes then opening to see my reaction. A smile spread across my face.

WE WERE MOVING! I WAS SO EXCITED! But the thing that caught me off guard was that when she said Oregon this feeling shot through my body and I got a massive headache.

Holding my head I asked, “When are we leaving?”
She smiled and got up and hugged me, “In 3 months. I got a new job offer and we will be staying with a friend of mine until we can find a place of our own. They have a son about your age his name is Carter.”
I was in shock.

Was the person I had been dreaming about real? And was I going to really meet him in three months?
I went and called Amanda and Alex. I was happy to move but Amanda and Alex were my life, my best friends. It would be so hard leaving them behind but I knew it was good for me. I had to figure out if I knew this Carter guy and why whenever my mom talked about Oregon, I felt light headed.
“AMANDA! ALEX! You guys are not going to believe this!” I said really fast, through my black berry.
“WHAT! What is it?” they said at the same time.
“Jinx, you owe me a soda, Alex!” laughed Amanda.
I giggled, I couldn’t help it. My friends were the best. They always knew how to make me laugh in bad situations. I couldn’t have asked for better friends. Me and Alex tried going out a couple times, but it didn’t work out very well. Don’t get me wrong here; I love the guy to death, but not in a boyfriend way, more as a best friend, brother, kind of way. I always tell Amanda she and Alex would be great together but she thought different. I knew Alex liked her that’s why I always pushed it on her. She would get so frustrated when I brought it up and practically throw me out of her room. Deep down, she liked him, she liked him A LOT! She was just in denial and would soon realize that I had been right all along.
“Guys! I have very important news! Shut up and listen!” I said through the phone laughing.
“Alright, alright. What is it, Chris?” asked Alex, still laughing.
“So, my mom just told me she got a new job.” I said waiting for the reaction.
“That’s great; your mom is always saying how badly she hates her job. But what does that have to with you?” asked Amanda.
“BECAUUUUUUSSSEEE! We have to…..move to….” I said, getting interrupted.
“NNNNOOOOOOOO! You can’t move! You’re my best friend. I’ll miss you too much Chris!” Amanda said, sobbing.
I sighed, “Mandy, calm down. I’ll miss you too. But I have to do this for me. You know that Carter guy I was dreaming about? Well when we move, we are staying with a family who has a son my age named Carter. I mean I know, “What are the chances it’s him right?” Well, we’re moving to Oregon and I’ve been dreaming about that place too. It’s a little creepy, that I was dreaming about it and then now it’s coming true. Don’t you think?” I asked.
The line was quiet, “Chris, I don’t know? I mean yeah it is kind of creepy, but really, what are the chances?” she asked.
“I don’t know Manda, but I have to find out. It might explain a lot. About like, how I don’t remember any of my life before I met you guys. I have to do it for me. YOH ALEX! You still there?” I asked.
“Yeah, I am. I’m just thinking.” He said, smiling at the other end of the line.
“AHHH! Alex and thinking in the same phone conversation? What are you up too?” I asked, giggling.
He laughed, “You just wait Chris, You’ll see, and you’re going to love it!” he said.
We all hung up and I laid down and thought about Carter and if he really was something that was going to help me restore my memory of my life before New York.


“CHRISTINA! COME ON, WE ARE GOING TO MISS OUR FLIGHT!” my mom yelled from the car.
I hugged my friends and squeezed Amanda, she was crying.
“I’m going to miss you guys, but I will call you as soon as I land and I’ll come visit. Okay?” I said tearing up.
“Alright, we’ll miss you too….” They said at the same time.
I walked to the car and got in the front seat. I waved as we pulled out and said goodbye to the life I had learned to love.

We got out of the cab and as soon as I set foot on the ground I had a massive headache. This place seemed so familiar, it was almost unreal.
“Mom, have we ever lived here or something?” I asked getting my stuff out of the back. I pulled but it seemed to be stuck.
“Here, let me help you.” A guy appeared and took my luggage.

It was him, the boy from my dreams. I still had this horrible headache and I could feel myself get lightheaded.

