Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1580459-Under-the-burning-spear-CH-1
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1580459
I started writing this a few days ago and really haven't stopped.
Sitting atop the highwalls of Kail'thans main gate a young man scours the horizon for any threat of attack from an enemy no one has heard from or seen in hundreds of years, they have moved from flesh and blood to legend and now they are all but a myth to the people of kail'than, some still belive that the Burning spear tribe still exists chased off there land by a neighboar state, others clame to have seen them walking along the cliffs of jordan not far away, Kevin on the other hand belives that the enemy they had near forgotton waits just out of reach of the kings blade.
hundreds of years ago the Burning spears numbered in the hundreds of thousands, they attacked the lands of tres'nal without mercy or restraint, they raped the women, killed the men and took the children as slaves, before long the king of Kail'than had brought every state of Tres'nal under his banner he rode to war apon a mighty white steed leading evey charge with his brother kings, the combined might of Tres'nals armies pushed back the burning spear horde but the deeper the kings got the darker the battles became, closer to there homeland the burning spears had a terrifying force not even the arch mages were prepared for. The long lost brothers of the lock'nathal an ancient group of mages who discovered the strings of life that were used for healing by the preists could also be used to bring the fallen back to life in another manner, calling themselves warlocks these corrupt and evil men brought the fallen men of Tres'nal back to life, there bodies and minds corrupt by the warlocks own soul they turned on there brothers leaving piles of bodies for the warlocks to reanimate under there controlle, not long after that day the Soul knights, a group of paladins from the far north broke into what the kings thought was there last stand, they fought the corrupt souls and bodies of the Living dead using blades blessed by there grandmaster, with the soul knights at there side the men of Trel'nas fought there way to the very heart of the Blasted lands and the burning spears home, it took months for the kings to break the spears wall, once inside the walls there goal was within reach in the center of the city was a great spire at the top stood the man responsible for the travesties they had faced, blood drunk the king of utgarde made his way up the tower slaughtereing every being that got between him and his prey, the soul knights grand master and the king of Kail'than followed not far behind, but when they got to the top of the spire the utgarde king had been slain and Veros stood his hands covered in warm blood, before the grandmaster or the king could get in a single blow Veros using his dark powers uprooted his entire army and in a power full wave... vanished... the kings and the grandmaster swore that there lands would say on constant alert of a new attack.
that was three hundred years ago... how much longer were they going to wait before letting there guard down, this constant fear of attack had faded from all but the kings of Trel'nas, well from almost all kevin stood on guard every night knowing that sooner or later the burning spears would return... and with the greatest forces known to mankind. off in the western horizon he could hear a thunderstorm rolling in, the boom of thunder and the crack of lighting was almost plesent to kevin, knowing that the element could work together to create beams of fire and light, knowing the land could clean it's self of unwanted filth, and that Kail'thans had not yet suffered it's wrath to kevin this meant that the land was pleased with them, they never over mine and area, they have never cut down a forest without replanting the seeds of a new one, they were at peace with the greatest force.
while he listened to the distant roar of the storm a young woman had found her way up to the top of the wall.
"Kevin?" She said softly
kevin turns to find his friend Natal approching, she was one of the selected to become a mage, a gift is what they called it, being able to summon up the elements and bend them to her will, in her left hand she held a small flame to light her path. "Natal... what." Kevin staggers to his feet. "what are you doing out at this hour."
"i couldn't sleep... i have a test in the afternoon."
"oh" Kevin. "what is it on."
Natal walkes over to kevin there eyes meet. "It's the fire trils."
"woah... people have died attempting that are you sure your ready."
"no..." they both sit down. "Iv mastered the basics of fire but i just can't get the more complex sequences down."
"iv read about this tril... are you sure it's a good idea to do it."
"I know if im put in a situation that requires me to preform at my peak i can do it, this is the only way to get the flame under control."
"I don't like it..." throwing a pile of dirt on the ground in frustration "not one bit."
"I want you to be there kevin, we gather strength from those close to us."
"I may not like it but you have my support... ill be standing by your side natal." with a shy smile natal stands up dusting off her robe and heads back down to her home. "good night Kevin."
