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Tyrone escapes from the Myra Bandits in Gemini Forest. |
R. P. G. - Rene Plateau Generation The Rewind Rock Chapter 1 - Gemini’s Orphan Tyrone drew his gun, his eyes shifting towards the stalker lurking behind the tree. The figure ducked under the bushes and vanished. A raven flock croaked as they fled their nest. The setting sun’s glare blinded Tyrone’s sight. He heard grass rustling behind him, followed by advancing footsteps. When he spun, his gun barrel found a man’s temple. At the same moment, his foe pressed a knife near his throat. “What do you want from me?” Tyrone glowered. The metallic wings on his flamethrower stood parallel with the horizon. “Just making sure you ain’t one of them bandits.” The man scanned Tyrone’s attire. “You ain’t dressed like one, at least.” “I’m just passing by.” With a frown, the man dropped his knife. Tyrone lowered his gun, but maintained a firm grip. When the man smiled, Tyrone relaxed. As he slipped the gun into his holster, their black wings folded automatically. “I’m sorry for startling you!” The man mussed Tyrone’s hair. “The name’s Carl, and you are?” “Tyrone Drake.” “You have such a fresh face. How old are you, kid?” “Seventeen.” Tyrone nudged off Carl’s hand. Carl crossed his muscular arms. “A youngster like you shouldn’t hang around Gemini Forest. It’s easy to get lost without a GPS.” “What brings you here, then?” “Just picking some berries for my family.” Carl indicated the knife tucked against his belt. “How about you?” Carl’s scruffy outfit convinced Tyrone he never expected to meet anyone. His wrinkles exposed his age. “I’m riding a renebird to Hollow City. The station near my home is under repair, so I’m catching one from Shizen Village.” “Shizen? That’s where I’m heading, too!” Carl grinned, but Tyrone only shrugged. “I guess you’d rather go solo.” Carl scratched his bald head. “Well, catch you around.” As Tyrone prepared to depart, Carl’s stomach growled. “Hey, got a bite?” Carl rested a hand over his beer belly. Tyrone rolled his eyes. “Don’t expect anything classy.” His boots trampled the grass as he strolled off. After returning to his camp spot, he sat cross-legged beside his bag. A fire-ring lay ahead. The gadget looked like a metallic dog bowl. But no sane dog would touch this device, for flames crackled over its surface. Carl sat opposite to Tyrone, who unslung his storage bag. He pressed his thumb against the strap’s scanner. The bag split open, exposing a touch screen. Beeps sounded while Tyrone pushed some keys. A pair of raw fish materialised inside the bag. Tyrone tossed one at Carl, who caught it by its fin. They skewered their fish sizzled them by the fire. The sun descended, bathing the forest orange. Tyrone shivered when a gust whistled past. He untied the black windbreaker from his waist. After wrapping it over his singlet, he ceased trembling. The twin rings on his left ear clinked. Carl sniffed his fish. “So, what’re you doing in Hollow City?” Tyrone studied the crimson sun symbol embossed on his windbreaker. “I’m going there to cure my parents from the Spectre Amnesia.” “I thought there was no remedy for that condition?” Tyrone stayed silent. With a shrug, Carl chewed his fish. “Well, I guess you don’t live with your folks no more?” Tyrone shook his head. “I’ve been living in Gemini Orphanage for over a decade.” “Oh, Gemini Orphanage? Ain’t Kern the guy who runs that place?” Tyrone nodded, waving the smoke that lifted from the fire-ring. “I remember that Kern. He was one reckless soldier during his Varick Force days.” “Why bring back something from so long ago?” The firelight reflected in Tyrone’s irises. “Don’t insult the man I owe everything to.” He pulled his hood over his head. “Sorry, didn’t mean to offend you! Let’s speak no more of this.” Carl finished his meal in silence. Tyrone pressed his thumb against the fire-ring’s scanner, and the campfire ceased. He opened his bag and placed the bowl inside. With a button press, the fire-ring vaporized into digital data. Tyrone shut the bag before slinging its strap over his shoulder. He rose and slapped dirt off his pants. “You want a lift?” He approached the hoverbike parked ahead. “I’d love a ride." Carl stood while Tyrone boarded the wheelless bike. After taking