Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1588570-Dependance
by masky
Rated: 13+ · Other · Dark · #1588570
A short story about two lovers destroyed by their need for the other.
A perfect night had been ever present over the land for hours. The farms and forests were engulfed in total darkness, only beacons of weakened city light could reach a well trained eye, and this is assuming the eye in question was looking in just the right direction. This direction being rather northwest of an expansive meadow in the middle of nowhere. Peculiar it was, that a meadow of any kind could be in the middle of nowhere, and yet be surrounded by everything. Even more peculiar was how anything at all could be surrounded by everything, but be so away from it all.
Suddenly the darkness was pierced by a majestic beam of light. A sword of illumination sprang forth from the curtain like clouds as the wind and master of ceremonies pulled them away, revealing the swordsman; the moon. It was a normal moon, it is the same exact moon that people look up to all the time, it is the same moon that is being watched right now, stalked by the many citizens of Earth. Indeed it is the moon whose many faces change overtime, and because this tale is but moments in time, the moon kept a very ominous, unchanging face. A rather full face, but not completely full.
As with any face in any moment of time, the moons face was in a direction. Had it a pair of eyes(And maybe a telescope), the face of the moon would be staring down at something of Earth, something that would catch his interest. How lucky that moon would be, to watch a romance in his great movie theatre in the sky. How lucky, to view the insides of newly merged hearts, to see a sight that most humans will see either once a week, or once a year, or maybe even once in a lifetime, if ever. Had this bright Mr. Moon put on his spectacles this night, he would see a touching romance in the meadows he himself shown on.
In the mysterious meadow which was in the middle of everything yet away from anything, were two young people, both of whom were currently away from absolutely everything but each other. One had flowing black hair down to her waistline, and a mesmerizing blue tint in her eyes. Wrapped tightly around her arms, and wrapping her in his, was a young man , He was taller then her, yet they were born on the same exact year, and on the same exact day. Clearly he had no relation to her though, it was simply a strange coincidence. Atop his head was a scruffy head of blonde hair, combed down. Had it been anymore plain or dull, it could end up being unique just by reaching a new level of simplicity and normality. However, this dullness was eradicated by his green eyes, which were just a little too bright at times to be as average as his hair.
The two lovers held each other closer, feeling the pulsating of the others heart, granting and receiving warmth to combat the cold night. During these moments within another, they both came to experience what it is like to love and be loved. She held onto him not only because she needed him, but because she knew that he needed her. They depended on one another’s happiness, to know that the other was satisfied was the same as being content themselves. In their minds, they both knew this to be the true meaning of love, in this moment of time their lives were completely intertwined into a single existence. Had one suddenly died of heart attack, the other would follow by a second heart attack. And if they were unlucky enough to live, they most certainly would have committed suicide.
They squeezed each other for the longest of times, both in silence. No noise was needed to express the feeling that they both felt deeply inside them. All that either needed was the reassuring sound of the others breath. But of course, speech is still a very good tool in which to ask a question. In the silence, they could both tell what the other was thinking, they could both feel arms around them and around the other, assuring that they would be side by side from now on, even if there is another planet between them. But if there is silence, there is no conversation. And the boy longed to hear the girls sweet voice again, almost as if to reassure himself that he was indeed hugging who he intended to, or possibly just to remind him what the sound of love was.
“Do you believe in love at first sight?”
She lay silent, her head pressed now in his chest. After awhile, she had come up with a rather predictable answer. “Well,” She tried hard not to sound too corny, “I guess that I do now.”
Now it was her turn to ask a question, but she preferred to embrace his being more. She trembled in his arms as a rather cold wind passed by the two of them, blowing her hair and black skirt. His loose T-Shirt flapped a little in the wind, and she could tell that he was getting a little cold too, yet he stayed still and held her to keep her warm.
“How long did it take you to know that you loved me?” the words were soft, but not quite a whisper as they left her eager lips. “I have loved you since before my eyes ever saw you, since before I ever heard your voice. You are the perfect model of a human being, you are the dream that I have known forever in my mind. The moment I saw you, I was certain that you are the one person on this planet that deserved my love, even if I don’t deserve a drop of yours.” A tear was brought to her, she knew that those words could come from no other then the person she was meant to be with, forever. Yet she knew the words to be untrue to some extent, and she must correct them.
