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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1581454
an evil creature breaks free from hell in the town of Mercy
Break Loose

Home town of Mercy, California. Strangest name for a town huh? What's stranger is that it's actually my last name! My family is ancient, going back hundreds of years, to the time that settlers came and founded America, my family founded the town of Mercy. My name is Liam, Liam A. Mercy, I always like to abbreviate my middle name cause it doesn't sound very good, Liam Alec Mercy? Not so good huh.
I have always loved living in Mercy, I mean what's cooler living in a town with the same last name as you?! But one year, we had a little problem. It was July 4th, 1994, I was only eleven years old. Everyone in Mercy is really tight nit, there's so little people that we all know each other and everyone's friends, On the fourth of July we all get together and barbeque at my house, founder of the city always holds the parties! At about nine o'clock everyone went to the docks to watch us set off fireworks.  My dad and some other men from town were in charge of the fireworks, they had someone drive to Mexico to get them, we had some really incredible sky rockets that year! They took a little dock/boat thing out into the ocean and shot them off from there so everyone could watch at the docks.  It was getting late, probably about ten o'clock by then, we had set off a lot of fireworks by now, and I could feel the end of the show coming, everyone was waiting for the grand finale when, suddenly, a huge white light shot from the ground to the sky, leaving behind a pink and purple aurora from the ground it came from, and in the sky, the white light exploded into an incredible fury of pink, purple and white balls of fire shooting in every direction! It was the biggest firework I'd ever seen! Almost....too big. Something was wrong, first of all, the firework didn't look like it came from the dock/boat my dad was on in the middle of the ocean, it looked more like to came from the beach, which was off to the side of the dock and the boat launch, and, the firework looked a lot more dangerous then any firework I ever saw, and on top of all that, it was too big, nobody is capable of making a safe explosion that big unless it wasn't safe. Something was wrong, not just faulty firework, but something FELT wrong, like there was some kind of doom waiting to happen, that calm before the storm type of feeling, and I knew that if this was the calm before the storm, oh baby this is the storm of the century!
I stood up from my chair to try and catch a glimpse of my dad and the other guys. Everyone around me was still in their chairs, chattering about the incredible finale. When I looked out, I couldn't see the flag that stood in the middle of their dock/boat. I looked to the edge of the dock, and that's where I saw them, they were soaking wet, and didn't have anything with them (they had brought a keg of bear and some expensive, bulk lighters with them to the dock/boat, plus they had a bucket to put the used fireworks in)
"Mom!" I yelled, them went running for my dad and the other men.
"Dad, What happened?!" I asked.
"We're not sure, we were about to set off the last firework, then that huge explosion happened on the beach, we couldn't see what cause it, but what ever it was, it tipped over the boat and everything on it, we had to swim back to shore" He said.
Mom came running up, I told her the story and she stared at the beach. "Maybe we should go see what happened?" She said, starting for the beach.
"No" my dad stopped her, "First we gotta secure this rope to the dock, it leads to the boat. We didn't try to push it back because it's too heavy" He said. More people started gathering around my dad and the other men.  They tied the rope to the string real tight, with four or five different strong sailor knots, to be sure that it doesn't come undone during tide, they wouldn't be able to go get the boat 'till morning.
My parents and some other parents from town went over to the spot where the explosion happened, they made me stay on the dock for safety - despite my strongest objections.
Me and the other kids and parents watched with anticipation as they marched over to the beach. Upon further inspection, from where I was standing I could see a very large hole in the ground.  We all watched as my dad stepped up to the hole and leaned over to look, without a single warning, a mangled looking claw reached up and grabbed my father, dragging him down into the hole. He had barely enough time to utter more then a short, but blood-curdling scream before a sharp gurgling noise took it's place, and a fountain of blood squirted up from the hole, the blood was only there for a moment, but it was long enough for me to tell what it was, even in this dim light.
Everyone in the whole town, the people on the beach and the people on the dock all screamed as loud as they could. As I screamed, I ran to the beach hoping my father was still alive, and if not, to aid my mother in her own safety.
When I got to the hole, creatures started piling out of it, creatures I had never seen in my life, and hope to never see again. There was about eight of them, all I could see was a dog covered head to toe in fire, a black, sleek monkey with pure red eyes a spiky head, and a single human head that looked like the head of a zombie, with zombie like arms where it's ears should be.  I had no time to examine the rest of the creatures, I grabbed my mother by the hand and ran, ran for the sake of my life and hers. I could hear the creatures moving, howling with delight as they killed the people of Mercy. The horrible screams and gurgling filled the air around me, but I blocked it out, my only focus was getting out of this town.
The creatures were demons, how else do you explain a large explosion from the ground then inhuman, unreal, impossible beasts crawling out of large hole and attacking humans for no reason? How they managed to escape, I don't know, I just wanted to get away.  The demons worked fast, by the time me and my mother got to town, they had already started ransacking it, pulling out all the humans that didn't participate in the fireworks and murdering them brutally. I ignored everything I could, hoping just that and pure determination to get away would guarantee our safety, but I was wrong.  Soon, we were cornered, the fire dog and the black monkey stood in front of us, and in unison, they pounced on us. I was able to role out of the way on time, but my mother wasn't as fortunate. The monkey caught her, and as soon as it did, it ripped the flesh from the top of her scalp, down to the left side of her face clear off her bones. She screamed bloody murder and all I could do was stand and watch, watch these two demons eat my mother alive, completely helpless. The monkey used it's razor teeth to bite her bare skull and crack it, after that it continued to scoop out her brains and gulf it down. In the mean time, the fire dog bit hard into her fleshy stomach, and started chewing on her organs. I thought I was going to be sick. My mother continued screaming, horrible screams of terror and fear, and utter pain! The screams that would haunt my nightmares, even after I'm dead. I was helpless, standing there while my mother was devoured raw. I was in total shock, and i could feel any minute that I was going to throw up, but I pushed it down, and moved on instinct.
