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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Political · #1589447
Brother Mordecai's words were like a video about terrorist training in the United States.
Chapter 9
Tuesday at Campmeeting

"The world is a dangerous place to live -- not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-- Albert Einstein

Michael's parents, Brad and Ruth were at Campmeeting this year, and Ruth wanted to be sure that Pamela went to Daughters of the King Campmeeting meeting. All four of the Stay family eat lunch together. Ruth emphasized to Pamela that both of the Stay women would go the the 1 pm Daughters of the King tea meeting.

Sister Esther was the President of the Daughters of the King and she opened the meeting with a prayer and then she invited Sister Cheryl Rock to give a talk about her life in Jamaica. Cheryl is a black women from a strong congregation in the non-tourist part of Jamaica. She started her talk describing the economy of the island and how not everyone is employed by a tourist business for rich Americans, Europeans and Asians.

Cheryl covered her conversion as a teenager and then included a story about an elderly sister who lost her husband from a heart attack. But about a week after her husband's funeral, while she was asleep in bed, her husband visited her in bed! They held each other and for her it was consoling to be with her husband.

She arose in the morning, and he was gone. The day went by and she was depressed without her husband. The evening come and she retired to bed. As she began to fall asleep, her husband appeared again. She enjoyed being with her husband again. This continued to go on for three to four weeks. She mentioned the appearances to her friends and her pastor.

After the pastor heard the story, he told the widow that she was being visited by a demon, and not her deceased husband. He told her how to deal with the situation. Her told her to say: 'In the name of Jesus Christ, depart demon!'

She understood his words and she kept it in her mind as she prepared to go to sleep. As usual, when she drifted off to sleep, her husband appeared. She said the words the pastor instructed: 'In the name of Jesus Christ, depart demon!' The demon that appeared to be her deceased husband disappeared!

On this Wednesday, the evening speaker was Victor Mordecai who has duel citizenship in Israel and the United States of America. He wrote a book about the extreme sects of Islam. Michael and Pamela had watched a few videos by past Muslims who converted to Christianity. The new converts see how they need to leave their home if they want to stay alive! If they do not move to a Christian based country, they are on the Muslim hit list to be murdered soon!

Brother Mordecai's words were very similar to a video done in the early '90s about terrorist training in the United States. The video documentary was done shortly after the World Trade Center foundation bomb. The stories the politicians were saying about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, 'the terrorist will follow us home if we leave' was a simple lie! The terrorists are already here!

The documentary video showed terrorist training classes in Kansas City, Missouri and in the New York City metro area. The 'home-grown' terrorists have not started any 'media aware' terrorist strikes yet. Time will tell.

Brother Mordecai continued about his visit to Kansas City. He was to visit a ministry there. He parked his car on a busy street close to the ministry' office, got out and started a short walk to the office. He immediately noticed a very big middle east appearance man walking, or stalking him, towards the ministry office. Brother Mordecai's imagination went wild; the video about terrorist training in Kansas City hung in his mind. Should he run? Or lightly jog to the ministry' office? He walked very briskly to the office, and the Mideast hulk followed him into the office!

The receptionist blurted out "Brother Nasri, Good morning! How may we help you?"

"I understand Victor Mordecai is to visit here and later in the afternoon, talk about Israel and the Mideast situation." said Brother Nasri.

"Correct. I have seen pictures of Brother Mordecai, and the gentleman that entered the office before you looks just like the pictures. Am I correct?" the receptionist commented as she looked at Victor Mordecai standing in the office. Victor's heart raced, but he regained his composure and nodded 'yes.'

Brother Mika Nasri quickly took steps toward Victor and said "Brother Mordecai, I have some witness stories to tell you that strengthen your faith in God!"

Brother Mordecai wipes his forehead as he stands at the Campmeeting podium. Takes a big breath of air, and exhales in relief. "Boy, my short trip to that Kansas City ministry office, being followed by who I thought was a terrorist, who turned out to be a lamb in a wolf's coat!" The Campmeeting crowd let out a huge laugh!

"But Brother Nasri was right when he said his witness stories would build faith! Let me tell the best witness of all. In his childhood, he was raised to have Taliban thought processes. He went to many terrorist training classes, and he made friends with another boy. They went to the same Sharia ruled school.

One day, his friend was out in his car on some Missouri county roads. Somehow, Brother Nasri's friend rolled his car and was hurt and could not get away from the car. He started to pray to Allah. Nothing happened. He continued to pray to Allah. He was bleeding, and he wanted to stop the bleeding, but he could not move!

He was desperate. He was in trouble, and he needed help right now! Thoughts crossed his mind, 'What if I pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? What could it hurt?' So he prayed to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and he was healed! He quickly ran away from the car, and was able to flag someone on the county road and get help."

"He told Brother Nasri and they both surrendered their lives to God and His Son Jesus!"

After Brother Mordecai's talk, Michael, Pamela, Joseph and Eric met in the cafeteria over some soda pop, or coffee. Eric mentioned the part of the talk about 'home-grown' terrorists who converted to Christianity.