the rear seat, Carl gripped the rider’s waist. Tyrone imprinted his thumb over the dashboard’s scanner. An emerald shimmer engulfed the two discs planted beneath the vehicle. The discs hummed while the hoverbike floated several feet above ground. Tyrone coiled his fingers around the joystick. The bike hastened when he shifted the navigator forward. He steered the machine onto the asphalt path. The oncoming breeze soothed him while the bike wended onwards. A minute later, Tyrone paused at a road fork. “Which way?” “Left,” the GPS answered with its monotone. Trees meandered along either side as Tyrone veered the vehicle left. “We’ll be in Shizen in no time!” Carl called over the hoverbike’s hum. “Hey, want to stay at my place?” “I’ll pass.” As they ventured on, Carl raced the GPS to direct Tyrone at every intersection. Suddenly, Tyrone glimpsed something move near the bushes ahead. He pulled the navigator back. The vehicle decelerated to a halt but remained hovering. Tyrone gripped the gun in his holster. “Did you catch that?” He indicated the area where he sighted the figure. Carl patted Tyrone’s back. “Don’t be so paranoid! I bet it was just a bunny.” A dozen men stepped out from behind the bushes. Carl gulped. “Or not.” Another group of men gathered behind Tyrone. They donned dark bandanas. Crimson splotches stained their pants. Their sleeveless shirts appeared torn, as though they had just fought a bear. One of the men in front smirked. Like his allies, he carried a shield equipped with a laser rapier. “Alright, you know the drill with us Myra Bandits. Hand over your stuff, or we’ll dissect you both one limb at a time.” “You guys picked the wrong people to mug. We’ve got nothing valuable.” Carl tightened his grip around Tyrone. “My kids are waiting for me at home!” A bandit licked his lips. “You can starve with your family, for all I care. If we return empty handed, Adrian will punish us. Give us every last penny. You want yours kids to be left without a father?” Tyrone accelerated the hoverbike. “Trying to run us over?” A bandit wagged his finger. “You don’t have the guts!” With a grunt, Tyrone stopped the bike. “I’ll clear a path.” Carl’s jaw dropped. “That’s suicide!” Tyrone leapt off the bike and drew his weapon. He squeezed the trigger. A stream of flames burst from the barrel. The brigands dove for cover. With a hiss, the white flames stretched a dozen metres. Once the thugs dispersed, Tyrone ceased fire and ordered Carl to drive. The bandits charged in from every direction. One of them plunged his blade at Tyrone, who feinted out of harm’s way. He rammed his gun barrel against the bandit’s temple, knocking him out. Carl drove towards Tyrone. “Get on!” When the bike passed Tyrone, he hopped onto the rear. “Keep your eyes on the road.” He holstered his gun. Carl accelerated the vehicle. The bandits cursed while they lagged behind. The GPS continued to submit directions, unaware of its apparent peril. The hoverbike’s rear swerved. Tyrone found two bandits clinging onto the back. He wrenched the left thief’s arm. The bandit screamed as he lost grip. He rolled along the grass, soon vanishing into the distance. When Carl executed a sharp turn, Tyrone almost lost his balance. The surviving bandit balanced himself on the rear boot. Tyrone crouched under an oncoming kick before returning the favour. His heel connected with the thief’s gut. The bandit fell, but clung onto the bike’s bumper. He howled while his body scraped across the asphalt. The thief stabbed his rapier into the hoverbike’s disc, splitting it apart. After snickering over his deed, he lost hold of the bumper and twirled from sight. The hoverbike’s rear ceased to float. Sparks burst from the vehicle’s bottom while it scratched the ground. He threw both arms around Carl’s waist. Tree branches cut his cheeks while he raced through the bushes. Tyrone spotted a bump on the road ahead. The vehicle flew over the hump before he could warn Carl. Tyrone almost lost his balance when the bike crashed onto the road. The hoverbike’s hum mutated into a screech. Tyrone choked when the vehicle’s smoke congested his nostrils. Carl twisted the navigator back, but the machine refused to slow. Tyrone peeked over Carl’s shoulder and saw an oncoming tree. Carl’s cry muffled the GPS’ final command. |