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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1584900
a human vamp princess is in danger of a dhampir prince seeking her blood
Chapter 1          
         Hidden away in his castle Donovan slowly paced in his quarters. I must find her he thought. His quest to find the special child had gone on for fifteen years now. He had checked every dimension, every nook and every crack but he still could not find her.
         Walking over to his charts Donovan examined his maps very closely until he noticed one small dimension that had been unchecked. An evil smile grew from ear to ear.          
         “JAMES!!” he shouted to his finest warrior. James, a tall strong vampire burst into the room.          
         “yes my lord?” James asked examining his king.
         “I think I have found her...this dimension here” Donovan said pointing to the small area on the map. “is the only place she could be where she would fit in. dammit why didn't I think of this before? She was born human so she must live with humans in order to survive right?” Donovan asked anxiously.          
         “yes sir.” James replied.
         “ this here...earth is where im sending you to find her.” Donovan quickly said.
         “but sir, how will I find her on such a large planet?” James asked examining the maps.
         “ she has a strong spiritual aura, shell be easy  to make out. Any vampire can see the aura.”
         “yes sir, so she is a priestess?” James asked raising one eyebrow. Donovan looked up from his charts to meet James' gaze.
         “yes, I guess she is.” he smiled.
         “and it is  her blood that you need?” James asked.
         “ yes, I am nothing but a dhampir. My father died in war fifteen years ago. Trying to kidnap her. But him and her father were caught in war and both died.”
         “ and what of the girls mother?”
         “ she killed herself after sending her baby away.” Donovan said.
         “sir no disrespect but how old are you?” James asked.
         “ twenty, I was five when the war took place. I need this girls blood. Her powers could come of great use. And her blood, not only would it be irresistible, but it would also transform me into a full blooded vampire.” he said walking over to his closet. “ and maybe ill even gain a wife.” Donovan said with a crooked grin. He was gorgeous, his black hair hung to his shoulders, his blue eyes sparkled and he was tall and strong. He could have any woman he desired. But he waited his entire life for one human girl.
         “here.” Donovan said tossing a red amulet to James. “ this will light up when you are in her presence. She wears one just like it.” Donovan said.
         “i understand.” James said nodding.
         “bring her to me, alive!” Donovan shouted. James nodded then closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He turned to mist and disappeared into mid air.
         “ill see you soon, sweet priestess.” he chuckled.
         “Hey Antonia!” Kylie yelled running down the hallway her black hair bouncing along with her. Antonia turned to see her best friend running down the hall.
         “hey new school year new name, call me Tonie.” Tonie said smiling. Her red curls pulled back in a pony tail.
         “oh okay!” Kylie laughed linking her arm through tonies.
         “ where are we going to the land of oz?” Tonie laughed.
         “ yea! Follow the yellow brick road!” Kylie laughed back.          
         “ were off to see the wizard!!” both girls sang running to their next class together.
         Kylie and Tonie ran into class just in time for the bell.
         “ well well well late on our first day are we? Miss-” Mr. Edwards said looking at his clipboard. “miss Taylor and miss Wilson please take your seats.” Mr Edwards ordered. Both girls took their seats.
         “Antonia?” Edwards asked taking roll call. Tonie raised her hand.
         “its just Tonie.” she said to the old man.
         “well miss Taylor I call everyone by their names on their paperwork and it dosnt say Tonie on here so its Antonia!” Mr Edwards scolded  Tonie could hear laughs coming from fellow classmates.
         “yes sir.” Tonie groaned then sunk in her seat hoping no one would pull anymore attention to her.
         “hey, I hear hes like this to everyone.” Kylie whispered. Reassuring her friend.
         “yea? Well hes extra hard on me.” Tonie moaned.          
         “maybe he has a thing for redheads.” Kylie laughed. Both girls broke out in hysterical snickers and laughs when the door slowly opened. In stepped a tall pale boy with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.  Tonie stopped laughing to gawk at the guy as everyone else did.
         “excuse me who are you?” Mr Edwards asked.
         “dren Adams.” the new kid flatly said. “i have a pass.” dren said handing Mr Edwards a slip of yellow paper.
         “so you do. Please take a seat Mr Adams.” Mr Edwards ordered turning to his desk to mark down the mysterious dren on his legendary clipboard.
         Dren began walking in tonies direction. She gasped when she looked into his icy blue eyes. A rush of cold air brushed her as he walked past. dren took a seat in the far back of the room.
         “now!” Mr Edwards began. “if there are no more interruptions can we please begin our lesson for today.”
         Tonie didn't pay any attention to Mr Edwards lecture. She was to busy thinking about dren.
         Kylie leaned over to Tonie and whispered “don't look now but new kid is staring at you.” tonies cheeks turned bright red as she glanced over in dren's direction  Kylie was right he was staring at her. Tonie quickly turned away, her heart was racing. She looked back again and saw something surrounding him. Song sort of red glow. Her eyes widened. What was it?
         When he met her gaze she again quickly turned away.  Her birthmark on her chest began to warm and tingle. Her red amulet given to her by her grandmother shortly before she died glowed a deep blood red. She looked down and gasped, Tonie clutched the amulet with one hand and raised the other.
         “ Mr Edwards?” Tonie shouted before he called on her.
         “what is it now Antonia?” he asked annoyed.
         “can I use the restroom please?” Tonie begged ignoring him calling her Antonia.
         “no!” he shouted.
         “please Mr Edwards its an emergency.” Tonie shouted.
         “fine! Hurry up!” he shouted back turning to the board to finish writing what he had begun. Tonie rushed to the restroom, still clutching the amulet. When she entered the restroom she locked herself in the last stall in the room. She sat down against the cold wall and pulled out her amulet. It began to die down, and her mark became numb.          
