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Valerie meets Fawn and they travel to the city. |
Wandering Star chapter 5 On the side of the road under the wide, leafy branches of a low, spreading tree sat a woman. There was a cloak spread beneath her on the grass and a big, black dog sprawled out at her side. Against the tree behind her leaned a bag with a single wide strap. The leather of the strap and bag was dark and worn from use. After a moment, as she and Twilight moved closer, Valerie thought she recognized the dog lying at the woman’s side. The white face and the reddish shading of the legs and belly confirmed it for her. It was Cosmos, Twilight’s dog from The Acres. That discovered Valerie turned her eyes to study the woman. At first glance, she looked like an ordinary sort of woman, dressed in black leggings and a light blue shirt that came down just past her hips. A black belt rode low around her waist, gloves tucked through it and tall black boots lay on the grass beside her. Her clothes were rather plain, simple but flattering. She wore a black band around her forehead to keep her long hair, which was as black as Twilight’s, off of her face. Her face was pretty, not heartbreakingly beautiful as Twilight’s was, but very attractive. On Valerie’s second glance, she was struck by something about the woman; something more than her physical appearance but Valerie wasn’t sure what it was. She had a presence that immediately drew attention although that attention did not seem to be sought after. There was a kind of restrained strength apparent in her, like that of a relaxed jaguar and she seemed to overflow with self assurance and calm. But aside from that confidence, she exuded an air of wonders and far away mysteries that completely commanded Valerie’s attention and imagination. The woman was leaning forward with her elbows resting on her knees, her feet buried in the thick, emerald grass. One hand held something that looked like a small loaf of bread. The other was rubbing behind the dog's ears and she was looking straight at them, smiling faintly with a quirk of amusement. Valerie stopped, staring back at her and felt wariness begin to stir deep inside her. This country was too strong; too close to something inside of her and this woman seemed somehow to be even closer. She set her jaw, silently preparing herself as though for an attack. Twilight kept moving easily ahead. "Hi Cosmos. Boy, you look like you've been roughing it the past few days!" She stopped in front of the two sitting under the tree, looking down at the dog. Her head was almost up in the branches but she didn’t seem to mind as she inquired, "Are you even going to greet me?" The dog flicked one ear lazily. "Last time I leapt up to give you greeting you almost put a hoof through my ribs." Valerie jumped, staring now at the dog. Unmistakably, the voice had come from her, low and rough. Valerie felt her heart beating heavily as she absorbed the fact that Cosmos, Twilight's dog, had just spoken aloud. Twilight replied with a touch of defensiveness in her voice. "You startled me. You should know better than to leap at me after I've just come through a gate. Anyway, I apologized for it." Cosmos snorted, got to her feet and tilted her head back to look up at Twilight. Then, very soberly, she lunged upright, braced her forepaws against Twilight's stomach and tilted her head back so she was staring up straight into Twilight’s eyes. "Milady, I'm glad you’re here." Twilight reached out to rub behind the dog's ears, somehow keeping a straight face. "I'm glad to see you too, Cosmos." Cosmos stretched taller and her pale eyes drilled into her mistress’s. "This is the last time I am sent on ahead or told to follow after. My place is at your side. With times as they are there are no guarantees to safety, even for one such as you. What would I tell your father if something happened and I was not present to fulfill the duty I am called to?" Twilight rolled her eyes and nudged Cosmos back. "It was just a few days. Anyone'd think we'd been parted for months the way you carry on. Anyway, I can take care of myself.” Cosmos dropped to all fours and snorted. “If that were really so then there would be no need for my calling, so stop your arguing. Next time I stay with you.” Twilight sighed, “Alright fine. Have it your way.” “I’m glad you agree.” Cosmos said and then her tail began to wag. "Good." She came over to Valerie and looked up at her. "Hello again, Valerie. I am glad to see you here and looking so well. You are truly a daughter of this world. I am called Cosmos and I am one of the border guardians, protector of the foolish one over there.” She flicked an ear in Twilight’s direction. Twilight’s wing swooped down toward Cosmos. “Foolish!” Before Valerie could think of any reply, Cosmos had darted between her forelegs, raced behind her and around the tree. Twilight whirled to follow, her hooves thudding light and fast but Cosmos was still much faster. She leapt onto Twilight’s