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Read this article to get great productivity tips.
Do you feel like you only use a tiny portion of your true potential? Read these powerful tips to discover how to become a much more productive person.

1. Wake up early. If you get into the habit of early rising, you will have more time and energy for the tasks ahead. You will not need to rush, therefore you will be able to complete each task in a perfect manner.

2.Plan your day in advance. If you create clear and definite plans for the days to come, you will eliminate a great deal of confusion and chaos. You will know exactly what tasks you need to accomplish and this will make you more organised. Your stress levels will go down and you will be able to meet daily challenges  in a calm manner.

3.Eliminate all the distractions. To achieve maximum productivity, you will need to make sure that you will not be disturbed whilst working on your project(s). If there are no distractions, you will be able to fully concentrate on the tasks and accomplish them in the best possible manner.

4.Set clear goals. You should know exactly what you want to achieve by undertaking some particular task. Only when you clearly define the outcome will you know if the task has been successful. Let's say, you want to increase your sales. If you fail to define exactly how many sales you want to make, you will not be able to measure if you successfully accomplished the task.

5.Use 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule says that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. For example, approximately 80% of your sales come from 20% of your business clients or 20% of your activities create 80% of the results. It is well worth investing some of your time to identify the most productive tasks and eliminate the ones that give least results. 

6.Do one task at a time. When you do many things at the same time, you cannot give enough attention to any of them. As a result, nothing gets properly done. You can avoid this by giving your full attention to one task at a time.

7.Prioritise. Make a list of the tasks you need to accomplish and then prioritise them. Complete the most important tasks first and if you have some time left, finish the less important ones. This will make you more productive because you will focus on firstly doing the work which gives most results.

8.Set deadlines for each task. There is a law (Parkinson's law) which says that “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”.  For example, traditional 9-5 office hours do not mean that it takes exactly that much time to do the work. Usually the same work can be done in less than 4 hours. However, when there is more time available, it is easy to fill it by doing everything slower or adding unnecessary activities. Use this law to your advantage – honestly assess which activities you spend too much time on and reduce the time accordingly.

9.Complete each task as best as you can. Satisfying future is the result of completing each task in the best possible manner. You only have the present moment and if you use your time in the most productive way, your future will definitely reflect that.

10.Limit least productive activities. Be ruthless and eliminate or at least reduce the activities that do not bring any benefits. Such activities could be checking email every hour, playing computer games, watching TV or shuffling papers. Once you reduce or eliminate such actions, you will have a lot more time left for things that really make a difference.

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