         Tonie grasped her amulet and looked at it closely. A bright light exploded from it then the amulet began to levitate above tonies head. Tonie stood up to observe the floating amulet.
         “what?” Tonie thought out loud. Then the bright light got brighter and soon it swallowed Tonie.
         Tonie found herself flying in darkness. The only light coming from her glowing amulet.
         “whats going on?” Tonie screamed in darkness. Tonie then saw a young woman with red curly flowing hair hung down her back. Her jade eyes sparkled in the moonlight. She seemed so joyful as she danced around her room in a flowing white dress. She looked just like Tonie. But there was one difference, When the young woman smiled two sharp fangs hung  from her top set of teeth. Tonie gasped when she saw this.
         Tonie heard a whisper in her ear that said “ Alexandra” that was this young womans name. And Tonie then knew who she was.
         “it cant be!” Tonie screamed. The image of the young dancing woman disappeared and then the same woman appeared again but this time her face was not joyful. A panicked expression replaced her joyful one. This time she held a baby in her arms. The baby had jade green eyes. And a few red curls on her head. This baby was Tonie, and this woman was tonies mother.
         “mom!” Tonie screamed reaching out to the young woman. But then everything disappeared and Tonie was back in the schools restroom.

Chapter 2
         “MOM!!” tonie screamed bursting through her front door.
         “yes dear?” tonies mom asked coming out from the kitchen. “how was school?”
         “why didnt you tell me?!” tonie screamed ignoring her mothers questions.
         “tell you wh-” she began.
         “that im adopted?” tonie said calming down.
         “ where on earth did you hear that?” her mother asked putting her hands on her hips.
         “um the school office, I  saw some paperwork.” tonie lied.  “were you ever gona tell me?” she asked furious again.
         “ yes when you were eighteen.”
         “ thats only three years from now. You could of told me sooner.” tonie argued.
         “we thought it was the  right thing.” he mother said her eyes filling with tears.
         “mom dont cry.” tonie comforted.
         “your right, you diserved to know.” her mother sobbed.
         “ mom lets sit down.” tonie said gesturing torward the couch.  Tonies mother nodded and sat next to her daughter.
         “what about this?” tonie asked holding her amulet so her mom could see. “is it even mine?”
         “yes, when we adopted you, you were wearing it. It was glowing. Your grandmother took it and kept it safe. And when she died she knew she had to give it to you.” tonies mother sobbed.
         “do you know my real parents?” tonie asked quickly.
         “no, you were dropped off at a hospital, by a friend of your familys. She said your mother and father died in a fire.” she said placing her hand on tonies.
         “is there anyway to get a hold of her?” tonie asked her eyes welling with tears.
         “no she didnt leave a name.” tonies mother confessed.
         “ I see...” tonie sighed.
         “im sorry antonia. I truly am.” she said getting up and going back into the kitchen.
         Tonie sat there not moving a muscle. Thinking hard. Then tonie got up and headed for the door.
         “im going for a walk.” she shouted escaping out the door before she got a response.
         Tonie ran out the door. She ran down her block breathing hard. Everything past her in a blur. Eventually everything turned black and she was running in darkness. Tonies heart raced as she pumped her arms faster and faster. She was almost to the point where she couldnt breath  when she tripped and fell. 
         “what the?” tonie groaned rubbing her head and looking around her. She was in the cemetary. And she was at her grandmothers grave. Tonies phone vibrated. She pulled it out and read her new text from jesse.
         Are you okay? It asked. Tonie smiled. Its like jesse was psychic. He always knew when she was afraid or sad. Jesse and tonie grew up together.  He was like her big brother. She trusted him, but she didnt want to tell him about what had happened today.
         She quickly replied. Yeah, I'm fine! She typed and pressed send. About thirty seconds passed  and she had a new text.
         Your lying.  It read. Tonie wasnt shocked. He always did this. He knew everthing about her.
         I gotta go, sorry bye she typed then pressed send. Tonie turned off her phone and put it back in her pocket. She sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. She then realized how late it was and started to head home. 
         Her birthmark burned, and her amulet turned blood red. She looked around but didnt see anything. So she continued walking. She grew anxious. Her mark hurting more and more as time passed.
         “why hello antonia.” a deep voice whispered. Antonia gasped and looked around. Up in a tree stood a tall muscular man. He looked to be in his twentys. His black hair was shaggy and his square jaw held an evil grin.
         “who are you?” tonie screamed.
         “wouldnt you like to know.” he laughed jumping down from the tree.
         “tell me!” tonie screamed. This amused the dark man.
         “my name is james.” he finally said.
         “what do you want?!” tonie asked stepping away. He only stepped closer. Tonie clutched her amulet as it brightened.
         “do you wonder why that amulet glows?” he asked. Tonie only stared at him.  “it indicates the whereabouts of a vampire.” he hissed. Tonie gasped. She was shocked. Then she understood. Dren, why it had been glowing in class. Dren was a vampire, and so was james.
         “w-what do you want from me?!” tonie demanded.
         “what do all vampires want?” he laughed. Tonie turned to run but he was behind her. “im much quicker and stronger than you so its not smart to fight.” he hissed. His arm slid around tonies waist and pulled her close to him pressing her against his body.
         “blood.” tonie whispered.
         “very good.” he laughed showing his fangs. Tonie stuggled to free herself but james only tightened his grip on her.  “you know what?” he asked.
         “w-what?” tonie whispered through clenched teeth. Her birthmark burning in agonizing pain.
         “prince donovan ordered me to bring you back alive for himself, but I just might keep you. Your scent is irresistible.” he growled leaning into her neck.
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