Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1581794-Unknown-Caller
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1581794
A strange being with a blocked number is being rather persistent in calling...

My hands are still shaking and my stomach is still churning. It hurts, and I want to vomit.

The phone rang, "UNKNOWN NAME UNKNOWN NUMBER" showed on the caller ID. I guessed it was a debt collector looking for my sister but answered anyway.

I answer with a standard, "Hello?" and the line remains silent for several moments. I hang up, return the phone on the charger and walk back towards the couch. I almost sit down, the phone rings.

I look at the caller ID again "UKNOWN NAME UNKNOWN NUMBER" I ignore it and go sit back down. After a few moments it goes to the answering machine the answering machine goes through its speech, and then I hear a soft humming and beeps coming from it. I bite my lip but turn back to my laptop, trying to ignore the burning feeling in my gut when the message ends.

The phone rings again, the caller ID shows that it’s the same unknown caller; I think to myself that this is getting ridiculous and answer. “Hello?” I whisper, I have a fear of speaking on the phone and this odd caller is starting to scare me.

“Is everything all right?” a voice asks, it is a male voice I think… though there’s no way I could be sure. My stomach churns even more.

I pause, not sure if I should answer or just hang up again- “What?” I ask, my voice wavering some.

The line stays silent for several moments. My stomach begins to ache. I hang up.

The phone rings again, I don’t have to look at the caller ID. I try to ignore the ringing in my ears that seems to echo through the silent, empty house.

It goes to answering machine but cuts off before the machine can start its saying. I quickly dial the number to my dad’s work and tell him about it. He tells me to answer and ask them to stop calling then unplug the phone if they don’t stop.  It has only eased my nerves fractionally, my hands shaking as I hang up.

As soon as I do the phone rings. I answer and try to muster up some strength from the fear creeping along my spine “Stop calling!” I yell at them and hang up.

The phone rings again, I answer “Hello.” The voice says before I even get the chance to speak. “It doesn’t matter if you unplug the phone.” It told me, “We know where you are and we’ll be there shortly.”  I’m standing in the middle of the living room, mouth agape, my back to Jon Stewart flashing on the television screen behind me.

What do I say?

What do I do?

I find myself momentarily paralyzed and unable to remove the phone from my ear.

“Are you all right?” the voice asks again, dripping with sarcasm.

“What do you want?” I whisper, a croak, my chest aches.

“I thought you knew,” the voice asks, not sounding too surprised, “Oh well-” I can imagine a man sitting at his desk, dismissively waving a hand, “You’ll know soon enough.” The line goes silent and I hear a click, I thought my heart had stopped with that click- but it began beating again soon when I realized he had hung up on me.

Someone’s just playing a game with me, men in their job that are bored. I think to myself, regardless I run to each door and window making sure they’re all locked and secured.

I sit here now in the bathroom, my laptop in front of me on cold tile.

My heart is in my throat, my stomach burns.

I hear the front door opening with its distinctive squeak. Tears feel like acid on my eyes.

I hear the phone in the other room ringing.

I hope someone finds this…

July 15, 2009 12:45
© Copyright 2009 Panon Daur (panondaur at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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