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Rated: 13+ · Novella · LGBTQ+ · #1590081
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A week after nick had been so heroic as to stand up to mike, it was Friday. Not just any Friday, this Friday there would be a dance at the lodge. It was school sponsored but it would be perfect for nick and Adrian. They would go out for diner to a nice place I had picked out, and then go to the dance. It was perfect. I could barley sit in my seat for the rest of class. It was going to be so exciting. “Jeremy will you please pay attention!” shouted Mr. Samuels. “Yes sir I’m sorry. I dozed off again.” I quickly apologized and continued spacing out. After school was out for the day, I walked to get onto my bus. Nick and Adrian were already there and all three of us sat in seat nineteen. “So are you guys ready for tonight?” I asked both boys sitting next to me. They smiled “its going to be great!” said nick but Adrian did not look as happy. I smiled at nick and looked at Adrian. “Are you alright Adrian?” I said. “You look upset about something.” He forced a smile. “Yeah, everything is just great. Its going to be fun tonight.” But I could tell he wasn’t so sure. Then I though about our talk about a week before. He said he was nervous around nick. That was probably why he wasn’t the most enthusiastic about tonight. I’m sure everything would be just fine. He would enjoy it. The minute I got home I rushed to my room and found a nice button up shirt to wear tonight. I would be eating with them at the table so I had to look nice too. I wore that and a nice pair of jeans. I looked ready for the night’s events. Just then mom came into my room. “Oh wow honey, you look great where are you going?” I looked at her with a smile on my face. : well, nick Adrian and I are going to the dance tonight and nick is getting us dinner.” Her smile faded and she looked at me in a puzzled way. “Um, tonight is your grandmother’s birthday. We’re going to her birthday party in about an hour. I’m sorry jerry, but you can’t go with your friends tonight.” I looked at her in disbelief. “What?!” I said, “I have to go with them it’s really important!” I looked at her again, this time a pleading face on but she shook her head no and walked back to her room to get ready. Poor Adrian would have to go alone with nick. What if he got mad at me? I tried to shake this thought out of my mind as I picked up the phone to call nick at his house. I dialed the number and waited for him or Adrian to pick up.
Well, today was the day and I couldn’t be happier. Adrian and I were going on our first real date and I was going to officially ask him to be mine. I basically already figured that he and I would be together but it didn’t hurt to make it official. When we got home from school Adrian immediately went to his room and got dressed. I rolled my eyes and got an apple from the fridge. I was peacefully sitting at the table when all of a sudden the phone rang. I jumped in my seat and yelped. It was sort of girly but, no one would know. Except Adrian. Well, I don’t even know if he heard it. So, anyway, I rushed over to the phone after blowing chunks of apple out of my mouth and picked it up. “Hello?” I said in that mocking voice of mine. “Hey nick, its Jeremy um, I have some bad news…” this couldn’t be good, well that’s why he said bad news I’m guessing. I tried to seem cool about it. “Alright, what is it jerry?” I asked. He paused for a moment and continued to talk. “Well, tonight is my grandma’s birthday and I have to go to her party. So, I can’t go with you guys to diner and the dance. I’m sorry.” I was shocked. Jeremy, my first real friend was bailing on my and Adrian? Well, he had a good reason I guess, I mean, it was his grandma. I paused for a second. I wonder if I have a grandma. Hmm, whatever they sound like old hags who need fake teeth because the old ones got tired. So, I guess I don’t mind not having one. “Are you there nick?” came Jeremy’s voice through the phone. I came back to the real world and remembered I was on the phone. “Oh, yeah sorry jerry, I was spacing out. Um, you don’t mind if Adrian and I still go do you?” I was hoping he wouldn’t mind. “Oh no, you two go ahead I’m sure you’ll do fine, well, I have to go now it’s a long drive out there. So, have fun!” and with that, he hung up. I sat with the receiver to my ear for a few minutes till I could hear the dial tone and the robotic voice saying in a polite way to “hang up the phone idiot!” so I did. I looked around the kitchen, chewed up apple still on the floor, and smiled. This would be fun, lots and lots of fun.