“No, you deserve every inch of me. You deserve my lips and you deserve all the love I could or couldn’t give to you. You deserve every moment of my life that I have left, and you deserve far more then me. You deserve it, just because you are you. You deserve it just because you are here for me, and because I know you always will be.”
“Let’s promise that,” He said simply.
“We both promise that, from this day forwards, we will always be there for each other and we will always be able to help. We will be able to fix anything that happens just because we love each other, just because we know that the other has an affection far more complex and guarding then any labyrinth or shield. We promise never to leave, no matter how tough life gets, or how hard something seems. And we promise that if we need help, we know where to look.”
“It’s a promise.” She said. He let his arms drip down to her waist so that she could have room to back up just a little, and they sealed the promise with their first kiss.
For the first time, she felt what it was like to have her lips touched by another, she felt what it was like to be pleasuring someone else to this extent, simply because she loved them, simply because she could not live without that persons happiness. And he felt the exact same thing, he felt what it was like to kiss another because they were kissing him, he felt what it was like to give and receive a pleasure that was nothing but love. He was massaging her lips with his own in order to pleasure her, and she was doing the exact same to him. Because she loves him, because he loved her. Because they were both a single mind, because they needed each other to properly live.
She felt a strange emptiness in her stomach, but it wasn’t the normal terror to be expected when speaking in terms of turning stomachs, it was a strange feeling that she felt coming on as they hugged. It was an emptiness that was not simply emptiness, but an empty element that was both nothing and what could feel like a bag filled with fluff of many sorts, of liquid along the sides of her, of a strange hot brought on by him, and a cold chill brought on by the air, both fighting an oddly peaceful war, moving around inside of her. Her lips were also experiencing a new feeling, and it was taking over her. They were being smothered by lips of the same size, it was taking her and her breathe away, away to some other place. A place far better then Earth, where there were no problems at all, because there were no rivaling factions, there were no people that had to take over other peoples land to live after a misfortune (Of course because in this land, there was no misfortune to take them away from their land.), there was none of this because it was only her and him.
They made a strange, rather unique sound that slightly resembled a squish when he pulled away. It was a sound that they had both loathed, because it would often times become annoying and loud when they were trying to concentrate, and even more annoying was the fact that at the time in their mind, they were not making that noise. It could mildly be compared to having great dinner eaten in front of you while some bacon lie untouched on your plate. But now that they just made this sound, they both recalled the many pairs of lovers seen in their life, and they knew that they were just like them now (But less public, of course.).
She would have giggled had they not both been taken into another kiss. Now she moved her lips open and closed, slightly sucking on his. He caught her lower lip, and moved forward, embracing her and easing the lip between his, where he sucked on it, and sometimes let the tip of his tongue stroke across it. She loved it, her lip stayed there without quiver of the air, she let him take her because she knew that he wanted to pleasure her. Her tongue soon found it’s way to his upper lip, and she let it run across for a moment before pulling him closer, letting him take her lower lip deeper, at which point she started to suck on his upper lip. But this didn’t last long.
He pulled away again, letting her lip drop back to her ownership. She gave him a fast peck, and his head fell down behind her.
“I love you,” he whispered to her.
She responded, “Of course you do, how could I ever forget?”
He let his lips close around her neck, and slowly sucked on it, sometimes daring his tongue to trace itself around her. The familiar feelings in her stomach returned. She couldn’t really take it for long before she lowered her head, and they locked lips again.