back, paws braced between her wings. Her teeth caught lightly the back of Twilight’s shirt, just at the nape of her neck and she spoke through her teeth in a growl. “Your skill has dulled, my lady, since the days on the border.” Twilight winced. “Wow. That wasn’t even a good play match. Point taken, Cosmos.” Cosmos released the back of Twilight’s shirt but remained balanced on her back. The woman came to her feet then and stepped forward, laughing quietly. "Well, Cosmos, now that you have done your educating, I’ll give my greeting, shall I?” She bowed gracefully, one knee bending beneath her while her other foot slid forward on the ground in front of her. “Aibhe,Twilight. A while it’s been since I last saw you. I’m pleased to see you well." Her voice was low toned and courteous, carrying an underlying strength that was audible without being brash. She had a soft, melodic accent that rang clear and pretty through the air. "Hello Fawn." Twilight smiled and greeted her with the warmth of an old friend but the deep respect in her voice was new to Valerie. She watched in some surprise as Twilight bent in a low bow, her wings spread and the tips of each wing touching the ground. “I'm glad to see you're here." She half turned, holding out her hand towards Valerie. "Fawn, this is Valerie. Val, this is Fawn, ruler of the Celsaie." Fawn gave Twilight an ironic look as she straightened up. Valerie was surprised to see that her head only came up to Twilight’s elbow and then felt stupid. Of course people were going to seem shorter now. She and Twilight were a lot taller than they had been. Fawn turned towards Valerie and held out her hand, offering a handshake to Valerie instead of a bow. "Fawn O'Vale is what I've been called in your world. We'll use that name, for I'm not really a ruler of anything, after all. I'm quite pleased to meet you, Val." She said sincerely and something in her eyes and voice told Valerie that she truly meant it. Valerie shook the woman's hand, studying her carefully. Fawn's eyes were smiling and friendly, brilliantly beautiful; the coloring clearer than anything Valerie had ever seen before, royal blue at the center with a ring of black around the outer rim. And in those eyes Valerie could detect a kind of wildness, a streak of rebellion tempered only slightly by time and carefully controlled. Valerie bet she had a sharp temper. But there was something else there too; something mysterious that Valerie couldn’t put a name to; something akin to that unrecognizable quality in her that drew the eye back to her for a second look. "I'm pleased to meet you." Valerie said, somehow drawn beyond her wariness of the woman. Twilight looked around. "You didn't come alone, did you, Fawn?" She shrugged her wings in an unsuccessful effort to shake Cosmos. “Surely your guardians are not less persistent than mine.” Fawn spoke as she settled comfortably back to the ground and crossed her legs. "Actually, Sidus and Mystic are all who accompany me now. They wanted a run after two and a half weeks on board ship so,” she smiled at Cosmos, “Seeing that I was in the care of such a capable guardian, they are off for a time stretching their legs. They should be back before long. In the meantime, we should eat." Fawn lifted the loaf of bread she was holding. "It's past time for the laborer’s sup. I've brought more. It’s just iomlan, but it should hold you till Tsarl." She reached for the saddle bags leaning against the tree and held them out towards Twilight and Valerie. Twilight lay down with a sound of gratitude, dumping Cosmos off her back, and reached out to take the saddlebags. "Ah. Thank you, Fawn. I haven’t eaten since breakfast before we left for Kethya." Valerie slowly dropped to her knees and rolled onto her side. She was surprised by how comfortable it was. Twilight withdrew a loaf of bread, like the one Fawn was eating. Then she handed one across to Valerie. "Here, try some, Val. This is what we call propelda in Malyia and Pelesia. Some wanderer folk call it iomlan but it's still the same thing." "It's one of the foods most common here," Fawn commented. "Often used as journey bread because it's light and very filling." Valerie cautiously tore off a small piece and ate it. The smooth, outer crust was crisp, the inside soft. It tasted faintly of butter and unknown spices and the flavor filled her mouth pleasantly. She nodded approvingly. "It's good." Fawn smiled. "I'm quite pleased you like it.” Twilight grinned, amusement dancing in her eyes. “Well, my lady, your habits of speech astounds me. The last time we spoke you sounded like a riv’morian sword spinner.” Fawn’s smile flashed through her eyes. “I’ve just made acquaintance with your friend, Twilight. I wouldn’t want to startle her quite that badly. And I dare say I should act like I was raised in the Keiverias at least sometimes.” “What’s Keiverias?” Valerie inquired. “And what’s a sword spinner?” She felt drawn to know about Fawn. It was like a thirst. She had to ask. “A sword spinner is a soldier