Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1588251-Carcere-Island-Meet-the-Lady-Prolouge
Rated: GC · Chapter · Detective · #1588251
A young girl meets her cousin-fiance, gets more than she hoped.
"Lady Maria! Lady Maria!"

A young girl, no older than 16, was currently chasing after her young Mistress named Lady Maria.

Today was the day of the Van Denend Family Reunion. Maria was so excited when she learned that her future fiance would be coming as well. She had an arranged marriage, which was just fine with her on account of she was the only one here that was her age aside from the servants.

"Oh, come off it Padget! It's not like I'm gonna do anything stupid!" She yells this while running to the docks.

Lady Maria Christina Dawn Van Denend had always been a spunky one. She never liked to follow orders. She had long dark brown hair and big puppy dog brown eyes. She stood at 5' 5" and had olive colored skin. She was also quite large chested, about a D-cup actually. She was a vision of beauty to all her past suitors... Until they got to know her.

Maria is currently 17 and only one year away from her wedding age.

"But Mistress - you always get hurt when you ru-" Padget was cut off by her Mistress tripping over her horribly long skirt and rolling down the awfully long hill.

Handmaiden Padget was Maria's servant and best friend. She has always made attempts to teach Maria how to act like a proper Lady. She's the main female servant of the household. She is only 16, stands at 5' 2", has blackish-brown hair, a lovely tan, and her eyes are dark brown. She also has a chest size of an E-cup, which prompts Maria's jealousy at times.

"Paaaaadget!!" Moaned a hurt Maria from the bottom of the hill.

"With all due respect, M'Lady, I told you so." Giggled a rather 'know-it-all' servant.

Maria sighed and stood up to dust herself off. At that exact moment, much to Maria's dismay, the boat bringing the family arrived at the dock. Maria couldn't believe it! She was a total mess and about to meet her fiance!

She wanted to crawl into a hole and die at that moment. Her fiance was quite gorgeous and there she was, a total mess covered in dirt!

Then she saw him... And she was even more stunned than when she saw his picture.
© Copyright 2009 Miss Solitaire (tayune at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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