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Two of a kind |
Whispering Moon "The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us." Black Elk Hakeem and Rachael stood before the open window, inhaling and savoring the night cool mist as if it was waiting for them. The intoxicating breeze swap across their faces as Hakeem held Rachael hand. “Run with me, he whispered.” “Is it safe?” He closed his eyes and tilted his head back slightly, his nostrils flared. He inhaled the scent of the trees in the woods, smelling the ocean waters, and the rich, earthy smell. The temptation of the moon alone was calling him to go. Rain had been falling lightly in the form of mist. Judging by the heaviness of the air, there would likely be more rain throughout the nigh and by morning, “Run with me, let go.” “Where?” “Do you trust me?” “Yes” Then run with me” Hakeem was from London; his family holds a long legacy that only few knew about. For Centuries, The name Francium struck fear in the heart of the town’s folks. It had been roamers that the families were warriors; wherever they went, they left trails of blood and bodies. The legends have it that for thousands of years, Francium a great warrior had made a deal with the devil to hunts down and conquer his enemies and in return he promise the devil his soul. When Francium last a battle he gotten angry at the devil, it was said that there was a duel between the two of them, the Francium family was left with a curse. The family for many, many years had lived in their family mansion on top of a hill looking down on the Ocean, away from the town folks. Only a few people were acquiescence to come and go from their mansion, the workers and invited guesses. From time to time one of the Francium man would go into town to check out a few bars. The night was quiet a bit too quiet. Hakeem the only child his father had ,throw on his long black leather coat, his black leather hat and went into town, stop at one of the local bars, done what he normally do, finds a seat in a near corner. It was a Friday night, and Friday nights were usually party nights—drinking, laughing, dancing and sharing of human body fluids. However, tonight something were strange, a strange feeling was hanging in the air heavy, even though the music that was playing, there was laughter, dancing and everything else that follows, Hakeem just could not put his finger what he was feeling and why. “What are you drinking Honey?” “The Usual” “Ok, one tall beer and One glass of water coming right up.” “Thank you.” Hakeem said as he scan the bar, looking from one corner to the other. “Here’s your beer and alone with one water.” Dominic, a tall dark man, with a long black bony tail and was wearing almost the same long leather coat and leather hat as Hakeem, one of the bars frequent drinkers, walked to the table and plunked down a bottle of beer. I just thought I‘d come and have a cheat with you. I notice that you come in here a lot, alone,” Dominic sipped his beer plunking it back to the table. “What do you want?” “Just wanted to be friendly, being that you don’t seems every talk to any one, perhaps you need a friend,” Hakeem look at the man for a few seconds and asks, “My friend? I don’t have friends and I don’t want you as a friend so will you please leave my table?” “Will you please leave my table? Listen I know about you and your family and as I was saying, you need a friend, I have been coming here from awhile and I hear things.” Things like what?” “Things like those group of fellows over there at the bar is planning to meet you out side when you leave. They say that they don’t like you or your kind” “Well sir” “I’m sorry, I’m Dominic and you are Hakeem, the son of Francium.” “How do you know about me?” “I know a lot about you, our families go way back.” “Dominic, Like I said I don’t need friends. Just because you think you know me I still don’t need friends, I can take care of myself.” Dominic look at Hakeem, turned his bottle up taken the last few swallows from it, stood of and said. “OK brother, like the other, you don’t need friends, I get it. There aren’t many blacks like us here, we will meet again.” Dominic smelled at Hakeem, tiled his hat and walks away. A chorus of a good song from the live bang started playing; “It’s Time To Go Now” meaning it was closing time, rose up from the others. Wally and Raymond two brothers glanced over at Hakeem. Feeling them looking at him, Hakeem just kept drinking and let them make up their own minds on if he would be afraid of them or not. “Bar close people, put your glasses and bottles down and say good night.” The bar owner yelled. Outside of the bar there waiting for Hakeem was a woman, Abigail, she too frequent the bar on the weekends. When Hakeem walk outside of the bar she walks up to him, “Hello Stranger, I’m Abigail, How about walking a girl home? It is late and A few men in the bar have been hitting on me. ” “Hitting on you?” Hakeem was not sure just what Abigail meant by hitting on her. “Yeah like Making passes, trying to pick me up, spend time with me.” “Spend time with you? And you don’t want to, so you feel you need some one to walk you home, now is that for protection or is you trying to pick me up?” At that moment Abigail got mad, “You know I was trying to be friendly but I see I was wasting my time>” “Friendly? What is with people trying to be friendly tonight? I have been coming to this bar and others for some time now, no one wanted to be friendly, now to night everyone wants to be friendly.” Before Hakeem could say another word to her, Abigail smile at him, turned and walks away leaving him just standing. Hakeem position his hat, pulled up his collar to his coat and headed towards his home feeling that strange feeling again that he had earlier. As he walk behind the bar