Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1583961-Phatom-Transmission
by Revan
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1583961
short snip from Chapter 6 in my upcomeing book called THE SPARK CRONICILES
The following is the Audio Journal of Rob Ult

“CQ-CQ”….. “If anyone can hear this message-…- alone.” ….. “in the darkness yo-” “Light… its so Bright!” this garbled message has been broadcasting for over 80 years.

My name is Rob Ult I’m 20 years of age. I’ve been alone for 10 years; the only thing that can make me sleep at night is this garbled message.  I was born in the year of the great migration.  61 AT. And for those of you that still follow the time of old, 2112 AD. The first 10 years of my life are that of any normal child playing in the radioactive corn fields. Or what was left of them anyway.  Most of my childhood was the same follow the elders to a magical place where the trees grew magical non radioactive fruit… why lie to us... fools chasing a ghost. Nothing like it ever existed, only war, famine and the only thing that anyone can look forward to … death. It was on my 9th birthday I was given to me by my father the best thing he could have beside life… a Radiation Meter.  One of the elders taught me how it works. That Meter sparked my interest in pre-war technologies. I learned how to disassemble and reassemble any pre-war Technology.  A skill that would be vital to my very own survival I will tell you the tale of the Phantom Transmission.

May 5, 81 AT – this morning is cold. Then again every morning is cold. I woke up with a Mrat chewing at my boot. I took out my 9mm and shot the little bastard right between the eyes… after I cooked the Mrat I packed my gear and started to head for the so called promise land… I still don’t know why I follow the lies of the elders. Never the less I continue on my path toward nothing.

         I’m stopping for a brake here on this old bus. The side has been ripped completely off by one of the nuke blasts. Having such an intellectual chat with my friend here Mr. Bones… poor bastard, it looks as if he was minding his own business when all of a sudden his entire life came to a screeching halt.  Hold on he’s holding something… amazing an old letter. Dear Mr. Speer you and your family have been chosen for a top secret mission. We need you and your family to join us in our government-funded underground devastation shelter. With the war brewing in the background the potential for a nuclear war is on the minds of most people. So our team of scientists has come up with a plan for saving mankind. You and your family have been handpicked from our list of potential candidates to join us in our efforts to repopulate after the all clear signal has been given. Because of your extreme knowledge of nuclear medicine we have chosen you… I can’t seem to read it any further since it has been badly damaged.  Weird.  Hold on, what else is he holding?

~ The sound of bones cracking could be heard~ 

It looks like some kind of a radio.


“CQ-CQ”….. “If anyone can hear this message-…- alone.” ….. “In the darkness yo-” “Light… it’s so Bright!”... Followed by static… “CQ-CQ”….. “If anyone can hear this message-…- alone.” ….. “In the darkness yo-” “Light… it’s so Bright!”


Well I’ll be dammed. A working radio! I wonder if I can get anything else on this thing.

~clicking sound could be heard again followed by the Garbled transmission. Then more static. ~

I guess not.

Well a few days ago I found a Radio in some of the wreckage; it was in the hand of some guy named Speer… I started to follow the transmission with an old device that I had found some time back I think it was for finding radio waves. Well I managed to get it working again and I started to follow the signal. And I came across an old radio station. It was kind of not hard to find since the radio tower was some how still up.  I mean it should have been knocked down by the nuke blast but hey what can I say. Its still here, I made my way up the old control shack and am about to enter the building to see what I can find. If for some reason I don’t make it. My true name is…

~the recording starts to crackle~

Well I guess I’m still alive, I made my way into the radio core room, only a few Mrats and some Enlarged worms. But hey that’s only normal.  I found some data disks and a player I’m going to record them on this tape just incase they only play once. Also before I start the recording, I found a guy in the control room. He must have created the transmission. I also found a data disk on him. So when I’m done playing the first 2 I will play his last words.


This is not a Test, this is not a Test. You will receive further instructions momentarily. Please stand by. This is not a test.
We have Breaking news strait from our leader of the free Provinces, Lady Mirrorface.

Good people of the Free Provinces of Canada, we have just received a warning from our war torn eastern Allies the British Commonwealth.

~Good God! Save us… listen friends it’s our hour of judgment! Just like it has been prophesized fire from the sky! Only it’s not from God! It’s from us! The bastards they sent out nuclear missiles  doomed us all; from all over the globe missiles have been launched! The targets are all the major cities and towns, mines, and to take care of the rest upper atmosphere detonations’ have been already happed. RUN all of you run to a safe place! Oh my god! Lord save me….

~ static~

You have just witnessed a nuclear attack already in progress over the entire globe, it started in china and it is systematically heading for us. Why we are to be last is still not cretin but I can tell you that my people you must find some kind of shelter, you only have a matter of 60 minuets until the blasts are over top of us. Pray to your gods, call your loved ones, and make your last minute arrangements, as for those who have been chosen to enter the underground shelters the doors will be sealed in 45 minutes. God have mercy on our souls.

