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by Danni
Rated: · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1586190
A story that just wouldn't leave my head. Pleaseee give me feedbackkk :)
Ever fallen for the impossible? Well I have, and I’d give my soul to say it wasn’t worth it, falling for Carter. But it was.
I’ve realised that reason cannot hold you back from something you’re so sure of. From something you really want. From something you really love.
So here is my story. How I fell for the impossible guy. How I impossibly fell for my stepbrother.
And I still think of those moments with the biggest smile on my face.


Chapter one: new arrival.
“Jen, please will you be good, he means a lot to me, even if you don’t like him, and if you don’t want to move out I suggest you just accept the idea. I’ve been with him a long time now, this is normal!” my mom had just dropped the biggest bombshell on me and expected me to be fine with it. She’d just announced that her boyfriend and his son would be moving in tomorrow, and I had to meet them tonight.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d do anything for her, but this was stupid. I did not want to be in a family. She could date who the fuck she wanted, but it was always a condition I was never involved. But suddenly she decided to change the rules. I couldn’t help being mad at her. But after all she had been through my reflex action was to hide how I was feeling and to just let her be happy.
So even though I sulked I swore I would be good for her. I would sure as hell not accept it though. Although she did buy me some new clothes as a bribe and let me (finally) have the violet streaks in my hair.
My mom was fussing in the mirror and at the same time fussing over me. How moms seem to be able to do that I will never know. But what do I know?
“Oh Jen, do I look okay? Oh and straighten up will you, that dress cost a fortune, oh I really hope we all get along, I really love him Jen.” She sighed.
I never understood why she worried. She was absolutely beautiful, and young, well for mother. She was 35, and had long impossibly shiny black hair that fell to her waist, much like mine, but I’d added layers to my hair over the years, and a side fringe, and just recently purple highlights (:D).We were both pale, although I flaunted that aspect while she tried to hide hers. She had green eyes, again just like me, and was stunningly slim. The only real difference between us is how we acted and presented ourselves. She came across sweet and generous, and in my opinion I came across aggressive and passive at the best of times.
I stood up, and walked next to my mum whilst looking in the mirror, and simply said “Mom, you’re beautiful,” And smiled at her.
She smiled back extremely grateful, and looked at me,
“Well you must be too, considering alike we are, I love that dress on you by the way, its weird how you can dress so extravagantly and carry it off, ” she smiled.
I was wearing a black strapless dress that went out at the waist, with a butterfly belt just underneath my bust. And to match my starry pumps, I know she didn’t want me to do my usual display of makeup I usually wear tonight, so I left it. Which made my green eyes stand out in a way that I didn’t want them to.
But even with my insecurities I went downstairs and waited to greet the guests.
And that’s when the car pulled up outside. My mom came rushing down the stairs and opened the door before they even got to it.
And that’s when I saw him.
He had straight fairly long black hair that was clearly dyed, and icy blue eyes. He was wearing a black shirt with black trousers and dress shoes. Anyone could tell this was not his usual way of dress. I walked slowly till I reached the door, and stood beside my mother.
My mothers boyfriend, Terry, hugged my mother then they began saying something to each other. Their conversation was something I did not pick up on, because I was too busy staring at the son. His beautiful eyes were darting everywhere, that was until they locked with mine. We could have stared at each other for hours and I wouldn’t have noticed. I just continued to look without even a blink (from either of us) to break the stare. That was at least until my mother broke the stare by starting to introduce us.
“Of course Terry you know Jen, but Jen, this is Carter, Terry’s son.” she smiled wryly, waiting for me to respond.
Now usually I would have said something sarcastic, and laughed at the sheer obvious-ness of her sentence, but I could not form even the smallest of remarks. I could not understand why.
Carter stood forward and smiled, offering his hand, which I took and smiled at him.
Terry sighed in relief, this was obviously not being the reaction he was expecting, but he seemed grateful, very grateful, of the reaction that was given.
And the night went on very much like that, Carter and I smiling at each other, but never actually saying anything, and my mother and Terry talking.
And when they left, I ran up to my room, most likely leaving my mother feeling confused, I locked my door, and fell onto my bed, thinking of Carter, his perfection, and the impossibility of it all. But also slightly scared, and slightly excited at the idea of living with him.

Author note: Needing feedback. :) On whether its not worth continuing, or whether I should. I have wrote more of this story but I would like to see how its received before I post more. Pleasee message and review. I know theres probably spelling and grammar mistakes, but please note, i'm farrr from perfect.
And also, the story is set in america, because at thee moment i'm all hooked on those kind of teen romances. I don't live there and have never been PLEASE forgive my mistakes and presumptions on life there. Wouldn't mind help and pointers on that too.
© Copyright 2009 Danni (dannieee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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