"By-the-way, I have done some research about Islam and Muslims" said Eric. "The Muslim perception of 'love' is not always the same as Christian unconditional love. And I found out that there is something to beware of. It is called 'taqiyya.' Let me write it down, because I'm not sure how to say it right" Eric grabbed a napkin from the cafeteria table and wrote the Arabic word in English letters. "It is a time honored Islamic tradition were it is okay to almost outright lie, or make a misleading statement!" exclaimed Eric.

"Islamic clergy are using that outrageous letter from the Yale Divinity School to say that because we worship the same God, we should 'love' each other and Christians then should also keep rules of Sharia!" added Eric.

"Well, I sure think that Yale Divinity School would put out the farthest left-leaning uninspired letter possible! Don't you think?" said Joseph.

"Yes, I concur" said Michael as Pamela nodded.

Pamela mentioned "The 'we-worship-the-same-God' concept has been forwarded by the Associated Press for many years. Years ago, they used the terms 'Allah' when dealing with Arabs, but 'God' when dealing with Christians, then they changed it; the mainstream media uses 'Allah' all the time. They changed their terminology to forward a wrong concept."

"And in the Mideast situation, besides our spiritual trouble with Islam, has anyone been keeping up on Iran's nuclear research and their success with satellites?" asked Michael.

"I've been trying to keep up on the situation in general, but I'm not sure of the latest done by Iran" said Eric. Joseph shook his head.

"Well, it appears that Iran has launched two dozen satellites at least. The United States and allies have no idea of the capabilities of the satellites. There are so many birds up there that we may have no way to track the Iranian satellite. Of course NORAD may have some secrets too. But I suppose that they are spy satellites capable of who knows what."

“And Iran has been saying that their nuclear research is peaceful. But can we really believe that? And the fact that Iran can launch a satellite in the first place, means they can do Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles! Just like back in American/Russian cold-war days, those are ICBMs! Like the missile launch sites all across Wyoming were we live!" exclaimed Michael.

"Probably as much as we can trust Saudi jetliner training students?" asked Joseph.

"It's 9/11 all over again, isn't it?" commented Pamela.

"Hmmm, exactly. The Saudi's state religion, is the same as Taliban, al Qaeda, and Iran. Back in the days of George W., America tried to collectively assign terrorists to countries of the world. But these Wahhabism type terrorists know no country. They are around the world all at once" Eric stated as his hands traced a large 'around-the-world' circle.

Michael, Pamela, and Joseph all looked at Eric as his hands were over his head. Eric shared eye contact with each of the other three people at the table. Without exchanging words, each of those four citizens knew the future of America was very uncertain.

Pamela commented “We have such wonderful world leaders, don't we? I remember how Iran's past President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Israel a "rotten, dried tree" that will be annihilated by 'one storm.'

But in the next instant, Michael jumped up, stretched his hands over his head and shouted, “Aaron! Praise the Lord, you're down from Canada!”

Aaron's eyes track right to Michael. “Michael! I understand you graduated, have a job and got married! Is that all true?” asked Aaron.

“You are correct Aaron!” The two men meet half-way across the multi-use cafeteria, shake hands like two wrestlers and embrace each other like two close friends who have not seen each other for forty years!

“Aaron, come have a seat. This is my wife, Pamela. And two close friends, Joseph and Eric. We have had three days to practically talk about everything in an encyclopedia it seems. However, the most recent item has been the situation in the Mideast, terrorists and Muslims. Is there anything you think you would like to add Aaron?”

“Well Michael, I sure do! I'm assuming that the 9/11 event is the foundation of all the talk?” Everyone nods. “Okay, now there is an election coming up soon, correct?” Everyone concurs with a nod. And the past President has served his two terms so the next President has been narrowed to the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate. Correct?” asked Aaron.

“Yes that is true Aaron.” said Eric.

“However, is something terrible happens, before the election, could not America be somewhat 'forced' into a police state, low liberties, lower freedom situation?” asked Aaron.

Eric's mind races as his eyes show a bland stare into the wall. Joseph goes through some questions for Aaron. Michael raises his eyebrows and Pamela leans to her left as she places her chin in her raised left palm. “Uhmmmn...” Pamela sounds softly to herself.

Joseph is the first to respond. “Is it from home-grown terrorists, that can limit our freedoms, as opposed to external terrorism that means we watch our borders better?”

“Exactly. Notice the 'Police State' situation keeps the same leadership. No election. And two past Presidents of America made some interesting statements. First was from George Washington who said: "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism."

“Uhmmm...... Aaron, you are talking some scary stuff. It sounds like a 'Murphy's Law thing; 'if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.'” Michael said very softly.

Eric's eyes changed to look like two high-energy hydrogen atoms ready to fuse into a helium atom! A multitude of his thoughts fused into a key solution that made sense to Eric. He blurted out, “After the attack of 9/11/01, did you-all read Daniel Hopsicker's book, 'Welcome to Terrrorland, Mohamed Atta & the 9-11 Cover-up in Florida ?'” Eric asked.

There was a mix of positive and negative body language from this Campmeeting 'think-tank.'