from a defeated country who travels as a mercenary and finds work for his blade as it comes before him. Keiverias is the unicorn court. I spent a great deal of my childhood there.” Fawn answered. “That is where I call home, though I am not often there anymore.” She repressed a sigh. “There are so many who require a wanderer’s aid in these days. I have no peace.” Twilight raised her brows, trying not to laugh as she said with mock solemnity. "True true. The struggles of leadership are very great." Valerie frowned. "I thought you said you weren't a ruler." Fawn smiled. "I'm not." "She is!" Twilight retorted. "I'm not. Not really. Some people have said that before though and Twilight tends to remind me of it.” “Only because it’s true.” Twilight said but she shrugged. “If you don’t want to tell her, fine; then don’t.” She paused for a moment and then asked, "So, how has life been treating you lately, Fawn? What's been happening? I've only had a little of the news and I’m well starved for it.” Fawn smiled, “Hold gently now. There will be time on the road for such things. Now, I think I should call for Sidus and Mystic. We will need to start again before too long." She got up and walked over to the edge of the hilltop. Twilight leaned over close to Valerie to whisper, "I thought she might tell you about it herself but I was wrong about that." Her voice warmed as she continued. "Fawn's a lot of fun, Val, and she knows...she knows how the wind flies. She’s called the Wandering Star and though she’s not old, she’s wandered farther than almost any other wanderer known to the Circle. She’s been through almost all the worlds and is honored by most of those she meets. She told you that she was raised in Keiverias, the court of unicorns. That’s one of the only places across the worlds purely untainted by darkness and it is where the Council of Revision is held. The ruler of Keiverias, who has doings with nearly all the light countries and many contested ones, has mentored her and provided for her and her guardian since she was a small child. And because she was in Keiverias so much, she was sent quite often by the councils to help those who required the aid of a wanderer.” “Her guardian?” Valerie’s quick ear had caught on that word. “Is she like you? Just waiting for her parents to return?” Twilight shook her head. “You heard about a very small portion of the Sorcerers’ War, Valerie, in the tale I told. But that same Flood washed over all other worlds and we have had war ever since then. That country we spoke of was not the only one never to emerge from the darkness either. There were many. And the constant battle and war has left quite a few without family and country. Fawn was fortunate in that she was claimed by a good woman, Verade Linewalker, who was a wandering chronicler and now serves in Keiverias.” "Is that in this world, or another?" Valerie asked, curiously. "It's in another world, Ethereal" Twilight nodded. "They say it's one of the most beautiful places in the worlds and the ring of it can be heard in each unicorn’s voice. If you listen close, you can hear it in Fawn’s voice too.” "Really? Would Fawn take us to see it?" "Probably. She's very proud of her heritage there and the court of unicorns is open to all friends." Valerie nodded and then spoke carefully, feeling out her words. "She's a part of the Circle. Right? She seems very... well, I don’t know for sure. There’s something about her…" "Certainly, she's a part of the Circle," Twilight said, her eyes serious. "No one could doubt that. And she’s a person it would do you well to listen to. She's earned the respect she's given across the worlds, Val. She's very gifted, and was given some of her training by a dragon, Fiery-eye. While that used to be common it’s fairly rare these days. The dragons have gotten more reclusive since the Black Flood but Fawn is special. I've known her for a few years now, known of her for longer. She's rather…well, notorious within the bounds of light society. Not in a bad way, you understand, but anyone can see she’s not typical. That’s part of the reason why, even though she often acts by request of the Keiverias, as an agent of theirs, she’s called a ruler. She’s marked by the Call, you see, and-" Twilight began to explain further with thoughtful sobriety and then was interrupted. Fawn's voice came gently between them, faintly reproving and touched slightly with humor and embarrassment. "Twilight, are you running me up again?" They both turned their heads and drew apart. Valerie felt a slight blush spreading across her cheekbones. Fawn was standing only a few yards away, her hands on her hips as she regarded them with arched brows. Twilight grinned, no shame in her expression or blush on her face at being caught talking about Fawn. "Nothing but the facts Fawn." "I thought so. Excesses of fact can pull someone down, Twilight." said Fawn, coming to sit down on her cloak again. She moved with the lithe, unconscious grace that Valerie had always associated with a cat's