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Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1581431
Still working on it

I was with my mom at the mall when suddenly we heard a big POW!!! Everyone was screaming and running , I got separated from my mom. I was a curious kid so I ran the opposite direction to see what the big pow was. There were three men in masks ; they each had guns. I assumed that they shot someone, but I guess it was a warning shot.
Anyway, a guy told me to get down on my knees and said if I spoke he’d “shoot” me. But I said “Butt face Jerk! “ when he walked away. Unfortuantlly he heard me and he held he’s gun up to my fore head and was about to shoot.
But as soon as he was about to pull the trigger, a boy jumped out of nowhere and kicked the gun out of the guy’s hand and shouted, “Run!” So I did. I ran into the janitor’s closet and he followed. I looked to see if I recognized him but I didn’t. All I know was that he had straight brown hair and brown eyes. He had saved me from that guy and what was weird that he only was 9. Do you know why I say its weird? Because most 9 -year-old boys aren’t so brave.
So after an hour had passed the police showed up.
I said bye and thanked Max. And I haven’t seen him since.

Eight Years Later

“See ya mom.” I said as I walked out the door. “ Bye honey. Oh do you need me to drive you to school?” my mom asked generously. “No thanks mom its just around the corner.” “Ok have a nice day, love you.” “Love you to.” I said and walked out the door. I love walking to school seeing the cherry blossom trees and breathing in fresh air. When I got to school I talked to my friends, that’s the only thing I liked coming to school for. The thing I hate about school was work and all that crap. But most of all I hated the uniform that the girls HAD to were. It was a stupid girly shirt and a stupid skirt. I hate skirts. I don’t understand why we couldn’t were jeans and stink in t-shirt. Anyway I went to talk to my friends for a while. The bell rang for us to go to class. Once I was inside the building, I realized I had forgot my geometry book outside. I ran back and got my book and I made it just in time before the tardy bell rang.” Dang Luna, what was all that?” my friend Jasmine asked. She was my best friend; she had dark chocolate skin, dark chocolate eyes, black hair that was string at the bottom and she was really fun. “I – forgot – my book.” I panted. “Oh, at least you got here in time, there’s a new guy.” “So you know I don’t really care for guys much.” “Yeah, but I think you’ll like this one.” “What makes you think that?” “You’ll see.” She said softly. “Ok” I said bewildered. Before I know it there was a boy in front of the class. He had light blue eyes, short brown hair that was spiked in the front, and pale skin. Unfortunately Jasmine was right, I did like this one. And I recognized him from somewhere but I couldn’t remember. “ Ok who knows where Max can sit?” the teacher said breaking me out of concentration. So his name is Max I thought to myself. “ Isn’t there an empty seat by you Luna?” “Yeah” “You can go on and sit there Max, you share a text book with Luna till you have your own? The teacher explained and went on with class. All the girls smirked at me; I just rolled my eyes and listened to the teacher.

The end of the day came and I was walking home. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see who or what it was. It was Max and I asked, “Are you following me?” I asked suspiciously. “No, I live across the street from you, you didn’t see the moving truck yesterday? “Um guess not. “I answered. “So your names Max?” I asked curiously. “Yeah and you names Luna?” “Yeah, Luna Black, I came from the country.” “Where from the country?” “Dustin and you?” “I came from the country, too used to go to Haskell.” “Oh, ok well I gotta go so, see yea.” I said and went before he could even say bye. The next day was weird; Max kept staring at me every time I walked in the halls and sometimes in class. To me relief the day ended and know I could practice my violin. I have been dieing to but with all the crap we have to do at school I never have time to play, until today. I absolutely loved playing my violin: it sounds so beautiful. Anyway, I did homework and my dad drove me to the place were I practiced which was called The Fine Arts Center. He dropped me off and said he would pick me up later. When he drove away Max came around the corner and I was hoping he wouldn’t stare at me again. He was walking towards me and I just asked, “What are you doing here?” “I have art lessons here what about you?” “This is where I practice.” “What do you play?” “Violin.” ; “Oh”. I went inside and he just caught up to me “Hey sorry if I freaked you out today. It’s just that you are so familiar and I was trying to think if we meet before or something like that.” He explained. I just smiled and said don’t worry, I feel the same way about you.” And I pat him on the shoulder and went to practice. After that I did not see Max and thought he went home. And I went home. After I had dinner I went to bed and had a familiar dream. I was way younger and back in the mall with mom every one was screaming, running, there where guys with guns. I woke up with a cold sweat going down me back. Eventually I realized that it was the event that happened 8 years ago.