Eric continues, “The book was a non-fiction book, but it had a plot. The plot was to give as much objective facts to show that the Federal Government's goal was to paint a picture of America's enemies as fundamental Islamic terrorists. Mister Hopsicker presented his findings, after a two-year investigation, that the leader of this band of terrorists was far from a fundamentalist Muslim! He showed that he was more of a crazy, promiscuous, psychopath with German and Dutch coordinators!”

“Wow! Eric, you have a point there! I read the book, but kind of 'shelved-it' in my thoughts. I shelved-it as a attempt to make trouble for George W.” Michael paused for a moment. “But if it really was a 'conservative vs. liberal' show, the mainstream media would have flowed into Venice, Florida by the busload! Wouldn't they?”

“You are correct Michael. If it was a 'plot' by the conservative Republicans to 'justify' the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, why did the Democrats NOT investigate 'full-speed-ahead' to find the flaws in the FBI reports? Huh?” exclaimed Eric.

“Sounds like a fair question Eric.” stated Joseph. “Uh-huh” said Pamela.

“But Eric, the cover-up still points fingers at George W. The Democrats were just lazy. Even with Hopsicker's book out so many years now, they are still being lazy.” said Joseph.

“No Joseph, it does not necessarily point to George W. In Hopsicker's book, he explains how the FBI has a past history of covering-up for CIA blunders!” said Eric.

Michael looked toward Aaron and began to speak “Aaron, I recollect from a few years ago how Muslims had a rumor going that Israel and the USA were the motivators behind the 9/11 attacks! With that rumor and the ideas from the Welcome to Terrorland book, Aaron's police state with no election idea sounds almost reasonable. Doesn't it?”

Joseph was quite for awhile and then mentioned some new ideas based on a non-fiction book he had read a few years back. “Has anyone read a non-fiction book by Mark Steyn called America Alone? He compares old, well established European countries to the Muslim immigrant people in Europe. Western women have 1.4 children but Muslim women have 3.5! It's a plain numbers game. Western people are digging their own grave! Muslims will simply populate the world and bury the western 'infidels' in their graves!”

Pamela burst out “Was Mark Steyn the author that some Canadian Muslim group took him to court?”

Joseph nodded.

Michael sounded out, “The situation sounds similar to Al Gore's story of 'Inconvenient Truths' dealing with global warming, but this is when accurate records of history are inconvenient for Muslims. It's an interesting trick by the Adversary I believe, to get the liberal side in America, the Democrats, to be so 'Politically Correct' and overlook Islam and Muslims, who may be as Mark Steyn's book subtitle is: 'The End of the World as We Know It.' I have an inner gut feeling that this last election may be the last as we know it. Our next leader may be forced upon us, either internally, or externally.”

Daniel chimes in, “Abraham Lincoln had a saying, let me dig through my Bible case, I have it on a sheet of my favorite e-mail signatures.”

Daniel starts to search in his Bible case a few seconds to find a small 3x5 card of quotes. “Ah-ha, here it is: 'America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.' Ha! And along the lines of Steyn's outlook of Europe, here is one by IKE, President Eisenhower. 'A people that values it's privileges above it's principles, soon loses both.'”

Pamela ponders the soon-to-be situation in America. The group continued to offer comments and additions to Daniel's comment, but Pamela climbs in her thoughts to a plateau and the words written in Revelation 14:13 flourish in her mind:

Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord,

As the Revelation scripture floats in her mind, Psalm 23 interjects, 'Fear no evil, for Thou art with me.' The ideas are consoling to Pamela. She thinks 'Father in heaven, if I am true to you, all the time, You have made promises to me......'

In Pamela's heart, she is prompted to make a comment to the group. “With a very liberal government trying to be like Europe and not independent from Europe, the idea of Sharia law in America, does not seem impossible. America may become like Saudi Arabia. In order to be a Saudi citizen, you need to be a Muslim of their version of Islam: Wahhabism.”

“And to a Christian that does not 'revert' back to Islam, they will put in prison or put to death.” Pamela finds Revelation 14:13 in her Bible and reads it to the group:

'And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.'

“When you are baptized as a Christian, you make promises to God, but He makes promises back to you, promises that you have no way to achieve yourself. I mean, when you are dead, tough luck, you are gone. But God promises you life forever when you follow Jesus, His Son. It's that simple. If a Muslim terrorist wants to waste a bullet or a bomb on you, tough luck to the Muslim. You STILL have that promise from God!”

Eric blurts out, “That makes Joseph Clark's talk come back like a slam into a wall.” Eric opens his hands wide to his sides with a pantomime motion of open palms in front of him hitting a wall. “To survive to the end, go to Israel to live! All Christians from around the world may be gone, but we know that when Israel is destroyed, Jesus is coming back very shortly!”

Michael's eyes open wide. “Wow! There are some interesting software firms in Israel too! Maybe I can line up a job first, to obtain a sponsor to emigrate to Israel! What do you think Pamela?”

Pamela's face is motionless, with a straight face, Pamela says “Michael, wait and see.”
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