matchless saunter. “Or worse, bind them in a place.” Valerie studied her face. Fawn was beautiful, more so upon acquaintance and observation than she was at first sight. But Valerie was confused as she tried to guess Fawn's age. The look of her face was youthful, like a girl who was still carefree and untroubled by responsibility; seventeen or eighteen years old, maybe, not much older for certain. But her voice spoke of experience and had the calm strength that was gained by hard trials of time. Valerie wondered which spoke more truly. "So you tell her." Twilight said. "Then I won't have to." Fawn shook her head, turning her brilliant blue eyes on Valerie. "Val will see what she needs to know. She doesn't need me to tell her." A smile warmed her eyes. "Besides, it would be a long, drawn out tale and that I am not in the mood for." As she spoke, she idly pushed back the band around her forehead. Valerie's eyes followed the movement, and then widened with shock. The cloth had been covering a very strange mark on Fawn's forehead. It was the shape of a star, eight-pointed, pale against the tan of Fawn's skin with a silvery translucence that seemed to indicate it was not a naturally occurring mark. Fawn's eyes studied Valerie's face. "My proving. I emerged branded as you see. This is how my name was given to me." Valerie nodded, failing to be surprised by Fawn’s answer to her silent questions. "What is it for?" Amusement crinkled the corners of Fawn's eyes. "To remind me of my way and mark me as a follower." "Oh." Valerie was desperately curious, but Fawn showed no inclination to explain any further. Instead of pursuing the matter she framed another question, "I didn't hear you calling, Fawn. You said you were going to call for your escort." A smile lifted the corners of Fawn's mouth. "I did." "I didn't hear anything." Valerie frowned in puzzlement. Fawn's smile deepened a little. "Sidus is a unicorn and a prince of his kingdom. We have been heart bonded for a long time. To speak with him, I need never open my mouth and distance does not hinder our speech too much." "Can you do that with all creatures?" Valerie asked curiously. "I can communicate with some of them in a like manner. I do not often choose to do so. It is not a thing that should be done without a sober mind and good reason." Valerie looked at Twilight and Cosmos. "Can you do it?" Twilight and Cosmos looked at each other. "We can," Twilight said. "Or Cosmos can anyway." "It is a privilege I am allowed when I am in places where I may not speak. Like Earth," Cosmos said. She wrinkled her nose, showing her teeth momentarily. "Earth is a strange place, Valerie.” Fawn raised her brows. "I'll agree with that. Earth is very different from these other worlds. Earth belongs to Men. It is not a shared world like Neulria, Haven or Verdan and not to be wandered into lightly." Cosmos sighed. "Aye. And m'lady has another whole year to spend there." She looked up at Twilight, ears laid sideways in a pathetically miserable expression. Twilight got to her feet and shook herself lightly, sending small bits of grass floating down to the ground. "You knew what the agreement was when you began this venture." Cosmos stretched. "Don't tell me that you're any happier with the situation than I am for it would be a lie and we'd all know it." Twilight shrugged, looking down the hill in the direction of the valley. "Here comes John," she said after a moment. Fawn's brows lifted and she looked up in interest. "Oh? You chose that way then, Twilight?" Her eyes sought out Twilight's. Twilight nodded, her face non-committal as she watched John approaching. After a moment though, she met Fawn's eyes and their gaze held for a moment before Twilight turned away again. Fawn nodded then, her face easing as she came to understand whatever Twilight had just silently communicated to her. "Well, I am anxious to meet him." Soon John appeared over the crest of the hill. He stopped momentarily, blinking in some surprise to see more companions. His eyes ran over Fawn's face, hesitating for a moment on the star then narrowing in something almost like recognition. Fawn stood up and took a few steps forward, holding out her hand. "You are John, recently come from Earth, yes? I am Fawn, a wanderer." He watched her very closely as he shook her hand, smiling. "I'm glad to meet you, Fawn. I’m John Velez." Valerie stood up, curious about the intensity in John's eyes as he looked at Fawn. She hadn't seen that expression on his face very often. He was looking at Fawn as if trying to call to memory something he knew he should know and yet couldn’t remember. He opened his mouth once, as if to speak, and then closed it. Twilight bent over to pick up the saddlebags and she offered them to him. "Here, John. Have something to eat. We didn't wait for you." He reached into the saddle bags and drew out a loaf of propelda, shrugging. "I don’t blame you. I was being a slowpoke." "You were. What took you so long?" Valerie asked. "I took a look around