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Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1581841
The Last Prophecy chapter 1
The summers in Texas were utterly ridiculous it seemed. No matter what you did you just couldn’t cool off. Even taking ice cold showers didn’t help. It was as if the air was actually alive with heat and humidity.

Krissy sat on her bed, her laptop before her pondering if life was really worth the aggravation in the end. She sighed, and dumped more bottled water down the front of herself. Heat made Krissy sick. Sick and irritable. She didn’t even want to go to the party. But if she didn’t go then the friends would bitch. They always did. She was getting angrier by the minute. She sighed and got up to get dressed.

She hated driving. That’s really all there was to it. Krissy wrapped her tiny hands around the wheel tighter and flicked on her left turn signal to pull into the long gravel driveway. Putting her silver Honda into park, she climbed out of the car into the sweltering July heat. She was average height with pale skin and dark shiny black hair. She had brown eyes that shone more red than brown, high cheek bones, and tiny freckles danced across her face. She wore short cut off jean shorts, a black tube top, and black boots. Sunglasses sat on her nose and she carried a large bottle of southern comfort and a pack of cigarettes.

The house she had arrived at as the sun was setting was a moderately sized. It was a blue and white mobile home with a sturdy wooden porch and huge yard. It was out in the country with trees surrounding it and nature sounds surrounding it as well. It also belonged to her friend Travis. She walked casually up to the door and walked in without even a hint of self consciousness. The living room opened up before her and a wave of 70 degree air conditioning hit her.

“Thank you GOD you have an awesome AC!” she yelled at no one in particular. A few people laughed. she walked over and set the alcohol on the counter in the kitchen and shouted towards the living room “Where’s Travis?” she asked
“Out back” came the chorused reply.

Krissy walked out the back door to find Travis digging through the outdoor fridge. Krissy smiled a huge smile and leaned against the door frame. He just kept digging. She took in his military haircut so short you could barely tell he was blonde, and his jeans and t-shirt. She cleared her throat purposely. He turned and immediately sprang to his feet upon seeing her. He grinned so happily as he walked over to her that she laughed aloud and despite the fact that he was shorter than her managed to scoop her up. They held each other close for a moment before separating.

“Wow you get stronger every time I see you” she said still smiling.
“I guess so” Travis said shrugging. Krissy was honest enough with herself to admit Travis had found his way into a very deep crevice in her heart. This brave, caring soldier had taken her heart but was completely unaware. Krissy’s heart began to pitter-padder harder now that she was standing close to him. She took in a deep breath and could smell his scent that never seemed to change.
“Come on” he said “Lets go back inside before they are all out here demanding time with me.” He smiled at her and she smiled back. They walked back into the house and the first person Krissy encountered was Brian. He was tall and lanky with dark brown hair down to his shoulder blades. It was usually in a ponytail and today was no exception. He was standing at the counter in torn jeans and a black t-shirt pouring himself some Pepsi. He turned when he heard the door open and grinned at Krissy.
“Fine don’t say hi when you walk in. You sure were in a hurry. I mean I know Travis is more important to you but that was still rude.” He said this while grinning the whole time. Krissy shook her head and rolled her eyes.
“Shut up Brian, you know I haven’t seen Travis in six months just like you.” She said walking by him.
“uh-huuuh” he replied with a note of contempt in his voice.

Krissy walked back in the living room and said down among her friends. On the couch with her was her two younger sisters Kristin, and Lizzy. They both smiled and said hey as she sat down.

On the other couch was Zach, Guy, Nicole and a guy she didn’t recognize. The arm chair was being shared by Jessy and Tyler.
The room was a cool comfortable temperature. The TV was on animal planet and there were pictures and paintings hung here and there.
“Hey Zach!” Krissy said urgently. Zach pulled his eyes away from his cell phone and looked at her. Zach was tall and very broad. He was usually a sap though which made his large appearance seem comical. He had curly brown hair and lime green eyes.
“huh?” he asked with raised eyebrows
“I brought some Soco. If you want you can share it with me.” She offered. Zach adored whiskey and she knew he would be happy.
“Awesome! You are my goddess!” he exclaimed. She felt a scoff building in her throat but cut it off. She didn’t handle compliments well.
“Whatever you say Zachary” she said instead. She turned her eyes towards Guy and Nicole and began engaging them in a casual conversation.
Guy was wiry and pale with glasses, dark eyes, and dark hair. His sense of humor was astonishing. His girlfriend Nicole was also hilarious, in fact she was the funniest girl Krissy knew. She was tall, pale, and very beautiful. She had long dark brown hair that she sometimes died black.
Jeff walked out of the bathroom and sat down next to her sister Kristin who was 15. Kristin and Jeff had been dating for some time. She looked at them together and they seemed pretty happy she thought to herself. Jeff was petite for a man, pale, and had brown hair cut into a punk look. He had a lip piercing and quite a bit of attitude. Krissy could never stay irritated with him long though, because he always made her smile.
Her sister Kristin was the definition of beautiful. Pale fair skin, blue eyes, long shiny blonde hair. She had legs up to her shoulders and was the ideal weight for girls her age.

