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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1584685
Harry's cousin Heaven & Draco Malfoy.
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As Draco stared at the vanishing cabinet his heart sank and his stomach churned. He swallowed hard then bit his bottom lip. Why was he the chosen one? Why did Voldemort want him for this job? He couldn't wrap his mind around it. It didn't seem real to him. He knew it was going to get worse since Potter already heard him talking. What an annoying bastard he was, always trying to blame Draco for everything. The thought made his ice blue eyes narrow. The blonde then went out and stood in the snow. Overlooking the courtyard. As he stood there, leaning on the railing, a pure white wolf with green eyes walked up slowly behind him. Draco felt a presence and turned around, his heart beating against his chest. But it slowed when he knew who it was.

"Fang...what are you doing here?" He asked, a bit of shock yet thankfullness in his voice. You could see his breathe.

The wolf gave him a knowing look and took a step towards him. "You know why I'm here Malfoy." A femanine, beautiful, American voice replied.

Draco looked away at the ground quickly, his eyes narrowed. "I say I don't know what your talking about."

"Luna told me what you did to Harry," Luna was Heaven's bestfriend. "I've seen you blow-up before Malfoy. You've never been that aggressive. Something is...changing.." The she-wolf's bright green eyes seemed to squint at Draco.

"Your a silly mutt. Thats all you are, Fang. I don't even know why your talking to me, you don't care about me. Your the one who left me to rot in the first place." Draco said, sounding angry and sad at the same time. He didn't want to be mean to her, but he was already frustrated. He also knew he was wrong, he was the one who had left her. He didn't like people talking about how he was dating Harry Potter's cousin. But, oh, did he love her. Ever since he had set eyes on Heaven Black(aka Fang) he had fallen hard for her. Loosing track of time, unable to catch his breathe at moments, stammer with his words. But damnit, he wouldn't let himself come out to tell her how much he loved her. It would ruin him.

The snow around the pure wolf then spun around her and once it settled a girl around Draco's age was there. She had brown hair that went a little past her shoulders, slightly tanned skin, and pretty green/hazel eyes. She was wearing a dark green sweater that had a silver green snake on it. The snake was at the bottom of the sweater and it went all the way around. So its head and tail both met at the front. Yes, she was a Slytherin girl. Her jeans fit her nicely and she wore sneakers on her feet. It was a bit easy to tell she was American.

She drew closer to him and touched his hair gently. "You know I'm here for you...through anything." She said to him.

Quickly he grabbed her wrist and glared into her eyes. "Do not touch me..and do not say words you do not mean." He snarled at her then threw her arm down and walked off qucikly.

Draco fought back tears. How long it felt he waited to feel her soft touch again but he feared that if she touched him she would be next in line. And when she told him that she would be there, through anything, he didn't want it. He didn't want her to see what he must do, didn't want her to become a monster like himself.

Almost like Draco, Heaven was avoiding her cousin Harry. She couldn't stand listening him bash Draco anymore. She still had feelings for him, and if anything more she was worried about him. Something was happening to him that he didn't want. She knew it. She knew Draco Malfoy better than anyone. Besides that, she missed her father dearly. She had come to late to save her father, Sirus Black. Harry had watched it all and in a way she wished she had too. To see who killed her father, to have the chance the kill the bastard that did it. It seemed everyone knew except her. Nobody would tell her. To be honest, they feared what she could do. Heaven was a very powerful witch, she knew powers beyond Harry's but she often let her emotions get in the way.

But, like Harry, she tried to follow Draco. She wanted to know his secret. What was so terrible she couldn't know? He had shared everything with her once before, but now it seemd that they had drifted so very far apart.

One day, Heaven was walking by the boys bathroom when she notcied Malfoy in there, leaning o the skin. Almost acting like he was going to throw up. He was crying and very pale. Heaven walked in behidn him and gently put her hand on his shoulder.

"Draco...what happened?" She asked gently.

Draco had his eyes closed tightly, trying to control his breathing. He then, without warning, spun around, picked her up by her thighs so her legs wrapped around his waist and pushed her up against the wall. He looked deep into her eyes as he held her up.

"Did you mean it when you told me you'd be here for me, through anything?" He asked somewhat quickly, his breathing fast again.

"Yes." Heaven replied, her green eyes wide, but not with fear.

Draco then smashed his lips against hers with a yearning to never let her go. Heaven wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with the same feeling inside. His kisses were like a drug to her, they were extremly addicting.

Draco moved his hands up to her bottom and squeezed it gently as they made-out passionatly. Heaven let out a small moan. He then moved his kisses down to her her and even bit on her neck somewhat roughly. He knew she could take it.