“It’s you….” I whispered and then I was on the ground.
“Crap! Are you alright?” He asked helping me up.
“Oh…uhm… yeah, I think so?” I said holding my head and trying to think straight.
“Are you sure, do you need help going into the house?” he asked concerned.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m Christina by the way. But you can call me Chris.” I said smiling. I couldn’t help but smile around him.
“I’m Carter.” He said smiling.
“I know….” He looked at me funny, “My mom told me.” I smiled cutely.
“Ha-ha, alright. This is so weird, but you remind me of someone very special to me. I think we are going to get along great.” He said taking my bags inside.
I had millions of butterflies in my stomach. Why did this place feel so familiar?
I walked in the house and felt light headed again. I didn’t understand. It was like I was supposed to be here, this place felt like home.
“You like it?” Carter asked coming downstairs.
“It’s cute; it feels so familiar, like I’ve been here before. I don’t know… it’s stupid. But I really like it.” I said walking around.
Carter smiled at me and walked in the kitchen, “You want anything?” he asked.
“Do you have any bananas and ice cream?” I asked sitting down.
Carter turned around and looked at me in shock. I blushed and looked away.
He walked over to me and stared at me.
“Amber?” he whispered.
I jumped a little from hearing him actually saying that name. I looked up at him.
“Ummm, no? I’m Christina.” I said looking at the ground.
“Sorry, it’s I knew you seemed familiar and when you said ice cream and bananas, I just thought…. never mind.” He said walking away.
“No wait. Who’s Amber?” I grabbed his hand and it sent chills down my back.
“Just a girl…” He sighed, “Who I’ve been in love with since I was 12. A lot happened and now no one knows where she is at.” He said as tears welled up in his eyes.
I pulled him closer and whipped his tears before they fell. “Tell me what happened, it will make you feel better. Everything will be okay, I promise.” I said in his ear.
He pulled away and smiled at me and sat down. He told me about how he left her 8 years ago and came back 5 year later to find out she was a completely different person and how she wouldn’t let him in because she was absolutely heart broken. Then how she walked in on him and her best friend Lexi making out and how she got hit by a car and slipped into a coma. Then how the doctors walked in to find her gone and now she had been gone for three years and how he was afraid she was dead. He told me about how she lived right next door and how they used to sit at their windows and just talk. He told me that I reminded him a lot of her, and that I even talked like her. He told me about their first kiss and the first time he told her he loved her. About the time they went to his dad’s ice cream shop and how she wanted ice cream and bananas and how he thought it was weird. About how now, he eats eat everyday because he misses her so much. He told me about the day his car broke down and they spent the night in a creepy motel and both ended up getting sick, and about how her favorite song was “When I grow up” By PCD.
“NO WAY! That’s my favorite song!” I laughed. He laughed to and I could tell he felt better.
We talked for about an hour until our moms told us it was time to leave. We were going out to dinner, so we had to dress up really nice. I walked downstairs in a black dress that showed off my tan and red heels. Everybody smiled when they saw me. Carter’s face lit up. I smiled back and went to my mom. I peeked at Carter; he was looking out the window. He looked perfect, his hair still damp from his 2 minute shower. He was in a pair of nice, dark wash jeans and a white t-shirt, and a pair of black vans. I could smell his tag cologne from 10 feet away. I wanted to go over there and hug him, just too get a better whiff of the smell. That’s when it happened.
That’s when I saw him. … Still as gorgeous as ever, same bright green eyes and the same smile. He looked the same but it was like I was looking a stranger.
I turned around to walk away; I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. That’s when I heard him whisper my name. “Amber?!” I turned around really slowly so I could stall time from seeing his face.
“Amber, is it really you? Wow, you look-….”
I clenched my teeth and turned around to face him directly.
“Really Carter? I look what? Different? Yeah, I’m different. Get used to it. Everyone else did.” I said through tears. I turned around and ran to the woods. I ran until I couldn’t run anymore and my legs gave out from under me. I lay there in the wet leaves and cried.
