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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1587627
Michael proposes to Pamela, what does she say?
Chapter 6
Marriage and Graduation

"God relishes surprise. We want lives of simple, predictable ease — smooth, even trails as far as the eye can see — but God likes to go off-road. He provokes us with twists and turns. By his love and grace, we persevere."

— Former Bush press secretary Tony Snow, 1955-2008

Since it was getting closer to the end of the term, Michael was making plans about the near future. And because life did not end at graduation time, he was thinking some about the coming summer, after graduation, who should Michael focus on to be hired?

And even greater in his mind was what to do regarding a person that may spend the rest of her life with him? Pamela. Was she the one? The one to spend eternity with? Michael was not going to pursue a situation that would not last his life.

Marriage was not a part-time job. He knew it was a lifelong pursuit. Did Pamela share the same ideas as Michael? From the conversations with some co-grad students, Pamela and Michael had spent more time talking in this year so far, as many of the married grad students Michael knows talk to their spouses for a whole year!

Michael had finished his paper, and it was being proofread by a co-grad student. Pamela was close to the finish on her reports and had completed the last ChE labs in her final term before graduation. So Michael had something that usually never happens. He has spare time!

Michael called Pamela, there were still many hours left in the day. “Pamela, can I pick you up in ten minutes, I think there are some good older movies that we can check out at the library. I've talked a little about them in the past weeks. My goal would be a Humphrey Bogart or John Wayne flick. Does that sound reasonable?

“Yes, very much. I'm just about finished with the last part of my final ChE lab report, and I'll be done in another 15 or 20 minutes. So come on over now” said Pamela.

Michael arrived about fifteen minutes later, Pamela grabbed her jacket, and the two left for the library. The 'African Queen' was available and they both returned to Pamela's house.

Pamela started the video and Michael commented, “This video may be like my experiences at baseball games. There should be enough time between critical points of the plot to allow us to converse a little bit.” “I hope so too” said Pamela.

“So Pamela, we have spent a lot of time talking, but I want to be sure of some more subjects. We have not covered families. What is your viewpoint regarding kids? The politically correct version of families includes homosexual couples with children. So, what is your perception?”

“Michael, I see it Biblically. God gave the command to be fruitful and multiply to Adam and Eve. I believe that a couple needs to be able to supply the required items for their children. That means that they should have an income to provide for their children. And on income, Dad always used First Timothy 5 verse 8: 'But if any provide not for his own, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.'”

“Okay, a family's income will provide for all the children. So is income the limiting factor to determine how large the family is?” said Michael.

“Yes, but I also believe that God's blessings come into play. That is, the size of the family needs to be a prayer and fasting subject.”

“All right,” said Michael, knowing also that money is one of the foremost causes of deterioration of married couples, “what is your perception of money, do you need to spend it fast before it's gone, do you have a budget, are you a tightwad?”

“Fair question. I have a budget, a savings account and I am indeed, a tightwad” said Pamela as she continued to gaze into Michael's eyes. Money is a tool, never to become one's master. I've heard of a lot of people that have plenty of money, as in millions and millions of dollars, but they don't know joy or happiness. They do not know God or His Son, Jesus.”

“Perfect, perfect and perfect” said Michael as he began to paid attention to the video. “And Pamela, how do you feel about movies, and entertainment?”

“I'm glad you suggested 'African Queen' with Humphrey Bogart. In comparison, some, or rather, most, older movies are of better quality. However, well, maybe I'll take that back. In years past, Hollywood made some pretty poor movies, it's just that the older bad movies are lost quickly. And they make some pretty poor movies now too. I think, in general, society's perception of a good movie is suffering. They are more apt to think that nudity, obscene language, and a poor plot makes up a good movie. Some movies made today are of high quality. It's just that society today doesn't perceive a really good movie as a really good movie. It's like when pitcher throws good, what should be a strike, but the umpire calls it a 'ball'. Society is calling what should count as a 'strike' as a 'ball'”

“Exactly Pamela! A couple years past a movie called something about 'Second Hand Lions' where the kid star in the movie gets to hear some stories from the two Great Uncles of there incredible fights in World War 2. It had a humanist sort of story, but it still was a pretty funny movie. But also some pretty crummy ones get marvelous credit for stories that should never be told.

Like 'The Golden Compass.' It snuck under the carpet from most Christian Hollywood Watchers groups. The books were written by a proclaimed atheist, Philip Pullman of the U.K. The goal of the story was to cripple and destroy Christianity. But the general society thought it was great. 'Like, if you can't bash a Christian, who can you bash? These American Christians must be lower on the evolving post of human beings, they must be sub-human, don't you think so?'” said Michael with a straight face .

“Yes of course. I knew a few humanist sort of kids in school, this year and past years. But after I knew them for awhile, I could definitely see how they, in their egotism, were so deceived by the Devil! The Devil's number ONE goal is to convince people that HE DOES NOT EXIST! That he was just a figment of imagination. Only weak people need such an idea to help them along in the stay on the earth. When they die, they will be gone forever.”

“The humanist ideologue is taught in practically every public school. The religion that the American Communist Lawyers Union, the ACLU, is very aware of, but they don't want the general public to realize!” said Pamela as she widened her eyes to emphasize the point.

“Yes Pamela, I see that deception every day, as I see television, see magazine ads, and see billboards. What used to be called pornography when I was a kid, now comes out in full-page ads in magazines!”

As Michael gazes into Pamela's eyes, he calmly mentions “There is a tune by Rascal Flatts called 'Take me There,' where a man talks to his girlfriend. I feel that way. I want to part of your life. Tell me, take me there.” Michael pauses and looks at Pamela. “We seem to live in a land of deception, but I need to find out if you feel deceived about me. Am I a human being you want to spend your life with?”

Pamela gazes right back to Michael's eyes with her hands quietly folded together under her chin. The two don't talk, but seem to tell each other paragraphs and paragraphs of words in their body language. “Yes Michael, I think I know your mind and heart, with Jesus in your heart. We have some common ground, and an understanding of each other to inquire, probe, learn and teach each other towards the truth.”

“Thank you Pamela, for your trust in me. I don't ever want to ever lead you astray. I open my heart to you. Michael pauses. “So you can understand me more. I trust you. So, in an intimate relationship, there can be more trust or pain if that trust is misused” said Michael.

"I love you Pamela, will you marry me and be my wife?” Michael and Pamela both reach across the table and grasp each other's hand.

Pamela looked deeply into Michael's eyes, “Where are you?

"With you forever." said Michael.

“Yes Michael, I want to be your wife! said Pamela. “I love you Michael. I want to live with you forever! Like a mailman, through rain, snow or hail, I will stay with you!

Thank you Pamela. You'll stay with me as I look for work after graduation? said Michael.

"Yes. You have your resume on the Monster board, so if there are any jobs to be had, you should find it!" Pamela reassures Michael.

"Thanks." said Michael.
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