"Night Natal."
the rest of the night passes without interuption leaving kevin to think of natal... they had been friends for years, against there parents wishes, commoners weren't aloud to intereact with the young mages for they might twist there image of the abilities they contain, and natals mother was an arch mage at the time, kevins was a tailor... a succesfull tailor but nothing more, when natal had reached the age of sixteen she was aloud back into the capital city but she had been sneaking out twice a week to see Kevin and her other friends, she had been living among the people for longer then any other mage, she was beautiful and if it had not been for her gift she would more then likley have been taken into the cities tavern as on of the..."Servers"... now that he thought about it a man a few years ago had throught she was just that and attempted to make off with her, luckly kevin had been a few tables away with his fellow guards men, no one tried to stop him until kevin heard his name called, when he saw natal being dragged up the stairs he rushed to her aid.
"burn his hand and freeze him in place." he yelled.
"I don't know how yet." she screamed back, the man was confused at this point but when kevin reached him he had his blade drawn and sitting on the mans throat.
"Let her go or i'll kill you where you stand." the man immediatly released natal. "are you alright natal?" he asked as she stood beside him.
"Yes im fine, but he wont be." she reached out putting her hand on the mans forhead she spoke one of the lesser spells and knocked the man out with and arcane blast, satisfied with that she turned and walked out kevin on her tail. "what an ass."
"it dosn't help that your dressed like a commoner." kevin remarked. "those clothes do show off more of you then is respectible."
"you like it when i dress like this."
"true but so will other men in this town." kevin put a hand on her shoulder. "i may like it but it'll get you in trouble again." off in the distance kevin heard his guard friends apporching. "You had better get back to the academy before people come looking for you."
Natal's mind was conflicted on one hand she was mad at kevin for wanting her to leave but on the other she knew he was trying to protect her. "Alright." she let out a heavy sigh. "ill see you tommorow at in the eastern stables."
"Alright... now quick there almost here" with a bright flash natal dissapeared transported back to the academy, kevin turned his attention to the guards apporching. "Did she double back." he yelled. the guards replied with a heavy tone inthere voice to them she had given kevin the slip and that was as good a lie as any.
The night had turned to morning and the sun was just making it's way over the eastern mountains the tree tops shone with dew and all seamed to be as it was the day before, but off in the distance kevin could see a small piller of black smoke rising from the north, when the next watch came up to releave him he reported it and then dispached a rider to cheack it out, letting out a long yawn kevin made his way back to his house he wouldn't have long to sleep before natals trial.

Natal made her way down the marble hallways of the academy nearing the fire pit where she would put her self to the test, for all of the test the manditory attire was the white robe given to every student but she would need more control something flexible and lean, she knew just the thing, Kevins mother had made her and outfit last year for a banquite for the guards kevin had taken her as his guest, it would be perfect... and she would hate to only get one use out of it, rushing off she had to find it quickly her tial was set to start in a few hours.

hours later kevin awoke to the sounds of guards marching... had he missed an assignment, rushing to the window he could see that the guards were not from kail'than they were of utgarde, a small group had been sent here but what for quickly gearing up kevin made his way out to great the soldiers.
"Hail men of utgarde what brings you to our lands." kevin asks politly, all the soldiers halt and unsheath there swords, in the back of his mind kevin stirs up thoughts of an attack by one there there closest allies, but when all the soldiers kneel down before him he steadies himself, releasing his the hilt of his sword.
"We come seeking the aid of Kail'than, a village on the outter edge of out lands has been ransaked, the people murdered..." the man pauses for a moment, "There dead now walk the streets."
"wait." kevin kneels down beside the captain. "You mean litter the streets... right."
"no good sir, i have seen it with my own eyes there dead walk." straightening up kevin orders a two of the guards to escort the utgarde soldiers to the kings chamber. "Thank you sir." said the captain.
"if what you say is true captain then save your thanks for which ever god got you out of there alive." walking off the soldiers make there way up to the castle.

Standing in the center of the pit of fire, Natal prepares for her trial, the moment that one of the arch mages had arrived she had been asked about her attire, he excuse was that in preperation for the test she had accidenly burned her robe and had no time to find a replacement, which was almost true, she hated wearing it so she did burn it, leaving this as her only clothing for he moment, the arch mages accepted he excuse, looking around natal expected to see Kevin standing at the edge of the pit but he wasn't there,taking another quick look around kevin slowly walked into view, he was sweating, and out of breath.
"You over slept didn't you." she yelled at him
"Almost... i almost over slept, minor different." he repiled, Natal smiled she hadn't noticed it at first but kevin was completly geared up looking at him she saw him point towards the arch mages, quickly turning to meet there eyes.