All personal of the project SEED get to your posts ASAP. This is your only warning.

~End of Disk~


~crackling sounds could be heard~

My name is Julia Shields; I am survivor of the war. If you are hearing this you’re not alone… I came from a base not to far from here. It all started there. Everything this whole mess started with that damn project Revan STROM! Edward Hogdson is the cause of all this. He is the architect of our demise! His greed killed his wife. Shortly after her death he changed. Not just physically but mentally, he lost his mind then his grip on reality. He plan was to create a cerium to alter the human body so they the subjects would be come invincible to any attack. But I am the one who foiled that plan. I tampered with the genetics of the cerium and caused it to mutate once it had contact with radioactive material….

Good god, what have I done. I should have left the virus they way it was, I now know what happened to the some of the survivor’s man and beast. Someone has taken a vile of The Cure and exposed it to the world. They must have used it for pesticides and a replace meant for steroids. My god they never stood a chance. The world has been changed because of me…. And now I am changing…

I have built up some kind of resistance to radiation or something because I should be dead by now. Unless… that’s it! The plant life is using the radioactive waste in the atmosphere to clean the air. I have to do some research.

I was right! I started to dissect some plants and they are indeed using the radioactive waste to create oxygen. Mother Nature is cleaning up after us! This is the most exciting discovery since… since … my love… Frank… where are you? Sigh… ~Julia begins to cry~ my daughter my lovely little girl… why did I have to leave you in that damn hell hole. Mary if you manage to get out and you find this. Please forgive me.  And always know that I love you. Where ever you go I will be in your heart.

It’s been several weeks since I started to feel some changes in my inner self. I’m getting stronger and smarter.  I’m becoming a monster.  But I must continue my research; I may be the only one who can find out what had happened to the world.

I found something new. An old news paper in some wreckage, it has the date of the destruction. The front page states a war brewing with the eastern countries. That would explain a lot. I wonder what else has taken place.  “The leader of the free world speaks up, and tries to make peace with the eastern rivals.” “Peace talks end in tragedies the emperor of the east was assonated by a Canadian activist. “  Good god. That assassination must been how this whole thing got started. But the bombs fell in china first why would they launch nukes then detonate them just above ground? Something is not right. I have to keep looking. Wait. The development lab might be able to shed some light on this mess.

I managed to get back into the development lab the same way I got out. Through a vent shaft in the upper head frame, I made my way to the 6th level and gained access to The Calculator’s mainframe. Via a terminal in one of the administrator’s offices, I hacked past the security blockades and stumbled on a dark secret. The Calculator is not just a computer. It has the brain of a human in it. I started to download some vital information about his plans to take out the human race and his upcoming cyborg plans. Before he discovered what was going on. I managed to escape.
I reviewed what I could and found out that he has something to do with the destruction of the world. But I don’t know where he fits in to the equation. Also his plan for a rebirth is something I have to stop at all costs…


A few weeks back I found a group of survivors, they almost killed me. Thinking I was some kind of beast they beat me with rocks and sticks. Enraged I killed 4 of the 5 that attacked me. I let one go to tell his bothers that I was not to be messed with…. I was such a fool. With that little stunt I pulled I doomed my self. I am no longer able to talk with humans. They have orders from others in the land to shoot me on site. So here I wait back in the ruins of Thompson.
Good news I have found a few followers, they left the humans behind and wish to join me in my quest to find the truth. They to started to change and were treated badly like a leper. So I took them in under my wing.  Together we will make the humans pay for their disrespect. They look to me as if I was a mother to them.

My children and I have recruited many others. We begun to search the wastes for a new home but only found the human scum squatting every were we went.  So I made the decision to head north past the great shield. There we will begin our quest to end this pitiful existence called the human race. Let this recording be a warning to all who walk the earth that call them self’s human. We will find you and kill you if you do not except us as your masters…

~end of recording~

~ loading ~


CQ – CQ… Is this thing on? If anyone can hear this message I must tell you that you are not alone, god is with us in this day of days. He will walk with you in the darkness; you will not fall for he is the light of the world and he comes soon… wait he is HERE! The Light… it’s so Bright!


Well now I know what happened with this message.

My god, it’s been almost a 1 year since I had made a recording.  Well where shall I start. I found some people who were looking for the promise land. Fools, so I sent them to the north. That’s about it. I have been surviving alone.

~the sound of a door slamming open could be heard, large boots followed~




Yes, it is i. bow before me human scum!


Never! I will die before I ever bow to a Mutant!

~the sound of Rob’s last berth could be herd as he gargled his last words,  My name is Steven…. Kross…  You Bitch….. and my father will k…ill … yo..u….~

~the sound of Stevens Body then could be heard~

Fool… If you can still hear me Derek, my army of Mutants will find your base someday. And when we do I will take your brain out of your jar and eat it…


My god…. Mary, me… Mary’s Mother, my Father. This is to much. I have to warn the others.
© Copyright 2009 Revan (revan_storm at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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