For awhile it was like the last kiss, but she pulled her lip out of him sooner, breathing deeply as it stretched out of his mouth. She slowly tilted her head in an attempt to rest, he kept mouthing her and she accepted it gracefully. She began to open and close her mouth too, and he had an unsuccessful attempt at pulling in her sideways lip. He pulled her deeper, and her mouth slowly closed when his tongue brushed against her lips. She wasn’t quite ready for that much tongue action. A beep sounded from her watch, which was issued every hour on the hour. Soon she let him take her sideways lip, it folded into his mouth, and he teased her with his tongue for awhile, then sucked on it, pulling it deep into him. She could feel it being pulled inside him, deep and warm. Her pleasure was so well kept until now, this combined with the air around her made her let go of sweet oxygen and take in deeper breaths. He knew she was getting cold, and moved his arms about her to try and warm her up. He was taking her breath away, and she wanted it because she knew that he wanted to please her. He started sucking harder at intervals, and she felt her lip tremble gently and seemingly pulsate because of this new technique. She moaned just a little. Soon he let go of her lip and they returned to the usual position, before long both mouths were open and unmoving. She breathed into him, and him into her. They felt the others air enter there lungs, warm. They held to each other tighter then ever before now, their air able to warm the other from the inside. The only other material thing they felt was the long grass along their legs.
She let go of the kiss, and immediately felt the cruel taste of the cold air. They were both back to Earth, back into the clutches where they could be harmed. The girl looked at her watch.
“I think we better be leaving now… I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I only hope that I can make it home without needing you again.” She let out an “awe, how sweet.” at that and giggled before giving him a kiss on the cheek, and they parted ways.

The bell of a rather compact school rang, the echoes reached every room and ear in the building. As a matter of fact, there were only ten pairs of ears within the halls and rooms of the school. Seven belonging to staff members, and three to students. Two of these students were in the library, of a section near the back that blocked the view of anything behind it. One of the students, the one with a back against the bookshelf, was a boy of fifteen. He wore blonde, typical hair, but had green eyes that were oddly bright. The other, which was held in his arms, an average sized girl of the same age. Her hair was also blonde, but just a little darker then his, it was longer and fell straight. Her eyes were a dark and deep blue, and they slowly gave off streaming tears which fell down the sides of her face.
“I’m sorry,” the boy whispered into her ear. They both knew that he was taken, but she couldn’t handle it. She loved him more then she had ever loved anyone else, and she loved him far more then he loved her. He felt sorry for her, but couldn’t do much about it, other then hold her closer.
“You don’t have to tell her,” she tried to tell him, but she knew it was useless. Her arms wrapped around him tighter, and her tears began to jump from her face and fall to the ground. She was engulfed in what was sadness, in what was all hope gone because of a single truth that she just couldn’t get over. It pushed her farther and farther to him, and away from the dark reality. She couldn’t help herself, she took a step back and shot her lips deep into his.
He let her keep it up for a moment, he didn’t want to seem rude at this point, but it was still wrong. He pulled out just a little too late. Standing in shock at the end of the shelf was a second girl, she was smaller then either of them and had long black hair in her light blue eyes. Her jaw slightly ajar.
His neck instantly turned to her, his eyes wide. “It isn’t what it looks like,” but she just ran back the other way in tears. He left the blonde girl to go after her. She fell on her knees, crying into her lap.
What had she done? She wanted him, but because of that, she could have easily ruined him.

The sun was but a great luminous cherry in the horizon, halfway dipped on the edge of the earth, and halfway poking above the reflective pond. The sky was but an expansive, random conglomeration of clouds, gently bleeding out a light red blood which hung in the air like a canvas stapled against the heavens. Rich grass lands were painted expertly across the edges of the liquid mirror, to one side was trees, to an adjacent were large boulders frozen in time, staying slumped over the river. Large, green hills were carved behind them, and they turned all the way to behind the lush miniature forest, blocking view to and from the city. Blocking the sight of yet another, and easily the most prominent feature.
Two small waterfalls stood side by side. facing the sunset. They were less like waterfalls though, more like steady streams, running flat against riverbed. But there was no riverbed, the gentle flow of water was down two soft cheeks. And it wasn’t water, it was tears. Among the waterfall was long, flowing, black hair. They fell back behind a small feminine figure, being thrown in numerous directions by the ever prevailing winds. She slowly sat down beside a tree, hunching over to rest her head on her knees.
