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Rated: 13+ · Novella · LGBTQ+ · #1590082
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When I got home late that night from my grandmothers very uneventful birthday party full of carrot cake and really gross old coffee, I was so tempted to call nick and Adrian. I wonder how it went I really hope no one messed it up for them, and I hope Adrian was able to keep his nerves under control. As I was just about to pick up the cordless phone from the kitchen counter, mom stopped me. “Jeremy, its like, eleven o’clock at night cant whatever it is wait? I’m sure Adrian or nick or whoever else you were going to call is perfectly fine. I tried to retort back saying that it was only Friday night or that their parents wouldn’t mind, but she still insisted I not call them. So, for the next three hours I played x-box and finally fell asleep with the controller in hand. The next day when I woke up I caught a glimpse of the outside, it was drizzling but it was only partly cloudy so it would clear up soon I hoped. But as the morning progressed it only pored down more. After breakfast and a few chores I finally got around to calling nick and Adrian. I picked up the cordless phone once more and looked over at mom for her approval. She smiled and shook her head then went off to do the laundry. I dialed the number at lightning speed, and waited, and waited. After three rings nick finally picked up and in a grumpy voice mumbled, “Who dares disturb my slumber.” I chuckled and said, “me oh great one, Jeremy fox.” He grunted and murmured something that sounded like “yeah, it’s evil one to you jerry,” but I’m not certain. After waking up a bit nick began to get livelier. So finally I asked the question I’d been dying to know, “nick,” I asked, “so, how did it go last night?”And to my happy surprise, he perked up very noticeably even for a Saturday morning. “It was amazing, fantastic, wonderful, and any other word that describes Adrian and the night we had together.” I grinned so wide I was afraid my face would split. “Oh, I’m so glad nick it sounds like you had a great time!” “Yeah and guess what!” he asked, “Adrian let me fly with him! It was amazing we were up really high and he held me so tight I knew he would never let go!” I smiled one again, “that’s gre-“but nick cut me off. “Oh sorry jerry, look I got to go get Adrian up so how bout you come over here, uh, say one?” I quickly replied with a sure and nick immediately hung up.
I was just a tiny bit awake when all of a sudden the phone rings. I groaned obscenities under my breath and stumble into the kitchen where the phone is. I was willing to bet my ass that it was Jeremy so I thought id answer it to show my ‘morning enthusiasm’ to him. “Who dares disturb my slumber?” I grumble into the receiver of the phone. As Jeremy starts talking I glance at the stove clock and roll my eyes, eleven thirty seven. Jeremy and I talk for about ten minutes over last night went and how great and fantastic it was. Then I heard a small sound come from Adrian’s room. I quickly tell Jeremy I have to go and wake the handsome angel up and that he should come on over at one. After hanging up the phone, dropping it on the ground twice, cursing at it, and then finally setting it on the table I softly walked to Adrian’s room. I pushed open the door just a crack and saw him asleep with his thumb in his mouth. I smiled at this. I remember when I was twelve still sucking my thumb but Adrian was fifteen, I thought it was quite attractive. I slowly walked into his room and kneeled on the floor next to his head. Gently I began to blow on his freckled nose. As I did, his eyelids opened to reveal his shining blue eyes like that of a royal blue sky. He smiled warmly and as did I. “wake up sleeping handsome.” I whispered. Giving him a quick peck on his pink lips, I ruffled his blonde hair and went back to the kitchen to get breakfast. At about one ten Jeremy showed up. He came in and we all talked about the night before and how much fun it was. We recapped every detail that had happened that night. Then I spaced out for a moment. Thinking how lucky I was to have a wonderful friend like Jeremy who never judged anyone before he met them. And an excellent boyfriend who I knew would love me forever as I would him. “Nick, nick are you still on planet earth?” came Jeremy’s voice. I smiled and nodded. “I was just thinking how great you guys are. I’ve never been happier.” Suddenly there was a rumble of lightning and I swear I saw a flash of purple light. Then there was a knock at the door.
“You guys I don’t want to scare you but you need to hide, hide now.” I said in a horrified voice. Adrian gave me a look of confusion mixed with horror and it killed me to push him behind the cabinet hidden from view. I kissed his head very fast, Jeremy was already out of sight and I walked to the door. With trembling fingers I undid the lock and opened it. There stood the devil himself. My dad. I tried to keep myself cool, but it was hard, if he found Adrian and Jeremy who knows what he’d do. I wasn’t supposed to be making friends. “Hi dad.” I said in a calm voice or, as calm as I could get. He was disguised as a regular human with brown hair and large, muscular arms. “Hello nick, I have some good news for you. You don’t have to live here anymore, you can come home.” My stomach clenched. I had completely forgotten that 3 weeks ago I was sent here to hide from danger. “That’s, well, that’s great dad but,” his smile faded off his face turning into a cold look. “But what nick?” he asked in such a cold tone you could feel icicles. “Dad, I don’t want to go home. I want to stay here, forever.” His look of ice turned to a fiery mask of anger. “You’re coming home this instant. Come now.” The next two letters I said were the hardest I’ve ever said in my life. “no.” I said. Then, suddenly his large hand came crashing against my skull knocking me to the ground. I was still conscious but my head was throbbing. Suddenly I heard a timid voice come from behind the cabinet. “Don’t touch him.” Said Adrian. Dad had a look of pure anger on his face it was horrifying. “Who is this nick?” said father. “Adrian.” I whispered. As father was looking him over I saw his gaze stop on Adrian’s neck, where his halo was permanently. “It’s an angel, a filthy disgusting angel.”
Standing here I was scared to death. In front of the devil he and I had been so stupid as to stand out. Well, I couldn’t let him abuse nick like that. He is my love I would and will do anything for him. Suddenly, the rough hands of the devil were grasping my hair in a fist. I yelped from pain and saw nick standing up in the far corner of the room where he was knocked down. “Why are you near my son you pathetic mouse?” his grip was so tight on my hair that tears fled my eyes. “I, I, I, “then I heard nicks voice say in a very brave tone, “I love him.” The devil turned to nick and shot him a look I couldn’t see. “Your going to wish you never walked this planet. I assure you. No son of my will even look at an angel and definitely not love it. Now, we are going home.” At that moment I was forcefully thrown to the floor and after hitting my head on the corner of the cabinet everything went black. When I finally came to, I was lying on my bed and had several ice packs on my head. I twitched my fingers a bit and noticed that someone was holding my hand. It was painful but I turned my head and saw Jeremy with a tear-stained face and trembling hands. I tried to speak but the pain in my head was unbearable. Once Jeremy noticed I was awake he quickly got me some water which I very much appreciated, and he began to talk to me. “I’m so sorry Adrian; I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t see anything that happened I just heard a loud deep voice you and nick. It was his father right?” I tried to nod but the throbbing came in overwhelming bits every time I moved. “Um, I also have some bad news. Nick, well, he, he isn’t here anymore. He left with his dad. I’m sorry.” I assumed he was gone but it hurt so much to admit I would never see him again. I loved him so much, more than anything and within ten minutes he was taken away from me forever. Maybe If I hadn’t spoken, or just kept hidden nick would have been able to stay. All I wanted was to show I wasn’t the coward of the tale I could be valiant. But I messed up. And nothing I could do would reverse it. Jeremy must have seen the sorrow and pain in my eyes. “It wasn’t your fault Adrian. You were trying to help.” The rest of that day was spent being quite, and crying. Every time I tried to close my eyes to get some rest, I saw nick’s handsome face. Haunting me of what I did wrong. I would give anything to have him back, anything to see his face. My lover was gone and it was my fault he was.
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