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Erotic short story with some Domination themes |
I’d been back in New Zealand a while now and the buzz that I felt when I had been back at home was quickly fading. She still had a small hold over me I suppose, but it wasn’t half as strong as when I was in her presence. When I had been home it had been amazing, like the start of the rest of my life. I missed her dearly but would never admit it. Not even to myself. I felt a small buzz in my pocket. It had to be a text message as it hadn’t been for more than a second. I left my phone on silent for work, didn’t want it disturbing me when I was on an important call. I was in the station, had only had one call this morning and was feeling rather bored. I picked my phone out my pocket and flipped the screen open. It was from Her, the woman who I just can’t get away from!!! All it said was “Oi bitch, you in work?” I like to tease her sometimes and just not reply or leave her hanging for an hour or so. Today was different; I was feeling obedient and decided to reply straight away. Yes is all I said. “Go to your room! NOW!!” I knew exactly what she meant, my room, that horrible place. I hated going there, it was the one place she had complete control over me, the one place where I could not deny her requests. I had to do exactly as I was told!! I hated that, I hated that I couldn’t be cheeky, naughty and lie to say I had actually done it and just sat there laughing at her request. I started the small path to my room; I was wishing I had never told her about this place. My phone buzzed again. “Are you there yet little boy?” I replied politely, “no Miss, 2 mins” She made a strange request this time, bring something to use as a blind fold and some ear plugs, is she crazy, ear plugs? I would never hear if someone was coming in, she has me in some pretty compromising situations as it is. Does she not realise that I could get fired, loose my job and my visa and have to go back to that hell hole called Wales. Perhaps she does, maybe that’s the point it’s only a scam to get me home! Anyway as I was saying, this is a horrid place and I have to do as I am told. So like a good little boy, I ran back to the station and grabbed some bits, I didn’t want to keep her waiting, see the hold is starting already. I can see my room now. Looks a bit like a prison. Dark building, rows of windows at the top of the main wall, all dusty and yellow looking. When you walk in side it is baron, no furniture, no wall paper, not a light that works, just black and dusty. You could be in there for weeks and no one would have a clue. I sent a message, “I’m here miss” I did as I was told, her instructions were precise, put the ear plugs in, blindfold myself and face the back wall. Put your phone in your pocket and when it vibrates for more than a second you can remove your blindfold and ear plugs. I wandered if I could text without seeing the keypad, I knew that she would leave me there for ages, in silence and darkness, thinking. I hate bloody thinking! So I’m stood there felling silly, no silly is the wrong word. Submissive I guess is the only one. Triangular bandage tied over my eyes, it kind of let the light in a little but I still couldn’t see a damn thing. Ear plugs, which I had in my car for when I go shooting shoved in my ears. Couldn’t hear anything, not even the chirp of a bird. I must have stood there for what feels like forever but in reality was probably about 10 mins. The light seamed to change, brighter a little then darker I assumed that it was just the sun passing a cloud, not that there were many in the sky. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, I could feel a warm breath on my neck and a sweet smell of apples and cigarette smoke. Obviously I had convinced myself that she was here. I wanted her to be so badly. Feel her touch on my naked skin. My phone vibrated. It made me jump I was deep in my little word. It didn’t stop, was going for about 10 seconds or so. That was my instruction to go take off this stupid home made blindfold and pull out the ear plugs. I reached first to my right ear and then to my left. All the sounds were heightened some how, like I hadn’t been able to hear all my life and had now been given new ears. I swear I could hear the sound of someone breathing. With these super sensitive ears, it must have been me. I reached both hands behind my head and untied the bandage. Ouch! There was a clamping on my wrists. Someone grabbed them, I tried to throw them back and hit the person out the way. I was unsuccessful, they had me tight, something was locked round them, cold, sharp edges, snapped shut in less than a second. The breath was on the back of my neck now and I could sense a body so close. I was frozen solid, sacred and humiliated. It could be any one. There was a warm sensation near my ear and a sweet gentle voice whispered KNEEL. It was a voice I knew, one I had heard a thousand times, but I must be imagining it again, she could not be here, she didn’t even know where here is. My legs shaking I went to the ground like a sack of spuds, I hadn’t dared open my eyes yet for fear of what might actually be there, had my mind sent me crazy, my head bowed to the floor I squeezed them open. There were two black points looking at me, shiny leather. I raised my head not more than an inch, then another inch, still patent leather, it went on and on till it I could see some flesh, not bare flesh though, tight covered flesh, shiny, silky natural colour. These legs seamed to go on for ever and ever, but then there was a hint of a stocking top and a skirt. I wanted to rip my head up and see her face, those eyes that seemed to burn into my flesh! I was sure that if I actually looked up it wouldn’t be her, that it was all just in my head; I was in some silly little dream. She pinched me, I am sure she could read my mind sometimes. It should have hurt but I was numb, there was no real sense of pain. I lifted my head up too look at her, It was real, no dream, no made up illusion, she was here, here in my room, no, our room. I couldn’t breathe; it was like my mind had