“Amber, why are you crying?” my mom asked me.
“Oh, um, I just miss Amanda and Alex, that’s all.” I said faking a smile. I peeked at Carter, he looked concerned. I smiled at him, even though there was anger burning in my body, and I had no idea why. Could I really be this Amber girl I kept dreaming about? I mean, yeah in my dreams, she looked a lot like me, but, no, it wasn’t possible.
“Oh, alright. It will be okay, sweetie. You can go visit them soon. We just need to get settled and everything. Now let’s go.” She said walking toward the door.
“Yeah, let’s go! I’m starving.” laughed Carter. I suddenly felt sick, really sick. I could feel it coming up, I ran upstairs and into the bathroom. A couple minutes later, I looked in the mirror and there was Carter, as if he came out of thin air.
He walked toward me and rubbed my back.
“Please, don’t touch me. Please?” I felt so weak. I didn’t know why, but I did.
“Alright, how are you feeling?” he asked, taking his hand off my back.
I sat down on the floor, “I don’t know, I’ve just been feeling really weird lately. I think I want to go back to New York. I’ve been feeling that way ever since I got here, and I don’t know why.” I started crying, because I just lied to him. I knew exactly why I wanted to leave, but I couldn’t tell him or anyone else the truth.
Carter sat down next to me and sighed, “Don’t say that. You can’t leave. We have gotten so close recently. You’re like one of my best friends. I would go crazy if you left so soon.” He said, doing the puppy dog face.
I looked at him, he looked amazing. I couldn’t help but smile, “Fine, I’ll stay, but under one condition?!” I said smiling.
He looked at me, “Uh oh, um okay? What is it?” He asked.
“You have to watch Twilight with me, tonight!” I said laughing.
“OH NO! Not Twilight. I had to watch that with Lexi like 10 times a week. Anything but twilight, please?” he said, begging on his hands and knees.
I sat there frozen, “Lexi….why does that name sound so familiar?”
I ran outside and across the street, “CARTER! HELP! CARTER! I DON’T WANT TO GO! IM NOT GOING TO LOOSE YOU AGAIN!” I ran in his room without knocking and came to a dead stop. Right in front of me was the love of my life on top of my best friend. I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran out of his house and broke down right in the middle of the street. I could hear people calling my name and telling me to move, but I couldn’t, my legs wouldn’t let me. Next thing I know, I feel my body flying through the air and then hit something hard and then everything went black…..
I was in shock, had Lexi been my best friend? Had I been hit by a car? Is that why I couldn’t remember anything? Was Carter my boyfriend? Was I Amber?
I looked at Carter, trying to answer all my questions.
“Was Lexi, Amber’s best friend?” I asked, barely whispering.
“Oh, yeah, until I left and Amber changed. Andie always got mad at her and stopped talking to her. I couldn’t blame Andie though, she was heart broken. Now, I’ll never have the chance to tell her how sorry I am.” He sat there looking at me.
I started crying, “Yeah, you will Carter. You can do it right now.” I said to him.
“What? What are you saying….”
I kissed him, right then, and right there. He didn’t expect it, neither did I, but I did it. He kissed back and I felt like I was home. My real home, with the love of my life. Everything was coming back. The time Carter left me and didn’t say buy. Finding him and Lexi and getting hit by the truck. All the times Carter and I fought. All the times we kissed under the stars and danced in the rain. The time he told me he loved and gave me the promise ring.
I pulled away and put my hand to my neck. Carter looked at me and took my hand away.
“Amber?! It’s you, it’s really you. I can’t believe it!” He hugged me tight.
“Carter….can’t breathe…here.” I said laughing.
He pulled away, and smiled, “I’m sorry, I just can’t believe you’re here.” He said.
I sighed, “Well, not completely, the only thing I remember about my old life is you and Lexi. I don’t remember school or my family or any of my other friends.” I said, tearing up. I wanted to remember. I wanted to remember so badly.
“You’ll remember, sooner or later you will. I will do whatever I can to help you.” He said, hugging me again. My heart was racing and I had butterflies in my stomach. It was a perfect moment.
© Copyright 2009 amber:) (ambahguuurl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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