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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Political · #1587578
A scientific fact is 1) observable 2) testable 3) reproducible. What is taught in school?
Chapter 3
The State Religion

"A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user."
- President Theodore Roosevelt

Michael did not set his alarm clock during the CSU Winter break. But his metabolism had become set, based on his bedtime and his exercise level, to wake-up about 5 am or as Michael likes his times: 0500 o'clock. Michael rolls out of bed, clicks on his radio to the local country station, and perks up after he starts to listen to one of Brad Paisley's old tunes about alcohol.

Alcohol was a major subject in the Stay family. One of Michael's Uncles spent most of his life so far, as an alcoholic. He occasionally has a job, but most of the time, he is unemployed, scrounging people for money. He tried Alcohol Anonymous, but was kicked out for not keeping their training rules. He just sipped whiskey a little, he didn't even get drunk!

Michael's Uncle, Philip, tried another group to triumph over being a slave to a substance, alcohol. But the new plan did not work for more than three months. Philip had a new job of using a litter picker to pick up cigarette butts from an apartment parking lot.

Philip bussed in to work one day, walked into the maintenance shop office, and said 'Good Morning' to his supervisor. The supervisor's eyes brows rose, he sniffed Philip's breath, looked at his eyes and said "Philip, this is the third time I have smelled alcohol on your breath, with your eyes glazed over." "Here's your pink slip" he said as he handed a slip to Philip that had written on it, 'You are fired!'

"But I just had a little drink of whiskey, my work is still good isn't it?" said Philip.

"No, your work is not the best that a person can do" said the supervisor.

"I pick-up all the trash, don't I?" said Philip. "No, you don't. There is still trash on the curbs and parking lot" said the supervisor.

"Oh, hmmm" said Philip as he shuffled his feet over to the door. His face looked dreary as he opened the door, but then his eyes seemed to ask a question. "What if I kick-the-habit, can I come back?" asked Philip.

"Oh course, we always have work, and our turn-over rate if fairly high" said the supervisor. The supervisor added, "If you put your habit under control, or just quit the habit altogether, you can work here again."

That was the story that Michael's father, Brad, had gone over time and time again with Michael, to be sure that Michael was thinking in a binary mode about ethanol. With Michael, the situation had turned into a yes/no answer. No in between. No 'just a few beers.' None at all.

Michael later found out that an alcoholic has a different MRI scan than a 'normal' person. That different MRI scan goes for a few generations whether the person has touched alcohol or not.

In a society of alcoholics, drug-abuse, casual sex, 'relative morality' all the way from the bottom of the society to the top, Michael had reached a mental attitude to not trust anybody. People to trust come very few. Family has to be trustworthy for a person to stay sane. So if you cannot trust your family, that could be a reason insanity is increasing.

The next thought in Michael's mind is about how Pamela's father had written a paper called: The State Religion and a Way Out. Michael had found the basics of Humanism taught in public school. Its main ideas are that people are basically good, that matter and the universe always existed, therefore, was never created. There is no God; Taught in public school as a scientific fact.

Michael thought as he rummaged for food in the kitchen, 'What extra information can Pamela tell me about the State Religion?' He decided to perk up a pot of coffee and use the hot coffee to make a bag of instant raisin oatmeal into a breakfast.

He then went into the study to email Pamela a question: 'Can you tell me about your father's paper about the State Religion? Can you meet me again at Perkins by 0930?'

The citywide WiFi was a great blessing to most computer users. So that means that users are always connected to the Web and whenever an email comes, the software can tell you, by sounding an alarm or some funny sound, when emails come. Therefore, Pamela read the email that Michael sent in about 10 minutes later , and sent a reply in 11 minutes after it was sent.

'Yes, I'll be there by 9:30 am!' was Pamela's reply.

At 9:20 am, Pamela walked in from her car to Perkins, picked a booth in the corner, got her laptop HP out of her shoulder bag, and loaded the latest OpenOffice with her father's paper on the State Religion. At 0928, Michael locked his bike up in the bike rack, went into the Perkins' lobby, saw Pamela, and walked over to Pamela's booth. “Greetings, Pamela, since last week's snow melted, I figured I'd bike over.”