The air seemed to grow tense in an instant, wrapping tight around her, squeezing all the breath she had. She had heard the footsteps and she had known the proper owner of them. Now the tension was pressing against her hard, slowly but surely pushing her soul out of herself. Her lip quivered and she sniffed. The silence lasted for at least two more minutes.
“It doesn’t have to end like this.” He spoke up. He waited for her tears to catch up with her, after no response he stepped closer and sat next to her. “You are going to be fine, there are plenty of other guys,” she tried taking a breath
“You made a promise.” She sobbed. “We made a promise, we promised each other that we would never leave the other. We promised we would always be there for the other. And if either of us needed help, that we knew where to look.” There was a pause.
“I’m sorry. It isn’t my choice, the move is in the morning and that’s final.” He said.
“We can still make it work, you don’t have to leave. You can stay here, or we can talk over the phone.” He simply frowned. “I can’t just leave my family like that, and you know a long distance relationship won’t work with us.”
“How do you know? Besides, you said you were coming back. You aren’t breaking that promise too, are you?” She tried to snap, but her face was still too wet, and her voice too coarse.
“Three years is a long time, and I don’t want you to be locked in a dungeon waiting for me. I want you to be free, you’re going to make it through this. I know you will,”
She finally cracked. Her tears broke out like blazing bombs in the sky, she leaned in towards him, her head landing square on his shoulder. His waist was instinctively embraced, holding him tightly, and he held her in return.

Time slowly ticked away, and neither had said a word to the other. Soon the great red cherry had sunk below the surface and the sky turned to darkness, lit only by the stars that hung above them. This was the only comfort they had besides each other, and soon not even that would last.
“Maybe it’s for the best,” he began. “Don’t say that!” she told him. But he continued.
“Look at me.” He told her. She couldn’t stop crying, and he repeated. Slowly she raised her head to look at him. “When was the last time we hugged before this? When was the last time that we held each other for warmth, or just to appreciate each other? When was the last time we kissed, do you even remember?” She went back to her woes. “When was the last time I caressed your lips, and you mine, simply to pleasure the other? Simply because we knew that it was what the other wanted, what they needed for whatever reason. When was the last time we depended on each others happiness? Love isn’t some selfish-”
“Then why are you leaving me!” She shouted at him, all the words piercing and cutting up what was left of her heart was just too much for her soul to handle. The grip of her hands and arms tightened around him, pulling him closer, while her head began to borrow itself in his chest.
The cold air bit the two, chilling their skin and making them rely more and more on each other. He raised his right hand slowly up her back and fondled her hair. She looked up to him and sucked in one last deep breath before embracing his lips. The passion immediately hit the both of them, and the feeling of one another’s breath slowly began to warm them from inside, just their skin touching brought back the old sensation that they both missed. She tilted her head now, not bothering to hold herself up, her lips pressed against him tighter, almost sucking the air from him by opening and closing her mouth. Eventually he too began to draw tears from his eyes, and the streams running down their cheeks merged between them.
“Just remember that I’ll still love you when I’m gone, but try to have some fun. Do it for me.”

The sun was placed neatly atop the horizon, great luminous rays shot in an infinite, yet finite and unchanging multitude of directions across the sky. They were of a very rare yellow, at times and places orange, and the brightness only heightened the seemingly unnoticed, yet still graceful beauty. However, such beauty is never without ill effect. With a rose comes thorns, and with the sun comes blindness.
Luckily the sporty youth traveling along a road was not suffering from this. The sun may be in his eyes, and it may hinder his efficiency a little, but it was simply a barrier he could jump over to him. His running was much too important to be changed in any way by something as silly as Apollo. Only five minutes he spend jogging or running (but hardly ever walking.) to his destination. And now he had reached it. His worn, jelly-like legs sprawled to the front door.
He bothered not a ring of the doorbell, so of course he bothered not a rapping at this door either. There was even a nice brass knocker on the door handle, yet he bothered not one slam or knock. Her father and brother were both at work, and the absence of truck and car confirmed his thoughts. He haphazardly opened the door and entered, he was always welcome at this time.
