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Rated: · Short Story · Emotional · #1590806
What happens at 3:15? First draft of a short story very little editing done.
Tom peered down the dark alleyway. Stumbling forward he pressed onward. The fresh rain made the garbage cans glitter and shimmer from the sun peaking out from the clouds above. A fat orange and white alley cat shook off the rain as it sat down to a feast of chicken innards discarded by the butcher into the alley way. Tom pressed his bruised and bloody knuckles off the smooth red brick walls. With a grunt he pushed off the wall and repelled a few feet forward. Stumbling over the cardboard boxes their contents floating away down the dirty river that had emerged, cascading down a brown waterfall to the sewers below.

“Maxine, Maxine” Tom cried out as he pushed himself a few more feet forward across the wall. Tom leaned against the wall his breath getting the best of him, looked down at his watch. 3:15…”3:15 why is it always 3:15?” Tom thought to him, “how long have I been out here?”  Tom shouted out again “Maxine, Maxine!” The alley cat content with it feast looked up at Tom from a garbage can and let out a soft meow. Tom pushed again forward, this time there was no wall to catch his fall as he fell into opening, that lead to the back of a shop. Rolling over Tom felt the blood pour from his freshly scrapped kneecaps, staining his light brown pants. Tom laid there staring upwards. “Where the hell did you go Maxine?” he muttered to himself.

The stench of the alleyway began to fill his nose. The alley cat curious jump off the garbage can, its weight tipping the can over the sound filled the cavern of the alley with a thunderous boom. Tom’s heart jumped. The cat let out a meow and began to purr as it approached Tom’s hand. Tom reached out and felt the softness of the cat’s fur rushed through his fingers. Tom smiled he remember Maxine’s black hair running through his fingers. The cat’s purr grew louder and began to arch its back and tail in the air. “It’s been a long time since you had someone take notice of you too, hey fella?” The cat now satisfied curled up under Tom’s arm. Tom even though he was content to not move on and give up with his new friend in the homely smell of a back alleyway, stood up. The cat gave out a hiss. “Well I don’t think it would work out for either of us, but it was nice to meet you” Tom smiled as he looked toward the direction of the cat.

“Maxine, Maxine” Tom cried out once more as he began to repel off the wall once more to the open streets.  He remembered Casey telling him “Don’t worry she will come back she always does, she just needs time to vent” as Tom was putting on his jacket to look for Maxine. Tom looked down at his watch again 3:15 always 3:15. “Maxine, Maxine” Tom’s voice almost screaming out, echoed against the walls. Tom felt the wall the end and stumbled into the openness. The busy street crowded with people pushed and bumped into Tom. “Maxine? Maxine? Have you seen my Maxine?” Tom asked in bewilderment as the people now began to avoid his presence. He heard cuff voices, “drunk, crack head, get away from me”. Tom stumbled forward. He heard a loud screech. Than numbness. “Oh my god, I hit someone” Tom heard faintly. “It’s just some drunk it’s not your fault” Tom cried out “Maxine, Maxine, where did you go?” Tom’s arms frantically grasping into the air.

Tears rolled down his cheeks. “Why Maxine? Why?” Than darkness.  “What time is it?” The coroner asked the fat police officer “11:32” the coroner sighed, “Okay dead at 11:25”. “What’s with the dog?” the corner asked pointing over to ambulance.

“Not sure she just appeared, seeing eye dog I think, tag says Maxine”
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