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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1584539
The beginning of a story i am working on.
Mother Nature was supposed to meet Father Time for a cup of coffee downtown at 10 am. With the traffic of inevitability detaining him, father Time was ten minutes late. With his Timing off no one else could get anywhere or do anything. The entire universe was pitched into pure harmony; or chaos depending on your views of the universe. None but a single unknowing man could right the wrong the insidious Inevitable has committed, but we'll get to him later. For now, it's imperative we know the reasons for Mother Nature and Father Time's meeting.

In order for the chaos that Mother Nature manages to remain, well, manageable everything needs to follow certain laws. Typically, when things break the laws, which they do often, Mother Nature deals with them and moves on. She has very clearly defined policies on what to do in almost every possible, and some not so possible situations. Many times we see Mother Nature fixing broken laws with hurricanes or tornados; sometimes it's the birth or death of a being. Whatever the case, Mother Nature can fix it. Well, that was the case.

The day before the call came in on Father Time's personal line, and the request of his presence virtually begged for at a small coffee shop downtown, a mystery occurred. A boy, no older than 12, broke a rule, an ancient rule which Mother Nature scarcely knew. This was a rule of the universe, a law of existence itself that was made long before Father Time was even a twinkle in the eye of his father.

Let's start from the beginning:
In order for existence there needs to be at least two things. The first is a result. The second is an ability to measure this thing that exists. Some claim that a third thing is also needed if you want this existence to be meaningful. This third quality would be a certain belief in or about it. Stripping something of even one of these qualities can be detrimental to the universes’ existence. Though this has happened in the past, no more than one of these qualities has been stripped at a time from one particular thing. Moreover, the things that have been stripped of their fundamental qualities were never essential to the existence to most everything dealing with the universe.

On this day the boy had unintentionally stripped the result, measurement and belief in consequence, as well as fate. Two of the fundamental properties required for bringing the universes symphonic masterpiece to a climax and sensually ease the chaos back into harmony for a perfect ending to all things; they were ripped from reality as if the drums and lead guitar were ripped from the stairway to heaven solo. Although life went on, nothing had any life to it. Empty eyes exchanged glances of confusion and solitude. A flood of lonely tears would’ve drowned the world if it weren’t for the emotional drought which parched the tear ducts of all the hopelessly abandoned souls. .

Without fate always pitching things into forward motion, and consequence causing unexpected twists and turns in the many paths of life, there was no forward or sideways progression. Life, from an evolutionary perspective, was at a standstill. Life, from any meaningful perspective, was in fact dead. Each of those empty eyes stares into empty sunsets every night with an expectation for a hollow sunrise. The world spun out of convenience, for the force needed to stop the momentum was greater than the momentum itself. The stars twinkled, but they no longer shined. Shooting stars now simply just fell across the night’s sky. Gods continued to not answer prayers and angels lost their willingness to serve. Heaven itself became a slum, and the only paradise left was intangible. It was the ever dwelling memory of fate and consequence. That, too, would fade soon. After this generation the terms will only be words.

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