"Are you ready Child?" the mage repeated.
natal cleared her throat. "yes... i am."
"Then let it begin."
from what kevin had read the trial consisted of four parts, the first was a test of manipulation, can she really call forth and bend the elemental law of fire, the second was a test of offensive abilities, can she use the fire to protect her land if needed, the third is a test of endurance, how long can she keep the fire alive, and the fourth was where it got deadly is her will strong enough to save her body from total coverage of fire.
he watched the first three test but when it came to the entire coverage he got worried, natal looked at him she was pleased with herself she had almost completed all of the trial, but when the fire began covering her body she let it get so close that it looked like it was touchering her, as it rose over her the emotions showing on her face began showing fault she was getting scared, kevin ran into her vision range, looking her in the eyes he knew she wouldn't give in not this close to the end, meeting his gaze natal summond up all of her power and pushed the fire off her creating a burning sphere, the fire twisted and curved, the arch mage released the fire after fifteen minutes, natal fell to her knees as she released he focus.
"Natal" kevin yelled. "get up." just as she was about to collapse her arm shoot out holding her up, sowly she raised to her feet, he entire body was shaking.
"You have passed the test child, you may relaxe." kevin jumped over the railing and caught natal as she collapsed to the ground. "hey" he said softly "You did it."
"next time" Natal let her body relax in kevins arms. "I tell you im going to do something like this... please try and talk me out of it." she laughed slightly.
"Lets get you to your room." kevin picked her up in both of his arms "I like your outfit by the way." by the time they had reached the door natal had gotten the strength to walk again, she leaned on kevin for support, natal opened the door and kevin helped her to her bed, he was about to walk out when natal stopped him. "Stay a while i could use the company." she said slowly, just as kevin was reaching out for a chair the cities warning bells began to ring, kevin sighed and kissed natal on the forehead then ran for the nearest guard post.
By the time Kevin had arrived he had already managed to guess what was happening, the rest of the utgarde people were sitting on kail'thanks door step, he only hoped that he was wrong about there reason for being here, as terrible as it sounded he hoped for a plague or an attack from on of the other states, but when he reached the tower his fears were confirmed, the people of utgarde had been forced from there lands by the Burning Spears, runnig to meet the guard commander at the main gate Kevin overheard several people mentioning something he hoped was an exageration a creature the size of the great utguard gate, kevin had managed to weave his way through the flow of people to the commander.
"Sir whats going on here." the commander mearly pointed off into the distance towards utguards land, giant pillers of black smoke filled the sky meeting a line of dark clouds,but when he saw the lighting and heard the thunder he knew that the storm he had heard the night before was the burning spear, the earth had taken there side ... the Trel'nasians were ther filth being whipped from the land.
"what of our other allies." kevin said franticly.
"riders have been dispatched we can only hope tha..." the Commander was cut off as burning red meteors began striking the ground around Kail'than. "CLOSE THE GATE!" the commander yelled, the last of the utgarde people slipped through the crack as the gate came to a close.
"if what i heard is true that won't hold them long sir." before kevin could continue a shower of smaller metoers poured into the center of the city, the city was under attack.
"it's the burning spears there back." Kevin ran for the center of the mass, blade drawn he engaged the horde of beasts cutting them down, the city guard had surrounded them and were beating them back, but as the last beast was cut down the main gate fell the creature that had taken utguard had made it's way here, thosands of armored troggs swarmed the city, there was no possible way the city guard could hold off this attack, he hoped that the mages were already in the frey, he had to help out some how, but when he moved to engage a new target his feet wouldn't move at first he thought he was frozen in place by terror but as the surroundings faded he found himself being summoned into natals room, she was geard up sword and shield in hand,
"Natal" through the door kevin could hear people running through the halls. "what are the mages doing" he asked quickly
"The mages are leaving" she looked at kevin she knew what he was going to say "even our combined power can't stop this." she said in a hurr. "were leaving for Gran'law" grabbing kevins arm she pulled him along to the orb of Gran'law one of Trel'nasians strongest holds. "Once there were going to send emissaries to the Nan'yonal with luck they can make the trek." every fiber in kevins body screamed at him to go back but he knew there was nothing he could do to slow the horde, natal turned a corner into an orb room it shone bright green,"hold on tight." Natal placed a hand on the orb chanted the summoning spell as she finished the orbs color swirled and changed to a brilliant blue.