the valley, up towards the mountains. Found some funny little flowers, enjoyed the scenery and got my hooves all tangled up. I think I’ve got them sorted out now though." Fawn tugged the band back over her forehead, smiling, “There’s a good thing.” John spoke again, looking at her. "I've seen you before, Fawn. Somewhere." Fawn’s smile came back to her face. "I've been many places. You very well might have seen me somewhere." "Where are you from?" "Keiverias, though I have lately been in Rivamorn." Fawn's eyes began to sparkle. John bit into the propelda, looking puzzled. Valerie still felt a strong urge to know more about Fawn and about her life. She was intensely curious about this woman who seemed so strong and gave such a feeling of distance and far off wonders. "I'd love to see Keiverias someday," She said suddenly, surprising even herself. Fawn looked at her, a thoughtful expression coming over her face and the wisdom in that glance set Valerie wondering again how old she was. “It would be my pleasure to take you one day. I hope sincerely you get the chance to come and see the beauty of Keiverias for yourself." Her voice was soft and solemn. She bent over and caught up her cloak, swinging it back around her shoulders as she straightened. Valerie noticed suddenly, a single design on the back of the cloak and she studied it with her head tipped to the side. It was the image of a unicorn rearing to attack, a star blazing above its head. As she turned, Fawn's eye caught Valerie's stare. She half smiled, grasped the edges of the cloak and drew them apart so the image was completely visible. "This is the crest of the Keiverias, Val. I was given leave to wear it by Seira, the present ruler, because I was raised there and because of my bond with Sidus." John looked up curiously. He was about ready to frame a question when a ringing whinny came up the hill to them. The crest completely forgotten, they all turned, looking for the source. Fawn walked toward the northern slope and shaded her eyes. A moment later she nodded. "They're coming." Valerie and John moved to look over her shoulder. She pointed and they looked in the direction indicated, their eyes searching. The hills rolled away northward partially blanketed by thick trees. Aside from two centaurs meandering down a road pulling a cart they couldn't see anything moving. "What are we looking for?" John murmured into Valerie's ear. Somehow, Fawn heard him as well and answered the question before Valerie could. "Sidus, the dark one of his people and Mystic, a captain of the Firefolk." Fawn said. "They will be in sight in a moment." She dropped her hand down to rest on her hip, easy and relaxed. "Oh. If you don't mind me asking, what are they?" Suddenly a flash of brilliant color showed through the trees and seconds later a unicorn burst into view. Black as a starless night all over, Valerie could tell, even from a distance, that he was undoubtedly one of the strongest creatures she had ever seen in her life. He was almost immediately followed out of the trees by a brilliantly colored mare. Her body was fiery red and shifted in hue, holding every color of flame and shimmering in the sunlight. Her face and her mane and tail were jet black. John's brows rose. "Oh. I see." The unicorn stallion skidded to a halt at the bottom of the valley, throwing up his head and whinnying, deep and clear. Valerie was beginning to recognize the bell like tone of a unicorn's whinny and couldn't help smiling inwardly when she heard it. The mare passed him in a crimson rush, galloping straight up the hill towards them. She dropped her pace gradually as she neared and was walking, smooth and graceful by the time she reached them. She stopped before Fawn, lowering her head respectfully. "M'lady." Her coat was covered with a faint sheen of sweat, her mane tangled from the wind of her speed and her forelock falling over her eyes, but there was no lessening her beauty. She was not quite as tall as the stallion, her shoulder being almost even with Valerie's hip, but she was smooth and compactly built and well muscled. She moved with ease, her balance perfect and Valerie had no doubt that those hooves could pose a deadly menace at need. The unicorn joined them then. He greeted Fawn by rubbing her shoulder gently with his muzzle as he passed her, walking into the shade. He turned and graciously nodded his head to Twilight. "Twilight. Aibhe. It's been long since we have seen you." His voice in their heads was a deep rumble, rich and pleasant. He was possessed of an innate dignity that was almost kinglike. He was several inches taller than the mare, his height making him look less muscular than he was. Valerie couldn't help feeling a little intimidated when she looked at his gleaming spiral of black horn, almost three feet in length with a needle sharp tip. Fawn smiled, stepping out and laying a hand on the mare's shoulder. "Val, John, this is Mystic, a captain of the Firefolk." The mare lowered her head and bent a foreleg, bowing, then