Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1581349-Legs
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1581349
Even just sitting in a chair can spark something...
Beauty sits. Soft red hair cascades in waves to shoulders. One blue eye shadowed by a flowing bang. A small smile teases your cheeks and brings out the fullness of your lips.

Dark blouse and skirt blending into the fabric of the overstuffed chair. Proper posture: back straight; left leg crossed over right. Breasts framed by arms at your sides. Hands on your knee, left over right. Toes peeking out of dark, heeled pumps cradling arched feet.

I kneel before you, placing my hands over yours, gently holding you in place. "Stay just like that" I say softly, smiling as your hands intertwine with mine.

A curving line of highlight softly shining down the front calf bone shows me where to start.

Arms stretched upwards, I move my head down to your feet. Using the highlight as my guide I slowly drag my tongue up the bone of your calf, your hands tightening around mine. I flash a wicked smile up at you as I lay my chin on our hands.

"Shall I stop, my love?" I ask, feeling the heat of your leg on my chest through my shirt.

"Up to you," you reply lightly, your eyes belying your tone.

I bow my head and working around my own fingers I gently suck at your fingertips. I extract my own hands and suck each finger in turn into my mouth. Gently nipping or running my tongue around each one. Pressure on my chest as you uncross your legs, leaning back in the chair.

Kissing and licking each palm, I run my own hands up your thighs, following the lines of the outer muscles, toned from running. I lean my head in your lap and hug your thighs. Your hands gently stroke my face and head. You are everything I need after a long day.

I reach back around your perfect butt and gently pull you forward. Your skirt rides up your thighs as your legs spread around my shoulders. Dark panties pull tight against you.

"Beautiful," I whisper to myself, arousal sending a shudder up my spine.

"You're gonna pull me off...," you giggle, your hands gripping the arms of the chair.

"I got ya."

Gently - slowly - I trace your shape through the taut fabric with my fingers. I feel your heat as you settle back into the chair, no longer worried about falling. Gently wrapping a hand around each shoe's heel, I pull them off and drop them to the floor. I guide each foot to a shoulder, creamy thighs open in front of me. Your hips adjust forward, your body slouching deeper into the chair.

I run my fingers up the back of your calves from each ankle. Up into the backs of your knees. Down the backs of your thighs. Your breath quickens and your eyes close. Your panties moisten as my fingers draw near. I trace your shape again through the thin fabric, harder than before.

"Don't tease," you moan.

I smile and continue to massage you through the fabric. Your body pushes against my fingers.

"Up," I tell you, sliding my hands under your ass and grabbing thin fabric. I feel your weight shift into my shoulders and I pull your panties over your curvy butt. You lift your legs as I slide my hands up the backs of your thighs, pushing the panties up your legs, over your knees and down and off your legs. You slide further forward, to the edge of the chair and your knees end up on my shoulders.

"Eat me," you command drawing me in with your legs.

I bow my head into you, senses overwhelmed with your heat and heavenly musk. I breathe deep and groan. I slide my hands up around your hips and cross them over your belly, holding you still as I gently blow across your pussy. You inhale sharply, your hands coming down to mine.

I trace the outer edge of your lips with my tongue. You squeeze my hands and tell me, "Stop teasing me."

I flick my tongue across you, quick and shallow. Back and forth, moving up and down you. Slower flicks, harder against you, teasing, moving downward, opening you with my tongue. Your legs tighten against me as I push my tongue into you, moving upwards. Bringing your wetness to your hooded clit.

Moving my hands down, I hold you open. You groan as I push my tongue up hard against your clit, keeping steady pressure on you as your hips push forward. You catch your breath and I start to flick hard against you. Moving my head in rhythm with your hips I alternately lick and suck your clit into my mouth. Harder. Then softer. Then dropping my head and lapping against your pussy, loving the sweet nectar gathering there. Back up to your clit, flicking my tongue side to side again. Sucking. Licking. Increasing the tempo as your arousal mounts.

With your clit firmly in my mouth, I free a hand and move it between your legs. I slide a finger deep into you, pushing you over the edge. You gasp, your hands grab my head, your legs tighten around my shoulders pulling me closer, and I feel the waves of your orgasm clench my finger as I continue to suck your clit. I groan deep in my throat as you cum, tasting the sharp tang of your orgasm.

I slowly slide my finger back out of you as your orgasm fades. Your legs relax around me and I free my shoulders, setting your feet gently on the floor. I stand and slip off my shoes.

I take off my shirt and wipe off my face. "Let's get you undressed," as I hold my hands out to help you out of the chair. You place your hands in mine and I guide you, trembling, into my arms. You smell like heaven as I nuzzle your neck and gently bite your earlobe.

You reach down for my belt. I find the zipper on your skirt and undo the waistband clasp. Your skirt falls to the floor as you unbutton my jeans. I can't resist tickling your sides as I slide my hands under your blouse and start to push it upwards. Brushing over your breasts, feeling your nipples poking through your bra. Sliding my hands around your back, guiding the blouse up over the back of your head and down your arms to join my shirt on the floor.

I bend down and kiss your stiff nipples through your bra. You push my jeans down and squeeze me through my underwear. I reach behind you and undo the bra, pulling the ends of the straps forward. You shrug yourself out of the shoulder straps and I gently peel the fabric from your breasts.

You slide your hands down my hips, pushing my underwear down. I spring free of the binding cloth and you guide me back into the chair. You push me down into the chair and bending in front of me, pull my clothes off. I watch your breasts gently sway with the motion and throb.

You straddle me in the chair, hands on my shoulders, your knees gripping my hips. Your breast are face high and I bury myself between them, licking and kissing the creamy skin there. My arms go around your back as you wrap your hands around the back of my head. I lick and kiss my way across the tops of your breasts, alternating between them. I pull each nipple into my mouth and suck. You reach down between us and wrap your fingers around my stiff cock. You move forward, trapping me against you.

You rock in my lap, rubbing yourself with me. My world reduces to a single sense as I feel your heat and wetness transfer to me. My hands drop to your hips and I try to guide you upwards - I need to be inside you.

You smile wickedly down at me - "Told you not to tease me," you whisper as your hips continue to rock. I lay back in the chair and give myself over to your control. I move my hands back up to your breasts, feeling their weight. Squeezing them in time to your motion.

You move upwards, and position me at your opening. I freeze, waiting. holding my breath, every nerve jumping.

You slide your body down around me. I inhale a deep shuddering breath and forget to breathe. I look up at you, eyes closed, mouth open, and I exhale, still shuddering. I feel you tighten around me and I throb deep inside you.

You move gently around me. Moving your knees further back into the chair, working me deeper into you. I move my hands down to your waist, at the same time guiding and supporting you.

Your eyes open, dark with desire. I am lost in the depth of them as our bodies move together. You tease my mouth with your breasts and I flick my tongue over them. You lean down and my world goes red as your hair spills over my face. Your mouth finds mine and I kiss you deeply, our bodies finding their own rhythm.

I break our kiss, breathless, knowing I can't last much longer. Sensing this, you lean back, hands around the back of my neck, and grind yourself down into my lap. My hips push upward into you, my cock thickening deep inside you. I throb, my fingers dig into your waist, my upper body pushing back into the chair. I release into you, hips trying to buck against your weight, hot cum filling you, surrounding me. I can breathe again just as I feel your body tighten around me, your fingernails digging into the back of my neck. Your legs squeeze around my hips as you orgasm, each pulse milking the last of my orgasm from me.
© Copyright 2009 dnergal (dnergal at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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