Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1588799-An-early-evening
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #1588799
woman is dating a well known popular musician
She was standing by the window in the dark when he entered their bedroom. Her long black dress was partially unzipped. He walked over and began unzipping it more, she put her head back and gave a long sigh, and he smiled and hugged her close. She let the dress fall softly to the floor, she was naked underneath and he held his breath. She turned around and began undressing him, kissing him as she stripped him. They made it to the bed and she finally got his trousers off. He pushed her on top of him and they began to move in sync. He felt so good inside of her and she could feel the passion building. He kissed her and began to tickle her. She giggled and did the same to him. He flipped her over and came inside of her again. They fell asleep in each other’s arms; he awoke her again later and made love.

For the next few days she didn’t see him, he was working on his new album and it engrossed him completely. Then just out of the blue he called her and suggested she wear his favorite black dress. She waited with bated breath that night when he arrived. She lit a half a dozen candles, checked the table, set for two and fixed the flowers she had arranged. She knew he loved flowers and candles as much as she did and wanted the room to be as romantic as possible. She sprayed his favorite cologne on her and sat down. Within five minutes he arrived, looking soooo sexy in his tuxedo. They kissed passionately and then she served him his favorites; sushi, fruit and vegetables.

Later on they headed for the bedroom and took their time undressing each other.

They fell asleep in each other’s arms. When they awoke, they talked about their various activities and what they would like to do on their upcoming mini vacation. When she awoke he was gone again and she felt the emptiness, but knowing that calling him would upset him, she kept herself busy. All day long she would keep remembering their time together.

In her classroom where she taught, her students kept her busy, she loved teaching music, it made her feel closer to him and she knew that he got a kick out of the funny stories she would relate to him.

Several days went by and one night she was grading papers when the phone rang. His voice was raspy when he spoke, he felt bad cancelling their vacation but the doctor had insisted he rest his voice. She let him know that she understood and asked if he wanted some soup. She heard him chuckle and mention something about his fans sending him food packages; they giggled together and said good night. It was only after she hung up that she let the tears fall, she missed him so much. Years ago it was so much easier, even after he stopped touring she let herself hope that he would slow down, but it never happened. He worked so hard and had very limited time to spend with her and anyone else.

That evening, her doorbell rang and she went to answer it. There he was, standing in his tuxedo, a huge grin fixed on his face; holding a bouquet of flowers. She stood there mesmerized, until he asked if she was going to let him in. She blinked her eyes and motioned him in. “I wasn’t expecting you,” she stammered. He just grinned and handed her a paper. “Get dressed, we are going to a concert, you have 40 minutes” She stared and then ran into her bedroom. One hour later, she walked out of her room and looked at him sitting on her sofa patiently waiting for her. He looked up and his beautiful face lit up like the lights in Brooklyn. He took her hand in his and said very softly “You are so beautiful.” As they were leaving, he turned to her again and whispered that tonight was going to be a very special evening and she should plan to be swept off her feet.

They entered the back way of the hall where she was greeted by his staff. He kissed her and headed for his dressing room. They fixed the visitor pass and escorted her to the VIP area. She felt the familiar thrill whenever she watched him in concert. He changed from being her man, to being everyone else’ s MAN, she thought with amusement.

The familiar intro started and she began to relax. Along with everyone else she found herself standing and screaming and time passed very quickly.

She sat in the VIP section of the arena. When he appeared on stage, she stood up and screamed just as loudly as the other fans. At some point he caught her eye and winked at her. She smiled, waved and blew a kiss. The other women in the seats next to her giggled and yelled out to her that she was lucky to catch his eye. She just nodded and smiled. During the intermission, she stood in line at the Ladies Room; she checked her watch and decided to see if she could get some roses. She was lucky, there was one lady with a last bouquet of roses and she grabbed it and hurried back to her seat.

When he started winding down with the last song, she approached the security guard and asked if she could hand him the roses. He hesitated and then he looked closer at her, finally recognizing her. He nodded and when he did the last song she approached the stage and handed him the roses. He grinned at her, blew her a kiss and winked and silently mouthed, “Later”

She felt chills up and down her spine and she looked up at him, mesmerized by his intense look. His eyes, always expressive spoke volumes this time. She smiled and blew a kiss for the benefit of the pple watching, she didn’t need any obsessive/jealous women clawing her eyes out!!

After she got back to her seat, the other fans shook her hand and patted her on the shoulder; they were all excited for her. The band closed up the songs and the curtain went down. Everyone collected their things and one of the girls invited her to stop at the in house dance floor. She declined, knowing he would be waiting for her later on. She mentioned being jet lagged or just bone tired and they accepted it, hugged her and walked away. She gave a huge sigh and was just about to turn around when one of his assistants approached her. He nodded and motioned for her to follow him.

They went up in the private elevator and she felt a little apprehensive.

She had only been up to his suite a couple of times and as always, she was taken aback by the cherubs and “Pink” décor. Her favorite place was to sit in the living room with its neutral colors and watch the fire crackle, even in the heat.

She felt him standing behind her before she turned around. Her heart beat faster, she saw him gaze at her, and she felt her body melting. The heat got stronger when he took her into his arms and began dancing with her. He began to relax when her hand slipped around his neck.” You are so beautiful, he whispered,” I want to ravish you.” She smiled and started to unbutton his shirt, while he watched.

She continued stripping him until he was in his skivvies. Then she picked up the massage oil she had purchased and began massaging him slowly. He closed his eyes and began to visibly relax…She gently pushed him on the bed and straddled him……………………………………………

© Copyright 2009 saraanna (minniemouse at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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