towards the path that leads to the woods Hakeem heard footsteps in the gravel, he turned, there stood at the start of the path to the woods were the brothers, Wally and Raymond. “Where are you going boy?” “Boy? I’m not your boy and in case you haven’t heard, people don’t play that racial stuff any more.” “We are not raciest because of your skin boy, we heard about you and your family, They say that your people killed a lot of our people long time ago” “I don’t know what you are talking about, get out of my way” Hakeem went to pass Wally when Wally pushes him back. “You going to let him push you like that, I think we need to teach him a listen Wally” Hakeem Push his way pass Wally again and head further into the woods. The brothers could not believe that he did that and wanted to get even with him. They started into the woods after him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The only sound was in the night air was whispering winds, the sound of a clatter from the train riding the tracks in the distance. Hakeem woke looking at the moon from the window in front of him, in was in a bed that was not his, he sat up and look around the room, a bit famine but old fashion he thought to his self. “Where am I” Hakeem sat up and was about to climb out of bed when Abigail walk in the room. “Well hello there. How are you feeling?” “I know you, you are the woman I seen outside of the bar last night” Three nights ago” “What?” “It’s been three nights ago, but anyway you are lucky that my brother and I was still around, those old boys had it in for you.” “I remember, two guys, behind the bar.” “You don’t have to worry about them any more. All you need is your rest.” “why” Just the Dominic walks in the room carry a large wood box. The box was old dated all the way back some thousand years ago. “Well I see that our guess has awakened and looking as well as I thought he would, how are you? I told you that you would need a friend didn’t I.” “I know you too, what is this?” “You don’t know who we are does you? Have your family ever told you about the Blafeld’s and the Vancouver’s?” “No, should he have?” “Yes he should have told you when you were at the age of eighteen; do you remember anything on your eighteen birthdays?” Hakeem look at the wall, then up at the ceiling as if he was trying to remember his eighteen birthday. Dominic walks over to a table, place the box he was carry on it. “My friend I’m going to give you a brief history on the three families, Yours, the Francium, The Vancouver’s, my sisters and mines, and the Blafeld’s, the family of the guys that attack, well tried to attack you three nights ago. Thousands of years ago, your ancestors and my ancestors became very best of friends. They were so close they became blood brothers by carving a seal in their hands and joining the blood together. They fought many bloody battles together and won everyone, they both wanted it all the power, the battles, and the glory to say that they defends all so they made a deal with the Devil. He gave them power to win their wars and to seal the deal, at the end of the battles, they would have one last battle to win, The Blafeld’s, and the Blafeld has had a seal that the Devil wanted. They had to give it to him at the end of the war. Well they won the war between them and the Blafeld’s, and they gotten the seal, but when they say it, they kept it.” Dominic hand Hakeem a picture of their ancestors and a large gold Coin, it was the seal that the devil wanted. On it had strange letters that only a few knew what it meant. “That seal, those letters, I have the same marking on.” “I know, it In the inside of your right thigh”. Dominic answered “I have it to” said Abigail “What do it means?” Abigail handed Hakeem his clothing and started towards the window when a thin tall man wearing a white suite walk in. “Sir your guess has arrived” “Thank You.” “Those tiny markings on your thigh means, we are curse for eternity. “And what do that means, someday you will know, right now you need to get dress; I have some people for you to meet.” “Abigail went over to Hakeem, Are you ok?” “Yes. No, there is something happening to me and I do not know what it is. I do not know you people but you seem to know a great deal about me.’’ Ok I am Abigail; I was promise to you as a child. We, you and I guess we were meant to be together. My brother for years had been watching over you and kept an eye on you until this day had come” “What day?” “Today our families get together for our joining and make plans for marriage, lets face it we aren’t getting any younger, nor older in that matter.” “What are you talking about , watching over me and not getting any older or younger” “Younger or older” “What ever.” “Talk to me Abigail” “I’ll talk and you get dress, I see you don’t remember much about your child hood do you, but anyway, when you was eighteen we met, we joined hands, see the scar in your hand, look I have the same one.” Hakeem looked at his hand and saw the scar in his hand that he thought happen when he was a child. Your mother has it and your father, so do their fathers and mothers. And mines too.” “What about Dominic?” Hakeem asks looking puzzle about the whole thing Abigail was saying. “Yes and he too had to marry, his wife name is Sondra De Londers from Normandy. You will meet her and her people tonight.” “Are they Black?’’ “Mix breed just like you and me, Hakeem how old do you think you or I am?” “I would guess you are Twenty two, I know I’m Twenty five.” Abigail laugh, “Are you ready to go down stairs and meet everyone?’’ Hakeem and Abigail entered the room where his family, her family, Dominic’s wife and family and a few other people were standing around all dress in white waiting for the two of them to come. His father walk up t o him and embraced him, his mother kiss him on his cheek. Then a large man, a priest of some sort, stood in the center of the room and called Abigail and Hakeem. “Hakeem tonight you will go on a journey as if you have never been on before, you will see things that you never seen, you will smell things different and you will feel very different. For yours your family kept you behind the truth, tonight, this night has come. The moon is whispering, and we must now tell you’re her secrete.” Another man carry on a pillow, a long silver dagger with a black pearl handle alone with a Silver cup came and join them in the center of the room, everyone form a circle around Abigail and Hakeem. The daggers were hand to Hakeem’s Father, and he then passed around the circle. Hakeem’s father was hand a silver cup with something in it., he took a sip and passed it around the circle, everyone sip from it. When the man that was, standing next to the high priest had the Dagger and the cup, he and the priest sip from it too. “Abigail and Hakeem, On this day twenty-five years ago, You two came together and joined together in blood on the night the moon whispered. Tonight you come before your family and friends to complete the joining of marriage are there any questions?” “Yes, I don’t remember, I don’t remember us joining before, and we couldn’t have when you said we did cause that would put us older then what we are. I don’t know what is going on here but...” Hakeem’s father walked up to him places his hand on his shoulder, took the cup from the man that was holding and said I promise you, You will remember, Do you trust me son?” Dominic walk over to Hakeem, “I will be with you like I always have been, See I too was given a promise, I promise to accept you as my baby brother and to take care of you like I always had been doing in the shadows. Trust me, drink so you can remember.” Abigail grabs Hakeem hand, stood in front of him. ” I have been waiting a long time drink the moon is whispering and we must face her tonight.” She slowly helped lead the cup to his mouth and he drunk... Normally, darkness did not worry me. I am a creature of the moon; She and I go a long ways back. She once whispered to me., she told of the night, Sometimes I think perhaps she is just may be my mother, after all, we roaming the streets at ungodly hours. My love and I joins in the fullness of her light, her silver rays gives us the power to hunt, to become more then mortal, we becomes immortal, string and fearless. Her whispers shimmered through my veins--a hungry that would only get worse in the coming nights. I remember now Who I am, I remember my wife on the day meet before, I am a beast and I must set out in the night to hunt, my love must hunt. She took me out to hunt for the first time, she hunted before, and this will be my first. Under the moon watching eyes we change, our souls changed, we became something else. All I could smell was blood, blood that was thick and ripe. Blood was all over her and all over me; it was itching and sticking to me. We made love after the kill; It came natural to do so, the blood all over us that brought out the lust in us. Groaning and howling softly in the night in the heat of the lust. Other sensations began to creep through the fog encasing the flow of our blood. The night chill of the wind pressed against my spine. The gentle touch of her nails scratching my back. Sweat, the moisture against bare skin, It was a scent that filled the air of lover mating under the moon. Abigail opens her eyes. A concrete ceiling loomed ominously above her, it look old and cold, cracks and missing plaster. .For a moment I she thought she was in some kind tomb. The bed was large fit for a queen to sleep in, the windows had no pane, and rain came in. Hakeem came into the room carry a small jewelry box. “Hello, did you sleep well?” “Yes, Where am I?” “Home, this is my home which is now your home. Do you remember anything?” “The full moon, our joining ceremony and that is about it.” “The full moon were eight days ago. And for it to have been so special for me you can’t remember” “Last I remembered the full moon phase had only just begun. Somewhere along the line, I had lost eight days, Wow, What did you do to me?” “What did our people do to us?” “ Drink you must get your strength back, tonight we meet in the woods. “Abigail, You don’t remember what happen eight days ago, nothing at all?” She frowned, staring up at the wall, trying to get her remember. “I remember, I remember become naked in the cold night. In addition, I am certain that something bad had happened. Did it, I remember Blood; being covered in blood.” Hakeem sat on the side of the bed and grab Abigail in his arms, nothing bad happen, he hunt in the woods, that’ s all” “That is all, no hunting bring out lust, did we.” “You brought me passion like I never had before; look I got something for you.” Hakeem gave her a silver Bracelet to wear, if anything should happen to you, I will know. Abigail places the bracelet on her right wrist, when she notice Hakeem had one on resemblance the same. She smiled. Holding her hand they stood to the window looking out into the darkness, the full moon shined bright, they could hear the sounds of wolves howling in the dark night. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back slightly, his nostrils flared. He inhaled the scent of the trees in the woods, smelling the ocean waters, and the rich, earthy smell. The temptation of the moon alone was calling him to go. Rain had been falling lightly in the form of mist. Judging by the heaviness of the air, there would likely be more rain throughout the night and by morning, “Run with me, let go.” “Where?” “Do you trust me?” “Yes” Then run with me” “Run with me, he whispered.” “Is it safe?” “Are you afraid of the night?” “No” “Then run with me” |