Krissy’s attention fell to the stranger in the room. He was tall and blonde, with medium length hair. He had blue eyes and very fair skin. Krissy decided he was attractive but couldn’t really pin down why.
She didn’t like the way he watched her though. His blue eyes were so dark they seemed almost black. She felt hair rise on her back and a strange tightness in her chest when he looked at her. He didn’t like it. Not one bit.
She leaned towards Lizzy and said in a low voice
“Who’s the new guy?” Lizzy turned towards her with her long brown hair, blue eyes, and tiny freckles like Krissy herself had. At 16 she was one of the most attractive girls in town.
“Dunno.” She said “he is some friend of Zach’s. Says his name is Espen”
Krissy stood up and walked toward the kitchen.
“Zach” she said “Could you come here for just a second?” she walked into the kitchen and heard him following suit. She looked up at him as he walked into the kitchen.
“Who is that new guy?” she asked. As soon as she asked it she knew something was wrong. His eyes grew weary and his face tightened up. Her heart caught.
“Zach” she said carefully “What’s wrong?” He tried to cover his mistake and smiled.
“Nothing Kris, nothings wrong” he said convincingly. “why would there be?”
Krissy didn’t say anything but studied his face carefully. She reached out and touched his cheek and he jerked away quickly. Krissy gasped and her eyes went wide. When she had touched his cheek it felt like she had touched an electric fence.
“ZACH? WHAT WAS THAT?” she asked startled and confused. Zach looked into the next room noting that everyone was busy, then pulled Krissy into the pantry and shut the door.
“Zach! What’s going on? What happened?” she asked very rapidly. Her voice was high with fear and surprise. He silenced her with his forefinger and she felt a zap of static pop her lips.
“ouch!” she said sharply.
“Krissy listen carefully” he said in a low voice “This may sound crazy so please don’t run away a lot depends on this okay?” Krissy felt her fear double inside of her. Her breathing came faster and her heart was racing.
“o…okay.” She stammered “ill try”
Zach took a deep breath.
“That man out there is named Espen. He is a wizard. He gave me power because he wants me to help him in some quest. He made me bring him here today so he could select others to bestow powers on. You stay away from him, I don’t want you involved in this. Please just go home, I’m gonna tell everyone else to go home too.”
There was total silence in the dark pantry. Krissy cleared her throat. Several times.
“Okay” she said. More silence.
“okay? That’s it? You believe me?” he asked shocked.
“No!” she said hitting him on the back of the head “Have you been playing too much Xbox?? There’s no such thing as magic or quests or anything! Are you CRAZY?” she sounded quite perturbed.
“Krissy! Really! Listen to me! I’m not—“
He was abruptly brought up short by  blood curling scream coming from the living room. Krissy felt panic running down her back.
It sounded like Travis.

Krissy and Zach hurled themselves out of the closet towards the living room. 