The new girl

It’s been two months since Max came here and now we were very close. AGGGGHHH, I can’t believe this…” I roared. “What is it?”Max asked, “I’m not doing so well in math.” “What grade did you get?” “See for yourself.” I handed him my report card. “Oh” “Yeah” “Maybe I can help you.” “Yeah I could use a lot of help.” “Come to my house on the weekend and we can study together. Does that sound good?” “Sounds fine to me.” I smiled. And we walked to school together. “Ok classes, quit down I have something to say!” Mr. James shouted. “We have a new student her name is Kelsey” I looked up from my book and saw a girl that had long blonde hair, green eyes and she sounded preppy. I hate preppy girls they’re so annoying. Anyway Mr. James said “You can pull up a chair next to Luna and share a text book with her for now.” “Hey Jasmine who’s that?” She turned to face me “Kelsey didn’t you hear the teacher?” “Guess I wasn’t paying attention.” When she was about to sit down she took a look at Max then at me. She smirked, I smirked back, and she sat down. Class was hell: Kelsey kept saying things like: I am so much cuter than you, and all that crap. But I didn’t care besides I’m the one with long brown hair and purple eyes. I know that crap isn’t true. And I said “Hey at least I’m not blonde.” That shut her up. The bell rang and soon I was in the hall following Max to tell him what happened in class. But before I could Kelsey just pushed her way past me and said “Hey your Max right?” “Yeah” “I was wondering if you could help me find my next class.” She said in a preppy voice. “Where do you need to go?” “Room 123.” And they where off, Kelsey holding on to Max’s arm then turned around and gave me a “I will have this guy look”. The day ended, and I went out to wait for Max, as soon as he got out I saw that Kelsey was following behind him. I know she was just being a pain. Max walked up to me and said, “Lets go.” “Happily”; I said annoyed. “Hey Max where you going?” “Home!” He sound so very irritated. “Home, can I come to?” Kelsey begged. Before he could answer I said, “Sorry no can do.” And we walked away. “What’s wrong?” Max asked. “Nothing. Why?” “You look angry.” “I’m not, just annoyed.” Kelsey always knocks my books out of my hands.” I almost shouted. “ Luna just cool down for a sec.” He said gentle. I did. “So how was your day?” “ Fine.” He sounded irritated again. “Oh, what she do to you?” “Lets just say she wouldn’t stop following me around.” “What does she do besides that?” “Kept asking me if I could help her find her next class. Why, are you jealous?” I started to blush. You’re blushing. He smiled. “No I’m not its just …natural blush.” “Sure, so about this weekend me and my family are going camping and I was wondering if you would want to come.” I thought a minute, then said “ Sure but what about studying?” “We can study out there.” “Where are you going camping?” “Out in the country.” I suddenly got excited. “Out in the country, I’ve haven’t been out there in I don’t know years!!” “I know you’d say that.” “When are you guys leaving?” “Saturday, tomorrow, I better start packing.” “Yeah go on and start, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at nine ok?” “Yeah sure see you in the morning, bye.”


The next day I woke up at eight to get myself ready and packed. After I was done I still had half an hour, I just watched TV. I suddenly heard a honk outside, so I went to see whom it was and it was not Max. I was half way on the porch when two guys came out of the car. I froze, I tried to run, but they caught me before I could go. They held me tight but I kept kicking and punching. I was about to scream, then one guy covered me mouth with a white cloth. Everything was getting blurry and the last thing I saw was a car coming around the corner.


“Mr. Black, Mr. Black!!!” Max yelled, as he knocked on the door. “Max, Max. What’s the matter?” my mom asked alarmed. “Luna has been kidnapped!!” “What, but I thought she was with you!” “No I was coming around the corner when it happened.” “Did you call the police?!” “No I thought it was best to tell you first.” “Ok, come inside!” She grabbed the phone and dialed 911. After she was done with that she asked Max “Did you know who they where?” “ NO they where all wearing black.” “Did you see were they went?” “East.”


As soon as I woke up I was thrown in a cell. I assumed it was the old jail that was abandoned when some of the prisoners mysteriously vanished. Anyway, one baled guy just stared at me. I’ve always hated when people stare at me so I sneered at him. He sneered back and then said, “What’s your name.” I said I wasn’t going to tell him my name because I didn’t know him. And then he said, “tell me your name or I’ll beat you!” “OK FINE!”I said. “My name is, …” I thought for a moment. “My name is Kelsey.” Then he just stared at me with a puzzled look. “Kelsey, you don’t look like a Kelsey… “ He sneered. “ Too bad that what my parents named me!” I shouted. That sit him off. He suddenly came toward me and smacked me in the face. And that sit me off, so I kicked him in his nuts and punched him in the jaw. Then he draws a knife out off his pocket and was about to stab me with it. Before he could a voice came from behind him. “ Don’t hurt her!” the voice said. “Too late!” I shouted furiously. He looked at the guy with a stern look. The “abuser” is what I can him now, pushed me out of his way and walked off. The stranger walked toward me. I got up and ran for the door. As I was running a sudden shocking pain came over my body. I fell to the ground feeling like I’ve just been struck by lighting “Nice try Kelsey or should I say Luna?” “Who our you? And how did you know my name?” I asked still on the ground. “You don’t recognize me?” I looked up and I saw Kelsey staring down at me. “Great just what I need, to be stuck with you.” I mumbled and got my feet. “What do you want?” I snapped. She stared for a moment then said,” “Your powers.” “What powers? I don’t have any powers!” “ Oh, that’s right. You don’t know,” she said with a scene
of superiority. “What do mean I don’t know? I don’t know what are you talking about? Did you escape from the Mental Intuition?” I asked. She looked offended but I didn’t care, obviously. “Very funny Luna.” And she pushed a button on the remote she was holding. I wondered what it was for, maybe ---- I felt that shocking pain again and fell to the ground. Oh that’s what it’s for I thought. Kelsey laughed as I got up to my feet. I was angry, so angry. I heard thunder outside. And said aloud “ The weather guy said it wasn’t going to rain.” “ He was right, it’s just one of your powers.” Kelsey grinned. I looked at her like she was crazy then asked, “How the heck do you know?” She grinned again “I don’t know I just knew, that one my special abilities.” She continued, “You have three powers they are physical, emotional, and mental.” “I’m sorry I don’t speak superhero can you say that in English please?” I sarcastically. She just stared. I stared back at her. Then she continued, “For example your physical power you can shoot lightning out of your hands.” I looked at her, “Huh?” She rolled her eyes.

© Copyright 2009 Clara Maxwell (princess_13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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