too much to process and couldn’t send signals for my lungs to take in air. What was she doing here, how did she get here, how long has this all been planned? She wasn’t really a spare of the moment kind of person. How did she know where the room was, how did she know were the ambulance station was? Too many questions, but I knew now wasn’t the time to ask. She hardly spoke, it was almost a whisper but when she did it but it was such a commanding tone. She told me that she was going to loosen my cuffs and that I was to take off my clothes and lay flat on stone cold floor. The claps came off and a pain rushed to my wrists, they had obviously been too tight but I hadn’t even noticed. I did as I was told and removed my clothes. Perhaps it wasn’t quick enough as there seemed to be a disapproving look in her eyes. I tried hard to be quicker but I just fumbled over my buttons. There was a chair in the room, that didn’t seem to be there before, where had it come from? It wasn’t a normal chair though, more like a commode. One of those ones with a hole it. I lay on the floor it was cold, stung against my warm skin. She put the chair over my face and cuffed my hands to the back legs of the chair. She laughed, one of those evil ones, a snigger. I was a little scared now, I was almost stuck here, no clothes no way to move without taking the chair with me. She bent over, which I’m sure she just did to tease me; she knew how much I liked her bum. She bundled my clothes into one arm, looked me up and down with a menacing gaze and walked silently out off the room. Now I was scared stiff, and I mean stiff. There was no way this erection was going to fade anytime. Even the sound of the steel heels on her boots on the floor flowed through me in a wave of emotion. She stood in the door way of our room for what seemed like an eternity, just looking at me. She left the door open and walked out of site. Fuck what was I going to do now? Her head peered round the door and she looked in my eye. You ok there child? Scared? What was I to say I couldn’t admit my fear to her? She tottered back in the room and stood by my side for a short while. She could do what ever she wanted while I was in this position, I was cold and vulnerable. She hitched up her skirt and sat on the chair. Oh my god she had no underwear on. I could see her womanly curves, her bare pussy staring at me, I was salivating now, god how I wished she was sat on my face, wasn’t so far away from me. I wanted to taste her so bad! She pulled her feet from either side of my body and dug her heels in my stomach. It stung, it was a sharp prick like a needle, but the pain didn’t go, it just lingered there pushing me further into the floor. She leaned forward and unzipped the side of one boot, slid her foot out so effortlessly and tossed it to one side. She did the same with the other and sat back almost relaxed. I could lift my head slightly and was craning for her to no avail. I couldn’t see anything below my shoulders. There was a tingling sensation between my thighs, not unpleasant. She was rubbing her stocking clad feet up the inside of my thigh. My cock twitched in reaction. She moved her feet up and started massaging my hard cock with her feet, what a nice feeling. I hadn’t come for about a week, under her instruction, that was one thing she did have over me, she still controlled my orgasms. Then it stopped she wasn’t pumping me any longer. I felt empty and cold again, I just wanted her touch, little did I know what was coming next was even better. It trickled at first, warm liquid flowing from her down toward my mouth. It was a bitter sweet taste almost colourless but unmistakable. She was pissing on me. ‘open your mouth bitch she barked, spill one drop and you will be severely punished!’ She had never sounded half as bossy as this before, I did as I was told an opened wide. The trickle stopped and I was starting to think I wished there had been more. Then she did something that surprised me. She stood up. Straightened up and unlocked me from the chair. I stretched and asked permission to get up. Yes darling on your feet she said. She handed me my clothes and told me to dress. What? I was dressing, I wasn’t going to come, or taste her, or even have more physical contact than what I have had with her feet. This was denial. I followed her orders and took her home, under all the clothes and make up I could she was exsuhated. She asked where she could wash and change I showed her to the bathroom and left her too it. She came out in her pyjamas and slippers but it was 4 in the afternoon. But then I didn’t think jet lag and all that. She said she needed to sleep; I showed to my room and pulled down the covers. Sit at my side a while she instructed. She kissed my side and told me to not get into bed when I come home but to sleep on the floor at the foot like a dog. To not make a noise and if I did she would castrate me. She also mentioned that she would check on me and if she found me on the sofa or missing she would be very angry. I left to go back to work, the rest of the day was very samey, I tried to forget the fact that there was a beautiful goddess asleep in my bed, awaiting my return. The raging hard on I had this morning didn’t seem to disappear all day. I struggled to hide it at some points. Had two very normal jobs. They didn’t take long and the clock seemed to go slower than it had all year. Finally it was clocking off time, half 6, I drove the ambulance home and crept around the house trying hard not to disturb her and make dinner. The night was endless, all I wanted to do was wake her up and play, but she was really tired and would be very grumpy if I did that. I tired watching some TV but was frightened to have too much volume, I didn’t want to wake her. 10 o’clock I gave in. I unchanged and went to look for a blanket. I lay on the floor in my boxers, no pillow, just a blanket. Thank god it was summer, wouldn’t be too cold down here. It was extremely uncomfortable, I tossed and turned for ages, not sure if it was the constant erection or the hard floor of the fact that I just wanted to be with her. I must have