Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1585512-5678-Dance-Performance-Skit--7
by will
Rated: E · Script/Play · Entertainment · #1585512
Seventh skit in the show. The performers come on the stage to clear some things up...
Dancers leave stage while lights are black. A general wash floods the stage. Will and Tristan enter from Stage right, Jeffrey enters from stage left.

Will: We hope that you are all enjoying the show so far.

Tristan: But we would like to take a moment of your time to explain something to you.

Jeff: You may have noticed that two dances and one skit have passed since our cast member, Tyler, had an unfortunate accident.

Will: Now, some of you in the audience may be thinking to yourself, "what happened to him, he seemed like he had a pretty important role, where'd he go?"

Tristan: Or maybe, "They can't just kill one of the main characters off like that?"

Jeff: Or even, "Oh, God, did I leave my baby in the car?"

Pause, tristan and will look at jeffrey

Jeff: What? It happens.

Will: Anyway, the point we're trying to make here is that we did do all of those things.

Tristan: (interrupting) excluding the baby!

Jeff: Whew!

Will: Right. You see, Tyler had a rather large role later on in the performance...however, we had to quickly re-write the script since Tyler had an "important dinner date" that he couldn't miss...

Tristan: We tried finding a replacement for him, but the Janitor just couldn't deliver the lines with the same depth as Tyler can.

Jeff: That thing he did with the mop was pretty impressive though.

All: Yeah, yeah true. (ad-lib for a couple of seconds, agreeing with jeff)

Tristan: Needless to say, we regret to inform you that Tyler will no longer be in the show tonight.

Will: We also regret to inform you that, seeing as how this is a charity event, there are no cash back refunds, so if the only reason you came to the show was to see him, we're terribly sorry.

Jeff: We also, also regret to inform you that we've just been told the emergency exit doors are jammed. So in the unlikely event of a fire, we are all going to smolder and die.


Tristan: Um, having said all that we hope you enjoy the rest of the performance.

Will: And please give it up for the amazing flaming baton jugglers!!

All three exit the way they came on. Lights go down and prepare for the next dance.

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