When I got home I quickly went to my room to get something nice to wear. I looked in my drawers and pulled out a nice button up shirt, white of course, and some nice grey jeans. Then I looked around for my other pair of shoes, the ones with the checkered pattern on them. I think they were called DC’s or something like that. Then, I looked in the mirror. I looked quite nice actually. Very presentable. Then I heard the phone ring and nick yelping like a puppy that was just kicked. I smiled. It was very cute when he did childish or girly things. It made me smile. He picked it up and I could hear him mumbling. I lost interest at that point so I went back to examining myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess. It looked like a blonde bird’s nest that had been caught in the rain. So I looked around for a comb and quickly found it inside my bedside table drawer. After getting dressed and combing, my hair, it was time to leave. So we walked to the restaurant that wasn’t far away from where the dance would be taking place. We got in rather quickly and got a table. It was nice and right by the window. The waitress came over and asked us what we would like to drink. “Oh, I’d like a coke please.” Said nick. He looked at me and smiled. “Id like a sprite please.” She nodded and walked to the kitchen. So far so good I was thinking. I hadn’t started shaking like a Chihuahua or stuttering like an idiot. I was doing well. Then nick started a conversation and it all went down hill. “So, what were you thinking about getting?” he said. I then began to shake. “Um, well I, um, I was thinking about, um, a salad.” He looked at me as if I had said something crazy. “Dude, you? A salad. Come on now, get something nice.” He looked at me and I tried to think of something better without sounding like I was ordering a feast. “How about some soup?” I decided on. It sounded like nice and healthy soup. He looked at me again, but it slowly softened. “Alright, whatever you want. As long as your happy.” He smiled and the waitress came back with our drinks and we told her what we wanted for our meals. “Ill have the meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green beans.” She said alright and turned to me. “And you young man?” I smiled and tried not to stutter more. “Oh, well, ill have the vegetable soup please.” She jotted down what I had said and looked up again. “Would you like a diner roll or garlic bread with that?” she said. I though quickly and replied. “Garlic bread please.” And she jotted that too and left for the kitchen. I looked over at nick. He seemed uneasy, as if he was pondering a though but didn’t know how to say it. Finally he spit out the words I was so hoping to hear him say. “Adrian, we’ve known each other for about a month and a half now, so, I wanted to know, would you be mine?” even though I was expecting it my heart fluttered and my brain went twisted and couldn’t think strait. I smiled, “id love that nick, it would be an honor to be yours.” He smiled and slowly reached across the table and grabbed my dry boney hands. “I love you.” He whispered. “I love you too.” I said back. I was surprised I wasn’t that scared anymore. As if it had just evaporated into the air. Shortly our food came and we began to eat. The soup was delicious and it sure looked like nick was enjoying his meatloaf. After we talked some more and finished our meals, we paid for the food, left a tip and walked out the door to the lodge a few blocks away. We were about half way there as we past a large field with no people. We stopped to take a break and nick sat in the tall grass while I started to unbutton my shirt. “What are you doing?” he asked I looked at him and cocked my head. “I’m going for a fly just really fast. Would you like to tag along?” he returned my remark with a sigh “only one problem: no wings.” He said. “Well, you could fly with me.” he looked at me and I could see the sparkle in his eyes. “Id loves that!” he said and jumped up and walked over to me. I wrapped my arms around his slender waist, and slowly pushed my wings upward. We lifted of the ground and flew about 20 feet or so into the air. I could feel nicks body clench up when we got up high. “It’s alright,” I whispered into his ear, “I’ve got you, and ill never let you go.” He relaxed a bit and we flew around some more. When we landed, it was graceful and not unstable and awkward as I though it would be. I slid my hands off his waist and he grabbed then into his own rough hand and looked me in my eyes. He leaned in every slowly and I could sense he wanted a kiss. I leaned in as well, and our lips touched. It was as if a spark had flown into my mouth and up to my brain and made it loose all of its better judgment. We kissed like this for what seemed forever, and then we slowly came apart. It was silent for a moment and I had nothing to say. Luckily, nick spoke so I wouldn’t have to. “Ya know I really don’t want to go to the dance anymore. Besides it’s getting late and id love to see the stars come out. So that’s what we did. We watched the sunset and the stars and shared our dreams, our hopes, and our pasts. It felt peaceful; as if it was the one thing I had been missing all my life. I had found him. I had found my love id so desperately wanted and it was true. I loved him. I was his and he was mine.

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