Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1580546-Ch-10-The-night-of-nights
by Amica
Rated: E · Chapter · Entertainment · #1580546
Can a few hours make you feel like your whole life is complete? It sure did tonight...
"Tonight will be a memorable night." The thing I kept telling myself this whole day. Today is the Halloween dance. Miguel is my date now, for I can't trust Greg around me anymore. I got ready for the dance around 5. I sorta skipped dinner, and thought I would rather pick on the snacks that would be in the school gym. Adam went solo for tonight. He left ahead, probably was gunna meet up with Benjee before the dance. I had a nice shower, took my time and all. I was never really good with makeup. This would be one of the few times I would put makeup on for a reason. I tried to match it with the color of my dress. So I put on very light purple eyeshadow. I was shaking while brushing it on my eyelid, making sure not to make myself look to drag or costume-y. After a few brush strokes, I had to call in my mom to help me. She made me look very pretty I must admit. I secretly thought my mom should be some makeup artist or something because I did not look like myself tonight. Normally, I was the tshirt-jeans girl, but tonight I was completely different. It seemed as if I didn't know who the woman in the mirror was..and why she was staring right back at me. My mom then turned to face the mirror as well. Our faces next to each other. I looked at the mirror, hard and realized.... deep down inside the beautiful woman was me. I then started to feel my eyes water. My mom noticed and told me not to cry. She didn't like moments like these. Made her feel like those sappy mothers who cry when they notice their little baby is growing up. My dad knocked on the door, and reminded us that Miguel was downstairs. I looked at the clock, it was 6:30.

I slowly made my way downstairs. Thinking to myself how the night could possibly go. I tried to imagine if there will be crazy people coming after us screaming, or if pervs like Greg are gunna come again. I stood strong and told myself that tonight should be worry free. That tonight.. nothing will go wrong....nothing SHOULD go wrong. I stepped down on the top of the staircase and looked at each step, making sure I wouldn't trip down all of them. Once I got to the 5 last steps I looked up. My dad, mom and Miguel were standing there. Mom, having her happy mom face, and dad holding out the camera and taking pictures. Miguel looked stunning tonight. He wore a really nice tuxedo. The weird thing I noticed but was sorta thankful for was that he was wearing a sort of lavender long sleeve underneath. Matching to my purple dress. His hair looked shiny. Like those guy models you'd see slowmo running down the beach and their hair bouncing full of life. He looked up at me as I was going down the stairs. His eyes twinkled as if tonight was his lucky night. The look he had gave the message as if nothing else mattered but the strangely beautiful woman he saw walking down towards him.

It wasn't prom night, but my parents made Miguel and I take pictures as if it were. Dad gave him his stern look face assuring Miguel that his trust should not be broken. It seemed as if Miguel got the message through my dad's intimidating eyes and Miguel promised to bring me back home before 10 pm. My dad seemed pleased with that curfew that he shook Miguel's hand and opened the door for us. Miguel held his hand out for me and I took it. We walked towards his car. Like a gentleman, he opened the car door for me. I was starting to like my decision for picking Miguel to be my date for tonight. Tonight will be a memorable night. We were on our way to school. He turned on the music and all I heard was love strumming out of an acoustic guitar. There wasn't any vocals. Just plain, intricately beautiful guitar music. I almost cried by the beauty of it. It was something I never thought could come out from a simple instrument. Miguel asked me one question throughout the whole car ride to school. He asked me if I was happy. At that moment, I answered to him...yes.

We finally got to school and made our way towards the gym. I had my arm around Miguel's and we started hearing bass music as we got closer to the gym. The entrance of the gym looked promising that the inside was beautiful. The entrance had an arch surrounded by black roses and cobwebs with only a few red roses standing out. Probably to assure students that there is still something beautiful to look forwards to in a dance. I stepped onto the gym floors and it felt like a hotel ballroom in there. The basketball boards were hidden, and there was no sign at all that made it feel like it was a gym. I must say, the prom decorating committee did an awesome job. There were black, orange, purple, and red balloons everywhere. It surely felt like a halloween theme, with some elegance that showed it was a school dance. Miguel lead me to a table and went to get a drink for us. I was looking around and saw Johanna dancing with her tutu, Adam and Benjee doing the robot, and everyone I knew having a good time. Miguel came back with some dark punch that looked disgusting, but he made some joke about it saying that it aint poison. I chuckled and took a sip. It was grape juice. The music changed into something slow. Miguel extended his hand wanting a dance from me. I hesitated and he pleaded with that painfully beautiful smile he had. I couldn't resist and took his hand. We made our way onto the dance floor where everyone was paired in two. He took my hand and started to lead. We were just swaying side to side and around to the song. I didn't realize how crowded the dance floor was until I started feeling a little hot. I'm not one for claustrophobia, but it sure did feel like I was going through that. Miguel sensing my uneasy-ness, held me close and made a path to leave the crowd. He took me outside the school balcony.