They came to an abrupt halt as they saw the scene in the living room before them. Espen was standing with his arms straight up in the air in the center of the room. Travis was laying in the center of the floor crumpled into a pile, screaming as if he were flying apart. Lights and wind were tearing the living room apart, like some vortex of energy. Everyone one else was on one side of the room, huddled together in shock.
Krissy didn’t know what to do! Was he being hurt? She stared and started to shake. He must be hurting him! His screams were tearing at her heart. She felt a vast swelling in her chest and her ears started to roar.
“STTTOOOOPP!!!!” she screamed in such an unearthly loud voice everyone covered their ears. Her arm had come up instinctually, her hand palm out towards Espen and the swirling vortex. She felt the tightness in her chest go out and there was a loud impact of air and the energy in the room shattered like a glass.
Everything was still and quiet. You could have heard a pin drop. Travis stopped screaming. Krissy threw herself on him in a panic. He was limp and pale.
“TRAVIS!! ANSWER ME! TRAVIS! GOD DAMN IT OPEN YOUR EYES!” she screamed at him. Several people in the room began to slowly weep. Krissy pounded on his chest and sobbed, shaking him hard.
“ANSWER ME! FUCK! ANSWER ME!” she screamed at him. His body remained cold and unresponsive. She lifted her tear streaked face and felt the scream find its way out. Her whole being felt like it was broken. She could not even form words anymore. She collapsed on his chest in agony.
“Krissy?” came a weary voice from just above her head. She jerked up and stared into his face. Travis eyes were open and he was looking at her with a dazed look on his face. She let out a cry of joy and locked her arms around him.
“Travis!! Oh my GOD I thought you were dead!” she cried and then fell into a whole new storm of weeping. He held her tightly and her weeping slowly subsided. Suddenly Travis felt her body tense against his. She looked up at Espen and Travis very clearly watched her eyes turn a scarlet red color. He could see her clenching her teeth. She slowly stood up in the silent, wrecked living room and faced Espen with a hate filled stare. Her rage was pumping through her body clearly evident to everyone in the room. To everyone’s surprise Espen was smiling at her.
“I’ve waited a very long time for you” he said with a tone of respect, bowing his head.
“It’s a shame you’ve waited such a long time to meet someone who’s about to destroy you” she snarled as she stepped towards him. She raised her right arm palm out towards him and vari-colored lights began to swirl around it. Wind began tearing through the room again, angry this time, full of wrath.
Suddenly Zach was there. He stepped in front of Krissy.
“I’m sorry I cant let you do this” he said with a sad face. There was an audible pop and the lights and the wind disappeared instantly. Krissy stared at Zach.
“I wont hurt you Zach” she said “Please get out of the way and let me handle this.” She still had her palm open towards Zach and Espen.
“No Krissy” he said shaking his head “There are reasons he did what he did to Travis. He wasn’t trying to hurt him. You need to know what’s going on, please calm down so I can explain.” Krissy’s gaze did not waver and her arm did not move. Her hand began glowing red and blue.
“I wont ask you again Zach!” she half shouted “Get out of my way!” He shook his head. She ground her teeth, and her eyes filled with tears
“MOVE!” she shouted, the energy and wind moving rapidly. Zach took a step toward her.
“Just calm down lovely” he murmured in his special voice. Zach and Krissy were in love once upon a time and he hardly ever used his special voice since they split up. For some reason this just made her cry harder.
“I love you Zach, do NOT make me do this!” she yelled at him as the storm in the room grew increasingly worse. Travis had stood up at this point and had walked up close behind her. He put one arm around her waist and put his lips close to her ear.
“Krissy” he whispered “Please stop. Everything’s okay.” Krissy stood her ground stubbornly staring down Zach but the lights and wind began to die. Travis looked at Krissy,  then to Zach. Zach raised his eyebrows and shrugged. Suddenly Travis grabbed a fist full of Krissy’s hair and crushed his lips to hers. She started in surprise then began kissing him back just as violently. The storm in the living room popped and turned shades of pink and red. Krissy lowered her arm and wrapped it around Travis’s neck. Suddenly the storm vanished and Travis pulled back from the kiss leaving Krissy flushed and gasping. The passion in her eyes was still going wild as she tried to pull herself together. She blinked a few times and then turned and slapped Travis as hard as she could across the face.
“Do not EVER do that again.” She hissed at him. He blinked at her in astonishment.
“You kissed me back!” he argued hotly.
“The first time you kissed me,” she said angrily “Was to keep me from killing someone? What the FUCK?!”
Krissy angrily walked out the front door muttering curses under her breath. Travis looked over at Espen.
“You had probably go talk to her” Espen said. Travis sighed and went to follow her. Espen spoke again without turning
“Use it if you have to. Just don’t be seen by anyone.” He said. Travis nodded then walked out into the dusk evening.

© Copyright 2009 Krissy De Beausaville (krissy_chaos at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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