“I’m here!” He yelled. “I’m still here! I’m staying!”, but the voice simply echoed around the edges of the household. “Didn’t you hear me? I’m not moving!” he almost yelled at the silence.
Where was she? His eyes flickered to the sofa, where she would normally be watching TV or reading from at this time. He knew she never slept in, and even if she had, she would be awakened by his shouts. She must have left somewhere, she had to have. Did she run to his house? No, he would have seen her on his way here. He walked over to the second living room, ready to knock on her door. But it was already open.
He paused for a moment, and slowly walked inside. It was a silly thing to think at this time, but when he saw the wall he had to hand it to her that she had very neat writing, even when the pen was her hand itself, and the ink her blood. She was laying on wooden floor, the blood stains were mostly on her white t-shirt. He admired how, despite three good stab wounds, the blood didn’t ‘spill’, but was more soaked. Indeed a red puddle could easily destroy the scene. There was one error though, and that was the clear presence of a ‘splat’ that lined the walls and some of the floor. She seemed to have turned during that one, it must have been extremely painful. It was sad that she had no easier way out, no bullet to end it fast, not even the proper pills to ease the pain. But he could tell that it ended with the final thrust, it clearly hit her square in the heart. She couldn’t have survived soon after that. He looked closely at her face for a moment. It was pale white, but that was slightly just her tone, and her eyes seemed to be staring up, wide yet empty at the same time. Lifeless.
If only he had enough will, he would have gone back to his house. He knew where his father hid the gun, he could end himself swifter. But he couldn’t wait another five minutes. His knees collapsed, he fell beside her corpse. A hand fell down to her stomach, feeling the tainted shirt and moving across to where the knife stood in her hand. He pulled it out slowly, the skin was closed around it, and the body rose slightly before sliding off. The boys eyes flickered to the wall she wrote on with her blood.

“Why not commit suicide,
If I’m already dead inside?
What is there to lose,
If I’ll never gain again?
How is this something I’m ending,
If there’s nothing left to end?”

Amazing that she had the will to write it. And she still had control, too. He examined her right hand, and saw how she did it. It must have been much before she stabbed herself, the blood on her index finger was drying, and he could tell from this just how recent her death was. Air rushed into him as he took a small breath. He ran the knife along his finger, but it was too diagonal. There’s no way he could write good like that, he stabbed his right hand squarely. He didn’t cry anymore then he had been, and he didn’t scream. He did close his eyes though, and when he opened them he saw that his hand was more fit then his finger.
He couldn’t tell if there was enough room below her words, so when he got up and pressed his hand against the wall, it was beside them just in case. He wrote less then her, but he figured that the length didn’t matter. Just the blood was enough for most people.

“Life is not a dress code,
Living is the knife’s edge.
Cut your own path,
As short or as long as you like.”

That was good, he thought. The words came from an unknown band they both listened to before.
He thought to himself, the hard part is done. Now he can be free. The knife ran itself along side him, he felt the tingling of the sharp steel before plunging it inside him. He felt the beautiful pain, blood trickled down his stomach, releasing his soul. It came out and soon went back, harder and more chest centered. His breath was taken away at this one, and he kept it in him longer. It took him a moment to pull out, but when he did he was sprawled on the floor. He wasn’t that near death, in fact, he was able to get up rather fine. There was a slight limp, but only from the pain. The knife pierced his skin a third time, the blood ran down fast and he fell on top of her. Perhaps now he should consider all the religions, and all the different versions of heaven or hell he would soon be welcome to. But a thought soon dismissed most of it, and that was that most righteous beliefs require one to be a member. They wouldn’t be very righteous in the first place in regards to those who never knew of them, now would they?
Such silly ponderings took nothing away from his death bed though, he still felt pain beyond his dreams, but at the same time he felt relief at dieing beside the one he loved. And he knew that she loved him, she lived up to his promise that they made so long ago in the meadow. And he was fulfilling his. Even if she was a little angry at the time, they both died in full love for the other. They died for each other. That is true dependence, that is true love.
© Copyright 2009 masky (mask_man at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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