The two of them had never went past making-out before, but now it was obvious they both were ready for more. Heaven wanted to show Draco she would be there for him through anything, while Draco just wanted to finally show her how much he desired her, loved her. He didn't know how much longer he had to live. And before he did, he wanted to give Heaven his virginity and take hers as well. It was when Heaven was unbuttoning his shirt that he knew what he needed to do. He stopped kissing her neck and chestbone and looked up at her. She looked back at him as she ran her fingers slowly down his chest. His body twicted, not wanting to stop, but he did.

"I must show you something, Heaven. But please...do not judge me for what I have not choosen to do." He said as his forehead leaned against hers.

"I promise, Draco." She said as she caressed his cheek gently.

Once the two had put themselves back together, Draco took Heaven's hand and lead her to the vanishing cabinet. He then let her hand go and slowly touched the cabinet.

"You know what this is.." Malfoy said, running his hands up and down the wood.

"A vanishing cabinet...what are you using it for?" Heaven asked, her heading tilting slightly.

"Theres another one...and when the night comes......the Death Eaters will come into the school.." Draco finally told her.

Heaven's eyes widen. So this was the dark lords plans? A smart one he was indeed. But why was Draco helping? She went to ask but Draco beat her too it.

"I have no choice, Heaven." He said facing her, his body was trembling and he looked like he was going to cry again. "He chose me to do this. I am the choosen one!" He showed her what was under his sleeve. The snake tattoo. Heaven's eyes were wide and she covered her mouth with her hand.

Draco took her face in his hands, looking her in the eyes. "I didn't choose this Heaven. Please believe me."

Heaven touched his hands. "I do believe you, Draco..."

"You know I might die...." Draco Malfoy said to her.

Heaven's eyes were watery already, that was the last thing she wanted to hear. But she knew it was true. She could easily loose him, and not be able to bring him back. She closed her eyes, fighting back the tears. Draco took her into his arms and held her as he whiserped into her ear, "I love you Heaven Black. And I want to show you how much you mean to me."

Heaven opened her eyes and looked up at him. He smiled down at her weakly as he ran his fingers through her silky hair. She never thought she would hear Draco Malfoy say those words, never to hear at least. She smiled at him.

"I love you too, Draco Malfoy." She then kissed his lower lip softly.

"Let me claim you as mine tonight." He said as he leaned down to kiss her.

"Claim me.." She whispered then their lips connected.

Draco laid her on the floor ontop of a blanket as they kissed. Heaven once again undid his buttons and he shrugged off his shirt, his tie and jacket already on the floor next to them. He removed her shirt next then kissed down her neck to her chest bone. He took off her bra and touched her breasts gently. He had never touched breasts before. Heaven took off his belt as he kissed down her stomach. She felt the removal of her socks and knew Draco had taken off his as well. He then came back up and kissed her deeply, with meaning, stroking her cheek softly. Heaven moaned when she felt him press his bulge against her. He then removed her bottoms, watching as he did it slowly. She stroked his bleach blonde hair. He then looked into her eyes and took off his own bottoms. They kissed and Draco pressed into her. She gasped in pain.

"Forgive me." He whispered in her ear and pushed in further, slowly.

Heaven closed her eyes tightly and dug her nails into his sides. Draco groaned slightly at the feel of her nails but it felt good to him. He kissed her forehead and she kissed his chin. She then opened her eyes and pulled his face down to hers. They closed their eyes as they made out and made love. Heaven got over the pain and managed to wrap one leg around his waist and match his thrust. Draco pulled Heaven's body close against his and in response Heaven wrapped her arms around his neck. They both moaned loudly as Draco relieved himself.

"I will always love you, Heaven." Draco panted into his lovers ear then kissed it.

"No matter what.." Heaven seemed to finish but return it to Draco who smiled down at her.

After that the two would meet up secretly and talk. Draco would cry on her shoulder or vent to her. But the last day they saw each other was when Harry almost killed Draco. She had cried so hard. She didn't think she could cry like that again since her father died. No, she didn't hate Harry, but she gave him a good punch to the jaw.

After that, nobody could find Heaven. Harry thought the worse and Luna wouldn't stop searching for her. She didn't reappear again until the Death Eaters left Hogwarts. She stood with Luna outside and held her hand as they both pointed their wands to the stormy sky. Tears ran down her cheeks, but no for the headmaster, but for Draco. She feared she would never see him again. She let a wolf-ish howl out as she she stood their with Luna. The others thought is was for the Prefessor, but it was a call to Draco.

Draco stopped in his tracks and looked back towards the school. "Fang.." He whispered very lowly.

Snape looked at Draco then back at the school when he heard the howl himself then pushed Draco to walk again. "Go Malfoy!" He ordered.

To be continued....
© Copyright 2009 NightStalker (heavenleigh11 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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