Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1589355-Wishes-and-costs
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1589355
As my first story on here it might not be that good so bare with me here.
If you ever been offered a wish, would you refuse it? What if you had a chance to make your life better, would you do it? These are all yes or no questions. But what if the question was, if you could have a wish but wouldent be afraid of the consiquences, would you ask for it still? Well thats what mathew was offered but was'nt aware of the cost in the end.
It all started when matt was in high school, well unfortunately it was the end of summer break and he's going into high school as a freshmen. Anyway, he got all the new clothes and book's and supply's all ready to make a good first impression. Although he still had friends from last year going into high school. "hey man, how's it going?" Thats matt's friend as the boath meet eyes from the noisy hallway into their classroom's. "Hi alex, glad to see you here" said matt. Alex and matt have been good friends since 2nd grade and have been in each class and each grade every year, like the teachers want them together even though there the class clown's and trouble maker's. But matt, in his heart he's really smart and wants to learn instead of going to the princibles office all the time. Going through class through, waiting till lunch to start the first food fight of the year. Until "Brinnngggg!!!" you see, im matt, im that guy that just standed up to rush to lunch. I ran down the hallway trying to make it first in the lunch line without the teachers noticeing me running. Me and alex almost started the food fight but i convinced him not to. So we walk out to lunch break and we all go outside, "alot of chicks out here dont you think?" said Alex. I nodded my head and looked away as if i dident care."Im going over to ask one out, ya think i can do it with my good looks?" said alex "im going over there" i pointed over to some guy's i dident know. "whatever" he said. I strayed away from everyone and crossed a couple nerds talking about video games and math sitting on a bench, so i just looked away and kept walking to my favorate climbing tree in the court yard and thought "mabe not today." i just kept walking through the court yard and into the field next to the parking lot to get away from all of the stress from a first day.
Then suddenly, there was an odd little bottle in a public garbage can that looked very stupid until it started to glow with it's wered designs. It was a black glass bottle with colorful designs on it, so i picked it up and looked at it with cereosity. I heared the bell ring to signal students to resume school. I quickly ran inside hideing the bottle from hostile eyes and hideing from alex so he wont question me from susspition. I finaly ran home, opened the door with my house key and went into my room. No one was home because my parent's work full time. I opened my backpack to reveal the bottle to my eyes, it was still still glowing so i put it on the table and stared at it.
The bottle was very dusty so i got up and rubbed the dust off and the bottle glowed brighter, and brighted until the glow popped out of the bottle and the white light of the floating sphere turned into the form of a man! The man looked in his 40's and was wearing some sort of peasent, medieval kind look which still looked a little stupid. "I am here my master" said the man. "is this for real?" "I have given you 4 wishes, so chose wisely" "this is impossible," i said " mabe I should test it out" i thought. So i looked at my broken sun glasses. "ok then, i wish that my glasses were fixed!" he swung his arm over the sun glasses and the crack in the lens shrunk down to nothing! I yelped in exitement and awe and felt like i could do anything in the world, and i could.
"master, you have restrictions that i am restricted from doing, one, i can not turn you into a wishgranter. And two, you can not wish for more wishes, other than that you have 3 wishes." "well this is an easy one, i wish I wish for a million dollars all in cash in my room!" "it is done" said the man. And almost countless hundred dollar bills appeared in the air and fell on the floor in my room. Day's later I went to the mall and bought almost everything there, my parents were confused and looked like they were about to slap me because of all the things I got but I told them I found a million dollar check and used it but they dident beleve me. So they started to question me like "where did you really get the money?" and "it better not be our money!" ... Then suddenly a knock on the door inturupted our argument and it was the police, FBI, some kind of agentcy, and some people that work for the goverment. "we have found some pritty expencive purchases here, with about $796,000 dollars worth of item's that your son bought. Now with the money your makeing now, theres no way your house hold could of made that money." I ran up stairs to my room to use my 2nd wish but I was so panicky I wished that I was somewere far away, out of the u.s.a. So smoke went around me for a while and it started to clear up and I had some urban clothes on and I was right im the middle of a desert and all i could see in the distance was endless sand hills.
I walked for an hour without seeing civilization, parched of thirst and couldent move from hunger. I had the bottle with the man inside in my hand with one wish left and I was thinking "what have I done!?" I quickly rubbed the bottle and the man came out saying "this is away from all destraction's and north america." "I wish everything was back to normal, like I never even had any wishes!" I snapped "as you wish" as I see him fade into the distance, I slowly close my eyes from exaustion. I slowly open my eyes and im in school, I see classmates and in the next desk I see alex and he says "dude, you just zoned out in class, how do you feel now ya sikko?" I chuckled slightly and continued writeing notes and listening....
© Copyright 2009 Brandon (omaga297 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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