I ran away from the demons, my mother was done for, there was nothing I could do for her except to save myself and let myself live. I ran down the street, fortunate enough that all the demons were currently preoccupied with other victims.When I saw my house, it was like haven of safety and warmth. I ran inside and locked all the doors, yes, I know that eventually the demons were going to be able to break in there eventually, but I wasn't staying, the locked doors were just to buy me time while I grabbed my dad's car keys. After I had the keys I ran out the door, heading for our car. I was quickly knocked on my feet by some tiger/lizard demon, it hissed in my face and I screamed, fighting the beast. I kicked my feet and flailed my arms for a moment, then I got to my senses and kicked the creature off of me. I ran to the car, but by the time I grabbed the handle, the beast was on me again, grabbing at my feet and ripping at my clothes and flesh. I kicked it away again, this time long enough that I put the key in the lock, but the demon came back, once again, I kicked it. I was able to unlock the door, but the tiger lizard came back and he was done playing my game, he grabbed my feet and put me on my back. Pure instinct told controlled my body at that point, I shoved my hands in it's mouth so it couldn't bite my head off and kicked it in the stomach numerous times. I guess at that point I had given the beast too much trouble because, miraculously, the creature jumped away from me and ran off. I felt like there was a guardian angel looking after me.
I jumped on the car and climbed in, locking the doors and windows.
I didn't have the slightest clue how to drive a car, I was only eleven, but I had the doors and windows locked, and hopefully that would buy me time. I looked at the shift gear, it hadfive letters, P, R, N, D, and L, I knew enough from watching race car movies that the guy driving away in the super cool car would always slam the gear shift from P to R, or sometimes from P to D. I tried out the D, but I ended up hitting the garage door, if my parents were alive, they would have killed me!!! Then I tried the R, that got me going in reverse, just what I needed to back out of the driveway. I pulled out and then pushed the gear to the D and drove off! I hit the curb pretty hard because I was going pretty fast, but that didn't matter, all that mattered was I was getting away from this town! I was thinking to myself that there was no possible way I could have survived this long, that there must be some kind of magical aura around me that kept the demons at bay - my thought was cut short by a large thud on the roof. My stomach sank. A large demon with a rhino's head ripped off the roof of the car and snarled at me. I screamed and started swerving the car back in forth to try and shake him off but he wouldn't let go. I was done for, there truly isn't a way for me to escape this town alive, but then the demon from before, the tiger lizard thing, came up next to the other demon. I just great! The beast was never afraid at all! It just went to get help! But then the tiger lizard looked long and hard at the rhino headed thing, and, like a miracle, they both jumped off the car and ran away from it.
How could this be? How could the demons just not want to kill me when they were all so obviously murder happy? I didn't take the time to think about it too long, realizing that I was being given a chance to get away and that no body else in the town was getting this chance, I drove off and far, far away from the town of Mercy, far away from the town named after me, Aleister Mercy.

It's been fifteen years since I visited the town of Mercy. I'm twenty six years old now, and although I did escape a horrible death from the demons for some unknown reason, In a way, I realize that everyone else in town got off easy, I'm the one that now has to live with the horrible sights I saw, and the horrible things that happened. Ever since that July forth night, I never had a single good sleep, being haunted by the demons through my dreams. They'll hunt me 'till the day I die. Within the fifteen years I've had to recollect about the event, I have been driven to madness. I'm am now locked up at an asylum. My mental instability is that of a violent one, I will often drift in and out of the real world, sometimes lost in the spider web of my own, screwed up mind. It turns out that at times, when I am roaming the shambles of my once normal mind, my nurse might come in for something while I'm there, and, thinking she is another demon, come to reclaim my soul, I brutally beat and kick and fight them. Due to my violence, I am forced to stay in my room, wearing a straight jacket. My nurses have to enter with precaution, hoping I'm not sitting in my mind again, usually I'm not, I have a clock in my room and I make sure that when they are scheduled to come, I'm not lost in my mind, so that way I wont turn to violence.
My life is that of a horrible nightmare, constantly. But, I am in luck. My doctors decided that I'm well enough to have a normal room, and well enough to not have to stay in the straight jacket (I'm no longer violent because I'm always out of my own world when my nurses come in now). The doctors say that If I keep going at this rate, I might even be able to leave some day, start my life over again, meet friends, have a wife, have kids, get a job. But I don't want any of that, I don't want to make people deal with my mind anymore then what I want to deal with it, which is none at all. Since they are giving me a real room, they're giving me a bed, and a bed has sheets. So long horrid  nightmares! Hello after life!
© Copyright 2009 Pooka S. Pheen (pooka-s-pheen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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