I felt the cold breeze of the night sweep across my hair. The smell of my shampoo followed along with the breeze, freesia. I had my eyes closed still, inhaling deeply and slowly, until I felt like I was safe again. I took a deep breath and looked up. Miguel was staring right at me with worried eyes. As if he was the reason I was uneasy awhile ago. I smiled at him, hoping he'd get the message that I was thanking him more than blaming. He smiled back after a few seconds and opened his arms for me to accept. I was locked into his arms, where I felt safe and for some reason, loved. He smelled amazing. I was starting to wonder if he used some nice perfume or it was just the way he naturally smelled. He smelled like a manly flower. Whatever that would be. It was indescribable. It was unique. It was Miguel. We weren't far from the school gym. We were just right outside it. The music was still thumping and the bass was bumping as loud as it could. I started to think that the students were deaf. I must've said that out loud for Miguel chuckled. We hung out the balcony for awhile longer. I sat on the edge of it and Miguel was right next to me, prepared for anything to happen if I fall. We chatted about our lives, hobbies, anything really. It was amazing how much we had in common. The fact that we both didn't like getting sick or really hot days. Our passion for the arts and music. Our conversations flowed and without those awkward moments. I was starting to fall for him... again. The music changed into something I recognized. It was an Adele song. I jumped down and faced Miguel. This time, I held out my hand. He smiled and took it. However we didn't go back inside the gym. The music was loud enough that we didn't need to go back in. Besides, the balcony felt like it was our dance, and that was good enough for the both of us. Miguel then set himself up like those professional ballroom dancers. Took my hand, and framed me into him. He started leading and we danced around the balcony. It felt as if we were gliding along the floor, and for a moment I felt as if I was floating. He looked down on me and he had the happiest face I've seen on anyone. He had a certain look... the look that a little boy would have after catching his first baseball, or after a child blows out his/her candles and gives that big smile... it was the smile that Miguel had. I couldn't help but smile back, nowhere near the smile he pulled off but was enough to show my true feelings for how I felt that night. BLISS.

I only noticed the song was over after another minute had gone by where Miguel twirled and dipped me. Slowly getting up from the dip, he was inches away from my face. My mind started racing thinking of possible scenarios where this moment could go totally memorable or totally disastrous. I wasn't paying attention much to my thoughts as they were speeding like lightning for Miguel was coming in closer. I just closed my eyes and prepared for whatever comes. I felt his breathe on my lips, the warmth of it gave me chills. My lips were trembling, awaiting for his lips to touch mine. They never did. I opened my eyes and he was still as close to me as ever. He was just staring at me, trying to read me, see how I would react. I did nothing but stare. Trying to read him as well. I moved farther this time, stood upright and looked at his watch. He showed it to me and it was 9:30 pm. He decided it was time to bring me home. I was secretly bummed out, but I couldn't show that. The ride home was quiet. As if we didn't notice each others presence in the car. I tried to use my peripheral vision to see him from the side of my face. I saw that he was looking straight to the road ahead. I kept staring outside the window until I finally saw my house on the right. The lights were still on, obviously dad would be waiting. I didn't bother trying to say goodbye for it felt as if it was said already at the balcony. He was behind me while I entered the house. As I entered my dad was there by the stairs. He stood up relieved and Miguel popped behind me for my dads concern. He bid his goodnight and made his way up. I turned to face Miguel seeing if he would say anything. Instead he held out a box, tied on top of it was a purple bow. I sheepishly took it and it felt like something was in it. I gave him a small smile and he gave one back. He sighed deeply and thanked me for tonight, and he said it was memorable. I thanked him as well, but I mentioned to him it wasn't memorable. Trying to guilt him into not kissing me earlier. He knew why I said that and he said he couldn't. Worse, he shouldn't. I inched closer to him showing him that I allowed it. I looked at the top of the staircase to make sure we were alone. We were and the second floor was silent. I saw him swallow hard and let out a deep exhale. He inched closer, hesitant, then whispered through my lips 'Tonight's the only night.' I didn't have time to think what he meant by that for I felt him take my chin and lift it to press his lips softly onto mine. His warm lips and breath entered mine and I felt suffocated, but I liked it. He pulled me into him, taking my face, and locking it. He didn't want to let go, but I didn't want to stop him. This was the night I was waiting for. He pulled back to take a breathe. I needed one too. He apologized for some reason and I told him he didn't have to. I then heard footsteps from the ceiling. Someone was awake. Miguel and I bid each other quick goodbyes with a smile and I watched him walk towards his car and drive off.

I went upstairs into my room and put the small box beside my bed. I got undressed and ready for bed. It didn't take me that long, but longer than I normally would. Probably for the makeup that I had a hard time washing off. I gave up on scrubbing my eyes clean and just decided to leave my eyes with a little bit of eyeliner residue on it. I got under my blankets and reached out for my gift from Miguel. I slowly opened it up, not wanting to ruin the bow. I opened it up and it was a locket. It was an empty one at that. At the bottom of the box was a piece of paper folded into a small square. I unfolded it and it was some sort of note (more like some poem) about tonight. Not describing what happened, but it seemed as if Miguel wrote this wishing that this is how he'd feel... which I'm guessing he did. This is what it says...

She will be beautiful tonight
She will smile and dance with me
She will make me feel alright
She will know its meant to be
I will feel like a fool beside her
I will try my best to make her happy
I will be the one she remembers
I will feel so lucky, oh so lucky

It's not much of a romantic thing like if Shakespeare were to write me one, but its beautiful in its own way. Tonight will definitely be a night I will forever remember. All the things the note said came true, and I was amazed at that. I'm gunna wear the locket tonight and I don't think I'm gunna be taking it off for a while. I can't wait for what tomorrow will bring. Then again, I don't want it to come, for I don't want this night to end. I want to stay this happy tonight. Sadly, it only lasts for tonight. Anyways, its already midnight, guess tomorrow did come. I better rest. Till the next entry...
© Copyright 2009 Amica (purplemunster at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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