straightened, tossing her forelock back. Her eyes were a startling pale gray color, like ash. "Honored to meet you. My assistance is yours at the asking." John nodded and smiled. "Pleased to meet you, ma'am." Valerie nodded and echoed his words, pushing back her hair. Mystic's eyes met and held Valerie's. Something flickered far down within the mare and from somewhere within her, Valerie felt something rising to answer, an urge to trust and be trusted, like the bond of a dependable friendship. Panic began to edge in as a reaction to the sudden vulnerability that this strange connection left her with. She was frozen, unable to move against the call until Fawn motioned to Sidus. "This is Sidus, my oldest companion." Fawn said, her warm voice providing a way for Val to force herself back to normal. Valerie tore her gaze away from the mare's eyes. But she was left deeply uneasy about the feeling that had touched her when those pale eyes had met hers. She couldn’t afford bonds like that. "I am pleased and honored to make your acquaintance, m'lady and sir." The unicorn bowed regally, touching the point of his spear-like horn of ebony to the ground in front of Valerie and John. Twilight had slung the saddle bags across her own back, securing them just in front of her wings. She stepped forward now, putting her hand on Valerie's arm. "Sidus, Mystic, this is Valerie and here is John also, a mortal from earth." Sidus observed John and snorted softly, faint surprise in his dark brown gaze. Valerie wondered why the unicorn was surprised, but didn't want to ask. Mystic lowered her head to touch Cosmos' head with her muzzle and gave a throaty greeting. Cosmos showed her teeth in a wolf smile. "Enjoy the run after your days shipboard?" Mystic raised her head, her nostrils flaring. She almost seemed to laugh. "Little use we are when not able to run, wolf. It makes our bodies weak to be so penned." Fawn moved towards Mystic with the saddle and blanket. She smiled at the mare and tossed the blanket across her back. "You look like you feel a thousand times better now, Myst." Twilight flicked her wings outward and her wingtip brushed Valerie's arm. "Don't loiter, Fawn. There's time for telling tales on the road." "Go on," Fawn spoke with a laugh in her voice as she tightened the saddle girth. "Mystic and I will catch up in a minute or two." Twilight grinned cheerfully. "Then let's be off." She jogged on up the road. Valerie followed, enjoying the pleasant sensation of the sun on her back and the breeze ruffling her tail and wing feathers. John trotted beside her. "Val, did you get the idea that they weren't expecting me?" Valerie chewed on the corner of her lower lip for a moment and nodded. "I did seem to. Starsong and Moonmist weren't surprised, but Fawn, Sidus and Mystic seemed to be." "Hm. I'm glad it's not just me seeing things," John's frown rested on his brow for several more strides and then he smiled and it relaxed away. "Oh well. Anticipated or not, I'm glad to be here. I wonder if Twilight could think of a story to tell us about this place." He quickened his pace to range up alongside Twilight. Soon after he joined her, Twilight began to talk, pointing out things as they passed them. Valerie moved up to listen as Twilight told them about Pelesian history, how the seamen had made a bond with the centaurs and how it was the only country where humans and centaurs were willfully joint citizens under one king. When John expressed interest in the politics, she explained further. "The king is always a human but he rules only with the approval of the centaurs. He handles the alliances and contracts Pelesia has with other countries, judges offenses of the law and makes rulings and laws, but there is a council, equally comprised of humans and centaurs that govern his judgments. If he is unjust, they will request that he reconsider the judgment and present their reasons. There is also a day each month that the king hears the complaints and requests of the people. Geobriel, the present king, was the youngest king to ever have been approved by the centaurs." "I'd think that there was a lot of room left for trouble in that agreement." John said. "It does not work unless the humans and centaurs trust each other." Fawn said. "But the kings of Pelesia have usually been fair and it has always been a peaceful arrangement. The Pelesian Navy is one of the strongest in the world. The seamen are unsurpassed in skill by any others in Neulrigh." Sidus spoke from the edge of the road where he walked. "That is so. They have many tales among themselves about the perils they have met out in the oceans. Half are not true, I would guess, but they make a good tale for telling." They passed the rest of the afternoon like this, trotting easily along the road, listening alternately to tales or lessons about the customs and history of the lands around them. John was curious about everything and it took the combined knowledge of Twilight, Cosmos, Sidus, Fawn and Mystic to satisfy his