drifted off at some point, don’t think I was in a very deep sleep but what happened next must have made me jump. There was a cold leathery sensation on my neck and a cold hand on my shoulder. She whispered softly in my ear, “get up little boy, I am awake now and I want you to please me” I looked at the clock on the bedside table; it was 3 in the morning. I was really tired, but then it must have been hard for her to adjust to the time zone. I did as I was told. The leathery sensation on my neck had been a collar; she must have attached it when I was sleeping. It had a lead attached to it. I must have been slower than I thought in her impatience she yanked the lead and it pulled on my neck, ouch! “Shut up wining” she said. I must admit even though she was very dominant she was still very considerate. As her visit had been a complete surprise I had not had any chance to book some time off work and as I was the only paramedic in miles it meant that it was difficult at short notice. I had to work again for the next two days but lucky enough had 4 off after that. She pulled me up on the bed and ripped my arms up over my head, she straddled me and started to nibble on my lip, instant errection. Not that the one from earlier had fully disappeared anyway. She shifted her weight forward and was sat on my chest. She reached her hand back and grabbed my hard cock in her hand. Fuck I thought she was going to pull it off, which was not pleasurable at all. Someone’s excited she exclaimed. It was hard to wriggle underneath her, she was a lot heaver than me, but I did so all the same, she knew that I was a lot stronger than her and could overpower her at any moment if I wanted do, after all I done it before, I wriggled a bit and then she shouted, it sent ripples down my skin. “Do I have to restrain you child, this was supposed to be for you pleasure, and you can go back to the cold floor if you like!” She was right; the floor was cold, hard and very uncomfortable. So I stayed still like I was told. She moved again, hovered over my face slightly, I could see her perfect pussy like I had in the day, glistening and begging for me to taste it. God it looked so appetising. The thoughts running through my head were unspeakable. Then she just plonked her self down. Sat on my face, took away my breath! I squirmed and she grabbed my cock hard again, that soon made me stop. She was there for what felt like an eternity, I was struggling, my head was spinning, I felt like I was going to pass out, I needed to inhale soon, very soon, like I said earlier she knew me so well. Just as I felt so woozy she shifted her weight, hovered again. Reached down and unclasped the collar, apparently it was catching her leg and getting in the way. She was looking deep in my eyes, almost looking though me to something else. She looked so beautiful. I had never seen her look like this before. “I want to cum” she said. Oh my god I nearly exploded there and then, she wanted to have sex. I was to find out what it was like to be inside her. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I should have known after the time I had spent with her back home. She sat down on my face again wriggled back and forth, basically rode my face; her juices were all over it. I could taste her; that might just be enough for me. She slowed then sped up, pushed deeper into me and took my breath away again, I could hear her moaning and her breathing quicken. Then there it was, warm, wet, all over my face, she had gushed all over me. Wow this is what it is all about; this is how things should be I thought to myself. She stayed there for a few seconds and when she moved it seemed too soon, I loved tasting her, I didn’t want her to move ever. She lay beside me and kissed me gently, my pulse was racing. I really wanted to come; I wanted to explode all over her beautiful body. Not likely at all that she would let that happen. Like I said she was considerate and told me that I could stay in the bed as she knew I had work in the morning, she pulled up the covers and snuggled into me. That was so hard for her, she never let people in, never let them physically or mentally close, it meant a lot. She pulled my head on to her chest and stroked my forehead, so sweet I was thinking. I was wrong, she whispered softly in my ear. “You’re my bitch, my whore, I will use you for my pleasure and amusement as I see fit. You will make me come as often as I feel like and not expect anything in return; your reward will be tasting me. I own you now and you will do as I see fit.” There were those shivers again. Tingles from my head to the tip of my toes! I liked it when she was quiet and demanding, it had a better effect than shouting and screaming, but it really did seem like she meant it. So I’m lying on her chest and I start to drift of again. I don’t have to go to work to early today, well not till 8 at least. I wake up at about 7 and she is gone, not there, no chest for me to nuzzle into. I stretch a bit and contemplate getting up. I close my eyes for just a second and when I open them again she is standing over me, cup of tea in hand. Oh how sweet she had made me tea, nope I was wrong, she was sipping from the cup herself. I looked up with little puppy dog eyes without any success; “you know where your kettle is” she said and climbed in the bed beside me. “I have laid out your clothes for work, what time will you be home?” I didn’t really have to spend much time in the station today so I couldn’t answer her, just let her know the day finishes at 6 and I’d be back and forth between times. I showered and dried in the bathroom and came out in the towel. She sad on the bed and look amused at my little dance in my socks, singing business time, our little joke. Now we were like any ‘normal’ couple! I went to pick up my boxers but noticed a pair of pink pants, lacy ones about my size, I looked at her confused. Then I got it, these were mine, not for her, not a mix up, she expected me to wear them for her. This was her small bit of control, when she couldn’t be with me, it was still there in my mind, I had silly girly pants on and that was her choice. |