“Best to exercise when you can. I've got the latest of my father's paper on America's State Religion on my screen.”

“I know the basic problems with the State Religion as it's taught in pubic school. After I started fifth grade, I was wandering-the-Web and I came across some information on the AnswersInGenesis.org Web page, especially a seminar they did called Demolishing Strongholds. They covered the old earth/young earth situation, and the evolution from species to species that has never been repeated, so as far as being a 'scientific fact,' it's not.”

“Let me scan your father's paper and work up some questions” said Michael.

“What is the story of the Chapter about 'The State Religion and Compromising Christians?”

“It is about compromising the Word of God to agree with the State Religion's teachings. It's not believing the earth is young, that species-to-species evolution really happened, that we humans came from apes, and that a global flood never happened.”

“It is compromising the history of the Bible, therefore, making it a 'pick-and-choose' book of fables. It is then compromised enough to create cheap-grace. A Christian can do whatever they please, and because they accept Jesus, they are still saved. Dad uses Matthew 6:21-23 to get to the point. At judgment, believers say, 'Lord, Lord, did we not cast of demons in your name? And Jesus says 'No, no, I don't even know you!''”The believers are cosmetic Christians, they don't have Jesus in their hearts.

Michael contemplates on Pamela's words. “It is just like Deuteronomy 6:5 'you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength.' It's when your tires hit the road. It's when you 'talk the talk and walk the walk.'”

Michael looks to Pamela's eyes, as Pamela looks to Michael's eyes. They are mesmerized, each seem to see eons and eons of history in each other's life. The ideas cross Michael mind, love is just a four letter word, but can motivate people's actions as a superpower. “Pamela, do you know Jesus?”

“Yes, He's the first love of my life. Jesus in my heart gives me power and action. Yes Michael, I know Jesus very well, and I think you know Jesus too.”

“Correct. Jesus is my hero in my life. He has mastered communication to God his Father. And his use of language to talk to people can cause the Salvation of all people. When people see past cheap-grace, they turn their lives over to Jesus. Jesus is the mediator, the defense attorney, of all mankind to God our LORD.”

“Pamela, have you read a paper about the First Amendment? It's a paper written by Wes Plank. I pack one around with me almost all the time. Here, you can look at one.”

How Well is the First Amendment Being Used?
by Wes Plank

The Founding Fathers did not want to recreate the Church of England. So they compiled the First Amendment to forbid a national church, to guarantee freedom of the Press, and to guarantee the assembling of groups in meetings for political as well as other purposes. These freedoms were intended for all citizens of the United States of America.

Part of the First Amendment forbade the establishment of a national church, as stated above, and the heart of this came to be known as the “establishment clause.” The “free exercise clause” was its companion. Under the establishment clause, the government is not to exercise its power so as to favor one religious group or belief over another. Under the free exercise clause, every person is free to worship and exercise his belief as he sees fit without governmental interference. It's the establishment clause we focus on here.

In the name of “knowledge,” a series of false ideas are being taught as “science.” Besides being false, the ideas do not fulfill requirements to be called “real science.” Indeed, the ideas as they are taught in public schools can be truly called a religion. Pleasantly, Webster's New World College Dictionary calls religion: any object of conscientious regard and pursuit. Is the government unknowingly violating the establishment clause through its support in the public schools of the theories of science that deny the creation of the universe in any way other than that currently supported by “science?”

The idea referred to is a belief that millions of years ago a Big Bang occurred. No one was there, and the only observed fact is a frequency shift in the wavelength of light emitted by starts indicating outward travel. That's it. The stars don't talk to say how they began. But, they do communicate what is happening now. A few stars have been observed as they fizzled into non-existence. In fact, the whole universe is obedient to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. That is, the universe is winding down to total chaos and disorganization.

Now, one must understand the atheist's viewpoint. For the atheist, the first premise for any theory or hypothesis is that God does not exist. Therefore, the outward travel of the universe means it started at a central location. Fine, except that other actual observations do not support the idea of a central location as a starting point.

