Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1586146-200-years-into-the-future
by Anna
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1586146
Mr. Daniels gets home and finds a box that sends him to the future
    "You need to go see a therapist about this, Mr. Daniels." The scientist exclaimed, "I won't believe this until you tell me the whole story, not just pretend. I want to know how you did it., how you went into the future 200 years and then came back 160 years?"

    "Ok! I will tell you everything." I sighed. Like I was going to tell him everything that happened.

    Well, I had just gotten home form working. My mom nor my dad were not home yet, so I was going to watch a movie. They had probably gone out for dinner anyways. So, I got the mail before I went in. Most of it was bills but what caught my eye was a small box. It was made of metal and black all over. It was heavy too, maybe 5 to 10 pounds. So, I took it into the house.

      Box was the wrong word for it. It wouldn't even open to anything I tried. I threw it on the ground a couple of times, just carious.

      Then something did happen, it was unexpected though.. When I was going to throw it on the ground one more time, I had held it differently. A hologram had popped up on top of the device. It looked like a map of some kind. Holograms were a lot like touchscreens, so I toke my finger and touched a dark blue dot that looked a lot like earth.

      All of a sudden the box spoke in a deep voice,"Have a fun an safe ride!"

      "Ride to where", I thought. I didn't speak it out load but then it said, "To Earth 200 years into the future."

      I grabbed the black box before I started feeling the sensation of falling through the floor. It felt like hours before it stopped.

      I had had my eyes closed the whole time I was falling. when I had opened them, I found myself inside a glass cylinder full of water. There was a foot long tube down my throat. For all I know, it was drugging me. For a minute I panicked. Then I heard this high pitched siren-like noise that instantly knocked me out. When woke up, I was on the ground, fully dressed in a tuxedo.

      "Good morning sir" a voice said.

      I looked around, "Hello!"

      "Are you ok, sir?"

      It was a woman's voice, and it came from my right. I would have ran if I had thought that she was harmful. When I looked, I saw a little girl, but she was anything but human. She had blue skin, white hair, webbed hands, and webbed feet.

      "How did humans become this?", I asked.

      "Well," She answered with sadness in her voice, "150 years ago, almost all of the icebergs had melted. Which meant that all the water around the world had risen 10 feet above sea level."

      "Is that why you have blue skin?", I inquired.

      "Yes that is why!" she exclaimed, "That is also why we have webbed feet and hands, but we never understood how everyone's hair turned white."The little girl said with a woman like voice and vocabulary.

      "When did your hair turn white?"

      "20 years ago--", I stopped her.

      "How do you know it was 20 years ago? You look like your only 10!" I asked her.

      "Yes I do, but we age slowly." She sighed, "I have lost count of my age, but I presume I am at least 100 years old."

      My jaw dropped. I was 17, but I was already almost 7 feet tall. She was 3 times smaller than me, almost 2 and a half feet tall, at 100 years old.

      "Who is the oldest here?"

      "I am third from the oldest. My friend is second. She is 110 years old, Then there is the multitrillioner who is 160 years old."

      "What about your parents? What happened to them?"

      "Oh, they died in the 2160's when I was around 49, by a fish plague."

      "What year is this anyways?"

      "2209, You would love it!", she exclaimed sarcastically.

      "Is there anything technologically advanced around here other than the sleeping pod that I woke up in before that sound came on?"

      "Oh yes, we still invent stuff. That is the good part about this place. We have come a long way of technology since your time."

© Copyright 2009 Anna (afw813 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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