Several thosand mile away Kevin and Natal appeared, for the first few moments they thought they had made it but when none of the mages came to greet them they got worried.
"Natal..." Kevin slowly wandered away from the orb, light flooded in from four large windows, it swirled around the legs of rotted tables and blew the dust off shelves. "were not at Gran'law" Starring out one of the windows the only thing kevin could see were mountains, miles and miles of mountains. "where are we." he turned and looked at natal she was brushing dust from a book.
"I have no idea... the orb i used should have taken us to Gran'law, I don't know what happened." the air in the room started to cool off the summoning had warmed the area up but the effect was fading, lining the walls were rows of torches, one quick spell and the entire room light up.
"Can we use this orb to get us to gran'law?"
"can't hurt to try." Natal took kevins hand and attempted to use the orb, but with a power full burst the orb pushed both kevin and natal away, before they could try again the orb flickered and turned to black kevin tapped it a couple times nothing happend, natal tried again... the orb sparked and began to crack. "the orb is shattered, were stuck here." she looked at kevin. "now what?" she asked bluntly.
kevin and natal spent the next month wandering what they called Yael'cron in and older dialect it ment gaping hole, they had stumbled onto a gigantic fortress thousands of years old, natal specualted that it could very well predate Trel'nas history, they had discovered hundreds of rooms, along with a blacksmith area, thirty anvils, two long rows of coals, and the tools and supplies to forge what ever they wanted, natal had spent a few hours a day in the old mage quarter, while kevin wandered the halls.
While he wandered kevin had came across a sold steel door on ether side were a set of plate covered satues and written above it were four names two could be read but the others had been eroded, richard and, yelana, he firgured the door lead to the graves of the four individuals but when he opened it there were no graves instead two complete sets of armor and two rune covered robes were standing in alcoves, one was adorne with gold eagles on it’s shoulders a solid helmet marked with a decorative cross where the eyes meet, the suit shone briliantly without any light in the room, the chest plate bore the mark of an eagle with it’s wings spread wide open, sitting in the alcove with the suit was a sword and shield, the shield was marked with three symbols a single flame around that was a ring of ice and at the peak of the ring was a bolt of lightning, the armor was to small for a full grown man, the other set was darker the shoulders were smooth with furlining, the chest plate was marked with a strange symbol a sword with wings spread wide, the helmet resembled that of a great helm worn by the generals of kail’thans army exept it had multi layered steel over the cheaks and a series of spikes running form the top of the head down to the spine, it left no room for error only eye sockets and a small slit connecting the two to the chin, instead a single blade decoreated in runes they were different then the one on the robes they had sharper edges, kevin reach out and put his hand on the chest piece it was cold but there was no dust covering it he hadn’t noticed but the entire room was clean and maintained, both the sets of robes bore runes but in different styles, one was a pure white coth with highlights around the edges of gold, the other was black, it had preturded shoulders and a hood that when he looked closer would not allow light in making it pitch black, as he examind all the relics he noticed that the robes were not cloth they had the feel of solid steel but could flow like linen. standing beside both robes were staffs one was a white pole with a blue orb on the top, the other was twisted and curved with one bright red crystal on the tip, floating around the crystal was a gold ring. kevin stepped back from the alcoves and looked the room over once more before he left in the center was a sold plate of steel embossed on the surface was a hex that looked close to kail’thans own icon. he didn’t have anymore time to spend investigating the room he had to find some sort of food, closing the door he heard stone crumble, he looked back up and a fifth name had been uncovered, linkin, paying it no attention kevin wandered off back into the fortress.
it wasn't for another three days that they discovered a way back to there people, while in the mage quarter natal had discovered a book discrbing a giant ring of light that when the correct spell was used connected Yael'cron with a sister fortress in the book it was discribed as where the sword meets the shield, the word Gran'law ment Shield wall, kevin had found the ring in a great hall, pillers lined the path to the ring, the roof was so far above them they thought that they could see clouds.
"If im right then this." Natal stretched out her arms before the ring. "will take us to Gran'law.”
“Do you think it still works.” Kevin walked up and placed a hand on one of the runes that lined the interior of the ring, natal started to chant, and the runes bagan to glow, when all the runes were lite the ring filled with an image of the great hall in gran’law, quickly natal and kevin ran through the portal appearing in the great hall, but there was no one around.
© Copyright 2009 Sevecon (sevecon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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