Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1581280-The-Human-Coffin
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #1581280
A man pays for his sins.
The Human Coffin

It is fall when the smell of death evaded my nostrals. Walking from my house I followed the sent that is undoughtablly death itself. As I followed the sent it was in my back yard. The back yard is about ten acres in with and ten in lenghth. I found my shovel from my rusty old shed. Walking around trying find this smell was a tedus task. At first I thought as was walking around my back yard it was just a dead animal or something. It took my many hours of walking to find the very strong sent of death it's self. Once you smell it one time you will never forget it.

Finaly I found where it was the strongest and began to dig. Why I began I do not know, like the faith of a child I just keep going. As I was digging my mind wondered. I thought of my family. My daughter who was five and very quick whited and smart. My oldest son who was eighteen and on his way to college. My youngest in middle school and showing promies. My wife of twenty-five years, ahh how lovely she was. She had stuck with my for the longest time. I had now dug a seven feet long by two feet in width, by a foot and a half in hieght ditch. Why I had dug this I still did not know but I deicede to take a break. As I sat by a tree in my yard I fell asleep and dreamed. I dreamed of my family. As dreamed it soon turned into a nightmare.

I saw my family as they lived and then saw thier bodies begen to rott before my eyes. The skin losened form the body and fat began to slide from the corpse. The hair then appeered to grow but stopped. Then the flies and maggets came in did the things the do best, they started to eat and crawel over the corpse. Then as the muscels, tendends began to deterate I heard a voice say, "You have done this and you will pay the price." I thought to myself how can this be I have done good my whole life. Then like a brick hitting me in the face a flood of memmeries washed over me like a tidle wave. At first I did not know what to think and then the memmery hit me.

All of us went to a fantcy restrant when we left I was drunk as a skunk. As I began to swerve and slammed into a car and t-boned it. With that crash everyone but me died. From the depretion that followed was rage. I then woke to find my self standing at where I dug the ditch. How I got there I do not know and then I saw them, my family. I felt something push me and then fall into my ditch. Now it was no longer a ditch it was a coffin made bones, organs, muscels, tendens, veins, arteries, and a beating heart. This was a horred sight to bear but  I did bear it and it began to call me. I felt myself turn and look up the dirt was now falling on me. I knew that this was my price to pay for my sins. I lay here as the human coffin.   

© Copyright 2009 Richard Spencer (aagent7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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