quest for answers. They persuaded Fawn to sing them a song and then Fawn got Mystic to tell the tale of the first Firefolk. Sidus laughed at John's amazement when he heard that sword battles were still the main method of warfare in Neulrigh and then obligingly told John of his home in Ethereal. Valerie listened quietly, not often venturing to speak and slowly she distanced herself from the warmth of the lively group. She walked with them, but she knew that she was separate. The stories, wonderful tales from Malyia, Pelesia and the Unicorn Kingdom, filled her with resentment. They spoke of a way of life that she could never have or even touch. Bitterly she thought, like every story has to end sometime, I have to return to Earth and then it's Springvale for me. Even if I had the chance, I'd never fit into this kind of life. Better to not even try. But she couldn't make herself turn back. Towards the end of the afternoon, they topped a hill and halted, looking down to the plain bordering the river where the city had been built. There, Valerie and John got their first close look at the city. "There you are." Twilight pointed. "The Bay of Iserian, the city of Pelesia and the Spearhead. That island way out past the bay is called Valda. It's part of Pelesia too." Valerie and John looked. Out on the water beyond the bay, showing up deep green and gray against the blue, they could see the island with two battlements standing tall against the sea. A wooden ship with the sail furled was making its way into the bay, oars rising and falling in a slow and steady rhythm and the sun shone brightly on the water. The river mouth was peaceful and wide, calmly spilling blue-green water out into the deep blue bay. The steep banks were shored up with rock to prevent the ground from washing away and the city stretched down either side. Docks lined the bay on both sides of the river and that was clearly the busiest part of the city. The streets, though wide, were packed with humans and centaurs carrying crates and bundles and loading and pulling carts and wagons. At the southern edge of the city, the buildings appeared to be mostly warehouses, wide and long rectangular buildings. The other buildings, shops and houses, were smaller, solid and weathered, but only a few of them were over one story. Most were built of wood and roofed with wooden shingles. A few were built of stone, like the palace that stood by the bay at the eastern edge of the city, but it looked like the stone had mainly been used for paving the roads around the docks. John looked over the view admiringly. "There's a lot of shipping there." He indicated the ships crowding the bay and shouldering bluntly up to the docks. "Trade is Pelesia's way of life," Fawn said. "And this is Tsarle, heart and capitol of Pelesia." "We are going to the castle by the bay," Twilight pointed at the large gray stone structure. It was the tallest building in the city with a tower that must have been three stories. "We'll meet Geobriel and Rainsilver there." Mystic shook her heavy mane and stamped one hoof. She looked back over her shoulder at Fawn, a laughing gleam in her eyes. "We'll see what they say in Pelesia when the Wanderer comes to call after arriving in a black sailed vessel." Fawn laughed as they started down the road again. "I can already tell you what they'll say. They'll say it's very improper behavior for an astute Wanderer. Maybe even shocking." Twilight started to laugh and hurriedly muffled it. Sidus snorted at Twilight and Valerie got the idea he was laughing. "They may very well be used to it by now, milady. You would find it amusing to hear what the folk in other countries say of you when they don't know you're there." "I have heard," Fawn said, her eyes dancing. "And, by truth, it is quite amusing." Twilight wove her way around a trio of young girls carrying baskets and a centaur pulling a wagon, then rejoined them. "They'll wonder why one of the others isn’t with you. They don’t let you wander alone much anymore." "That's because my lady usually goes places with trouble in mind and someone is needed to keep her from getting herself killed." Sidus said. Fawn gave her head a little toss. "I do not go places with trouble in mind. It finds me when I get there." Valerie couldn't help a small smile. Twilight led them around the edges of the city but it still seemed to take them forever to make their way through the crowds. They found a market on every street and they met countless centaurs pulling wagons loaded high with goods. Most times the folk around them tried to make a way for them to go through, smiling and waving. Valerie heard countless shouts of "Welcome back, Twilight. Welcome to the Wandering Star! Good day to ya'." And then they came to the palace wall. Twilight led them to the wide open gates and they walked into the large courtyard surrounding the palace, glad to be free of the thick crowds. The guards at the gate bowed to them respectfully and one of them immediately ran towards the palace. |