One postulate of the big-bang theory is formed by an actual observation about the universe. It is in a swirl, some of our solar system planets swirl about the sun clockwise, but some do not! Some turn in different planes and move counterclockwise. To a rational, objective person, that presents a problem for those espousing the big-bang theory. For according to the theory, all planetary systems in the universe should rotate in the same direction, as pieces of a spinning disc would then be broken apart by centrifugal forces and then held in orbit by gravity. What should be a major problem with the big-bang theory is to the atheist not a problem. Undoubtedly, a Godless explanation will come to mind. For the rest of us there is a big hole in the big bang theory because of those planets that counter-revolve.

Previously, it was mentioned how the universe is obedient to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. However, our atheist academia that writes our public school textbooks, want to violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics and write books that say the universe is “cycling.” It will reach total chaos and then compress until another big bang. Will we be here when it happens? Can the process be reproduced and proven as a scientific fact?

“Scientists” sometimes adhere to the old definition of “scientific fact.” When a University of Utah professor wrote a paper of “discovery” of fusion at room temperature, and his process could not be repeated, it was deemed false. However, even though the Big Bang has not been and cannot be repeated by a human through laboratory experiment or other means, it is not questioned, but, being the best Godless idea to teach, taught in some public schools as a scientific fact, and not just a theory.

But until the Big Bang process is repeated, it is a theory, a bad theory at that, in that it breeds the teaching of macro-evolution. Macro evolution is another unproven idea also taught as “fact” in public schools. Because both the big bang and macro evolution are theories supporting the atheistic of Godless viewpoint, they each meet the definition of religion according to Webster's Dictionary. Therefore, unwittingly perhaps, teachers using government funds are “establishing a religion” in violation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Religion IS being taught in our public schools!

What are your options to address this unconstitutional expenditure of public funds?

1. Don't do anything.

2. Do what you can to remove our nation's “Church of America.” The teachings of that church intensifies a feeling of worthlessness in our youth, which promotes murder, rape, drug use and limitless bad ideas.

3. Realize that there IS a God that LOVES you no matter how bad you are or how bad you feel. You did not evolve from a chemical soup, and you are not just an unreasoning animal!!

4. See that God's desire is for you to recognize Him as your creator and to accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God and your Saviour.

5. Read a version of the Bible that you can understand; then communicate with God in thought and prayer.

6. Change yourself, including ingrained habits, for the better and see your eternal future in God's Kingdom. For in the normal course of events, you will die, be it in a car accident, another terrorist attack, or in old age. But there is hope for your future.

As King David wrote: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Psalms 23

contact: wplank@yahoo.com

Pamela thought about the pamphlet awhile. Her eyes looked to the wall past Michael. She was looking into an area thousands of miles away. In a land years away into the future.

“That pamphlet needs to be revised to include some more information about Darwin. Michael, did you know he was an extreme racist?” “No! That information about him is not mentioned in any public school textbooks!”

Pamela was on a roll, and she exclaimed “I assume also that Charles Darwin's racism is never mentioned in any books of academia. Groups like the NEA in schools and NAS with government 'science' would let it be known that the theories they teach, promote racism! See, if human beings 'evolve,' one race is superior to the other! Evolution is the ROOT of racism!

As a contrast, Christianity has ONE RACE, the human race! We were all created equal!”

Pamela looks deeply into Michael's eyes, and in a soft mellow tone continues with other information about the State Religion, as she probes into her files of documents in her laptop. “Michael, did you know that besides being very racist, the State Religion tends to not value life at all. It sees people as commodities, like an investment. If a person does not offer a financial yield, the person is terminated.

“I was able to scan a Fox News story back in the days of Terri Schiavo in a vegetative state. Fox was able to interview a person that was in a vegetative state also. Here Michael, give the story a look from my laptop” calmly mentions Pamela.

“Wow, so this other lady was in a total vegetative state and the doctors wanted to more-or-less 'pull the plug' on her. She spent a few days with no food, but her husband was able to challenge the murder of his wife and she was fed again. Then in a few more weeks, she recovered and she did the interview with Fox News with her husband!” said Michael after he scanned the story saved on Pamela's laptop computer.

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