Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1583352-Sages-Story
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1583352
About a girl Sage and her best friend looking for her true love. btw they are vampires.
        I ran fast. Faster then anyone I've ever seen. I was determined. I needed to find hayden. I had a gut feeling that there was another vampire in the forest and I hoped it was him. I scanned one section of that forest and almost missed her. Her golden blonde hair. She was growning flowers with her mind, one of her special powers. I walked closer, close enough for her to hear my footsteps. she turned and I remember the last day I saw her in the Volturi. *She looked mad. She was crying and yelling at Aro. Then, she was gone.* I opened my arms as to hug her since it had been so long since i had communicated with anyone. "My name is Sage. I came from Italy to America in search of my true love. I've seen you before, but you have never met me. I am one of Aros gifted guards." She now looked terrified. she got up and started to back away but i said " I'm not of the ones who killed your coven. On the contrary, I was the one that convinced Aro to pardon you and raise you. I would like to be friends, not enemies, so please don't run away." I put the image of me yelling at Aro and telling him to spare her in her head. She was immediantly relieved. After that day we have been inseprible. We are searching for my love Hayden and practicing our powers. This is our story. 


      "Elizabeth, stop being a dork and get your but over here." Elizabeth is twelve years of age, and she can do extrodinary things. As you may know we are vampires, and we get abilities. Elizabeth can control all plants, water and she is the best with animals. She is truely unique. Me on the other hand, well im nothing special. I can put images in your head,control fire and can tell who people are without looking at them. Like I said, nothing special.
      Well I kind of have a background. I was made a vampire by my boyfriend Hayden in 1989 by accident. He felt so sorry that he vowed he would stay with me forever, he would be my soul mate. We were at the time in France so we traveled to Italy in search of the Volturi. We stayed with them for many years, but one day Hayden dissapeared. He left a note in my room stating that I had to leave them and come to America, so i did. I never told anyone I left.
      I have met so many people on my journey but only one have I stayed with for so long. Elizabeth Rose. She is my best friend. Like I said before, she is very unique. She was born half human half vampire. Aro had ordered his men to kill her family. She was spared because of me. I felt horrible about what happened to her but she never knew. When she did find out, she ran away. She hid in the forest of forks and thats where I was searching for Hayden so I guess you can get the picture.


      " I was just having somefun, jeez ", Elizabeth said, carrying a bouquet of flowers in her hands. She handed them to me, then turned them purple, since she knew that was my favorite color. She giggled and ran as fast as she could to the cliffs. I ran in front of her and stopped her dead in her tracks. " I smell a human, following a vampire. This can't be good ", I said smelling the air. Elizabeth doesn't really have a good smell like me, but she could still smell it.
" Hey, It smells like that scent thats been following us! " she said.
" Yeah, it's a boy, lets go find him before something bad happens ".
      Elizabeth and I both saw her run right past us. I remember her clearly. Well i remember a lot of people but she was high on that list. It was Pandora. I remember when she went to Aro. She asked him if she could rule like him.All he did was laugh. He said that he never wanted to see her again. She was angry, but she left. Now i see her with an unconsious boy on her shoulder. She was headed up towards the cliffs.


      " Good they saw me. " Pandora ran faster to the cliffs. She got there exactly fourty-three seconds before them. They were gonna get it good. "Hello Sage, and little girl. I was hoping this wouldn't have to come to this but, if I must..." Pandora held the unconsious boy out and then over the cliff by his T-Shirt.
      " If you don't leave now he is going over the cliff and into those rocks. Now, run along girls. You don't want anything to happen to him now do you?" 
      Pandora knew how this would end. The little one will get mad because she loves everyone! then she will get Sage to do it for her because she is probably the biggest spoiled brat im the world! Pandora was happy she was doing this. You know, a little fun!


        I looked down at Elizabeth and she was shaking. It was like she was going to have an seizure. She whispered, " Sage! We NEED to protect him! I can't help it! Sage! Please Sage! We need to walk away! or fight! But that boy! I just cant understand it but I NEED to protect him! ".  I was still speecheless because i had no idea what to do. Then Elizabeth turned to Pandora and screamed
"Listen lady. What's your deal? Why are you going around attacking random humans? Please go find your meal ELSEWHERE.  Or else-"
"Or else WHAT little girl?" Pandora screams back. " What are you gonna do? Get "sagey" on me? wow what a big threat!".
      At that moment everything went so fast. Pandora started shaking the boy over the cliff and Elizabeth got so mad that she dove and flew off the cliff exactly when she dropped him.
" NOOOOO!", I screamed on top of my lungs.  I searched everywhere but i couldn't find her. I had a sigh of reief becase i knew she was safe, one of my intuitions. At that moment i turned around and drop kicked Pandora.
" Your gonna pay bitch!".
      I grabbed her arm and shoved her face against a tree.
" Now I suggest you get out of here before I KILL you ", I said kicking her out of the way.
"Good everything I wanted to do all ready done." said Pandora.
    "Piss off a Volturi soldier, Kill a boy, and ruin a relationship! My work here is done... for now, next I'm going to find Hayden and take him here just to show you he doesn't care for you anymore. Ciao!". She ran of before I could rip her head off.
    " Sage!", I heard a tiny voice yell. I turned to see Elizabeth running with the boy in her hands. She screamed " He isnt breathing, do CPR! im a l-little tired." Then she passed out. Of coarse. I have two unconsious children in front of me. I turned to the boy and opened his mouth. I blew then pounded one, two, three. I did this threetimes before he started coughing. He tried to speak, but he fainted.


      The Boy woke up hours later. His eyes fluttered a little and then he managed to stutter out " w-who are you.. w-w-where am I... what h-happened?"
      I couldnt tell him the truth yet so I said " well, I dont really think you could handle the truth, so all you need to know is that I'm Sage, sh is Elizabeth, you were unconsious and thats why you are in this cave."
" WHAT?"
      He tried to sit up but he fell back down. " Oh, my side hurts!" He lifted his hand to see it covered in blood. " What hapened?"
      " Well, Pandora tried to kill you and we saved you." said a little voice comingfrom th corner.
  " Lay on your side.", I said to him. I took out a match and lit it. Then I put the fire in myhand and made it bigger I laid the fire on his side and he winced, butwhen he looked down, the injury was gone.
    "How did you do that?" the boy said, his facial expression suprised and horrified.
Elizabeth said, " Sage!you shouldn't use your powers whilehe is her, youmight break the rules!". She let out a little giggle.
    " Oh a little fire never hurt anyone."
" Are you going to tell me what happened?" he said.
I gave Elizabeth a look and she said " hey human boy ", while growing wildflowers all around her. I put the image of what happened to him earlier today in his head and he winced when he fell.
    " Are you even human?" he asked.
"you are some kind of stupid!" i said, and pickedup somefire. I wrote V A M P I R E in the air and he fainted. "  Again!?!"


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